// Just a grab bag of stuff that you wouldn't want to actually write. fn strange() -> bool { let _x: bool = ret true; } fn funny() { fn f(_x: ()) { } f(ret); } fn what() { fn the(x: @mut bool) { ret while !*x { *x = true; }; } let i = @mut false; let dont = {||the(i)}; dont(); assert (*i); } fn zombiejesus() { loop { while (ret) { if (ret) { alt (ret) { 1 { if (ret) { ret } else { ret } } _ { ret } }; } else if (ret) { ret; } } if (ret) { break; } } } fn notsure() { let mut _x; let mut _y = (_x = 0) == (_x = 0); let mut _z = (_x <- 0) < (_x = 0); let _a = (_x += 0) == (_x = 0); let _b = (_y <-> _z) == (_y <-> _z); } fn hammertime() -> int { let _x = log(debug, true == (ret 0)); } fn canttouchthis() -> uint { pure fn p() -> bool { true } let _a = (assert (true)) == (check (p())); let _c = (check (p())) == (); let _b: bool = (log(debug, 0) == (ret 0u)); } fn angrydome() { loop { if break { } } let mut i = 0; loop { i += 1; if i == 1 { alt check cont { 1 { } } } break; } } fn evil_lincoln() { let evil <- #debug("lincoln"); } fn main() { strange(); funny(); what(); zombiejesus(); notsure(); hammertime(); canttouchthis(); angrydome(); evil_lincoln(); }