import syntax::ast; import ast::ident; import ast::fn_ident; import ast::node_id; import ast::def_id; import syntax::codemap::span; import syntax::visit; import visit::vt; import std::vec; import std::str; import std::option; import std::option::some; import std::option::none; import std::option::is_none; // This is not an alias-analyser (though it would merit from becoming one, or // getting input from one, to be more precise). It is a pass that checks // whether aliases are used in a safe way. Beyond that, though it doesn't have // a lot to do with aliases, it also checks whether assignments are valid // (using an lval, which is actually mutable), since it already has all the // information needed to do that (and the typechecker, which would be a // logical place for such a check, doesn't). tag valid { valid; overwritten(span, ast::path); val_taken(span, ast::path); } type restrict = @rec(vec[node_id] root_vars, node_id block_defnum, vec[node_id] bindings, vec[ty::t] tys, vec[uint] depends_on, mutable valid ok); type scope = vec[restrict]; tag local_info { arg(ast::mode); objfield(ast::mutability); } type ctx = rec(@ty::ctxt tcx, std::map::hashmap[node_id, local_info] local_map); fn check_crate(@ty::ctxt tcx, &@ast::crate crate) { auto cx = @rec(tcx=tcx, // Stores information about object fields and function // arguments that's otherwise not easily available. local_map=std::map::new_int_hash()); auto v = @rec(visit_fn=bind visit_fn(cx, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), visit_item=bind visit_item(cx, _, _, _), visit_expr=bind visit_expr(cx, _, _, _) with *visit::default_visitor[scope]()); visit::visit_crate(*crate, [], visit::vtor(v)); tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); } fn visit_fn(@ctx cx, &ast::_fn f, &vec[ast::ty_param] tp, &span sp, &fn_ident name, ast::node_id id, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { visit::visit_fn_decl(f.decl, sc, v); for (ast::arg arg_ in f.decl.inputs) { cx.local_map.insert(, arg(arg_.mode)); } vt(v).visit_block(f.body, [], v); } fn visit_item(@ctx cx, &@ast::item i, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { alt (i.node) { case (ast::item_obj(?o, _, _)) { for (ast::obj_field f in o.fields) { cx.local_map.insert(, objfield(f.mut)); } } case (_) { } } visit::visit_item(i, sc, v); } fn visit_expr(@ctx cx, &@ast::expr ex, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { auto handled = true; alt (ex.node) { case (ast::expr_call(?f, ?args)) { check_call(*cx, f, args, sc); handled = false; } case (ast::expr_be(?cl)) { check_tail_call(*cx, cl); visit::visit_expr(cl, sc, v); } case (ast::expr_alt(?input, ?arms)) { check_alt(*cx, input, arms, sc, v); } case (ast::expr_put(?val)) { alt (val) { case (some(?ex)) { auto root = expr_root(*cx, ex, false); if (mut_field(root.ds)) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(ex.span, "result of put must be" + " immutably rooted"); } visit_expr(cx, ex, sc, v); } case (_) { } } } case (ast::expr_for_each(?decl, ?call, ?block)) { check_for_each(*cx, decl, call, block, sc, v); } case (ast::expr_for(?decl, ?seq, ?block)) { check_for(*cx, decl, seq, block, sc, v); } case (ast::expr_path(?pt)) { check_var(*cx, ex, pt,, false, sc); handled = false; } case (ast::expr_swap(?lhs, ?rhs)) { check_lval(cx, lhs, sc, v); check_lval(cx, rhs, sc, v); handled = false; } case (ast::expr_move(?dest, ?src)) { check_assign(cx, dest, src, sc, v); check_move_rhs(cx, src, sc, v); } case (ast::expr_assign(?dest, ?src)) { check_assign(cx, dest, src, sc, v); } case (ast::expr_assign_op(_, ?dest, ?src)) { check_assign(cx, dest, src, sc, v); } case (_) { handled = false; } } if (!handled) { visit::visit_expr(ex, sc, v); } } fn check_call(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr f, &vec[@ast::expr] args, &scope sc) -> rec(vec[node_id] root_vars, vec[ty::t] unsafe_ts) { auto fty = ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, f); auto arg_ts = fty_args(cx, fty); let vec[node_id] roots = []; let vec[tup(uint, node_id)] mut_roots = []; let vec[ty::t] unsafe_ts = []; let vec[uint] unsafe_t_offsets = []; auto i = 0u; for (ty::arg arg_t in arg_ts) { if (arg_t.mode != ty::mo_val) { auto arg = args.(i); auto root = expr_root(cx, arg, false); if (arg_t.mode == ty::mo_alias(true)) { alt (path_def_id(cx, arg)) { case (some(?did)) { vec::push(mut_roots, tup(i, did._1)); } case (_) { if (!mut_field(root.ds)) { auto m = "passing a temporary value or \ immutable field by mutable alias"; cx.tcx.sess.span_err(arg.span, m); } } } } alt (path_def_id(cx, root.ex)) { case (some(?did)) { vec::push(roots, did._1); } case (_) { } } alt (inner_mut(root.ds)) { case (some(?t)) { vec::push(unsafe_ts, t); vec::push(unsafe_t_offsets, i); } case (_) { } } } i += 1u; } if (vec::len(unsafe_ts) > 0u) { alt (f.node) { case (ast::expr_path(_)) { if (def_is_local(cx.tcx.def_map.get(, true)) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(f.span, #fmt("function may alias with \ argument %u, which is not immutably rooted", unsafe_t_offsets.(0))); } } case (_) { } } } auto j = 0u; for (ty::t unsafe in unsafe_ts) { auto offset = unsafe_t_offsets.(j); j += 1u; auto i = 0u; for (ty::arg arg_t in arg_ts) { auto mut_alias = arg_t.mode == ty::mo_alias(true); if (i != offset && ty_can_unsafely_include(cx, unsafe, arg_t.ty, mut_alias)) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(args.(i).span, #fmt("argument %u may alias with \ argument %u, which is not immutably rooted", i, offset)); } i += 1u; } } // Ensure we're not passing a root by mutable alias. for (tup(uint, node_id) root in mut_roots) { auto mut_alias_to_root = vec::count(root._1, roots) > 1u; for (restrict r in sc) { if (vec::member(root._1, r.root_vars)) { mut_alias_to_root = true; } } if (mut_alias_to_root) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(args.(root._0).span, "passing a mutable alias to a \ variable that roots another alias"); } } ret rec(root_vars=roots, unsafe_ts=unsafe_ts); } fn check_tail_call(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr call) { auto args; auto f = alt (call.node) { case (ast::expr_call(?f, ?args_)) { args = args_; f } }; auto i = 0u; for (ty::arg arg_t in fty_args(cx, ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, f))) { if (arg_t.mode != ty::mo_val) { auto mut_a = arg_t.mode == ty::mo_alias(true); auto ok = true; alt (args.(i).node) { case (ast::expr_path(_)) { auto def = cx.tcx.def_map.get(args.(i).id); auto dnum = ast::def_id_of_def(def)._1; alt (cx.local_map.find(dnum)) { case (some(arg(ast::alias(?mut)))) { if (mut_a && !mut) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(args.(i).span, "passing an immutable \ alias by mutable alias"); } } case (_) { ok = !def_is_local(def, false); } } } case (_) { ok = false; } } if (!ok) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(args.(i).span, "can not pass a local value by \ alias to a tail call"); } } i += 1u; } } fn check_alt(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr input, &vec[ast::arm] arms, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { visit::visit_expr(input, sc, v); auto root = expr_root(cx, input, true); auto roots = alt (path_def_id(cx, root.ex)) { case (some(?did)) { [did._1] } case (_) { [] } }; let vec[ty::t] forbidden_tp = alt (inner_mut(root.ds)) { case (some(?t)) { [t] } case (_) { [] } }; for (ast::arm a in arms) { auto dnums = arm_defnums(a); auto new_sc = sc; if (vec::len(dnums) > 0u) { new_sc = sc + [@rec(root_vars=roots, block_defnum=dnums.(0), bindings=dnums, tys=forbidden_tp, depends_on=deps(sc, roots), mutable ok=valid)]; } visit::visit_arm(a, new_sc, v); } } fn arm_defnums(&ast::arm arm) -> vec[node_id] { auto dnums = []; fn walk_pat(&mutable vec[node_id] found, &@ast::pat p) { alt (p.node) { case (ast::pat_bind(_)) { vec::push(found,; } case (ast::pat_tag(_, ?children)) { for (@ast::pat child in children) { walk_pat(found, child); } } case (_) { } } } walk_pat(dnums, arm.pat); ret dnums; } fn check_for_each(&ctx cx, &@ast::local local, &@ast::expr call, &ast::block block, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { visit::visit_expr(call, sc, v); alt (call.node) { case (ast::expr_call(?f, ?args)) { auto data = check_call(cx, f, args, sc); auto defnum =; auto new_sc = @rec(root_vars=data.root_vars, block_defnum=defnum, bindings=[defnum], tys=data.unsafe_ts, depends_on=deps(sc, data.root_vars), mutable ok=valid); visit::visit_block(block, sc + [new_sc], v); } } } fn check_for(&ctx cx, &@ast::local local, &@ast::expr seq, &ast::block block, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { visit::visit_expr(seq, sc, v); auto defnum =; auto root = expr_root(cx, seq, false); auto root_def = alt (path_def_id(cx, root.ex)) { case (some(?did)) { [did._1] } case (_) { [] } }; auto unsafe = alt (inner_mut(root.ds)) { case (some(?t)) { [t] } case (_) { [] } }; // If this is a mutable vector, don't allow it to be touched. auto seq_t = ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, seq); alt (ty::struct(*cx.tcx, seq_t)) { case (ty::ty_vec(?mt)) { if (mt.mut != ast::imm) { unsafe = [seq_t]; } } case (ty::ty_str) { /* no-op */ } case (ty::ty_ivec(?mt)) { if (mt.mut != ast::imm) { unsafe = [seq_t]; } } case (ty::ty_istr) { /* no-op */ } case (_) { cx.tcx.sess.span_unimpl(seq.span, "unknown seq type " + util::ppaux::ty_to_str(*cx.tcx, seq_t)); } } auto new_sc = @rec(root_vars=root_def, block_defnum=defnum, bindings=[defnum], tys=unsafe, depends_on=deps(sc, root_def), mutable ok=valid); visit::visit_block(block, sc + [new_sc], v); } fn check_var(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr ex, &ast::path p, ast::node_id id, bool assign, &scope sc) { auto def = cx.tcx.def_map.get(id); if (!def_is_local(def, true)) { ret; } auto my_defnum = ast::def_id_of_def(def)._1; auto var_t = ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, ex); for (restrict r in sc) { // excludes variables introduced since the alias was made if (my_defnum < r.block_defnum) { for (ty::t t in r.tys) { if (ty_can_unsafely_include(cx, t, var_t, assign)) { r.ok = val_taken(ex.span, p); } } } else if (vec::member(my_defnum, r.bindings)) { test_scope(cx, sc, r, p); } } } fn check_lval(&@ctx cx, &@ast::expr dest, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { alt (dest.node) { case (ast::expr_path(?p)) { auto dnum = ast::def_id_of_def(cx.tcx.def_map.get(; if (is_immutable_alias(cx, sc, dnum)) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(dest.span, "assigning to immutable alias"); } else if (is_immutable_objfield(cx, dnum)) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(dest.span, "assigning to immutable obj field"); } for (restrict r in sc) { if (vec::member(dnum, r.root_vars)) { r.ok = overwritten(dest.span, p); } } } case (_) { auto root = expr_root(*cx, dest, false); if (vec::len(root.ds) == 0u) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err(dest.span, "assignment to non-lvalue"); } else if (!root.ds.(0).mut) { auto name = alt (root.ds.(0).kind) { case (unbox) { "box" } case (field) { "field" } case (index) { "vec content" } }; cx.tcx.sess.span_err(dest.span, "assignment to immutable " + name); } visit_expr(cx, dest, sc, v); } } } fn check_move_rhs(&@ctx cx, &@ast::expr src, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { alt (src.node) { case (ast::expr_path(?p)) { check_lval(cx, src, sc, v); } case (_) { auto root = expr_root(*cx, src, false); // Not a path and no-derefs means this is a temporary. if (vec::len(root.ds) != 0u) { cx.tcx.sess.span_err (src.span, "moving out of a data structure"); } } } } fn check_assign(&@ctx cx, &@ast::expr dest, &@ast::expr src, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) { visit_expr(cx, src, sc, v); check_lval(cx, dest, sc, v); } fn is_immutable_alias(&@ctx cx, &scope sc, node_id dnum) -> bool { alt (cx.local_map.find(dnum)) { case (some(arg(ast::alias(false)))) { ret true; } case (_) { } } for (restrict r in sc) { if (vec::member(dnum, r.bindings)) { ret true; } } ret false; } fn is_immutable_objfield(&@ctx cx, node_id dnum) -> bool { ret cx.local_map.find(dnum) == some(objfield(ast::imm)); } fn test_scope(&ctx cx, &scope sc, &restrict r, &ast::path p) { auto prob = r.ok; for (uint dep in r.depends_on) { if (prob != valid) { break; } prob = sc.(dep).ok; } if (prob != valid) { auto msg = alt (prob) { case (overwritten(?sp, ?wpt)) { tup(sp, "overwriting " + ast::path_name(wpt)) } case (val_taken(?sp, ?vpt)) { tup(sp, "taking the value of " + ast::path_name(vpt)) } }; cx.tcx.sess.span_err(msg._0, msg._1 + " will invalidate alias " + ast::path_name(p) + ", which is still used"); } } fn deps(&scope sc, vec[node_id] roots) -> vec[uint] { auto i = 0u; auto result = []; for (restrict r in sc) { for (node_id dn in roots) { if (vec::member(dn, r.bindings)) { vec::push(result, i); } } i += 1u; } ret result; } tag deref_t { unbox; field; index; } type deref = rec(bool mut, deref_t kind, ty::t outer_t); // Finds the root (the thing that is dereferenced) for the given expr, and a // vec of dereferences that were used on this root. Note that, in this vec, // the inner derefs come in front, so becomes rec(ex=foo, // ds=[field(baz),field(bar)]) fn expr_root(&ctx cx, @ast::expr ex, bool autoderef) -> rec(@ast::expr ex, vec[deref] ds) { fn maybe_auto_unbox(&ctx cx, &ty::t t) -> rec(ty::t t, option::t[deref] d) { alt (ty::struct(*cx.tcx, t)) { case (ty::ty_box(?mt)) { ret rec(t=mt.ty, d=some(rec(mut=mt.mut != ast::imm, kind=unbox, outer_t=t))); } case (_) { ret rec(t=t, d=none); } } } fn maybe_push_auto_unbox(&option::t[deref] d, &mutable vec[deref] ds) { alt (d) { case (some(?d)) { vec::push(ds, d); } case (none) { } } } let vec[deref] ds = []; while (true) { alt ({ ex.node }) { case (ast::expr_field(?base, ?ident)) { auto auto_unbox = maybe_auto_unbox(cx, ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, base)); auto mut = false; alt (ty::struct(*cx.tcx, auto_unbox.t)) { case (ty::ty_tup(?fields)) { auto fnm = ty::field_num(cx.tcx.sess, ex.span, ident); mut = fields.(fnm).mut != ast::imm; } case (ty::ty_rec(?fields)) { for (ty::field fld in fields) { if (str::eq(ident, fld.ident)) { mut = != ast::imm; break; } } } case (ty::ty_obj(_)) { } } vec::push(ds, rec(mut=mut, kind=field, outer_t=auto_unbox.t)); maybe_push_auto_unbox(auto_unbox.d, ds); ex = base; } case (ast::expr_index(?base, _)) { auto auto_unbox = maybe_auto_unbox(cx, ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, base)); alt (ty::struct(*cx.tcx, auto_unbox.t)) { case (ty::ty_vec(?mt)) { vec::push(ds, rec(mut=mt.mut != ast::imm, kind=index, outer_t=auto_unbox.t)); } case (ty::ty_ivec(?mt)) { vec::push(ds, rec(mut=mt.mut != ast::imm, kind=index, outer_t=auto_unbox.t)); } } maybe_push_auto_unbox(auto_unbox.d, ds); ex = base; } case (ast::expr_unary(?op, ?base)) { if (op == ast::deref) { auto base_t = ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, base); auto mut = false; alt (ty::struct(*cx.tcx, base_t)) { case (ty::ty_box(?mt)) { mut = mt.mut != ast::imm; } case (ty::ty_res(_, _, _)) {} case (ty::ty_tag(_, _)) {} } vec::push(ds, rec(mut=mut, kind=unbox, outer_t=base_t)); ex = base; } else { break; } } case (_) { break; } } } if (autoderef) { auto auto_unbox = maybe_auto_unbox(cx, ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, ex)); maybe_push_auto_unbox(auto_unbox.d, ds); } ret rec(ex=ex, ds=ds); } fn mut_field(&vec[deref] ds) -> bool { for (deref d in ds) { if (d.mut) { ret true; } } ret false; } fn inner_mut(&vec[deref] ds) -> option::t[ty::t] { for (deref d in ds) { if (d.mut) { ret some(d.outer_t); } } ret none; } fn path_def_id(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr ex) -> option::t[ast::def_id] { alt (ex.node) { case (ast::expr_path(_)) { ret some(ast::def_id_of_def(cx.tcx.def_map.get(; } case (_) { ret none; } } } fn ty_can_unsafely_include(&ctx cx, ty::t needle, ty::t haystack, bool mut) -> bool { fn get_mut(bool cur, &ty::mt mt) -> bool { ret cur || mt.mut != ast::imm; } fn helper(&ty::ctxt tcx, ty::t needle, ty::t haystack, bool mut) -> bool { if (needle == haystack) { ret true; } alt (ty::struct(tcx, haystack)) { case (ty::ty_tag(_, ?ts)) { for (ty::t t in ts) { if (helper(tcx, needle, t, mut)) { ret true; } } ret false; } case (ty::ty_box(?mt)) { ret helper(tcx, needle, mt.ty, get_mut(mut, mt)); } case (ty::ty_vec(?mt)) { ret helper(tcx, needle, mt.ty, get_mut(mut, mt)); } case (ty::ty_ptr(?mt)) { ret helper(tcx, needle, mt.ty, get_mut(mut, mt)); } case (ty::ty_tup(?mts)) { for (ty::mt mt in mts) { if (helper(tcx, needle, mt.ty, get_mut(mut, mt))) { ret true; } } ret false; } case (ty::ty_rec(?fields)) { for (ty::field f in fields) { if (helper(tcx, needle,, get_mut(mut, { ret true; } } ret false; } case ( // These may contain anything. ty::ty_fn(_, _, _, _, _)) { ret true; } case (ty::ty_obj(_)) { ret true; } case ( // A type param may include everything, but can only be // treated as opaque downstream, and is thus safe unless we // saw mutable fields, in which case the whole thing can be // overwritten. ty::ty_param(_)) { ret mut; } case (_) { ret false; } } } ret helper(*cx.tcx, needle, haystack, mut); } fn def_is_local(&ast::def d, bool objfields_count) -> bool { ret alt (d) { case (ast::def_local(_)) { true } case (ast::def_arg(_)) { true } case (ast::def_obj_field(_)) { objfields_count } case (ast::def_binding(_)) { true } case (_) { false } }; } fn fty_args(&ctx cx, ty::t fty) -> ty::arg[] { ret alt (ty::struct(*cx.tcx, ty::type_autoderef(*cx.tcx, fty))) { case (ty::ty_fn(_, ?args, _, _, _)) { args } case (ty::ty_native_fn(_, ?args, _)) { args } }; } // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: