//! Project loading & configuration updates use std::{mem, sync::Arc}; use flycheck::{FlycheckConfig, FlycheckHandle}; use hir::db::DefDatabase; use ide::Change; use ide_db::base_db::{ CrateGraph, Env, ProcMacro, ProcMacroExpander, ProcMacroExpansionError, ProcMacroKind, SourceRoot, VfsPath, }; use proc_macro_api::{MacroDylib, ProcMacroServer}; use project_model::{ProjectWorkspace, WorkspaceBuildScripts}; use vfs::{file_set::FileSetConfig, AbsPath, AbsPathBuf, ChangeKind}; use crate::{ config::{Config, FilesWatcher, LinkedProject}, global_state::GlobalState, lsp_ext, main_loop::Task, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum ProjectWorkspaceProgress { Begin, Report(String), End(Vec>), } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum BuildDataProgress { Begin, Report(String), End((Arc>, Vec>)), } impl GlobalState { pub(crate) fn is_quiescent(&self) -> bool { !(self.fetch_workspaces_queue.op_in_progress() || self.fetch_build_data_queue.op_in_progress() || self.vfs_progress_config_version < self.vfs_config_version || self.vfs_progress_n_done < self.vfs_progress_n_total) } pub(crate) fn update_configuration(&mut self, config: Config) { let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::update_configuration"); let old_config = mem::replace(&mut self.config, Arc::new(config)); if self.config.lru_capacity() != old_config.lru_capacity() { self.analysis_host.update_lru_capacity(self.config.lru_capacity()); } if self.config.linked_projects() != old_config.linked_projects() { self.fetch_workspaces_queue.request_op() } else if self.config.flycheck() != old_config.flycheck() { self.reload_flycheck(); } // Apply experimental feature flags. self.analysis_host .raw_database_mut() .set_enable_proc_attr_macros(self.config.expand_proc_attr_macros()); } pub(crate) fn current_status(&self) -> lsp_ext::ServerStatusParams { let mut status = lsp_ext::ServerStatusParams { health: lsp_ext::Health::Ok, quiescent: self.is_quiescent(), message: None, }; if let Some(error) = self.fetch_build_data_error() { status.health = lsp_ext::Health::Warning; status.message = Some(error) } if !self.config.cargo_autoreload() && self.is_quiescent() && self.fetch_workspaces_queue.op_requested() { status.health = lsp_ext::Health::Warning; status.message = Some("Workspace reload required".to_string()) } if let Some(error) = self.fetch_workspace_error() { status.health = lsp_ext::Health::Error; status.message = Some(error) } status } pub(crate) fn fetch_workspaces(&mut self) { tracing::info!("will fetch workspaces"); self.task_pool.handle.spawn_with_sender({ let linked_projects = self.config.linked_projects(); let detached_files = self.config.detached_files().to_vec(); let cargo_config = self.config.cargo(); move |sender| { let progress = { let sender = sender.clone(); move |msg| { sender .send(Task::FetchWorkspace(ProjectWorkspaceProgress::Report(msg))) .unwrap() } }; sender.send(Task::FetchWorkspace(ProjectWorkspaceProgress::Begin)).unwrap(); let mut workspaces = linked_projects .iter() .map(|project| match project { LinkedProject::ProjectManifest(manifest) => { project_model::ProjectWorkspace::load( manifest.clone(), &cargo_config, &progress, ) } LinkedProject::InlineJsonProject(it) => { project_model::ProjectWorkspace::load_inline( it.clone(), cargo_config.target.as_deref(), ) } }) .collect::>(); if !detached_files.is_empty() { workspaces .push(project_model::ProjectWorkspace::load_detached_files(detached_files)); } tracing::info!("did fetch workspaces {:?}", workspaces); sender .send(Task::FetchWorkspace(ProjectWorkspaceProgress::End(workspaces))) .unwrap(); } }); } pub(crate) fn fetch_build_data(&mut self) { let workspaces = Arc::clone(&self.workspaces); let config = self.config.cargo(); self.task_pool.handle.spawn_with_sender(move |sender| { sender.send(Task::FetchBuildData(BuildDataProgress::Begin)).unwrap(); let progress = { let sender = sender.clone(); move |msg| { sender.send(Task::FetchBuildData(BuildDataProgress::Report(msg))).unwrap() } }; let mut res = Vec::new(); for ws in workspaces.iter() { res.push(ws.run_build_scripts(&config, &progress)); } sender.send(Task::FetchBuildData(BuildDataProgress::End((workspaces, res)))).unwrap(); }); } pub(crate) fn switch_workspaces(&mut self) { let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::switch_workspaces"); tracing::info!("will switch workspaces"); if let Some(error_message) = self.fetch_workspace_error() { tracing::error!("failed to switch workspaces: {}", error_message); if !self.workspaces.is_empty() { // It only makes sense to switch to a partially broken workspace // if we don't have any workspace at all yet. return; } } if let Some(error_message) = self.fetch_build_data_error() { tracing::error!("failed to switch build data: {}", error_message); } let workspaces = self .fetch_workspaces_queue .last_op_result() .iter() .filter_map(|res| res.as_ref().ok().cloned()) .collect::>(); fn eq_ignore_build_data<'a>( left: &'a ProjectWorkspace, right: &'a ProjectWorkspace, ) -> bool { let key = |p: &'a ProjectWorkspace| match p { ProjectWorkspace::Cargo { cargo, sysroot, rustc, rustc_cfg, cfg_overrides, build_scripts: _, } => Some((cargo, sysroot, rustc, rustc_cfg, cfg_overrides)), _ => None, }; match (key(left), key(right)) { (Some(lk), Some(rk)) => lk == rk, _ => left == right, } } let same_workspaces = workspaces.len() == self.workspaces.len() && workspaces .iter() .zip(self.workspaces.iter()) .all(|(l, r)| eq_ignore_build_data(l, r)); if same_workspaces { let (workspaces, build_scripts) = self.fetch_build_data_queue.last_op_result(); if Arc::ptr_eq(&workspaces, &self.workspaces) { let workspaces = workspaces .iter() .cloned() .zip(build_scripts) .map(|(mut ws, bs)| { ws.set_build_scripts(bs.as_ref().ok().cloned().unwrap_or_default()); ws }) .collect::>(); // Workspaces are the same, but we've updated build data. self.workspaces = Arc::new(workspaces); } else { // Current build scripts do not match the version of the active // workspace, so there's nothing for us to update. return; } } else { // Here, we completely changed the workspace (Cargo.toml edit), so // we don't care about build-script results, they are stale. self.workspaces = Arc::new(workspaces) } if let FilesWatcher::Client = self.config.files().watcher { if self.config.did_change_watched_files_dynamic_registration() { let registration_options = lsp_types::DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions { watchers: self .workspaces .iter() .flat_map(|ws| ws.to_roots()) .filter(|it| it.is_local) .flat_map(|root| { root.include.into_iter().flat_map(|it| { [ format!("{}/**/*.rs", it.display()), format!("{}/**/Cargo.toml", it.display()), format!("{}/**/Cargo.lock", it.display()), ] }) }) .map(|glob_pattern| lsp_types::FileSystemWatcher { glob_pattern, kind: None, }) .collect(), }; let registration = lsp_types::Registration { id: "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles".to_string(), method: "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles".to_string(), register_options: Some(serde_json::to_value(registration_options).unwrap()), }; self.send_request::( lsp_types::RegistrationParams { registrations: vec![registration] }, |_, _| (), ); } } let mut change = Change::new(); let files_config = self.config.files(); let project_folders = ProjectFolders::new(&self.workspaces, &files_config.exclude); if self.proc_macro_client.is_none() { self.proc_macro_client = match self.config.proc_macro_srv() { None => None, Some((path, args)) => match ProcMacroServer::spawn(path.clone(), args) { Ok(it) => Some(it), Err(err) => { tracing::error!( "Failed to run proc_macro_srv from path {}, error: {:?}", path.display(), err ); None } }, }; } let watch = match files_config.watcher { FilesWatcher::Client => vec![], FilesWatcher::Notify => project_folders.watch, }; self.vfs_config_version += 1; self.loader.handle.set_config(vfs::loader::Config { load: project_folders.load, watch, version: self.vfs_config_version, }); // Create crate graph from all the workspaces let crate_graph = { let proc_macro_client = self.proc_macro_client.as_ref(); let mut load_proc_macro = move |path: &AbsPath| load_proc_macro(proc_macro_client, path); let vfs = &mut self.vfs.write().0; let loader = &mut self.loader; let mem_docs = &self.mem_docs; let mut load = move |path: &AbsPath| { let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::load"); let vfs_path = vfs::VfsPath::from(path.to_path_buf()); if !mem_docs.contains(&vfs_path) { let contents = loader.handle.load_sync(path); vfs.set_file_contents(vfs_path.clone(), contents); } let res = vfs.file_id(&vfs_path); if res.is_none() { tracing::warn!("failed to load {}", path.display()) } res }; let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default(); for ws in self.workspaces.iter() { crate_graph.extend(ws.to_crate_graph(&mut load_proc_macro, &mut load)); } crate_graph }; change.set_crate_graph(crate_graph); self.source_root_config = project_folders.source_root_config; self.analysis_host.apply_change(change); self.process_changes(); self.reload_flycheck(); tracing::info!("did switch workspaces"); } fn fetch_workspace_error(&self) -> Option { let mut buf = String::new(); for ws in self.fetch_workspaces_queue.last_op_result() { if let Err(err) = ws { stdx::format_to!(buf, "rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: {:#}\n", err); } } if buf.is_empty() { return None; } Some(buf) } fn fetch_build_data_error(&self) -> Option { let mut buf = "rust-analyzer failed to run build scripts:\n".to_string(); let mut has_errors = false; for ws in &self.fetch_build_data_queue.last_op_result().1 { match ws { Ok(data) => { if let Some(err) = data.error() { has_errors = true; stdx::format_to!(buf, "{:#}\n", err); } } Err(err) => { has_errors = true; stdx::format_to!(buf, "{:#}\n", err); } } } if has_errors { Some(buf) } else { None } } fn reload_flycheck(&mut self) { let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::reload_flycheck"); let config = match self.config.flycheck() { Some(it) => it, None => { self.flycheck = Vec::new(); return; } }; let sender = self.flycheck_sender.clone(); self.flycheck = self .workspaces .iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(id, w)| match w { ProjectWorkspace::Cargo { cargo, .. } => Some((id, cargo.workspace_root())), ProjectWorkspace::Json { project, .. } => { // Enable flychecks for json projects if a custom flycheck command was supplied // in the workspace configuration. match config { FlycheckConfig::CustomCommand { .. } => Some((id, project.path())), _ => None, } } ProjectWorkspace::DetachedFiles { .. } => None, }) .map(|(id, root)| { let sender = sender.clone(); FlycheckHandle::spawn( id, Box::new(move |msg| sender.send(msg).unwrap()), config.clone(), root.to_path_buf().into(), ) }) .collect(); } } #[derive(Default)] pub(crate) struct ProjectFolders { pub(crate) load: Vec, pub(crate) watch: Vec, pub(crate) source_root_config: SourceRootConfig, } impl ProjectFolders { pub(crate) fn new( workspaces: &[ProjectWorkspace], global_excludes: &[AbsPathBuf], ) -> ProjectFolders { let mut res = ProjectFolders::default(); let mut fsc = FileSetConfig::builder(); let mut local_filesets = vec![]; for root in workspaces.iter().flat_map(|ws| ws.to_roots()) { let file_set_roots: Vec = root.include.iter().cloned().map(VfsPath::from).collect(); let entry = { let mut dirs = vfs::loader::Directories::default(); dirs.extensions.push("rs".into()); dirs.include.extend(root.include); dirs.exclude.extend(root.exclude); for excl in global_excludes { if dirs .include .iter() .any(|incl| incl.starts_with(excl) || excl.starts_with(incl)) { dirs.exclude.push(excl.clone()); } } vfs::loader::Entry::Directories(dirs) }; if root.is_local { res.watch.push(res.load.len()); } res.load.push(entry); if root.is_local { local_filesets.push(fsc.len()); } fsc.add_file_set(file_set_roots) } let fsc = fsc.build(); res.source_root_config = SourceRootConfig { fsc, local_filesets }; res } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub(crate) struct SourceRootConfig { pub(crate) fsc: FileSetConfig, pub(crate) local_filesets: Vec, } impl SourceRootConfig { pub(crate) fn partition(&self, vfs: &vfs::Vfs) -> Vec { let _p = profile::span("SourceRootConfig::partition"); self.fsc .partition(vfs) .into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(idx, file_set)| { let is_local = self.local_filesets.contains(&idx); if is_local { SourceRoot::new_local(file_set) } else { SourceRoot::new_library(file_set) } }) .collect() } } pub(crate) fn load_proc_macro(client: Option<&ProcMacroServer>, path: &AbsPath) -> Vec { let dylib = match MacroDylib::new(path.to_path_buf()) { Ok(it) => it, Err(err) => { // FIXME: that's not really right -- we store this error in a // persistent status. tracing::warn!("failed to load proc macro: {}", err); return Vec::new(); } }; return client .map(|it| it.load_dylib(dylib)) .into_iter() .flat_map(|it| match it { Ok(Ok(macros)) => macros, Err(err) => { tracing::error!("proc macro server crashed: {}", err); Vec::new() } Ok(Err(err)) => { // FIXME: that's not really right -- we store this error in a // persistent status. tracing::warn!("failed to load proc macro: {}", err); Vec::new() } }) .map(expander_to_proc_macro) .collect(); fn expander_to_proc_macro(expander: proc_macro_api::ProcMacro) -> ProcMacro { let name = expander.name().into(); let kind = match expander.kind() { proc_macro_api::ProcMacroKind::CustomDerive => ProcMacroKind::CustomDerive, proc_macro_api::ProcMacroKind::FuncLike => ProcMacroKind::FuncLike, proc_macro_api::ProcMacroKind::Attr => ProcMacroKind::Attr, }; let expander = Arc::new(Expander(expander)); ProcMacro { name, kind, expander } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Expander(proc_macro_api::ProcMacro); impl ProcMacroExpander for Expander { fn expand( &self, subtree: &tt::Subtree, attrs: Option<&tt::Subtree>, env: &Env, ) -> Result { let env = env.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v.to_string())).collect(); match self.0.expand(subtree, attrs, env) { Ok(Ok(subtree)) => Ok(subtree), Ok(Err(err)) => Err(ProcMacroExpansionError::Panic(err.0)), Err(err) => Err(ProcMacroExpansionError::System(err.to_string())), } } } } pub(crate) fn should_refresh_for_change(path: &AbsPath, change_kind: ChangeKind) -> bool { const IMPLICIT_TARGET_FILES: &[&str] = &["build.rs", "src/main.rs", "src/lib.rs"]; const IMPLICIT_TARGET_DIRS: &[&str] = &["src/bin", "examples", "tests", "benches"]; let file_name = path.file_name().unwrap_or_default(); if file_name == "Cargo.toml" || file_name == "Cargo.lock" { return true; } if change_kind == ChangeKind::Modify { return false; } if path.extension().unwrap_or_default() != "rs" { return false; } if IMPLICIT_TARGET_FILES.iter().any(|it| path.as_ref().ends_with(it)) { return true; } let parent = match path.parent() { Some(it) => it, None => return false, }; if IMPLICIT_TARGET_DIRS.iter().any(|it| parent.as_ref().ends_with(it)) { return true; } if file_name == "main.rs" { let grand_parent = match parent.parent() { Some(it) => it, None => return false, }; if IMPLICIT_TARGET_DIRS.iter().any(|it| grand_parent.as_ref().ends_with(it)) { return true; } } false }