//! rust-analyzer is lazy and doesn't compute anything unless asked. This //! sometimes is counter productive when, for example, the first goto definition //! request takes longer to compute. This modules implemented prepopulation of //! various caches, it's not really advanced at the moment. mod topologic_sort; use std::time::Duration; use hir::db::DefDatabase; use ide_db::{ base_db::{ salsa::{Database, ParallelDatabase, Snapshot}, Cancelled, CrateGraph, CrateId, SourceDatabase, SourceDatabaseExt, }, FxHashSet, FxIndexMap, }; use crate::RootDatabase; /// We're indexing many crates. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ParallelPrimeCachesProgress { /// the crates that we are currently priming. pub crates_currently_indexing: Vec, /// the total number of crates we want to prime. pub crates_total: usize, /// the total number of crates that have finished priming pub crates_done: usize, } pub(crate) fn parallel_prime_caches( db: &RootDatabase, num_worker_threads: u8, cb: &(dyn Fn(ParallelPrimeCachesProgress) + Sync), ) { let _p = tracing::span!(tracing::Level::INFO, "prime_caches").entered(); let graph = db.crate_graph(); let mut crates_to_prime = { let crate_ids = compute_crates_to_prime(db, &graph); let mut builder = topologic_sort::TopologicalSortIter::builder(); for &crate_id in &crate_ids { let crate_data = &graph[crate_id]; let dependencies = crate_data .dependencies .iter() .map(|d| d.crate_id) .filter(|i| crate_ids.contains(i)); builder.add(crate_id, dependencies); } builder.build() }; enum ParallelPrimeCacheWorkerProgress { BeginCrate { crate_id: CrateId, crate_name: String }, EndCrate { crate_id: CrateId }, } let (work_sender, progress_receiver) = { let (progress_sender, progress_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let (work_sender, work_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let prime_caches_worker = move |db: Snapshot| { while let Ok((crate_id, crate_name)) = work_receiver.recv() { progress_sender .send(ParallelPrimeCacheWorkerProgress::BeginCrate { crate_id, crate_name })?; // This also computes the DefMap db.import_map(crate_id); progress_sender.send(ParallelPrimeCacheWorkerProgress::EndCrate { crate_id })?; } Ok::<_, crossbeam_channel::SendError<_>>(()) }; for _ in 0..num_worker_threads { let worker = prime_caches_worker.clone(); let db = db.snapshot(); stdx::thread::Builder::new(stdx::thread::ThreadIntent::Worker) .allow_leak(true) .spawn(move || Cancelled::catch(|| worker(db))) .expect("failed to spawn thread"); } (work_sender, progress_receiver) }; let crates_total = crates_to_prime.pending(); let mut crates_done = 0; // an index map is used to preserve ordering so we can sort the progress report in order of // "longest crate to index" first let mut crates_currently_indexing = FxIndexMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(num_worker_threads as _, Default::default()); while crates_done < crates_total { db.unwind_if_cancelled(); for crate_id in &mut crates_to_prime { work_sender .send(( crate_id, graph[crate_id].display_name.as_deref().unwrap_or_default().to_owned(), )) .ok(); } // recv_timeout is somewhat a hack, we need a way to from this thread check to see if the current salsa revision // is cancelled on a regular basis. workers will only exit if they are processing a task that is cancelled, or // if this thread exits, and closes the work channel. let worker_progress = match progress_receiver.recv_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10)) { Ok(p) => p, Err(crossbeam_channel::RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => { continue; } Err(crossbeam_channel::RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => { // our workers may have died from a cancelled task, so we'll check and re-raise here. db.unwind_if_cancelled(); break; } }; match worker_progress { ParallelPrimeCacheWorkerProgress::BeginCrate { crate_id, crate_name } => { crates_currently_indexing.insert(crate_id, crate_name); } ParallelPrimeCacheWorkerProgress::EndCrate { crate_id } => { crates_currently_indexing.remove(&crate_id); crates_to_prime.mark_done(crate_id); crates_done += 1; } }; let progress = ParallelPrimeCachesProgress { crates_currently_indexing: crates_currently_indexing.values().cloned().collect(), crates_done, crates_total, }; cb(progress); } } fn compute_crates_to_prime(db: &RootDatabase, graph: &CrateGraph) -> FxHashSet { // We're only interested in the workspace crates and the `ImportMap`s of their direct // dependencies, though in practice the latter also compute the `DefMap`s. // We don't prime transitive dependencies because they're generally not visible in // the current workspace. graph .iter() .filter(|&id| { let file_id = graph[id].root_file_id; let root_id = db.file_source_root(file_id); !db.source_root(root_id).is_library }) .flat_map(|id| graph[id].dependencies.iter().map(|krate| krate.crate_id)) .collect() }