#![feature(rustc_private)] // FIXME: switch to something more ergonomic here, once available. // (Currently there is no way to opt into sysroot crates without `extern crate`.) #[allow(unused_extern_crates)] extern crate rustc_driver; #[allow(unused_extern_crates)] extern crate rustc_interface; #[allow(unused_extern_crates)] extern crate rustc_plugin; use rustc_interface::interface; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{exit, Command}; fn show_version() { println!(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); } /// If a command-line option matches `find_arg`, then apply the predicate `pred` on its value. If /// true, then return it. The parameter is assumed to be either `--arg=value` or `--arg value`. fn arg_value<'a>( args: impl IntoIterator, find_arg: &str, pred: impl Fn(&str) -> bool, ) -> Option<&'a str> { let mut args = args.into_iter().map(String::as_str); while let Some(arg) = args.next() { let arg: Vec<_> = arg.splitn(2, '=').collect(); if arg.get(0) != Some(&find_arg) { continue; } let value = arg.get(1).cloned().or_else(|| args.next()); if value.as_ref().map_or(false, |p| pred(p)) { return value; } } None } #[test] fn test_arg_value() { let args: Vec<_> = ["--bar=bar", "--foobar", "123", "--foo"] .iter() .map(std::string::ToString::to_string) .collect(); assert_eq!(arg_value(None, "--foobar", |_| true), None); assert_eq!(arg_value(&args, "--bar", |_| false), None); assert_eq!(arg_value(&args, "--bar", |_| true), Some("bar")); assert_eq!(arg_value(&args, "--bar", |p| p == "bar"), Some("bar")); assert_eq!(arg_value(&args, "--bar", |p| p == "foo"), None); assert_eq!(arg_value(&args, "--foobar", |p| p == "foo"), None); assert_eq!(arg_value(&args, "--foobar", |p| p == "123"), Some("123")); assert_eq!(arg_value(&args, "--foo", |_| true), None); } #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] struct ClippyCallbacks; impl rustc_driver::Callbacks for ClippyCallbacks { fn after_parsing(&mut self, compiler: &interface::Compiler) -> bool { let sess = compiler.session(); let mut registry = rustc_plugin::registry::Registry::new( sess, compiler .parse() .expect( "at this compilation stage \ the crate must be parsed", ) .peek() .span, ); registry.args_hidden = Some(Vec::new()); let conf = clippy_lints::read_conf(®istry); clippy_lints::register_plugins(&mut registry, &conf); let rustc_plugin::registry::Registry { early_lint_passes, late_lint_passes, lint_groups, llvm_passes, attributes, .. } = registry; let mut ls = sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(); for pass in early_lint_passes { ls.register_early_pass(Some(sess), true, false, pass); } for pass in late_lint_passes { ls.register_late_pass(Some(sess), true, pass); } for (name, (to, deprecated_name)) in lint_groups { ls.register_group(Some(sess), true, name, deprecated_name, to); } clippy_lints::register_pre_expansion_lints(sess, &mut ls, &conf); clippy_lints::register_renamed(&mut ls); sess.plugin_llvm_passes.borrow_mut().extend(llvm_passes); sess.plugin_attributes.borrow_mut().extend(attributes); // Continue execution true } } pub fn main() { rustc_driver::init_rustc_env_logger(); exit( rustc_driver::report_ices_to_stderr_if_any(move || { use std::env; if std::env::args().any(|a| a == "--version" || a == "-V") { show_version(); exit(0); } let mut orig_args: Vec = env::args().collect(); // Get the sysroot, looking from most specific to this invocation to the least: // - command line // - runtime environment // - SYSROOT // - RUSTUP_HOME, MULTIRUST_HOME, RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN, MULTIRUST_TOOLCHAIN // - sysroot from rustc in the path // - compile-time environment let sys_root_arg = arg_value(&orig_args, "--sysroot", |_| true); let have_sys_root_arg = sys_root_arg.is_some(); let sys_root = sys_root_arg .map(std::string::ToString::to_string) .or_else(|| std::env::var("SYSROOT").ok()) .or_else(|| { let home = option_env!("RUSTUP_HOME").or(option_env!("MULTIRUST_HOME")); let toolchain = option_env!("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN").or(option_env!("MULTIRUST_TOOLCHAIN")); home.and_then(|home| toolchain.map(|toolchain| format!("{}/toolchains/{}", home, toolchain))) }) .or_else(|| { Command::new("rustc") .arg("--print") .arg("sysroot") .output() .ok() .and_then(|out| String::from_utf8(out.stdout).ok()) .map(|s| s.trim().to_owned()) }) .or_else(|| option_env!("SYSROOT").map(String::from)) .expect("need to specify SYSROOT env var during clippy compilation, or use rustup or multirust"); // Setting RUSTC_WRAPPER causes Cargo to pass 'rustc' as the first argument. // We're invoking the compiler programmatically, so we ignore this/ if orig_args.len() <= 1 { std::process::exit(1); } if Path::new(&orig_args[1]).file_stem() == Some("rustc".as_ref()) { // we still want to be able to invoke it normally though orig_args.remove(1); } // this conditional check for the --sysroot flag is there so users can call // `clippy_driver` directly // without having to pass --sysroot or anything let mut args: Vec = if have_sys_root_arg { orig_args.clone() } else { orig_args .clone() .into_iter() .chain(Some("--sysroot".to_owned())) .chain(Some(sys_root)) .collect() }; // this check ensures that dependencies are built but not linted and the final // crate is // linted but not built let clippy_enabled = env::var("CLIPPY_TESTS").ok().map_or(false, |val| val == "true") || arg_value(&orig_args, "--emit", |val| val.split(',').any(|e| e == "metadata")).is_some(); if clippy_enabled { args.extend_from_slice(&["--cfg".to_owned(), r#"feature="cargo-clippy""#.to_owned()]); if let Ok(extra_args) = env::var("CLIPPY_ARGS") { args.extend(extra_args.split("__CLIPPY_HACKERY__").filter_map(|s| { if s.is_empty() { None } else { Some(s.to_string()) } })); } } let mut clippy = ClippyCallbacks; let mut default = rustc_driver::DefaultCallbacks; let callbacks: &mut (dyn rustc_driver::Callbacks + Send) = if clippy_enabled { &mut clippy } else { &mut default }; let args = args; rustc_driver::run_compiler(&args, callbacks, None, None) }) .and_then(|result| result) .is_err() as i32, ) }