# Contributing to Rust [contributing-to-rust]: #contributing-to-rust Thank you for your interest in contributing to Rust! There are many ways to contribute, and we appreciate all of them. This document is a bit long, so here's links to the major sections: * [Feature Requests](#feature-requests) * [Bug Reports](#bug-reports) * [The Build System](#the-build-system) * [Pull Requests](#pull-requests) * [Writing Documentation](#writing-documentation) * [Issue Triage](#issue-triage) * [Out-of-tree Contributions](#out-of-tree-contributions) * [Helpful Links and Information](#helpful-links-and-information) If you have questions, please make a post on [internals.rust-lang.org][internals] or hop on [#rust-internals][pound-rust-internals]. As a reminder, all contributors are expected to follow our [Code of Conduct][coc]. [pound-rust-internals]: https://chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.mozilla.org&channel=%23rust-internals [internals]: https://internals.rust-lang.org [coc]: https://www.rust-lang.org/conduct.html ## Feature Requests [feature-requests]: #feature-requests To request a change to the way that the Rust language works, please open an issue in the [RFCs repository](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/new) rather than this one. New features and other significant language changes must go through the RFC process. ## Bug Reports [bug-reports]: #bug-reports While bugs are unfortunate, they're a reality in software. We can't fix what we don't know about, so please report liberally. If you're not sure if something is a bug or not, feel free to file a bug anyway. **If you believe reporting your bug publicly represents a security risk to Rust users, please follow our [instructions for reporting security vulnerabilities](https://www.rust-lang.org/security.html)**. If you have the chance, before reporting a bug, please [search existing issues](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/search?q=&type=Issues&utf8=%E2%9C%93), as it's possible that someone else has already reported your error. This doesn't always work, and sometimes it's hard to know what to search for, so consider this extra credit. We won't mind if you accidentally file a duplicate report. Opening an issue is as easy as following [this link](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/new) and filling out the fields. Here's a template that you can use to file a bug, though it's not necessary to use it exactly: I tried this code: I expected to see this happen: Instead, this happened: ## Meta `rustc --version --verbose`: Backtrace: All three components are important: what you did, what you expected, what happened instead. Please include the output of `rustc --version --verbose`, which includes important information about what platform you're on, what version of Rust you're using, etc. Sometimes, a backtrace is helpful, and so including that is nice. To get a backtrace, set the `RUST_BACKTRACE` environment variable to a value other than `0`. The easiest way to do this is to invoke `rustc` like this: ```bash $ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 rustc ... ``` ## The Build System [the-build-system]: #the-build-system Rust's build system allows you to bootstrap the compiler, run tests & benchmarks, generate documentation, install a fresh build of Rust, and more. It's your best friend when working on Rust, allowing you to compile & test your contributions before submission. The build system lives in [the `src/bootstrap` directory][bootstrap] in the project root. Our build system is itself written in Rust and is based on Cargo to actually build all the compiler's crates. If you have questions on the build system internals, try asking in [`#rust-internals`][pound-rust-internals]. [bootstrap]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/bootstrap/ ### Configuration [configuration]: #configuration Before you can start building the compiler you need to configure the build for your system. In most cases, that will just mean using the defaults provided for Rust. To change configuration, you must copy the file `config.toml.example` to `config.toml` in the directory from which you will be running the build, and change the settings provided. There are large number of options provided in this config file that will alter the configuration used in the build process. Some options to note: #### `[llvm]`: - `ccache = true` - Use ccache when building llvm #### `[build]`: - `compiler-docs = true` - Build compiler documentation #### `[rust]`: - `debuginfo = true` - Build a compiler with debuginfo - `optimize = false` - Disable optimizations to speed up compilation of stage1 rust For more options, the `config.toml` file contains commented out defaults, with descriptions of what each option will do. Note: Previously the `./configure` script was used to configure this project. It can still be used, but it's recommended to use a `config.toml` file. If you still have a `config.mk` file in your directory - from `./configure` - you may need to delete it for `config.toml` to work. ### Building [building]: #building Dependencies - [build dependencies](README.md#building-from-source) - `gdb` 6.2.0 minimum, 7.1 or later recommended for test builds The build system uses the `x.py` script to control the build process. This script is used to build, test, and document various parts of the compiler. You can execute it as: ```sh python x.py build ``` On some systems you can also use the shorter version: ```sh ./x.py build ``` To learn more about the driver and top-level targets, you can execute: ```sh python x.py --help ``` The general format for the driver script is: ```sh python x.py [] ``` Some example commands are `build`, `test`, and `doc`. These will build, test, and document the specified directory. The second argument, ``, is optional and defaults to working over the entire compiler. If specified, however, only that specific directory will be built. For example: ```sh # build the entire compiler python x.py build # build all documentation python x.py doc # run all test suites python x.py test # build only the standard library python x.py build src/libstd # test only one particular test suite python x.py test src/test/rustdoc # build only the stage0 libcore library python x.py build src/libcore --stage 0 ``` You can explore the build system through the various `--help` pages for each subcommand. For example to learn more about a command you can run: ``` python x.py build --help ``` To learn about all possible rules you can execute, run: ``` python x.py build --help --verbose ``` Note: Previously `./configure` and `make` were used to build this project. They are still available, but `x.py` is the recommended build system. ### Useful commands [useful-commands]: #useful-commands Some common invocations of `x.py` are: - `x.py build --help` - show the help message and explain the subcommand - `x.py build src/libtest --stage 1` - build up to (and including) the first stage. For most cases we don't need to build the stage2 compiler, so we can save time by not building it. The stage1 compiler is a fully functioning compiler and (probably) will be enough to determine if your change works as expected. - `x.py build src/rustc --stage 1` - This will build just rustc, without libstd. This is the fastest way to recompile after you changed only rustc source code. Note however that the resulting rustc binary won't have a stdlib to link against by default. You can build libstd once with `x.py build src/libstd`, but it is only guaranteed to work if recompiled, so if there are any issues recompile it. - `x.py test` - build the full compiler & run all tests (takes a while). This is what gets run by the continuous integration system against your pull request. You should run this before submitting to make sure your tests pass & everything builds in the correct manner. - `x.py test src/libstd --stage 1` - test the standard library without recompiling stage 2. - `x.py test src/test/run-pass --test-args TESTNAME` - Run a matching set of tests. - `TESTNAME` should be a substring of the tests to match against e.g. it could be the fully qualified test name, or just a part of it. `TESTNAME=collections::hash::map::test_map::test_capacity_not_less_than_len` or `TESTNAME=test_capacity_not_less_than_len`. - `x.py test src/test/run-pass --stage 1 --test-args ` - Run a single rpass test with the stage1 compiler (this will be quicker than running the command above as we only build the stage1 compiler, not the entire thing). You can also leave off the directory argument to run all stage1 test types. - `x.py test src/libcore --stage 1` - Run stage1 tests in `libcore`. - `x.py test src/tools/tidy` - Check that the source code is in compliance with Rust's style guidelines. There is no official document describing Rust's full guidelines as of yet, but basic rules like 4 spaces for indentation and no more than 99 characters in a single line should be kept in mind when writing code. ### Using your local build [using-local-build]: #using-local-build If you use Rustup to manage your rust install, it has a feature called ["custom toolchains"][toolchain-link] that you can use to access your newly-built compiler without having to install it to your system or user PATH. If you've run `python x.py build`, then you can add your custom rustc to a new toolchain like this: [toolchain-link]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustup.rs#working-with-custom-toolchains-and-local-builds ``` rustup toolchain link build//stage2 ``` Where `` is the build triple for the host (the triple of your computer, by default), and `` is the name for your custom toolchain. (If you added `--stage 1` to your build command, the compiler will be in the `stage1` folder instead.) You'll only need to do this once - it will automatically point to the latest build you've done. Once this is set up, you can use your custom toolchain just like any other. For example, if you've named your toolchain `local`, running `cargo +local build` will compile a project with your custom rustc, setting `rustup override set local` will override the toolchain for your current directory, and `cargo +local doc` will use your custom rustc and rustdoc to generate docs. (If you do this with a `--stage 1` build, you'll need to build rustdoc specially, since it's not normally built in stage 1. `python x.py build --stage 1 src/libstd src/tools/rustdoc` will build rustdoc and libstd, which will allow rustdoc to be run with that toolchain.) ## Pull Requests [pull-requests]: #pull-requests Pull requests are the primary mechanism we use to change Rust. GitHub itself has some [great documentation][pull-requests] on using the Pull Request feature. We use the "fork and pull" model [described here][development-models], where contributors push changes to their personal fork and create pull requests to bring those changes into the source repository. [pull-requests]: https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests/ [development-models]: https://help.github.com/articles/about-collaborative-development-models/ Please make pull requests against the `master` branch. Compiling all of `./x.py test` can take a while. When testing your pull request, consider using one of the more specialized `./x.py` targets to cut down on the amount of time you have to wait. You need to have built the compiler at least once before running these will work, but that’s only one full build rather than one each time. $ python x.py test --stage 1 is one such example, which builds just `rustc`, and then runs the tests. If you’re adding something to the standard library, try $ python x.py test src/libstd --stage 1 Please make sure your pull request is in compliance with Rust's style guidelines by running $ python x.py test src/tools/tidy Make this check before every pull request (and every new commit in a pull request) ; you can add [git hooks](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks) before every push to make sure you never forget to make this check. All pull requests are reviewed by another person. We have a bot, @rust-highfive, that will automatically assign a random person to review your request. If you want to request that a specific person reviews your pull request, you can add an `r?` to the message. For example, Steve usually reviews documentation changes. So if you were to make a documentation change, add r? @steveklabnik to the end of the message, and @rust-highfive will assign @steveklabnik instead of a random person. This is entirely optional. After someone has reviewed your pull request, they will leave an annotation on the pull request with an `r+`. It will look something like this: @bors: r+ 38fe8d2 This tells @bors, our lovable integration bot, that your pull request has been approved. The PR then enters the [merge queue][merge-queue], where @bors will run all the tests on every platform we support. If it all works out, @bors will merge your code into `master` and close the pull request. [merge-queue]: https://buildbot2.rust-lang.org/homu/queue/rust Speaking of tests, Rust has a comprehensive test suite. More information about it can be found [here](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-wiki-backup/blob/master/Note-testsuite.md). ### External Dependencies [external-dependencies]: #external-dependencies Currently building Rust will also build the following external projects: * [clippy](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-clippy) * [miri](https://github.com/solson/miri) If your changes break one of these projects, you need to fix them by opening a pull request against the broken project asking to put the fix on a branch. Then you can disable the tool building via `src/tools/toolstate.toml`. Once the branch containing your fix is likely to be merged, you can point the affected submodule at this branch. Don't forget to also add your changes with ``` git add path/to/submodule ``` outside the submodule. It can also be more convenient during development to set `submodules = false` in the `config.toml` to prevent `x.py` from resetting to the original branch. #### Breaking rustfmt or rls [breaking-rustfmt-or-rls]: #breaking-rustfmt-or-rls Rust's build system also builds the [RLS](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rls) and [rustfmt](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt). If these tools break because of your changes, you may run into a sort of "chicken and egg" problem. Both tools rely on the latest compiler to be built so you can't update them until the changes you are making to the compiler land. In the meantime, you can't land your changes to the compiler because the build won't pass until those tools are fixed. That means that, in the default state, you can't update the compiler without fixing rustfmt and rls first. When this happens, follow these steps: 1. First, if it doesn't exist already, create a `config.toml` by copying `config.toml.example` in the root directory of the Rust repository. Set `submodules = false` in the `[build]` section. This will prevent `x.py` from resetting to the original branch after you make your changes. If you need to [update any submodules to their latest versions][updating-submodules], see the section of this file about that for more information. 2. Run `./x.py test src/tools/rustfmt`. Fix any errors in the submodule itself (the `src/tools/rustfmt` directory) until it works. 3. Run `./x.py test src/tools/rls`. Fix any errors in the submodule itself (the `src/tools/rls` directory) until it works. 4. Make a commit for `rustfmt`, if necessary, and send a PR to the master branch of rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt 5. Do the same, if necessary for the RLS 6. A maintainer of rls/rustfmt will **not** merge the PR. The PR can't be merged because CI will be broken. Instead a new branch will be created, and the PR will be pushed to the branch (the PR is left open) 7. On your branch, update the rls/rustfmt submodules to these branches 8. Commit the changes, update your PR to rust-lang/rust 9. Wait for the branch to merge 10. Wait for a nightly 11. A maintainer of rls/rustfmt will merge the original PRs to rls/rustfmt 12. Eventually the rls/rustfmt submodules will get re-updated back to the master branch #### Updating submodules [updating-submodules]: #updating-submodules These instructions are specific to updating `rustfmt`, however they may apply to the other submodules as well. Please help by improving these instructions if you find any discrepencies or special cases that need to be addressed. To update the `rustfmt` submodule, start by running the appropriate [`git submodule` command](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules). For example, to update to the latest commit on the remote master branch, you may want to run: ``` git submodule update --remote src/tools/rustfmt ``` If you run `./x.py build` now, and you are lucky, it may just work. If you see an error message about patches that did not resolve to any crates, you will need to complete a few more steps which are outlined with their rationale below. *(This error may change in the future to include more information.)* ``` error: failed to resolve patches for `https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt` Caused by: patch for `rustfmt-nightly` in `https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt` did not resolve to any crates failed to run: ~/rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/bin/cargo build --manifest-path ~/rust/src/bootstrap/Cargo.toml ``` If you haven't used the `[patch]` section of `Cargo.toml` before, there is [some relevant documentation about it in the cargo docs](http://doc.crates.io/manifest.html#the-patch-section). In addition to that, you should read the [Overriding dependencies](http://doc.crates.io/specifying-dependencies.html#overriding-dependencies) section of the documentation as well. Specifically, the following [section in Overriding dependencies](http://doc.crates.io/specifying-dependencies.html#testing-a-bugfix) reveals what the problem is: > Next up we need to ensure that our lock file is updated to use this new version of uuid so our project uses the locally checked out copy instead of one from crates.io. The way [patch] works is that it'll load the dependency at ../path/to/uuid and then whenever crates.io is queried for versions of uuid it'll also return the local version. > > This means that the version number of the local checkout is significant and will affect whether the patch is used. Our manifest declared uuid = "1.0" which means we'll only resolve to >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0, and Cargo's greedy resolution algorithm also means that we'll resolve to the maximum version within that range. Typically this doesn't matter as the version of the git repository will already be greater or match the maximum version published on crates.io, but it's important to keep this in mind! This says that when we updated the submodule, the version number in our `src/tools/rustfmt/Cargo.toml` changed. The new version is different from the version in `Cargo.lock`, so the build can no longer continue. To resolve this, we need to update `Cargo.lock`. Luckily, cargo provides a command to do this easily. First, go into the `src/` directory since that is where `Cargo.toml` is in the rust repository. Then run, `cargo update -p rustfmt-nightly` to solve the problem. ``` $ cd src $ cargo update -p rustfmt-nightly ``` This should change the version listed in `src/Cargo.lock` to the new version you updated the submodule to. Running `./x.py build` should work now. ## Writing Documentation [writing-documentation]: #writing-documentation Documentation improvements are very welcome. The source of `doc.rust-lang.org` is located in `src/doc` in the tree, and standard API documentation is generated from the source code itself. Documentation pull requests function in the same way as other pull requests, though you may see a slightly different form of `r+`: @bors: r+ 38fe8d2 rollup That additional `rollup` tells @bors that this change is eligible for a 'rollup'. To save @bors some work, and to get small changes through more quickly, when @bors attempts to merge a commit that's rollup-eligible, it will also merge the other rollup-eligible patches too, and they'll get tested and merged at the same time. To find documentation-related issues, sort by the [T-doc label][tdoc]. [tdoc]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues?q=is%3Aopen%20is%3Aissue%20label%3AT-doc You can find documentation style guidelines in [RFC 1574][rfc1574]. [rfc1574]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1574-more-api-documentation-conventions.md#appendix-a-full-conventions-text In many cases, you don't need a full `./x.py doc`. You can use `rustdoc` directly to check small fixes. For example, `rustdoc src/doc/reference.md` will render reference to `doc/reference.html`. The CSS might be messed up, but you can verify that the HTML is right. ## Issue Triage [issue-triage]: #issue-triage Sometimes, an issue will stay open, even though the bug has been fixed. And sometimes, the original bug may go stale because something has changed in the meantime. It can be helpful to go through older bug reports and make sure that they are still valid. Load up an older issue, double check that it's still true, and leave a comment letting us know if it is or is not. The [least recently updated sort][lru] is good for finding issues like this. Contributors with sufficient permissions on the Rust repo can help by adding labels to triage issues: * Yellow, **A**-prefixed labels state which **area** of the project an issue relates to. * Magenta, **B**-prefixed labels identify bugs which are **blockers**. * Dark blue, **beta-** labels track changes which need to be backported into the beta branches. * Light purple, **C**-prefixed labels represent the **category** of an issue. * Green, **E**-prefixed labels explain the level of **experience** necessary to fix the issue. * The dark blue **final-comment-period** label marks bugs that are using the RFC signoff functionality of [rfcbot][rfcbot] and are currenty in the final comment period. * Red, **I**-prefixed labels indicate the **importance** of the issue. The [I-nominated][inom] label indicates that an issue has been nominated for prioritizing at the next triage meeting. * The purple **metabug** label marks lists of bugs collected by other categories. * Purple gray, **O**-prefixed labels are the **operating system** or platform that this issue is specific to. * Orange, **P**-prefixed labels indicate a bug's **priority**. These labels are only assigned during triage meetings, and replace the [I-nominated][inom] label. * The gray **proposed-final-comment-period** label marks bugs that are using the RFC signoff functionality of [rfcbot][rfcbot] and are currently awaiting signoff of all team members in order to enter the final comment period. * Pink, **regression**-prefixed labels track regressions from stable to the release channels. * The light orange **relnotes** label marks issues that should be documented in the release notes of the next release. * Gray, **S**-prefixed labels are used for tracking the **status** of pull requests. * Blue, **T**-prefixed bugs denote which **team** the issue belongs to. If you're looking for somewhere to start, check out the [E-easy][eeasy] tag. [inom]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AI-nominated [eeasy]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AE-easy [lru]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc [rfcbot]: https://github.com/dikaiosune/rust-dashboard/blob/master/RFCBOT.md ## Out-of-tree Contributions [out-of-tree-contributions]: #out-of-tree-contributions There are a number of other ways to contribute to Rust that don't deal with this repository. Answer questions in [#rust][pound-rust], or on [users.rust-lang.org][users], or on [StackOverflow][so]. Participate in the [RFC process](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs). Find a [requested community library][community-library], build it, and publish it to [Crates.io](http://crates.io). Easier said than done, but very, very valuable! [pound-rust]: http://chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.mozilla.org&channel=%23rust [users]: https://users.rust-lang.org/ [so]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/rust [community-library]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/labels/A-community-library ## Helpful Links and Information [helpful-info]: #helpful-info For people new to Rust, and just starting to contribute, or even for more seasoned developers, some useful places to look for information are: * [Rust Forge][rustforge] contains additional documentation, including write-ups of how to achieve common tasks * The [Rust Internals forum][rif], a place to ask questions and discuss Rust's internals * The [generated documentation for rust's compiler][gdfrustc] * The [rust reference][rr], even though it doesn't specifically talk about Rust's internals, it's a great resource nonetheless * Although out of date, [Tom Lee's great blog article][tlgba] is very helpful * [rustaceans.org][ro] is helpful, but mostly dedicated to IRC * The [Rust Compiler Testing Docs][rctd] * For @bors, [this cheat sheet][cheatsheet] is helpful (Remember to replace `@homu` with `@bors` in the commands that you use.) * **Google!** ([search only in Rust Documentation][gsearchdocs] to find types, traits, etc. quickly) * Don't be afraid to ask! The Rust community is friendly and helpful. [gdfrustc]: http://manishearth.github.io/rust-internals-docs/rustc/ [gsearchdocs]: https://www.google.com/search?q=site:doc.rust-lang.org+your+query+here [rif]: http://internals.rust-lang.org [rr]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/README.html [rustforge]: https://forge.rust-lang.org/ [tlgba]: http://tomlee.co/2014/04/a-more-detailed-tour-of-the-rust-compiler/ [ro]: http://www.rustaceans.org/ [rctd]: ./src/test/COMPILER_TESTS.md [cheatsheet]: https://buildbot2.rust-lang.org/homu/