// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! Machinery for hygienic macros, as described in the MTWT[1] paper. //! //! [1] Matthew Flatt, Ryan Culpepper, David Darais, and Robert Bruce Findler. //! 2012. *Macros that work together: Compile-time bindings, partial expansion, //! and definition contexts*. J. Funct. Program. 22, 2 (March 2012), 181-216. //! DOI=10.1017/S0956796812000093 http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0956796812000093 pub use self::SyntaxContext_::*; use ast::{Ident, Mrk, Name, SyntaxContext}; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; /// The SCTable contains a table of SyntaxContext_'s. It /// represents a flattened tree structure, to avoid having /// managed pointers everywhere (that caused an ICE). /// the mark_memo and rename_memo fields are side-tables /// that ensure that adding the same mark to the same context /// gives you back the same context as before. This shouldn't /// change the semantics--everything here is immutable--but /// it should cut down on memory use *a lot*; applying a mark /// to a tree containing 50 identifiers would otherwise generate /// 50 new contexts pub struct SCTable { table: RefCell>, mark_memo: RefCell>, rename_memo: RefCell>, } #[derive(PartialEq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum SyntaxContext_ { EmptyCtxt, Mark (Mrk,SyntaxContext), /// flattening the name and syntaxcontext into the rename... /// HIDDEN INVARIANTS: /// 1) the first name in a Rename node /// can only be a programmer-supplied name. /// 2) Every Rename node with a given Name in the /// "to" slot must have the same name and context /// in the "from" slot. In essence, they're all /// pointers to a single "rename" event node. Rename (Ident,Name,SyntaxContext), /// actually, IllegalCtxt may not be necessary. IllegalCtxt } /// A list of ident->name renamings pub type RenameList = Vec<(Ident, Name)>; /// Extend a syntax context with a given mark pub fn apply_mark(m: Mrk, ctxt: SyntaxContext) -> SyntaxContext { with_sctable(|table| apply_mark_internal(m, ctxt, table)) } /// Extend a syntax context with a given mark and sctable (explicit memoization) fn apply_mark_internal(m: Mrk, ctxt: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable) -> SyntaxContext { let key = (ctxt, m); * table.mark_memo.borrow_mut().entry(key) .or_insert_with(|| idx_push(&mut *table.table.borrow_mut(), Mark(m, ctxt))) } /// Extend a syntax context with a given rename pub fn apply_rename(id: Ident, to:Name, ctxt: SyntaxContext) -> SyntaxContext { with_sctable(|table| apply_rename_internal(id, to, ctxt, table)) } /// Extend a syntax context with a given rename and sctable (explicit memoization) fn apply_rename_internal(id: Ident, to: Name, ctxt: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable) -> SyntaxContext { let key = (ctxt, id, to); * table.rename_memo.borrow_mut().entry(key) .or_insert_with(|| idx_push(&mut *table.table.borrow_mut(), Rename(id, to, ctxt))) } /// Apply a list of renamings to a context // if these rename lists get long, it would make sense // to consider memoizing this fold. This may come up // when we add hygiene to item names. pub fn apply_renames(renames: &RenameList, ctxt: SyntaxContext) -> SyntaxContext { renames.iter().fold(ctxt, |ctxt, &(from, to)| { apply_rename(from, to, ctxt) }) } /// Fetch the SCTable from TLS, create one if it doesn't yet exist. pub fn with_sctable(op: F) -> T where F: FnOnce(&SCTable) -> T, { thread_local!(static SCTABLE_KEY: SCTable = new_sctable_internal()); SCTABLE_KEY.with(move |slot| op(slot)) } // Make a fresh syntax context table with EmptyCtxt in slot zero // and IllegalCtxt in slot one. fn new_sctable_internal() -> SCTable { SCTable { table: RefCell::new(vec!(EmptyCtxt, IllegalCtxt)), mark_memo: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()), rename_memo: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()), } } /// Print out an SCTable for debugging pub fn display_sctable(table: &SCTable) { error!("SC table:"); for (idx,val) in table.table.borrow().iter().enumerate() { error!("{:4} : {:?}",idx,val); } } /// Clear the tables from TLD to reclaim memory. pub fn clear_tables() { with_sctable(|table| { *table.table.borrow_mut() = Vec::new(); *table.mark_memo.borrow_mut() = HashMap::new(); *table.rename_memo.borrow_mut() = HashMap::new(); }); with_resolve_table_mut(|table| *table = HashMap::new()); } /// Reset the tables to their initial state pub fn reset_tables() { with_sctable(|table| { *table.table.borrow_mut() = vec!(EmptyCtxt, IllegalCtxt); *table.mark_memo.borrow_mut() = HashMap::new(); *table.rename_memo.borrow_mut() = HashMap::new(); }); with_resolve_table_mut(|table| *table = HashMap::new()); } /// Add a value to the end of a vec, return its index fn idx_push(vec: &mut Vec, val: T) -> u32 { vec.push(val); (vec.len() - 1) as u32 } /// Resolve a syntax object to a name, per MTWT. pub fn resolve(id: Ident) -> Name { with_sctable(|sctable| { with_resolve_table_mut(|resolve_table| { resolve_internal(id, sctable, resolve_table) }) }) } type ResolveTable = HashMap<(Name,SyntaxContext),Name>; // okay, I admit, putting this in TLS is not so nice: // fetch the SCTable from TLS, create one if it doesn't yet exist. fn with_resolve_table_mut(op: F) -> T where F: FnOnce(&mut ResolveTable) -> T, { thread_local!(static RESOLVE_TABLE_KEY: RefCell = { RefCell::new(HashMap::new()) }); RESOLVE_TABLE_KEY.with(move |slot| op(&mut *slot.borrow_mut())) } /// Resolve a syntax object to a name, per MTWT. /// adding memoization to resolve 500+ seconds in resolve for librustc (!) fn resolve_internal(id: Ident, table: &SCTable, resolve_table: &mut ResolveTable) -> Name { let key = (id.name, id.ctxt); match resolve_table.get(&key) { Some(&name) => return name, None => {} } let resolved = { let result = (*table.table.borrow())[id.ctxt as usize]; match result { EmptyCtxt => id.name, // ignore marks here: Mark(_,subctxt) => resolve_internal(Ident{name:id.name, ctxt: subctxt}, table, resolve_table), // do the rename if necessary: Rename(Ident{name, ctxt}, toname, subctxt) => { let resolvedfrom = resolve_internal(Ident{name:name, ctxt:ctxt}, table, resolve_table); let resolvedthis = resolve_internal(Ident{name:id.name, ctxt:subctxt}, table, resolve_table); if (resolvedthis == resolvedfrom) && (marksof_internal(ctxt, resolvedthis, table) == marksof_internal(subctxt, resolvedthis, table)) { toname } else { resolvedthis } } IllegalCtxt => panic!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt") } }; resolve_table.insert(key, resolved); resolved } /// Compute the marks associated with a syntax context. pub fn marksof(ctxt: SyntaxContext, stopname: Name) -> Vec { with_sctable(|table| marksof_internal(ctxt, stopname, table)) } // the internal function for computing marks // it's not clear to me whether it's better to use a [] mutable // vector or a cons-list for this. fn marksof_internal(ctxt: SyntaxContext, stopname: Name, table: &SCTable) -> Vec { let mut result = Vec::new(); let mut loopvar = ctxt; loop { let table_entry = (*table.table.borrow())[loopvar as usize]; match table_entry { EmptyCtxt => { return result; }, Mark(mark, tl) => { xor_push(&mut result, mark); loopvar = tl; }, Rename(_,name,tl) => { // see MTWT for details on the purpose of the stopname. // short version: it prevents duplication of effort. if name == stopname { return result; } else { loopvar = tl; } } IllegalCtxt => panic!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt") } } } /// Return the outer mark for a context with a mark at the outside. /// FAILS when outside is not a mark. pub fn outer_mark(ctxt: SyntaxContext) -> Mrk { with_sctable(|sctable| { match (*sctable.table.borrow())[ctxt as usize] { Mark(mrk, _) => mrk, _ => panic!("can't retrieve outer mark when outside is not a mark") } }) } /// Push a name... unless it matches the one on top, in which /// case pop and discard (so two of the same marks cancel) fn xor_push(marks: &mut Vec, mark: Mrk) { if (!marks.is_empty()) && (*marks.last().unwrap() == mark) { marks.pop().unwrap(); } else { marks.push(mark); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use self::TestSC::*; use ast::{EMPTY_CTXT, Ident, Mrk, Name, SyntaxContext}; use super::{resolve, xor_push, apply_mark_internal, new_sctable_internal}; use super::{apply_rename_internal, apply_renames, marksof_internal, resolve_internal}; use super::{SCTable, EmptyCtxt, Mark, Rename, IllegalCtxt}; use std::collections::HashMap; #[test] fn xorpush_test () { let mut s = Vec::new(); xor_push(&mut s, 14); assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14]); xor_push(&mut s, 14); assert_eq!(s.clone(), []); xor_push(&mut s, 14); assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14]); xor_push(&mut s, 15); assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14, 15]); xor_push(&mut s, 16); assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14, 15, 16]); xor_push(&mut s, 16); assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14, 15]); xor_push(&mut s, 15); assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14]); } fn id(n: u32, s: SyntaxContext) -> Ident { Ident {name: Name(n), ctxt: s} } // because of the SCTable, I now need a tidy way of // creating syntax objects. Sigh. #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] enum TestSC { M(Mrk), R(Ident,Name) } // unfold a vector of TestSC values into a SCTable, // returning the resulting index fn unfold_test_sc(tscs : Vec , tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable) -> SyntaxContext { tscs.iter().rev().fold(tail, |tail : SyntaxContext, tsc : &TestSC| {match *tsc { M(mrk) => apply_mark_internal(mrk,tail,table), R(ident,name) => apply_rename_internal(ident,name,tail,table)}}) } // gather a SyntaxContext back into a vector of TestSCs fn refold_test_sc(mut sc: SyntaxContext, table : &SCTable) -> Vec { let mut result = Vec::new(); loop { let table = table.table.borrow(); match (*table)[sc as usize] { EmptyCtxt => {return result;}, Mark(mrk,tail) => { result.push(M(mrk)); sc = tail; continue; }, Rename(id,name,tail) => { result.push(R(id,name)); sc = tail; continue; } IllegalCtxt => panic!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt") } } } #[test] fn test_unfold_refold(){ let mut t = new_sctable_internal(); let test_sc = vec!(M(3),R(id(101,0),Name(14)),M(9)); assert_eq!(unfold_test_sc(test_sc.clone(),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),4); { let table = t.table.borrow(); assert!((*table)[2] == Mark(9,0)); assert!((*table)[3] == Rename(id(101,0),Name(14),2)); assert!((*table)[4] == Mark(3,3)); } assert_eq!(refold_test_sc(4,&t),test_sc); } // extend a syntax context with a sequence of marks given // in a vector. v[0] will be the outermost mark. fn unfold_marks(mrks: Vec , tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable) -> SyntaxContext { mrks.iter().rev().fold(tail, |tail:SyntaxContext, mrk:&Mrk| {apply_mark_internal(*mrk,tail,table)}) } #[test] fn unfold_marks_test() { let mut t = new_sctable_internal(); assert_eq!(unfold_marks(vec!(3,7),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),3); { let table = t.table.borrow(); assert!((*table)[2] == Mark(7,0)); assert!((*table)[3] == Mark(3,2)); } } #[test] fn test_marksof () { let stopname = Name(242); let name1 = Name(243); let mut t = new_sctable_internal(); assert_eq!(marksof_internal (EMPTY_CTXT,stopname,&t),Vec::new()); // FIXME #5074: ANF'd to dodge nested calls { let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(4,98),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans,stopname,&t), [4, 98]);} // does xoring work? { let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(5,5,16),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans,stopname,&t), [16]);} // does nested xoring work? { let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(5,10,10,5,16),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname,&t), [16]);} // rename where stop doesn't match: { let chain = vec!(M(9), R(id(name1.usize() as u32, apply_mark_internal (4, EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t)), Name(100101102)), M(14)); let ans = unfold_test_sc(chain,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname, &t), [9, 14]);} // rename where stop does match { let name1sc = apply_mark_internal(4, EMPTY_CTXT, &mut t); let chain = vec!(M(9), R(id(name1.usize() as u32, name1sc), stopname), M(14)); let ans = unfold_test_sc(chain,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname, &t), [9]); } } #[test] fn resolve_tests () { let a = 40; let mut t = new_sctable_internal(); let mut rt = HashMap::new(); // - ctxt is MT assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(a)); // - simple ignored marks { let sc = unfold_marks(vec!(1,2,3),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(a));} // - orthogonal rename where names don't match { let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(50,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(51)),M(12)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(a));} // - rename where names do match, but marks don't { let sc1 = apply_mark_internal(1,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),Name(50)), M(1), M(2)), EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), Name(a));} // - rename where names and marks match { let sc1 = unfold_test_sc(vec!(M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),Name(50)),M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), Name(50)); } // - rename where names and marks match by literal sharing { let sc1 = unfold_test_sc(vec!(M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),Name(50))),sc1,&mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), Name(50)); } // - two renames of the same var.. can only happen if you use // local-expand to prevent the inner binding from being renamed // during the rename-pass caused by the first: println!("about to run bad test"); { let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(50)), R(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(51))), EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), Name(51)); } // the simplest double-rename: { let a_to_a50 = apply_rename_internal(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(50),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t); let a50_to_a51 = apply_rename_internal(id(a,a_to_a50),Name(51),a_to_a50,&mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,a50_to_a51),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(51)); // mark on the outside doesn't stop rename: let sc = apply_mark_internal(9,a50_to_a51,&mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(51)); // but mark on the inside does: let a50_to_a51_b = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,a_to_a50),Name(51)), M(9)), a_to_a50, &mut t); assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,a50_to_a51_b),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(50));} } #[test] fn mtwt_resolve_test(){ let a = 40; assert_eq!(resolve(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT)),Name(a)); } #[test] fn hashing_tests () { let mut t = new_sctable_internal(); assert_eq!(apply_mark_internal(12,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),2); assert_eq!(apply_mark_internal(13,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),3); // using the same one again should result in the same index: assert_eq!(apply_mark_internal(12,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),2); // I'm assuming that the rename table will behave the same.... } #[test] fn resolve_table_hashing_tests() { let mut t = new_sctable_internal(); let mut rt = HashMap::new(); assert_eq!(rt.len(),0); resolve_internal(id(30,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt); assert_eq!(rt.len(),1); resolve_internal(id(39,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt); assert_eq!(rt.len(),2); resolve_internal(id(30,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt); assert_eq!(rt.len(),2); } #[test] fn new_resolves_test() { let renames = vec!((Ident{name:Name(23),ctxt:EMPTY_CTXT},Name(24)), (Ident{name:Name(29),ctxt:EMPTY_CTXT},Name(29))); let new_ctxt1 = apply_renames(&renames,EMPTY_CTXT); assert_eq!(resolve(Ident{name:Name(23),ctxt:new_ctxt1}),Name(24)); assert_eq!(resolve(Ident{name:Name(29),ctxt:new_ctxt1}),Name(29)); } }