//@ normalize-stderr-test: "(the raw bytes of the constant) \(size: [0-9]*, align: [0-9]*\)" -> "$1 (size: $$SIZE, align: $$ALIGN)" //@ normalize-stderr-test: "([0-9a-f][0-9a-f] |╾─*ALLOC[0-9]+(\+[a-z0-9]+)?()?─*╼ )+ *│.*" -> "HEX_DUMP" #![feature(const_refs_to_static, const_mut_refs, sync_unsafe_cell)] use std::cell::SyncUnsafeCell; static S: SyncUnsafeCell = SyncUnsafeCell::new(0); static mut S_MUT: i32 = 0; const C1: &SyncUnsafeCell = &S; //~ERROR undefined behavior //~| encountered reference to mutable memory const C1_READ: () = unsafe { assert!(*C1.get() == 0); }; const C2: *const i32 = unsafe { std::ptr::addr_of!(S_MUT) }; const C2_READ: () = unsafe { assert!(*C2 == 0); //~ERROR evaluation of constant value failed //~^ constant accesses mutable global memory }; fn main() { }