// Instead of using the default dlltool, the rust compiler can also accept a custom // command file with the -C dlltool flag. This test uses it to compile some rust code // with the raw_dylib Windows-exclusive feature, and checks that the output contains // the string passed from the custom dlltool, confirming that the default dlltool was // successfully overridden. // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/109677 //@ only-windows //@ only-gnu //@ needs-dlltool // Reason: this test specifically checks the custom dlltool feature, only // available on Windows-gnu. use run_make_support::{diff, rustc}; fn main() { let out = rustc() .crate_type("lib") .crate_name("raw_dylib_test") .input("lib.rs") .arg("-Cdlltool=script.cmd") .run(); diff().expected_file("output.txt").actual_file("actual.txt").normalize(r#"\r"#, "").run(); }