% Loops Rust currently provides three approaches to performing some kind of iterative activity. They are: `loop`, `while` and `for`. Each approach has its own set of uses. ## loop The infinite `loop` is the simplest form of loop available in Rust. Using the keyword `loop`, Rust provides a way to loop indefinitely until some terminating statement is reached. Rust's infinite `loop`s look like this: ```rust loop { println!("Loop forever!"); } ``` ## while Rust also has a `while` loop. It looks like this: ```rust let mut x = 5; // mut x: i32 let mut done = false; // mut done: bool while !done { x += x - 3; println!("{}", x); if x % 5 == 0 { done = true; } } ``` `while` loops are the correct choice when you’re not sure how many times you need to loop. If you need an infinite loop, you may be tempted to write this: ```rust,ignore while true { ``` However, `loop` is far better suited to handle this case: ```rust,ignore loop { ``` Rust’s control-flow analysis treats this construct differently than a `while true`, since we know that it will always loop. In general, the more information we can give to the compiler, the better it can do with safety and code generation, so you should always prefer `loop` when you plan to loop infinitely. ## for The `for` loop is used to loop a particular number of times. Rust’s `for` loops work a bit differently than in other systems languages, however. Rust’s `for` loop doesn’t look like this “C-style” `for` loop: ```c for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) { printf( "%d\n", x ); } ``` Instead, it looks like this: ```rust for x in 0..10 { println!("{}", x); // x: i32 } ``` In slightly more abstract terms, ```ignore for var in expression { code } ``` The expression is an [iterator][iterator]. The iterator gives back a series of elements. Each element is one iteration of the loop. That value is then bound to the name `var`, which is valid for the loop body. Once the body is over, the next value is fetched from the iterator, and we loop another time. When there are no more values, the `for` loop is over. [iterator]: iterators.html In our example, `0..10` is an expression that takes a start and an end position, and gives an iterator over those values. The upper bound is exclusive, though, so our loop will print `0` through `9`, not `10`. Rust does not have the “C-style” `for` loop on purpose. Manually controlling each element of the loop is complicated and error prone, even for experienced C developers. ### Enumerate When you need to keep track of how many times you already looped, you can use the `.enumerate()` function. #### On ranges: ```rust for (i,j) in (5..10).enumerate() { println!("i = {} and j = {}", i, j); } ``` Outputs: ```text i = 0 and j = 5 i = 1 and j = 6 i = 2 and j = 7 i = 3 and j = 8 i = 4 and j = 9 ``` Don't forget to add the parentheses around the range. #### On iterators: ```rust # let lines = "hello\nworld".lines(); for (linenumber, line) in lines.enumerate() { println!("{}: {}", linenumber, line); } ``` Outputs: ```text 0: Content of line one 1: Content of line two 2: Content of line tree 3: Content of line four ``` ## Ending iteration early Let’s take a look at that `while` loop we had earlier: ```rust let mut x = 5; let mut done = false; while !done { x += x - 3; println!("{}", x); if x % 5 == 0 { done = true; } } ``` We had to keep a dedicated `mut` boolean variable binding, `done`, to know when we should exit out of the loop. Rust has two keywords to help us with modifying iteration: `break` and `continue`. In this case, we can write the loop in a better way with `break`: ```rust let mut x = 5; loop { x += x - 3; println!("{}", x); if x % 5 == 0 { break; } } ``` We now loop forever with `loop` and use `break` to break out early. Issuing an explicit `return` statement will also serve to terminate the loop early. `continue` is similar, but instead of ending the loop, goes to the next iteration. This will only print the odd numbers: ```rust for x in 0..10 { if x % 2 == 0 { continue; } println!("{}", x); } ``` ## Loop labels You may also encounter situations where you have nested loops and need to specify which one your `break` or `continue` statement is for. Like most other languages, by default a `break` or `continue` will apply to innermost loop. In a sitation where you would like to a `break` or `continue` for one of the outer loops, you can use labels to specify which loop the `break` or `continue` statement applies to. This will only print when both `x` and `y` are odd: ```rust 'outer: for x in 0..10 { 'inner: for y in 0..10 { if x % 2 == 0 { continue 'outer; } // continues the loop over x if y % 2 == 0 { continue 'inner; } // continues the loop over y println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y); } } ```