import front::ast; import front::codemap; import util::common::span; import util::common::ty_mach; import std::uint; import std::term; import std::io; import std::map; import std::option; import std::option::some; import std::option::none; tag os { os_win32; os_macos; os_linux; } tag arch { arch_x86; arch_x64; arch_arm; } type config = rec(os os, arch arch, ty_mach int_type, ty_mach uint_type, ty_mach float_type); type options = rec(bool shared, uint optimize, bool debuginfo, bool verify, bool run_typestate, bool save_temps, bool stats, bool time_passes, bool time_llvm_passes, back::link::output_type output_type, vec[str] library_search_paths, str sysroot); type crate_metadata = rec(str name, vec[u8] data); fn span_to_str(span sp, codemap::codemap cm) -> str { auto lo = codemap::lookup_pos(cm, sp.lo); auto hi = codemap::lookup_pos(cm, sp.hi); ret #fmt("%s:%u:%u:%u:%u", lo.filename, lo.line, lo.col, hi.line, hi.col); } fn emit_diagnostic(option::t[span] sp, str msg, str kind, u8 color, codemap::codemap cm) { auto ss = ":0:0:0:0"; alt (sp) { case (some(?ssp)) { ss = span_to_str(ssp, cm); } case (none) { } } io::stdout().write_str(ss + ": "); if (term::color_supported()) { term::fg(io::stdout().get_buf_writer(), color); } io::stdout().write_str(#fmt("%s:", kind)); if (term::color_supported()) { term::reset(io::stdout().get_buf_writer()); } io::stdout().write_str(#fmt(" %s\n", msg)); } obj session(ast::crate_num cnum, @config targ_cfg, @options opts, map::hashmap[int, crate_metadata] crates, codemap::codemap cm) { fn get_targ_cfg() -> @config { ret targ_cfg; } fn get_opts() -> @options { ret opts; } fn get_targ_crate_num() -> ast::crate_num { ret cnum; } fn span_fatal(span sp, str msg) -> ! { // FIXME: Use constants, but rustboot doesn't know how to export them. emit_diagnostic(some(sp), msg, "error", 9u8, cm); fail; } fn fatal(str msg) -> ! { emit_diagnostic(none[span], msg, "error", 9u8, cm); fail; } fn span_warn(span sp, str msg) { // FIXME: Use constants, but rustboot doesn't know how to export them. emit_diagnostic(some(sp), msg, "warning", 11u8, cm); } fn warn(str msg) { emit_diagnostic(none[span], msg, "warning", 11u8, cm); } fn span_note(span sp, str msg) { // FIXME: Use constants, but rustboot doesn't know how to export them. emit_diagnostic(some(sp), msg, "note", 10u8, cm); } fn span_bug(span sp, str msg) -> ! { self.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("internal compiler error %s", msg)); } fn bug(str msg) -> ! { self.fatal(#fmt("internal compiler error %s", msg)); } fn span_unimpl(span sp, str msg) -> ! { self.span_bug(sp, "unimplemented " + msg); } fn unimpl(str msg) -> ! { self.bug("unimplemented " + msg); } fn get_external_crate(int num) -> crate_metadata { ret crates.get(num); } fn set_external_crate(int num, &crate_metadata metadata) { crates.insert(num, metadata); } fn has_external_crate(int num) -> bool { ret crates.contains_key(num); } fn get_codemap() -> codemap::codemap { ret cm; } fn lookup_pos(uint pos) -> codemap::loc { ret codemap::lookup_pos(cm, pos); } fn span_str(span sp) -> str { ret span_to_str(sp, self.get_codemap()); } } // Local Variables: // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: