use rustc_index::vec::Idx; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::{cmp::Ordering, fmt::Debug, ops::Index}; /// A vector clock index, this is associated with a thread id /// but in some cases one vector index may be shared with /// multiple thread ids if it safe to do so. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct VectorIdx(u32); impl VectorIdx { #[inline(always)] pub fn to_u32(self) -> u32 { self.0 } pub const MAX_INDEX: VectorIdx = VectorIdx(u32::MAX); } impl Idx for VectorIdx { #[inline] fn new(idx: usize) -> Self { VectorIdx(u32::try_from(idx).unwrap()) } #[inline] fn index(self) -> usize { usize::try_from(self.0).unwrap() } } impl From for VectorIdx { #[inline] fn from(id: u32) -> Self { Self(id) } } /// The size of the vector-clock to store inline /// clock vectors larger than this will be stored on the heap const SMALL_VECTOR: usize = 4; /// The type of the time-stamps recorded in the data-race detector /// set to a type of unsigned integer pub type VTimestamp = u32; /// A vector clock for detecting data-races, this is conceptually /// a map from a vector index (and thus a thread id) to a timestamp. /// The compare operations require that the invariant that the last /// element in the internal timestamp slice must not be a 0, hence /// all zero vector clocks are always represented by the empty slice; /// and allows for the implementation of compare operations to short /// circuit the calculation and return the correct result faster, /// also this means that there is only one unique valid length /// for each set of vector clock values and hence the PartialEq // and Eq derivations are correct. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Default, Debug)] pub struct VClock(SmallVec<[VTimestamp; SMALL_VECTOR]>); impl VClock { /// Create a new vector-clock containing all zeros except /// for a value at the given index pub fn new_with_index(index: VectorIdx, timestamp: VTimestamp) -> VClock { let len = index.index() + 1; let mut vec = smallvec::smallvec![0; len]; vec[index.index()] = timestamp; VClock(vec) } /// Load the internal timestamp slice in the vector clock #[inline] pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[VTimestamp] { self.0.as_slice() } /// Get a mutable slice to the internal vector with minimum `min_len` /// elements, to preserve invariants this vector must modify /// the `min_len`-1 nth element to a non-zero value #[inline] fn get_mut_with_min_len(&mut self, min_len: usize) -> &mut [VTimestamp] { if self.0.len() < min_len { self.0.resize(min_len, 0); } assert!(self.0.len() >= min_len); self.0.as_mut_slice() } /// Increment the vector clock at a known index /// this will panic if the vector index overflows #[inline] pub fn increment_index(&mut self, idx: VectorIdx) { let idx = idx.index(); let mut_slice = self.get_mut_with_min_len(idx + 1); let idx_ref = &mut mut_slice[idx]; *idx_ref = idx_ref.checked_add(1).expect("Vector clock overflow") } // Join the two vector-clocks together, this // sets each vector-element to the maximum value // of that element in either of the two source elements. pub fn join(&mut self, other: &Self) { let rhs_slice = other.as_slice(); let lhs_slice = self.get_mut_with_min_len(rhs_slice.len()); for (l, &r) in lhs_slice.iter_mut().zip(rhs_slice.iter()) { *l = r.max(*l); } } /// Set the element at the current index of the vector pub fn set_at_index(&mut self, other: &Self, idx: VectorIdx) { let idx = idx.index(); let mut_slice = self.get_mut_with_min_len(idx + 1); let slice = other.as_slice(); mut_slice[idx] = slice[idx]; } /// Set the vector to the all-zero vector #[inline] pub fn set_zero_vector(&mut self) { self.0.clear(); } /// Return if this vector is the all-zero vector pub fn is_zero_vector(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_empty() } } impl Clone for VClock { fn clone(&self) -> Self { VClock(self.0.clone()) } // Optimized clone-from, can be removed // and replaced with a derive once a similar // optimization is inserted into SmallVec's // clone implementation. fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) { let source_slice = source.as_slice(); self.0.clear(); self.0.extend_from_slice(source_slice); } } impl PartialOrd for VClock { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &VClock) -> Option { // Load the values as slices let lhs_slice = self.as_slice(); let rhs_slice = other.as_slice(); // Iterate through the combined vector slice continuously updating // the value of `order` to the current comparison of the vector from // index 0 to the currently checked index. // An Equal ordering can be converted into Less or Greater ordering // on finding an element that is less than or greater than the other // but if one Greater and one Less element-wise comparison is found // then no ordering is possible and so directly return an ordering // of None. let mut iter = lhs_slice.iter().zip(rhs_slice.iter()); let mut order = match { Some((lhs, rhs)) => lhs.cmp(rhs), None => Ordering::Equal, }; for (l, r) in iter { match order { Ordering::Equal => order = l.cmp(r), Ordering::Less => if l > r { return None; }, Ordering::Greater => if l < r { return None; }, } } // Now test if either left or right have trailing elements, // by the invariant the trailing elements have at least 1 // non zero value, so no additional calculation is required // to determine the result of the PartialOrder. let l_len = lhs_slice.len(); let r_len = rhs_slice.len(); match l_len.cmp(&r_len) { // Equal means no additional elements: return current order Ordering::Equal => Some(order), // Right has at least 1 element > than the implicit 0, // so the only valid values are Ordering::Less or None. Ordering::Less => match order { Ordering::Less | Ordering::Equal => Some(Ordering::Less), Ordering::Greater => None, }, // Left has at least 1 element > than the implicit 0, // so the only valid values are Ordering::Greater or None. Ordering::Greater => match order { Ordering::Greater | Ordering::Equal => Some(Ordering::Greater), Ordering::Less => None, }, } } fn lt(&self, other: &VClock) -> bool { // Load the values as slices let lhs_slice = self.as_slice(); let rhs_slice = other.as_slice(); // If l_len > r_len then at least one element // in l_len is > than r_len, therefore the result // is either Some(Greater) or None, so return false // early. let l_len = lhs_slice.len(); let r_len = rhs_slice.len(); if l_len <= r_len { // If any elements on the left are greater than the right // then the result is None or Some(Greater), both of which // return false, the earlier test asserts that no elements in the // extended tail violate this assumption. Otherwise l <= r, finally // the case where the values are potentially equal needs to be considered // and false returned as well let mut equal = l_len == r_len; for (&l, &r) in lhs_slice.iter().zip(rhs_slice.iter()) { if l > r { return false; } else if l < r { equal = false; } } !equal } else { false } } fn le(&self, other: &VClock) -> bool { // Load the values as slices let lhs_slice = self.as_slice(); let rhs_slice = other.as_slice(); // If l_len > r_len then at least one element // in l_len is > than r_len, therefore the result // is either Some(Greater) or None, so return false // early. let l_len = lhs_slice.len(); let r_len = rhs_slice.len(); if l_len <= r_len { // If any elements on the left are greater than the right // then the result is None or Some(Greater), both of which // return false, the earlier test asserts that no elements in the // extended tail violate this assumption. Otherwise l <= r !lhs_slice.iter().zip(rhs_slice.iter()).any(|(&l, &r)| l > r) } else { false } } fn gt(&self, other: &VClock) -> bool { // Load the values as slices let lhs_slice = self.as_slice(); let rhs_slice = other.as_slice(); // If r_len > l_len then at least one element // in r_len is > than l_len, therefore the result // is either Some(Less) or None, so return false // early. let l_len = lhs_slice.len(); let r_len = rhs_slice.len(); if l_len >= r_len { // If any elements on the left are less than the right // then the result is None or Some(Less), both of which // return false, the earlier test asserts that no elements in the // extended tail violate this assumption. Otherwise l >=, finally // the case where the values are potentially equal needs to be considered // and false returned as well let mut equal = l_len == r_len; for (&l, &r) in lhs_slice.iter().zip(rhs_slice.iter()) { if l < r { return false; } else if l > r { equal = false; } } !equal } else { false } } fn ge(&self, other: &VClock) -> bool { // Load the values as slices let lhs_slice = self.as_slice(); let rhs_slice = other.as_slice(); // If r_len > l_len then at least one element // in r_len is > than l_len, therefore the result // is either Some(Less) or None, so return false // early. let l_len = lhs_slice.len(); let r_len = rhs_slice.len(); if l_len >= r_len { // If any elements on the left are less than the right // then the result is None or Some(Less), both of which // return false, the earlier test asserts that no elements in the // extended tail violate this assumption. Otherwise l >= r !lhs_slice.iter().zip(rhs_slice.iter()).any(|(&l, &r)| l < r) } else { false } } } impl Index for VClock { type Output = VTimestamp; #[inline] fn index(&self, index: VectorIdx) -> &VTimestamp { self.as_slice().get(index.to_u32() as usize).unwrap_or(&0) } } /// Test vector clock ordering operations /// data-race detection is tested in the external /// test suite #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{VClock, VTimestamp, VectorIdx}; use std::cmp::Ordering; #[test] fn test_equal() { let mut c1 = VClock::default(); let mut c2 = VClock::default(); assert_eq!(c1, c2); c1.increment_index(VectorIdx(5)); assert_ne!(c1, c2); c2.increment_index(VectorIdx(53)); assert_ne!(c1, c2); c1.increment_index(VectorIdx(53)); assert_ne!(c1, c2); c2.increment_index(VectorIdx(5)); assert_eq!(c1, c2); } #[test] fn test_partial_order() { // Small test assert_order(&[1], &[1], Some(Ordering::Equal)); assert_order(&[1], &[2], Some(Ordering::Less)); assert_order(&[2], &[1], Some(Ordering::Greater)); assert_order(&[1], &[1, 2], Some(Ordering::Less)); assert_order(&[2], &[1, 2], None); // Misc tests assert_order(&[400], &[0, 1], None); // Large test assert_order( &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 0, 0], Some(Ordering::Equal), ); assert_order( &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 1, 0], Some(Ordering::Less), ); assert_order( &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11], &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 0, 0], Some(Ordering::Greater), ); assert_order( &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11], &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 1, 0], None, ); assert_order( &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9], &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 0, 0], Some(Ordering::Less), ); assert_order( &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9], &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 1, 0], Some(Ordering::Less), ); } fn from_slice(mut slice: &[VTimestamp]) -> VClock { while let Some(0) = slice.last() { slice = &slice[..slice.len() - 1] } VClock(smallvec::SmallVec::from_slice(slice)) } fn assert_order(l: &[VTimestamp], r: &[VTimestamp], o: Option) { let l = from_slice(l); let r = from_slice(r); //Test partial_cmp let compare = l.partial_cmp(&r); assert_eq!(compare, o, "Invalid comparison\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r); let alt_compare = r.partial_cmp(&l); assert_eq!( alt_compare,, "Invalid alt comparison\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); //Test operators with faster implementations assert_eq!( matches!(compare, Some(Ordering::Less)), l < r, "Invalid (<):\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); assert_eq!( matches!(compare, Some(Ordering::Less) | Some(Ordering::Equal)), l <= r, "Invalid (<=):\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); assert_eq!( matches!(compare, Some(Ordering::Greater)), l > r, "Invalid (>):\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); assert_eq!( matches!(compare, Some(Ordering::Greater) | Some(Ordering::Equal)), l >= r, "Invalid (>=):\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); assert_eq!( matches!(alt_compare, Some(Ordering::Less)), r < l, "Invalid alt (<):\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); assert_eq!( matches!(alt_compare, Some(Ordering::Less) | Some(Ordering::Equal)), r <= l, "Invalid alt (<=):\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); assert_eq!( matches!(alt_compare, Some(Ordering::Greater)), r > l, "Invalid alt (>):\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); assert_eq!( matches!(alt_compare, Some(Ordering::Greater) | Some(Ordering::Equal)), r >= l, "Invalid alt (>=):\n l: {:?}\n r: {:?}", l, r ); } }