use hir::{AsAssocItem, HirDisplay}; use ide_db::{ assists::{AssistId, AssistKind}, famous_defs::FamousDefs, }; use syntax::{ast, AstNode}; use crate::assist_context::{AssistContext, Assists}; // Assist: into_to_qualified_from // // Convert an `into` method call to a fully qualified `from` call. // // ``` // //- minicore: from // struct B; // impl From for B { // fn from(a: i32) -> Self { // B // } // } // // fn main() -> () { // let a = 3; // let b: B =$0to(); // } // ``` // -> // ``` // struct B; // impl From for B { // fn from(a: i32) -> Self { // B // } // } // // fn main() -> () { // let a = 3; // let b: B = B::from(a); // } // ``` pub(crate) fn into_to_qualified_from(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { let method_call: ast::MethodCallExpr = ctx.find_node_at_offset()?; let nameref = method_call.name_ref()?; let receiver = method_call.receiver()?; let db = ctx.db(); let sema = &ctx.sema; let fnc = sema.resolve_method_call(&method_call)?; let scope = sema.scope(method_call.syntax())?; // Check if the method call refers to Into trait. if fnc.as_assoc_item(db)?.containing_trait_impl(db)? == FamousDefs(sema, scope.krate()).core_convert_Into()? { let type_call = sema.type_of_expr(&method_call.clone().into())?; let adjusted_tc = type_call.adjusted(); if adjusted_tc.contains_unknown() { return None; } let sc = adjusted_tc.display_source_code(db, scope.module().into(), true).ok()?; acc.add( AssistId("into_to_qualified_from", AssistKind::Generate), "Convert `into` to fully qualified `from`", nameref.syntax().text_range(), |edit| { edit.replace( method_call.syntax().text_range(), if sc.chars().all(|c| c.is_alphanumeric() || c == ':') { format!("{}::from({})", sc, receiver) } else { format!("<{}>::from({})", sc, receiver) }, ); }, ); } Some(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::check_assist; use super::into_to_qualified_from; #[test] fn two_types_in_same_mod() { check_assist( into_to_qualified_from, r#" //- minicore: from struct A; struct B; impl From for B { fn from(a: A) -> Self { B } } fn main() -> () { let a: A = A; let b: B =$0to(); }"#, r#" struct A; struct B; impl From for B { fn from(a: A) -> Self { B } } fn main() -> () { let a: A = A; let b: B = B::from(a); }"#, ) } #[test] fn fromed_in_child_mod_imported() { check_assist( into_to_qualified_from, r#" //- minicore: from use C::B; struct A; mod C { use crate::A; pub(super) struct B; impl From for B { fn from(a: A) -> Self { B } } } fn main() -> () { let a: A = A; let b: B =$0to(); }"#, r#" use C::B; struct A; mod C { use crate::A; pub(super) struct B; impl From for B { fn from(a: A) -> Self { B } } } fn main() -> () { let a: A = A; let b: B = B::from(a); }"#, ) } #[test] fn fromed_in_child_mod_not_imported() { check_assist( into_to_qualified_from, r#" //- minicore: from struct A; mod C { use crate::A; pub(super) struct B; impl From for B { fn from(a: A) -> Self { B } } } fn main() -> () { let a: A = A; let b: C::B =$0to(); }"#, r#" struct A; mod C { use crate::A; pub(super) struct B; impl From for B { fn from(a: A) -> Self { B } } } fn main() -> () { let a: A = A; let b: C::B = C::B::from(a); }"#, ) } #[test] fn preceding_type_qualifier() { check_assist( into_to_qualified_from, r#" //- minicore: from impl From<(i32,i32)> for [i32;2] { fn from(value: (i32,i32)) -> Self { [value.0, value.1] } } fn tuple_to_array() -> [i32; 2] { (0,1).in$0to() }"#, r#" impl From<(i32,i32)> for [i32;2] { fn from(value: (i32,i32)) -> Self { [value.0, value.1] } } fn tuple_to_array() -> [i32; 2] { <[i32; 2]>::from((0,1)) }"#, ) } #[test] fn type_with_gens() { check_assist( into_to_qualified_from, r#" //- minicore: from struct StructA(Gen); impl From for StructA { fn from(value: i32) -> Self { StructA(value + 1) } } fn main() -> () { let a: StructA =$0to(); }"#, r#" struct StructA(Gen); impl From for StructA { fn from(value: i32) -> Self { StructA(value + 1) } } fn main() -> () { let a: StructA = >::from(3); }"#, ) } }