use clippy_config::Conf; use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint; use clippy_utils::is_from_proc_macro; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet; use rustc_hir::def::{DefKind, Res}; use rustc_hir::intravisit::{walk_item, walk_trait_item, Visitor}; use rustc_hir::{GenericParamKind, HirId, Item, ItemKind, ItemLocalId, Node, Pat, PatKind, TraitItem, UsePath}; use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass, LintContext}; use rustc_middle::lint::in_external_macro; use rustc_session::impl_lint_pass; use rustc_span::Span; use std::borrow::Cow; declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// Checks for identifiers which consist of a single character (or fewer than the configured threshold). /// /// Note: This lint can be very noisy when enabled; it may be desirable to only enable it /// temporarily. /// /// ### Why restrict this? /// To improve readability by requiring that every variable has a name more specific than a single letter can be. /// /// ### Example /// ```rust,ignore /// for m in movies { /// let title = m.t; /// } /// ``` /// Use instead: /// ```rust,ignore /// for movie in movies { /// let title = movie.title; /// } /// ``` #[clippy::version = "1.72.0"] pub MIN_IDENT_CHARS, restriction, "disallows idents that are too short" } impl_lint_pass!(MinIdentChars => [MIN_IDENT_CHARS]); pub struct MinIdentChars { allowed_idents_below_min_chars: &'static FxHashSet, min_ident_chars_threshold: u64, } impl MinIdentChars { pub fn new(conf: &'static Conf) -> Self { Self { allowed_idents_below_min_chars: &conf.allowed_idents_below_min_chars, min_ident_chars_threshold: conf.min_ident_chars_threshold, } } #[expect(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] fn is_ident_too_short(&self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, str: &str, span: Span) -> bool { !in_external_macro(cx.sess(), span) && str.len() <= self.min_ident_chars_threshold as usize && !str.starts_with('_') && !str.is_empty() && !self.allowed_idents_below_min_chars.contains(str) } } impl LateLintPass<'_> for MinIdentChars { fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &Item<'_>) { if self.min_ident_chars_threshold == 0 { return; } walk_item(&mut IdentVisitor { conf: self, cx }, item); } fn check_trait_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &TraitItem<'_>) { if self.min_ident_chars_threshold == 0 { return; } walk_trait_item(&mut IdentVisitor { conf: self, cx }, item); } // This is necessary as `Node::Pat`s are not visited in `visit_id`. :/ fn check_pat(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, pat: &Pat<'_>) { if let PatKind::Binding(_, _, ident, ..) = pat.kind && let str = ident.as_str() && self.is_ident_too_short(cx, str, ident.span) { emit_min_ident_chars(self, cx, str, ident.span); } } } struct IdentVisitor<'cx, 'tcx> { conf: &'cx MinIdentChars, cx: &'cx LateContext<'tcx>, } impl Visitor<'_> for IdentVisitor<'_, '_> { fn visit_id(&mut self, hir_id: HirId) { let Self { conf, cx } = *self; // FIXME(#112534) Reimplementation of `find`, as it uses indexing, which can (and will in // async functions, or really anything async) panic. This should probably be fixed on the // rustc side, this is just a temporary workaround. let node = if hir_id.local_id == ItemLocalId::from_u32(0) { // In this case, we can just use `find`, `Owner`'s `node` field is private anyway so we can't // reimplement it even if we wanted to Some(cx.tcx.hir_node(hir_id)) } else { let owner = cx.tcx.hir_owner_nodes(hir_id.owner); owner.nodes.get(hir_id.local_id).copied().map(|p| p.node) }; let Some(node) = node else { return; }; let Some(ident) = node.ident() else { return; }; let str = ident.as_str(); if conf.is_ident_too_short(cx, str, ident.span) { // Check whether the node is part of a `use` statement. We don't want to emit a warning if the user // has no control over the type. let usenode = opt_as_use_node(node).or_else(|| { cx.tcx .hir() .parent_iter(hir_id) .find_map(|(_, node)| opt_as_use_node(node)) }); // If the name of the identifier is the same as the one of the imported item, this means that we // found a `use foo::bar`. We can early-return to not emit the warning. // If however the identifier is different, this means it is an alias (`use foo::bar as baz`). In // this case, we need to emit the warning for `baz`. if let Some(imported_item_path) = usenode && let Some(Res::Def(_, imported_item_defid)) = imported_item_path.res.first() && cx.tcx.item_name(*imported_item_defid).as_str() == str { return; } // `struct Array([T; N])` // ^ ^ if let Node::PathSegment(path) = node { if let Res::Def(def_kind, ..) = path.res && let DefKind::TyParam | DefKind::ConstParam = def_kind { return; } if matches!(path.res, Res::PrimTy(..)) || path.res.opt_def_id().is_some_and(|def_id| !def_id.is_local()) { return; } } // `struct Awa(T)` // ^ if let Node::GenericParam(generic_param) = node && let GenericParamKind::Type { .. } = generic_param.kind { return; } // `struct Array([T; N])` // ^ if let Node::GenericParam(generic_param) = node && let GenericParamKind::Const { .. } = generic_param.kind { return; } if is_from_proc_macro(cx, &ident) { return; } emit_min_ident_chars(conf, cx, str, ident.span); } } } fn emit_min_ident_chars(conf: &MinIdentChars, cx: &impl LintContext, ident: &str, span: Span) { let help = if conf.min_ident_chars_threshold == 1 { Cow::Borrowed("this ident consists of a single char") } else { Cow::Owned(format!( "this ident is too short ({} <= {})", ident.len(), conf.min_ident_chars_threshold, )) }; span_lint(cx, MIN_IDENT_CHARS, span, help); } /// Attempt to convert the node to an [`ItemKind::Use`] node. /// /// If it is, return the [`UsePath`] contained within. fn opt_as_use_node(node: Node<'_>) -> Option<&'_ UsePath<'_>> { if let Node::Item(item) = node && let ItemKind::Use(path, _) = item.kind { Some(path) } else { None } }