// FIXME move this to run-pass, it should work with intptrcast. use std::mem; use std::ptr; fn eq_ref(x: &T, y: &T) -> bool { x as *const _ == y as *const _ } fn f() -> i32 { 42 } fn main() { // int-ptr-int assert_eq!(1 as *const i32 as usize, 1); assert_eq!((1 as *const i32).wrapping_offset(4) as usize, 1 + 4*4); // negative overflowing wrapping_offset (going through memory because // this used to trigger an ICE on 32bit) let val = &mut ptr::null(); *val = (1 as *const u8).wrapping_offset(-4); assert_eq!(*val as usize, usize::max_value() - 2); { // ptr-int-ptr let x = 13; let mut y = &x as &_ as *const _ as usize; y += 13; y -= 13; let y = y as *const _; assert!(eq_ref(&x, unsafe { &*y })); } { // fnptr-int-fnptr let x : fn() -> i32 = f; let y : *mut u8 = unsafe { mem::transmute(x as fn() -> i32) }; let mut y = y as usize; y += 13; y -= 13; let x : fn() -> i32 = unsafe { mem::transmute(y as *mut u8) }; assert_eq!(x(), 42); } // involving types other than usize assert_eq!((-1i32) as usize as *const i32 as usize, (-1i32) as usize); }