// A simpler variant of `outlives-from-argument` where cells are // passed by value. // // This is simpler because there are no "extraneous" region // relationships. In the 'main' variant, there are a number of // anonymous regions as well. //@ compile-flags:-Zverbose-internals #![feature(rustc_attrs)] use std::cell::Cell; // Callee knows that: // // 'x: 'a // 'b: 'y // // so if we are going to ensure that `'x: 'y`, then `'a: 'b` must // hold. fn establish_relationships<'a, 'b, F>(_cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>, _cell_b: Cell<&'b u32>, _closure: F) where F: for<'x, 'y> FnMut( Cell<&'a &'x u32>, // shows that 'x: 'a Cell<&'y &'b u32>, // shows that 'b: 'y Cell<&'x u32>, Cell<&'y u32>, ), { } fn demand_y<'x, 'y>(_outlives1: Cell<&&'x u32>, _outlives2: Cell<&'y &u32>, _y: &'y u32) {} #[rustc_regions] fn test<'a, 'b>(cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>, cell_b: Cell<&'b u32>) { establish_relationships(cell_a, cell_b, |outlives1, outlives2, x, y| { // Only works if 'x: 'y: demand_y(outlives1, outlives2, x.get()) //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough }); } fn main() {}