use std::{ fmt::{self, Write}, mem::take, }; use either::Either; use hir::{ known, ClosureStyle, HasVisibility, HirDisplay, HirDisplayError, HirWrite, ModuleDef, ModuleDefId, Semantics, }; use ide_db::{base_db::FileRange, famous_defs::FamousDefs, RootDatabase}; use itertools::Itertools; use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec}; use stdx::never; use syntax::{ ast::{self, AstNode}, match_ast, NodeOrToken, SyntaxNode, TextRange, TextSize, }; use text_edit::TextEdit; use crate::{navigation_target::TryToNav, FileId}; mod adjustment; mod bind_pat; mod binding_mode; mod chaining; mod closing_brace; mod closure_ret; mod closure_captures; mod discriminant; mod fn_lifetime_fn; mod implicit_static; mod param_name; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct InlayHintsConfig { pub render_colons: bool, pub type_hints: bool, pub discriminant_hints: DiscriminantHints, pub parameter_hints: bool, pub chaining_hints: bool, pub adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints, pub adjustment_hints_mode: AdjustmentHintsMode, pub adjustment_hints_hide_outside_unsafe: bool, pub closure_return_type_hints: ClosureReturnTypeHints, pub closure_capture_hints: bool, pub binding_mode_hints: bool, pub lifetime_elision_hints: LifetimeElisionHints, pub param_names_for_lifetime_elision_hints: bool, pub hide_named_constructor_hints: bool, pub hide_closure_initialization_hints: bool, pub closure_style: ClosureStyle, pub max_length: Option, pub closing_brace_hints_min_lines: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ClosureReturnTypeHints { Always, WithBlock, Never, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum DiscriminantHints { Always, Never, Fieldless, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum LifetimeElisionHints { Always, SkipTrivial, Never, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum AdjustmentHints { Always, ReborrowOnly, Never, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum AdjustmentHintsMode { Prefix, Postfix, PreferPrefix, PreferPostfix, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum InlayKind { Adjustment, BindingMode, Chaining, ClosingBrace, ClosureCapture, Discriminant, GenericParamList, Lifetime, Parameter, Type, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum InlayHintPosition { Before, After, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct InlayHint { /// The text range this inlay hint applies to. pub range: TextRange, pub position: InlayHintPosition, pub pad_left: bool, pub pad_right: bool, /// The kind of this inlay hint. pub kind: InlayKind, /// The actual label to show in the inlay hint. pub label: InlayHintLabel, /// Text edit to apply when "accepting" this inlay hint. pub text_edit: Option, } impl InlayHint { fn closing_paren_after(kind: InlayKind, range: TextRange) -> InlayHint { InlayHint { range, kind, label: InlayHintLabel::from(")"), text_edit: None, position: InlayHintPosition::After, pad_left: false, pad_right: false, } } fn opening_paren_before(kind: InlayKind, range: TextRange) -> InlayHint { InlayHint { range, kind, label: InlayHintLabel::from("("), text_edit: None, position: InlayHintPosition::Before, pad_left: false, pad_right: false, } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum InlayTooltip { String(String), Markdown(String), } #[derive(Default)] pub struct InlayHintLabel { pub parts: SmallVec<[InlayHintLabelPart; 1]>, } impl InlayHintLabel { pub fn simple( s: impl Into, tooltip: Option, linked_location: Option, ) -> InlayHintLabel { InlayHintLabel { parts: smallvec![InlayHintLabelPart { text: s.into(), linked_location, tooltip }], } } pub fn prepend_str(&mut self, s: &str) { match &mut * { [InlayHintLabelPart { text, linked_location: None, tooltip: None }, ..] => { text.insert_str(0, s) } _ => 0, InlayHintLabelPart { text: s.into(), linked_location: None, tooltip: None }, ), } } pub fn append_str(&mut self, s: &str) { match &mut * { [.., InlayHintLabelPart { text, linked_location: None, tooltip: None }] => { text.push_str(s) } _ => { text: s.into(), linked_location: None, tooltip: None, }), } } } impl From for InlayHintLabel { fn from(s: String) -> Self { Self { parts: smallvec![InlayHintLabelPart { text: s, linked_location: None, tooltip: None }], } } } impl From<&str> for InlayHintLabel { fn from(s: &str) -> Self { Self { parts: smallvec![InlayHintLabelPart { text: s.into(), linked_location: None, tooltip: None }], } } } impl fmt::Display for InlayHintLabel { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}",|part| &part.text).format("")) } } impl fmt::Debug for InlayHintLabel { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_list().entries(& } } pub struct InlayHintLabelPart { pub text: String, /// Source location represented by this label part. The client will use this to fetch the part's /// hover tooltip, and Ctrl+Clicking the label part will navigate to the definition the location /// refers to (not necessarily the location itself). /// When setting this, no tooltip must be set on the containing hint, or VS Code will display /// them both. pub linked_location: Option, /// The tooltip to show when hovering over the inlay hint, this may invoke other actions like /// hover requests to show. pub tooltip: Option, } impl fmt::Debug for InlayHintLabelPart { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self { text, linked_location: None, tooltip: None } => text.fmt(f), Self { text, linked_location, tooltip } => f .debug_struct("InlayHintLabelPart") .field("text", text) .field("linked_location", linked_location) .field( "tooltip", &tooltip.as_ref().map_or("", |it| match it { InlayTooltip::String(it) | InlayTooltip::Markdown(it) => it, }), ) .finish(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct InlayHintLabelBuilder<'a> { db: &'a RootDatabase, result: InlayHintLabel, last_part: String, location: Option, } impl fmt::Write for InlayHintLabelBuilder<'_> { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result { self.last_part.write_str(s) } } impl HirWrite for InlayHintLabelBuilder<'_> { fn start_location_link(&mut self, def: ModuleDefId) { if self.location.is_some() { never!("location link is already started"); } self.make_new_part(); let Some(location) = ModuleDef::from(def).try_to_nav(self.db) else { return }; let location = FileRange { file_id: location.file_id, range: location.focus_or_full_range() }; self.location = Some(location); } fn end_location_link(&mut self) { self.make_new_part(); } } impl InlayHintLabelBuilder<'_> { fn make_new_part(&mut self) { { text: take(&mut self.last_part), linked_location: self.location.take(), tooltip: None, }); } fn finish(mut self) -> InlayHintLabel { self.make_new_part(); self.result } } fn label_of_ty( famous_defs @ FamousDefs(sema, _): &FamousDefs<'_, '_>, config: &InlayHintsConfig, ty: &hir::Type, ) -> Option { fn rec( sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, famous_defs: &FamousDefs<'_, '_>, mut max_length: Option, ty: &hir::Type, label_builder: &mut InlayHintLabelBuilder<'_>, config: &InlayHintsConfig, ) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> { let iter_item_type = hint_iterator(sema, famous_defs, &ty); match iter_item_type { Some((iter_trait, item, ty)) => { const LABEL_START: &str = "impl "; const LABEL_ITERATOR: &str = "Iterator"; const LABEL_MIDDLE: &str = "<"; const LABEL_ITEM: &str = "Item"; const LABEL_MIDDLE2: &str = " = "; const LABEL_END: &str = ">"; max_length =|len| { len.saturating_sub( LABEL_START.len() + LABEL_ITERATOR.len() + LABEL_MIDDLE.len() + LABEL_MIDDLE2.len() + LABEL_END.len(), ) }); label_builder.write_str(LABEL_START)?; label_builder.start_location_link(ModuleDef::from(iter_trait).into()); label_builder.write_str(LABEL_ITERATOR)?; label_builder.end_location_link(); label_builder.write_str(LABEL_MIDDLE)?; label_builder.start_location_link(ModuleDef::from(item).into()); label_builder.write_str(LABEL_ITEM)?; label_builder.end_location_link(); label_builder.write_str(LABEL_MIDDLE2)?; rec(sema, famous_defs, max_length, &ty, label_builder, config)?; label_builder.write_str(LABEL_END)?; Ok(()) } None => ty .display_truncated(sema.db, max_length) .with_closure_style(config.closure_style) .write_to(label_builder), } } let mut label_builder = InlayHintLabelBuilder { db: sema.db, last_part: String::new(), location: None, result: InlayHintLabel::default(), }; let _ = rec(sema, famous_defs, config.max_length, ty, &mut label_builder, config); let r = label_builder.finish(); Some(r) } fn ty_to_text_edit( sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, node_for_hint: &SyntaxNode, ty: &hir::Type, offset_to_insert: TextSize, prefix: String, ) -> Option { let scope = sema.scope(node_for_hint)?; // FIXME: Limit the length and bail out on excess somehow? let rendered = ty.display_source_code(scope.db, scope.module().into(), false).ok()?; let mut builder = TextEdit::builder(); builder.insert(offset_to_insert, prefix); builder.insert(offset_to_insert, rendered); Some(builder.finish()) } // Feature: Inlay Hints // // rust-analyzer shows additional information inline with the source code. // Editors usually render this using read-only virtual text snippets interspersed with code. // // rust-analyzer by default shows hints for // // * types of local variables // * names of function arguments // * types of chained expressions // // Optionally, one can enable additional hints for // // * return types of closure expressions // * elided lifetimes // * compiler inserted reborrows // // image::[] pub(crate) fn inlay_hints( db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId, range_limit: Option, config: &InlayHintsConfig, ) -> Vec { let _p = profile::span("inlay_hints"); let sema = Semantics::new(db); let file = sema.parse(file_id); let file = file.syntax(); let mut acc = Vec::new(); if let Some(scope) = sema.scope(file) { let famous_defs = FamousDefs(&sema, scope.krate()); let hints = |node| hints(&mut acc, &famous_defs, config, file_id, node); match range_limit { Some(range) => match file.covering_element(range) { NodeOrToken::Token(_) => return acc, NodeOrToken::Node(n) => n .descendants() .filter(|descendant| range.intersect(descendant.text_range()).is_some()) .for_each(hints), }, None => file.descendants().for_each(hints), }; } acc } fn hints( hints: &mut Vec, famous_defs @ FamousDefs(sema, _): &FamousDefs<'_, '_>, config: &InlayHintsConfig, file_id: FileId, node: SyntaxNode, ) { closing_brace::hints(hints, sema, config, file_id, node.clone()); match_ast! { match node { ast::Expr(expr) => { chaining::hints(hints, famous_defs, config, file_id, &expr); adjustment::hints(hints, sema, config, &expr); match expr { ast::Expr::CallExpr(it) => param_name::hints(hints, sema, config, ast::Expr::from(it)), ast::Expr::MethodCallExpr(it) => { param_name::hints(hints, sema, config, ast::Expr::from(it)) } ast::Expr::ClosureExpr(it) => { closure_captures::hints(hints, famous_defs, config, file_id, it.clone()); closure_ret::hints(hints, famous_defs, config, file_id, it) }, _ => None, } }, ast::Pat(it) => { binding_mode::hints(hints, sema, config, &it); if let ast::Pat::IdentPat(it) = it { bind_pat::hints(hints, famous_defs, config, file_id, &it); } Some(()) }, ast::Item(it) => match it { // FIXME: record impl lifetimes so they aren't being reused in assoc item lifetime inlay hints ast::Item::Impl(_) => None, ast::Item::Fn(it) => fn_lifetime_fn::hints(hints, config, it), // static type elisions ast::Item::Static(it) => implicit_static::hints(hints, config, Either::Left(it)), ast::Item::Const(it) => implicit_static::hints(hints, config, Either::Right(it)), ast::Item::Enum(it) => discriminant::enum_hints(hints, famous_defs, config, file_id, it), _ => None, }, // FIXME: fn-ptr type, dyn fn type, and trait object type elisions ast::Type(_) => None, _ => None, } }; } /// Checks if the type is an Iterator from std::iter and returns the iterator trait and the item type of the concrete iterator. fn hint_iterator( sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, famous_defs: &FamousDefs<'_, '_>, ty: &hir::Type, ) -> Option<(hir::Trait, hir::TypeAlias, hir::Type)> { let db = sema.db; let strukt = ty.strip_references().as_adt()?; let krate = strukt.module(db).krate(); if krate != famous_defs.core()? { return None; } let iter_trait = famous_defs.core_iter_Iterator()?; let iter_mod = famous_defs.core_iter()?; // Assert that this struct comes from `core::iter`. if !(strukt.visibility(db) == hir::Visibility::Public && strukt.module(db).path_to_root(db).contains(&iter_mod)) { return None; } if ty.impls_trait(db, iter_trait, &[]) { let assoc_type_item = iter_trait.items(db).into_iter().find_map(|item| match item { hir::AssocItem::TypeAlias(alias) if == known::Item => Some(alias), _ => None, })?; if let Some(ty) = ty.normalize_trait_assoc_type(db, &[], assoc_type_item) { return Some((iter_trait, assoc_type_item, ty)); } } None } fn closure_has_block_body(closure: &ast::ClosureExpr) -> bool { matches!(closure.body(), Some(ast::Expr::BlockExpr(_))) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use expect_test::Expect; use hir::ClosureStyle; use itertools::Itertools; use test_utils::extract_annotations; use crate::inlay_hints::{AdjustmentHints, AdjustmentHintsMode}; use crate::DiscriminantHints; use crate::{fixture, inlay_hints::InlayHintsConfig, LifetimeElisionHints}; use super::ClosureReturnTypeHints; pub(super) const DISABLED_CONFIG: InlayHintsConfig = InlayHintsConfig { discriminant_hints: DiscriminantHints::Never, render_colons: false, type_hints: false, parameter_hints: false, chaining_hints: false, lifetime_elision_hints: LifetimeElisionHints::Never, closure_return_type_hints: ClosureReturnTypeHints::Never, closure_capture_hints: false, adjustment_hints: AdjustmentHints::Never, adjustment_hints_mode: AdjustmentHintsMode::Prefix, adjustment_hints_hide_outside_unsafe: false, binding_mode_hints: false, hide_named_constructor_hints: false, hide_closure_initialization_hints: false, closure_style: ClosureStyle::ImplFn, param_names_for_lifetime_elision_hints: false, max_length: None, closing_brace_hints_min_lines: None, }; pub(super) const TEST_CONFIG: InlayHintsConfig = InlayHintsConfig { type_hints: true, parameter_hints: true, chaining_hints: true, closure_return_type_hints: ClosureReturnTypeHints::WithBlock, binding_mode_hints: true, lifetime_elision_hints: LifetimeElisionHints::Always, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }; #[track_caller] pub(super) fn check(ra_fixture: &str) { check_with_config(TEST_CONFIG, ra_fixture); } #[track_caller] pub(super) fn check_with_config(config: InlayHintsConfig, ra_fixture: &str) { let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(ra_fixture); let mut expected = extract_annotations(&analysis.file_text(file_id).unwrap()); let inlay_hints = analysis.inlay_hints(&config, file_id, None).unwrap(); let actual = inlay_hints .into_iter() // FIXME: We trim the start because some inlay produces leading whitespace which is not properly supported by our annotation extraction .map(|it| (it.range, it.label.to_string().trim_start().to_owned())) .sorted_by_key(|(range, _)| range.start()) .collect::>(); expected.sort_by_key(|(range, _)| range.start()); assert_eq!(expected, actual, "\nExpected:\n{expected:#?}\n\nActual:\n{actual:#?}"); } #[track_caller] pub(super) fn check_expect(config: InlayHintsConfig, ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(ra_fixture); let inlay_hints = analysis.inlay_hints(&config, file_id, None).unwrap(); expect.assert_debug_eq(&inlay_hints) } /// Computes inlay hints for the fixture, applies all the provided text edits and then runs /// expect test. #[track_caller] pub(super) fn check_edit(config: InlayHintsConfig, ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(ra_fixture); let inlay_hints = analysis.inlay_hints(&config, file_id, None).unwrap(); let edits = inlay_hints .into_iter() .filter_map(|hint| hint.text_edit) .reduce(|mut acc, next| { acc.union(next).expect("merging text edits failed"); acc }) .expect("no edit returned"); let mut actual = analysis.file_text(file_id).unwrap().to_string(); edits.apply(&mut actual); expect.assert_eq(&actual); } #[track_caller] pub(super) fn check_no_edit(config: InlayHintsConfig, ra_fixture: &str) { let (analysis, file_id) = fixture::file(ra_fixture); let inlay_hints = analysis.inlay_hints(&config, file_id, None).unwrap(); let edits: Vec<_> = inlay_hints.into_iter().filter_map(|hint| hint.text_edit).collect(); assert!(edits.is_empty(), "unexpected edits: {edits:?}"); } #[test] fn hints_disabled() { check_with_config( InlayHintsConfig { render_colons: true, ..DISABLED_CONFIG }, r#" fn foo(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b } fn main() { let _x = foo(4, 4); }"#, ); } }