- // MIR for `wide_ptr_same_provenance` before GVN + // MIR for `wide_ptr_same_provenance` after GVN fn wide_ptr_same_provenance() -> () { let mut _0: (); let _1: &[i32; 2]; let _2: [i32; 2]; let mut _4: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let _5: &dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _6: &i32; let _7: &i32; let _8: usize; let mut _9: usize; let mut _10: bool; let mut _12: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let _13: &dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _14: &i32; let _15: &i32; let _16: usize; let mut _17: usize; let mut _18: bool; let _19: (); let mut _20: bool; let mut _21: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _22: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _23: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let _24: (); let mut _25: bool; let mut _26: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _27: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _28: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let _29: (); let mut _30: bool; let mut _31: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _32: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _33: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let _34: (); let mut _35: bool; let mut _36: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _37: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _38: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let _39: (); let mut _40: bool; let mut _41: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _42: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _43: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let _44: (); let mut _45: bool; let mut _46: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _47: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _48: *const dyn std::marker::Send; let mut _49: &[i32; 2]; scope 1 { debug slice => _1; let _3: *const dyn std::marker::Send; scope 2 { debug a => _3; let _11: *const dyn std::marker::Send; scope 3 { debug b => _11; } } } bb0: { StorageLive(_1); _49 = const wide_ptr_same_provenance::promoted[0]; _1 = &(*_49); StorageLive(_3); - StorageLive(_4); + nop; StorageLive(_5); StorageLive(_6); StorageLive(_7); StorageLive(_8); _8 = const 0_usize; - _9 = Len((*_1)); - _10 = Lt(copy _8, copy _9); - assert(move _10, "index out of bounds: the length is {} but the index is {}", move _9, copy _8) -> [success: bb1, unwind unreachable]; + _9 = const 2_usize; + _10 = const true; + assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the length is {} but the index is {}", const 2_usize, const 0_usize) -> [success: bb1, unwind unreachable]; } bb1: { - _7 = &(*_1)[_8]; + _7 = &(*_1)[0 of 1]; _6 = &(*_7); _5 = move _6 as &dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); StorageDead(_6); _4 = &raw const (*_5); - _3 = move _4 as *const dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); - StorageDead(_4); + _3 = copy _4; + nop; StorageDead(_7); StorageDead(_5); StorageLive(_11); - StorageLive(_12); + nop; StorageLive(_13); StorageLive(_14); StorageLive(_15); StorageLive(_16); _16 = const 1_usize; - _17 = Len((*_1)); - _18 = Lt(copy _16, copy _17); - assert(move _18, "index out of bounds: the length is {} but the index is {}", move _17, copy _16) -> [success: bb2, unwind unreachable]; + _17 = const 2_usize; + _18 = const true; + assert(const true, "index out of bounds: the length is {} but the index is {}", const 2_usize, const 1_usize) -> [success: bb2, unwind unreachable]; } bb2: { - _15 = &(*_1)[_16]; + _15 = &(*_1)[1 of 2]; _14 = &(*_15); _13 = move _14 as &dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); StorageDead(_14); _12 = &raw const (*_13); - _11 = move _12 as *const dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); - StorageDead(_12); + _11 = copy _12; + nop; StorageDead(_15); StorageDead(_13); StorageLive(_19); StorageLive(_20); StorageLive(_21); - _21 = copy _3; + _21 = copy _4; StorageLive(_22); StorageLive(_23); - _23 = copy _11; - _22 = move _23 as *const dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); + _23 = copy _12; + _22 = copy _12; StorageDead(_23); - _20 = Eq(move _21, move _22); + _20 = Eq(copy _4, copy _12); StorageDead(_22); StorageDead(_21); _19 = opaque::(move _20) -> [return: bb3, unwind unreachable]; } bb3: { StorageDead(_20); StorageDead(_19); StorageLive(_24); StorageLive(_25); StorageLive(_26); - _26 = copy _3; + _26 = copy _4; StorageLive(_27); StorageLive(_28); - _28 = copy _11; - _27 = move _28 as *const dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); + _28 = copy _12; + _27 = copy _12; StorageDead(_28); - _25 = Ne(move _26, move _27); + _25 = Ne(copy _4, copy _12); StorageDead(_27); StorageDead(_26); _24 = opaque::(move _25) -> [return: bb4, unwind unreachable]; } bb4: { StorageDead(_25); StorageDead(_24); StorageLive(_29); StorageLive(_30); StorageLive(_31); - _31 = copy _3; + _31 = copy _4; StorageLive(_32); StorageLive(_33); - _33 = copy _11; - _32 = move _33 as *const dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); + _33 = copy _12; + _32 = copy _12; StorageDead(_33); - _30 = Lt(move _31, move _32); + _30 = Lt(copy _4, copy _12); StorageDead(_32); StorageDead(_31); _29 = opaque::(move _30) -> [return: bb5, unwind unreachable]; } bb5: { StorageDead(_30); StorageDead(_29); StorageLive(_34); StorageLive(_35); StorageLive(_36); - _36 = copy _3; + _36 = copy _4; StorageLive(_37); StorageLive(_38); - _38 = copy _11; - _37 = move _38 as *const dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); + _38 = copy _12; + _37 = copy _12; StorageDead(_38); - _35 = Le(move _36, move _37); + _35 = Le(copy _4, copy _12); StorageDead(_37); StorageDead(_36); _34 = opaque::(move _35) -> [return: bb6, unwind unreachable]; } bb6: { StorageDead(_35); StorageDead(_34); StorageLive(_39); StorageLive(_40); StorageLive(_41); - _41 = copy _3; + _41 = copy _4; StorageLive(_42); StorageLive(_43); - _43 = copy _11; - _42 = move _43 as *const dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); + _43 = copy _12; + _42 = copy _12; StorageDead(_43); - _40 = Gt(move _41, move _42); + _40 = Gt(copy _4, copy _12); StorageDead(_42); StorageDead(_41); _39 = opaque::(move _40) -> [return: bb7, unwind unreachable]; } bb7: { StorageDead(_40); StorageDead(_39); StorageLive(_44); StorageLive(_45); StorageLive(_46); - _46 = copy _3; + _46 = copy _4; StorageLive(_47); StorageLive(_48); - _48 = copy _11; - _47 = move _48 as *const dyn std::marker::Send (PointerCoercion(Unsize)); + _48 = copy _12; + _47 = copy _12; StorageDead(_48); - _45 = Ge(move _46, move _47); + _45 = Ge(copy _4, copy _12); StorageDead(_47); StorageDead(_46); _44 = opaque::(move _45) -> [return: bb8, unwind unreachable]; } bb8: { StorageDead(_45); StorageDead(_44); _0 = const (); StorageDead(_16); StorageDead(_11); StorageDead(_8); StorageDead(_3); StorageDead(_1); return; } }