// cargo.rs - Rust package manager import syntax::{ast, codemap}; import syntax::parse; import rustc::metadata::filesearch::{get_cargo_root, get_cargo_root_nearest, get_cargo_sysroot, libdir}; import syntax::diagnostic; import result::{ok, err}; import io::writer_util; import std::json; import result; import std::map; import std::map::hashmap; import str; import std::tempfile; import vec; import std::getopts; import getopts::{optflag, optopt, opt_present}; type package = { name: str, uuid: str, url: str, method: str, description: str, ref: option<str>, tags: [str] }; type source = { name: str, url: str, sig: option<str>, key: option<str>, keyfp: option<str>, mut packages: [package] }; type cargo = { pgp: bool, root: str, bindir: str, libdir: str, workdir: str, sourcedir: str, sources: map::hashmap<str, source>, opts: options }; type pkg = { name: str, vers: str, uuid: str, desc: option<str>, sigs: option<str>, crate_type: option<str> }; type options = { test: bool, mode: mode, free: [str], help: bool, }; enum mode { system_mode, user_mode, local_mode } fn opts() -> [getopts::opt] { [optflag("g"), optflag("G"), optopt("mode"), optflag("test"), optflag("h"), optflag("help")] } fn info(msg: str) { io::stdout().write_line("info: " + msg); } fn warn(msg: str) { io::stdout().write_line("warning: " + msg); } fn error(msg: str) { io::stdout().write_line("error: " + msg); } fn load_link(mis: [@ast::meta_item]) -> (option<str>, option<str>, option<str>) { let mut name = none; let mut vers = none; let mut uuid = none; for mis.each {|a| alt a.node { ast::meta_name_value(v, {node: ast::lit_str(s), span: _}) { alt v { "name" { name = some(s); } "vers" { vers = some(s); } "uuid" { uuid = some(s); } _ { } } } _ { fail "load_link: meta items must be name-values"; } } } (name, vers, uuid) } fn load_pkg(filename: str) -> option<pkg> { let cm = codemap::new_codemap(); let handler = diagnostic::mk_handler(none); let sess = @{ cm: cm, mut next_id: 1, span_diagnostic: diagnostic::mk_span_handler(handler, cm), mut chpos: 0u, mut byte_pos: 0u }; let c = parse::parse_crate_from_crate_file(filename, [], sess); let mut name = none; let mut vers = none; let mut uuid = none; let mut desc = none; let mut sigs = none; let mut crate_type = none; for c.node.attrs.each {|a| alt a.node.value.node { ast::meta_name_value(v, {node: ast::lit_str(s), span: _}) { alt v { "desc" { desc = some(v); } "sigs" { sigs = some(v); } "crate_type" { crate_type = some(v); } _ { } } } ast::meta_list(v, mis) { if v == "link" { let (n, v, u) = load_link(mis); name = n; vers = v; uuid = u; } } _ { fail "load_pkg: pkg attributes may not contain meta_words"; } } } alt (name, vers, uuid) { (some(name0), some(vers0), some(uuid0)) { some({ name: name0, vers: vers0, uuid: uuid0, desc: desc, sigs: sigs, crate_type: crate_type}) } _ { ret none; } } } fn print(s: str) { io::stdout().write_line(s); } fn rest(s: str, start: uint) -> str { if (start >= str::len(s)) { "" } else { str::slice(s, start, str::len(s)) } } fn need_dir(s: str) { if os::path_is_dir(s) { ret; } if !os::make_dir(s, 493_i32 /* oct: 755 */) { fail #fmt["can't make_dir %s", s]; } } fn parse_source(name: str, j: json::json) -> source { alt j { json::dict(_j) { let url = alt _j.find("url") { some(json::string(u)) { u } _ { fail "Needed 'url' field in source."; } }; let sig = alt _j.find("sig") { some(json::string(u)) { some(u) } _ { none } }; let key = alt _j.find("key") { some(json::string(u)) { some(u) } _ { none } }; let keyfp = alt _j.find("keyfp") { some(json::string(u)) { some(u) } _ { none } }; ret { name: name, url: url, sig: sig, key: key, keyfp: keyfp, mut packages: [] }; } _ { fail "Needed dict value in source."; } }; } fn try_parse_sources(filename: str, sources: map::hashmap<str, source>) { if !os::path_exists(filename) { ret; } let c = io::read_whole_file_str(filename); alt json::from_str(result::get(c)) { ok(json::dict(j)) { for j.each { |k, v| sources.insert(k, parse_source(k, v)); #debug("source: %s", k); } } ok(_) { fail "malformed sources.json"; } err(e) { fail #fmt("%s:%u:%u: %s", filename, e.line, e.col, e.msg); } } } fn load_one_source_package(&src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) { let name = alt p.find("name") { some(json::string(_n)) { _n } _ { warn("Malformed source json: " + src.name + " (missing name)"); ret; } }; let uuid = alt p.find("uuid") { some(json::string(_n)) { _n } _ { warn("Malformed source json: " + src.name + " (missing uuid)"); ret; } }; let url = alt p.find("url") { some(json::string(_n)) { _n } _ { warn("Malformed source json: " + src.name + " (missing url)"); ret; } }; let method = alt p.find("method") { some(json::string(_n)) { _n } _ { warn("Malformed source json: " + src.name + " (missing method)"); ret; } }; let ref = alt p.find("ref") { some(json::string(_n)) { some(_n) } _ { none } }; let mut tags = []; alt p.find("tags") { some(json::list(js)) { for js.each {|j| alt j { json::string(_j) { vec::grow(tags, 1u, _j); } _ { } } } } _ { } } let description = alt p.find("description") { some(json::string(_n)) { _n } _ { warn("Malformed source json: " + src.name + " (missing description)"); ret; } }; vec::grow(src.packages, 1u, { name: name, uuid: uuid, url: url, method: method, description: description, ref: ref, tags: tags }); log(debug, " Loaded package: " + src.name + "/" + name); } fn load_source_packages(&c: cargo, &src: source) { log(debug, "Loading source: " + src.name); let dir = path::connect(c.sourcedir, src.name); let pkgfile = path::connect(dir, "packages.json"); if !os::path_exists(pkgfile) { ret; } let pkgstr = io::read_whole_file_str(pkgfile); alt json::from_str(result::get(pkgstr)) { ok(json::list(js)) { for js.each {|_j| alt _j { json::dict(_p) { load_one_source_package(src, _p); } _ { warn("Malformed source json: " + src.name + " (non-dict pkg)"); } } } } ok(_) { warn("Malformed source json: " + src.name + "(packages is not a list)"); } err(e) { warn(#fmt("%s:%u:%u: %s", src.name, e.line, e.col, e.msg)); } }; } fn build_cargo_options(argv: [str]) -> options { let match = alt getopts::getopts(argv, opts()) { result::ok(m) { m } result::err(f) { fail #fmt["%s", getopts::fail_str(f)]; } }; let test = opt_present(match, "test"); let G = opt_present(match, "G"); let g = opt_present(match, "g"); let m = opt_present(match, "mode"); let help = opt_present(match, "h") || opt_present(match, "help"); let is_install = vec::len(match.free) > 1u && match.free[1] == "install"; if G && g { fail "-G and -g both provided"; } if g && m { fail "--mode and -g both provided"; } if G && m { fail "--mode and -G both provided"; } if !is_install && (g || G || m) { fail "-g, -G, --mode are only valid for `install`"; } let mode = if !is_install || G { system_mode } else if g { user_mode } else if !m { local_mode } else { alt getopts::opt_str(match, "mode") { "system" { system_mode } "user" { user_mode } "local" { local_mode } _ { fail "argument to `mode` must be" + "one of `system`, `user`, or `local`"; }} }; {test: test, mode: mode, free: match.free, help: help} } fn configure(opts: options) -> cargo { // NOTE: to make init and sync save into non-root level directories // simply get rid of syscargo, below let syscargo = result::get(get_cargo_sysroot()); let get_cargo_dir = alt opts.mode { system_mode { get_cargo_sysroot } user_mode { get_cargo_root } local_mode { get_cargo_root_nearest } }; let p = result::get(get_cargo_dir()); let sources = map::str_hash::<source>(); try_parse_sources(path::connect(syscargo, "sources.json"), sources); try_parse_sources(path::connect(syscargo, "local-sources.json"), sources); let mut c = { pgp: pgp::supported(), root: p, bindir: path::connect(p, "bin"), libdir: path::connect(p, "lib"), workdir: path::connect(p, "work"), sourcedir: path::connect(syscargo, "sources"), sources: sources, opts: opts }; need_dir(c.root); need_dir(c.sourcedir); need_dir(c.workdir); need_dir(c.libdir); need_dir(c.bindir); for sources.each_key { |k| let mut s = sources.get(k); load_source_packages(c, s); sources.insert(k, s); } if c.pgp { pgp::init(c.root); } else { warn("command \"gpg\" is not found"); warn("you have to install \"gpg\" from source " + " or package manager to get it to work correctly"); } c } fn for_each_package(c: cargo, b: fn(source, package)) { for c.sources.each_value {|v| // FIXME (#2280): this temporary shouldn't be // necessary, but seems to be, for borrowing. let pks = copy v.packages; for vec::each(pks) {|p| b(v, p); } } } // Runs all programs in directory <buildpath> fn run_programs(buildpath: str) { let newv = os::list_dir_path(buildpath); for newv.each {|ct| run::run_program(ct, []); } } // Runs rustc in <path + subdir> with the given flags // and returns <path + subdir> fn run_in_buildpath(what: str, path: str, subdir: str, cf: str, extra_flags: [str]) -> option<str> { let buildpath = path::connect(path, subdir); need_dir(buildpath); #debug("%s: %s -> %s", what, cf, buildpath); let p = run::program_output(rustc_sysroot(), ["--out-dir", buildpath, cf] + extra_flags); if p.status != 0 { error(#fmt["rustc failed: %d\n%s\n%s", p.status, p.err, p.out]); ret none; } some(buildpath) } fn test_one_crate(_c: cargo, path: str, cf: str) { let buildpath = alt run_in_buildpath("Testing", path, "/test", cf, [ "--test"]) { none { ret; } some(bp) { bp } }; run_programs(buildpath); } fn install_one_crate(c: cargo, path: str, cf: str) { let buildpath = alt run_in_buildpath("Installing", path, "/build", cf, []) { none { ret; } some(bp) { bp } }; let newv = os::list_dir_path(buildpath); let exec_suffix = os::exe_suffix(); for newv.each {|ct| // FIXME: What's up with the dual installation? Both `install_to_dir` // and `install_one_crate_to_sysroot` install the binary files... if (exec_suffix != "" && str::ends_with(ct, exec_suffix)) || (exec_suffix == "" && !str::starts_with(path::basename(ct), "lib")) { #debug(" bin: %s", ct); install_to_dir(ct, c.bindir); if c.opts.mode == system_mode { install_one_crate_to_sysroot(ct, "bin"); } } else { #debug(" lib: %s", ct); install_to_dir(ct, c.libdir); if c.opts.mode == system_mode { install_one_crate_to_sysroot(ct, libdir()); } } } } fn install_one_crate_to_sysroot(ct: str, target: str) { alt os::self_exe_path() { some(_path) { let path = [_path, "..", target]; check vec::is_not_empty(path); let target_dir = path::normalize(path::connect_many(path)); install_to_dir(ct, target_dir); } none { } } } fn rustc_sysroot() -> str { alt os::self_exe_path() { some(_path) { let path = [_path, "..", "bin", "rustc"]; check vec::is_not_empty(path); let rustc = path::normalize(path::connect_many(path)); #debug(" rustc: %s", rustc); rustc } none { "rustc" } } } fn install_source(c: cargo, path: str) { #debug("source: %s", path); os::change_dir(path); let mut cratefiles = []; for os::walk_dir(".") {|p| if str::ends_with(p, ".rc") { cratefiles += [p]; } } if vec::is_empty(cratefiles) { fail "This doesn't look like a rust package (no .rc files)."; } for cratefiles.each {|cf| let p = load_pkg(cf); alt p { none { cont; } some(_) { if c.opts.test { test_one_crate(c, path, cf); } install_one_crate(c, path, cf); } } } } fn install_git(c: cargo, wd: str, url: str, ref: option<str>) { run::run_program("git", ["clone", url, wd]); if option::is_some::<str>(ref) { let r = option::get::<str>(ref); os::change_dir(wd); run::run_program("git", ["checkout", r]); } install_source(c, wd); } fn install_curl(c: cargo, wd: str, url: str) { let tarpath = path::connect(wd, "pkg.tar"); let p = run::program_output("curl", ["-f", "-s", "-o", tarpath, url]); if p.status != 0 { fail #fmt["Fetch of %s failed: %s", url, p.err]; } run::run_program("tar", ["-x", "--strip-components=1", "-C", wd, "-f", tarpath]); install_source(c, wd); } fn install_file(c: cargo, wd: str, path: str) { run::run_program("tar", ["-x", "--strip-components=1", "-C", wd, "-f", path]); install_source(c, wd); } fn install_package(c: cargo, wd: str, pkg: package) { info("Installing with " + pkg.method + " from " + pkg.url + "..."); if pkg.method == "git" { install_git(c, wd, pkg.url, pkg.ref); } else if pkg.method == "http" { install_curl(c, wd, pkg.url); } else if pkg.method == "file" { install_file(c, wd, pkg.url); } } fn cargo_suggestion(c: cargo, syncing: bool, fallback: fn()) { if c.sources.size() == 0u { error("No sources defined. You may wish to run " + "\"cargo init\" then \"cargo sync\"."); ret; } if !syncing { let mut npkg = 0u; for c.sources.each_value { |v| npkg += vec::len(v.packages) } if npkg == 0u { error("No packages known. You may wish to run " + "\"cargo sync\"."); ret; } } fallback(); } fn install_uuid(c: cargo, wd: str, uuid: str) { let mut ps = []; for_each_package(c, { |s, p| info(#fmt["%s ? %s", p.uuid, uuid]); if p.uuid == uuid { vec::grow(ps, 1u, (s.name, p)); } }); if vec::len(ps) == 1u { let (_, p) = ps[0]; install_package(c, wd, p); ret; } else if vec::len(ps) == 0u { cargo_suggestion(c, false, { || error("No packages match uuid."); }); ret; } error("Found multiple packages:"); for ps.each {|elt| let (sname,p) = elt; info(" " + sname + "/" + p.uuid + " (" + p.name + ")"); } } fn install_named(c: cargo, wd: str, name: str) { let mut ps = []; for_each_package(c, { |s, p| if p.name == name { vec::grow(ps, 1u, (s.name, p)); } }); if vec::len(ps) == 1u { let (_, p) = ps[0]; install_package(c, wd, p); ret; } else if vec::len(ps) == 0u { cargo_suggestion(c, false, { || error("No packages match name."); }); ret; } error("Found multiple packages:"); for ps.each {|elt| let (sname,p) = elt; info(" " + sname + "/" + p.uuid + " (" + p.name + ")"); } } fn install_uuid_specific(c: cargo, wd: str, src: str, uuid: str) { alt c.sources.find(src) { some(s) { let packages = copy s.packages; if vec::any(packages, { |p| if p.uuid == uuid { install_package(c, wd, p); true } else { false } }) { ret; } } _ { } } error("Can't find package " + src + "/" + uuid); } fn install_named_specific(c: cargo, wd: str, src: str, name: str) { alt c.sources.find(src) { some(s) { let packages = copy s.packages; if vec::any(packages, { |p| if p.name == name { install_package(c, wd, p); true } else { false } }) { ret; } } _ { } } error("Can't find package " + src + "/" + name); } fn cmd_install(c: cargo) unsafe { // cargo install <pkg> if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 3u { cmd_usage(); ret; } let target = c.opts.free[2]; let wd_base = c.workdir + path::path_sep(); let wd = alt tempfile::mkdtemp(wd_base, "") { some(_wd) { _wd } none { fail #fmt("needed temp dir: %s", wd_base); } }; if str::starts_with(target, "uuid:") { let mut uuid = rest(target, 5u); alt str::find_char(uuid, '/') { option::some(idx) { let source = str::slice(uuid, 0u, idx); uuid = str::slice(uuid, idx + 1u, str::len(uuid)); install_uuid_specific(c, wd, source, uuid); } option::none { install_uuid(c, wd, uuid); } } } else if str::starts_with(target, "git:") { let ref = if c.opts.free.len() >= 4u { some(c.opts.free[3u]) } else { none }; install_git(c, wd, target, ref) } else if target == "git" { if c.opts.free.len() < 4u { fail #fmt("needed git url"); } let url = c.opts.free[3u]; let ref = if c.opts.free.len() >= 5u { some(c.opts.free[4u]) } else { none }; install_git(c, wd, url, ref) } else { let mut name = target; alt str::find_char(name, '/') { option::some(idx) { let source = str::slice(name, 0u, idx); name = str::slice(name, idx + 1u, str::len(name)); install_named_specific(c, wd, source, name); } option::none { install_named(c, wd, name); } } } } fn sync_one(c: cargo, name: str, src: source) { let dir = path::connect(c.sourcedir, name); let pkgfile = path::connect(dir, "packages.json.new"); let destpkgfile = path::connect(dir, "packages.json"); let sigfile = path::connect(dir, "packages.json.sig"); let keyfile = path::connect(dir, "key.gpg"); let url = src.url; need_dir(dir); info(#fmt["fetching source %s...", name]); let p = run::program_output("curl", ["-f", "-s", "-o", pkgfile, url]); if p.status != 0 { warn(#fmt["fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url]); } else { info(#fmt["fetched source: %s", name]); } alt src.sig { some(u) { let p = run::program_output("curl", ["-f", "-s", "-o", sigfile, u]); if p.status != 0 { warn(#fmt["fetch for source %s (sig %s) failed", name, u]); } } _ { } } alt src.key { some(u) { let p = run::program_output("curl", ["-f", "-s", "-o", keyfile, u]); if p.status != 0 { warn(#fmt["fetch for source %s (key %s) failed", name, u]); } pgp::add(c.root, keyfile); } _ { } } alt (src.sig, src.key, src.keyfp) { (some(_), some(_), some(f)) { let r = pgp::verify(c.root, pkgfile, sigfile, f); if !r { warn(#fmt["signature verification failed for source %s", name]); } else { info(#fmt["signature ok for source %s", name]); } } _ { info(#fmt["no signature for source %s", name]); } } copy_warn(pkgfile, destpkgfile); } fn cmd_sync(c: cargo) { if vec::len(c.opts.free) == 3u { sync_one(c, c.opts.free[2], c.sources.get(c.opts.free[2])); } else { cargo_suggestion(c, true, { || } ); for c.sources.each { |k, v| sync_one(c, k, v); } } } fn cmd_init(c: cargo) { let srcurl = "http://www.rust-lang.org/cargo/sources.json"; let sigurl = "http://www.rust-lang.org/cargo/sources.json.sig"; let srcfile = path::connect(c.root, "sources.json.new"); let sigfile = path::connect(c.root, "sources.json.sig"); let destsrcfile = path::connect(c.root, "sources.json"); let p = run::program_output("curl", ["-f", "-s", "-o", srcfile, srcurl]); if p.status != 0 { warn(#fmt["fetch of sources.json failed: %s", p.out]); ret; } let p = run::program_output("curl", ["-f", "-s", "-o", sigfile, sigurl]); if p.status != 0 { warn(#fmt["fetch of sources.json.sig failed: %s", p.out]); ret; } let r = pgp::verify(c.root, srcfile, sigfile, pgp::signing_key_fp()); if !r { warn(#fmt["signature verification failed for '%s'", srcfile]); } else { info(#fmt["signature ok for '%s'", srcfile]); } copy_warn(srcfile, destsrcfile); info(#fmt["Initialized .cargo in %s", c.root]); } fn print_pkg(s: source, p: package) { let mut m = s.name + "/" + p.name + " (" + p.uuid + ")"; if vec::len(p.tags) > 0u { m = m + " [" + str::connect(p.tags, ", ") + "]"; } info(m); if p.description != "" { print(" >> " + p.description + "\n") } } fn cmd_list(c: cargo) { for_each_package(c, { |s, p| if vec::len(c.opts.free) <= 2u || c.opts.free[2] == s.name { print_pkg(s, p); } }); } fn cmd_search(c: cargo) { if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 3u { cmd_usage(); ret; } let mut n = 0; let name = c.opts.free[2]; let tags = vec::slice(c.opts.free, 3u, vec::len(c.opts.free)); for_each_package(c, { |s, p| if (str::contains(p.name, name) || name == "*") && vec::all(tags, { |t| vec::contains(p.tags, t) }) { print_pkg(s, p); n += 1; } }); info(#fmt["Found %d packages.", n]); } fn install_to_dir(srcfile: str, destdir: str) { let newfile = path::connect(destdir, path::basename(srcfile)); info(#fmt["Installing '%s'...", newfile]); run::run_program("cp", [srcfile, newfile]); } fn copy_warn(srcfile: str, destfile: str) { if !os::copy_file(srcfile, destfile) { warn(#fmt["Copying %s to %s failed", srcfile, destfile]); } } // FIXME: decide on either [-g | -G] or [--mode=...] and remove the other fn cmd_usage() { print("Usage: cargo <verb> [options] [args...]\n" + " e.g.: cargo [init | sync]\n" + " e.g.: cargo install [-g | -G | --mode=MODE] ] [PACKAGE...] Initialization: init Set up the cargo system near this binary, for example, at /usr/local/lib/cargo/ sync Sync all package sources Querying: list [source] List packages search <name | '*'> [tags...] Search packages usage Display this message Package installation: [options] [source/]PKGNAME Install a package by name [options] uuid:[source/]PKGUUID Install a package by uuid [options] git [url] [ref] Install a package by git [options] git://[url] [ref] Install a package by git Package installation options: --mode=MODE Install to one of the following locations: local (./.cargo/bin/, which is the default), user (~/.cargo/bin/), or system (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/) --test Run crate tests before installing -g Equivalent to --mode=user -G Equivalent to --mode=system Other: -h, --help Display this message "); } fn main(argv: [str]) { let o = build_cargo_options(argv); if vec::len(o.free) < 2u || o.help { cmd_usage(); ret; } let c = configure(o); alt o.free[1] { "init" { cmd_init(c); } "install" { cmd_install(c); } "list" { cmd_list(c); } "search" { cmd_search(c); } "sync" { cmd_sync(c); } "usage" { cmd_usage(); } _ { cmd_usage(); } } }