import front.ast; import front.ast.ident; import front.ast.def; import front.ast.ann; import driver.session; import util.common.span; import; import std.list.list; import std.list.nil; import std.list.cons; import std.option; import std.option.some; import std.option.none; import std._str; import std._vec; tag scope { scope_crate(@ast.crate); scope_item(@ast.item); scope_block(ast.block); } type env = rec(list[scope] scopes, session.session sess); fn lookup_name(&env e, ast.ident i) -> option.t[def] { // log "resolving name " + i; fn found_def_item(@ast.item i) -> option.t[def] { alt (i.node) { case (ast.item_fn(_, _, _, ?id, _)) { ret some[def](ast.def_fn(id)); } case (ast.item_mod(_, _, ?id)) { ret some[def](ast.def_mod(id)); } case (ast.item_ty(_, _, _, ?id, _)) { ret some[def](ast.def_ty(id)); } } } fn found_decl_stmt(@ast.stmt s) -> option.t[def] { alt (s.node) { case (ast.stmt_decl(?d)) { alt (d.node) { case (ast.decl_local(?loc)) { ret some[def](ast.def_local(; } case (ast.decl_item(?it)) { ret found_def_item(it); } } } } ret none[def]; } fn check_mod(ast.ident i, ast._mod m) -> option.t[def] { alt (m.index.find(i)) { case (some[uint](?ix)) { ret found_def_item(m.items.(ix)); } } ret none[def]; } fn in_scope(ast.ident i, &scope s) -> option.t[def] { alt (s) { case (scope_crate(?c)) { ret check_mod(i, c.node.module); } case (scope_item(?it)) { alt (it.node) { case (ast.item_fn(_, ?f, _, _, _)) { for (ast.arg a in f.inputs) { if (_str.eq(a.ident, i)) { ret some[def](ast.def_arg(; } } } case (ast.item_mod(_, ?m, _)) { ret check_mod(i, m); } } } case (scope_block(?b)) { alt (b.node.index.find(i)) { case (some[uint](?ix)) { ret found_decl_stmt(b.node.stmts.(ix)); } } } } ret none[def]; } ret std.list.find[scope,def](e.scopes, bind in_scope(i, _)); } fn fold_expr_name(&env e, &span sp, & n, &option.t[def] d, ann a) -> @ast.expr { if (_vec.len[@ast.ty](n.node.types) > 0u) { e.sess.unimpl("resoling name expr with ty params"); } auto d_ = lookup_name(e, n.node.ident); alt (d_) { case (some[def](_)) { // log "resolved name " + n.node.ident; } case (none[def]) { e.sess.err("unresolved name: " + n.node.ident); } } ret @fold.respan[ast.expr_](sp, ast.expr_name(n, d_, a)); } fn fold_ty_path(&env e, &span sp, ast.path p, &option.t[def] d) -> @ast.ty { let uint len = _vec.len[](p); check (len != 0u); if (len > 1u) { e.sess.unimpl("resoling path ty with >1 component"); } let n = p.(0); if (_vec.len[@ast.ty](n.node.types) > 0u) { e.sess.unimpl("resoling path ty with ty params"); } auto d_ = lookup_name(e, n.node.ident); alt (d_) { case (some[def](_)) { // log "resolved name " + n.node.ident; } case (none[def]) { e.sess.err("unresolved name: " + n.node.ident); } } ret @fold.respan[ast.ty_](sp, ast.ty_path(p, d_)); } fn update_env_for_crate(&env e, @ast.crate c) -> env { ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_crate(c), @e.scopes) with e); } fn update_env_for_item(&env e, @ast.item i) -> env { ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_item(i), @e.scopes) with e); } fn update_env_for_block(&env e, &ast.block b) -> env { ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_block(b), @e.scopes) with e); } fn resolve_crate(session.session sess, @ast.crate crate) -> @ast.crate { let fold.ast_fold[env] fld = fold.new_identity_fold[env](); fld = @rec( fold_expr_name = bind fold_expr_name(_,_,_,_,_), fold_ty_path = bind fold_ty_path(_,_,_,_), update_env_for_crate = bind update_env_for_crate(_,_), update_env_for_item = bind update_env_for_item(_,_), update_env_for_block = bind update_env_for_block(_,_) with *fld ); auto e = rec(scopes = nil[scope], sess = sess); ret fold.fold_crate[env](e, fld, crate); } // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C ../.. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: