use std::any::Any; use std::ffi::CString; use std::fs::File; use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int}; use rustc::middle::cstore::EncodedMetadata; use rustc::mir::mono::{Linkage as RLinkage, Visibility}; use rustc::session::config::{DebugInfo, OutputType}; use rustc_codegen_ssa::back::linker::LinkerInfo; use rustc_codegen_ssa::CrateInfo; use cranelift_faerie::*; use crate::prelude::*; pub fn codegen_crate( tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, metadata: EncodedMetadata, need_metadata_module: bool, ) -> Box { tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); let mut log = if cfg!(debug_assertions) { Some(File::create(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/target/out/log.txt")).unwrap()) } else { None }; if std::env::var("SHOULD_RUN").is_ok() && tcx.sess.crate_types.get().contains(&CrateType::Executable) { #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] let _: ! = run_jit(tcx, &mut log); #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] panic!("jit not supported on wasm"); } run_aot(tcx, metadata, need_metadata_module, &mut log) } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] fn run_jit(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, log: &mut Option) -> ! { use cranelift_simplejit::{SimpleJITBackend, SimpleJITBuilder}; let imported_symbols = load_imported_symbols_for_jit(tcx); let mut jit_builder = SimpleJITBuilder::with_isa( crate::build_isa(tcx.sess, false), cranelift_module::default_libcall_names(), ); jit_builder.symbols(imported_symbols); let mut jit_module: Module = Module::new(jit_builder); assert_eq!(pointer_ty(tcx), jit_module.target_config().pointer_type()); let sig = Signature { params: vec![ AbiParam::new(jit_module.target_config().pointer_type()), AbiParam::new(jit_module.target_config().pointer_type()), ], returns: vec![AbiParam::new( jit_module.target_config().pointer_type(), /*isize*/ )], call_conv: crate::default_call_conv(tcx.sess), }; let main_func_id = jit_module .declare_function("main", Linkage::Import, &sig) .unwrap(); codegen_cgus(tcx, &mut jit_module, &mut None, log); crate::allocator::codegen(tcx, &mut jit_module); jit_module.finalize_definitions(); tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); let finalized_main: *const u8 = jit_module.get_finalized_function(main_func_id); println!("Rustc codegen cranelift will JIT run the executable, because the SHOULD_RUN env var is set"); let f: extern "C" fn(c_int, *const *const c_char) -> c_int = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(finalized_main) }; let args = ::std::env::var("JIT_ARGS").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::new()); let args = args .split(" ") .chain(Some(&*tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE).as_str().to_string())) .map(|arg| CString::new(arg).unwrap()) .collect::>(); let argv = args.iter().map(|arg| arg.as_ptr()).collect::>(); // TODO: Rust doesn't care, but POSIX argv has a NULL sentinel at the end let ret = f(args.len() as c_int, argv.as_ptr()); jit_module.finish(); std::process::exit(ret); } fn load_imported_symbols_for_jit(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Vec<(String, *const u8)> { use rustc::middle::dependency_format::Linkage; let mut dylib_paths = Vec::new(); let crate_info = CrateInfo::new(tcx); let formats = tcx.dependency_formats(LOCAL_CRATE); let data = &formats .iter() .find(|(crate_type, _data)| *crate_type == CrateType::Executable) .unwrap() .1; for &(cnum, _) in &crate_info.used_crates_dynamic { let src = &crate_info.used_crate_source[&cnum]; match data[cnum.as_usize() - 1] { Linkage::NotLinked | Linkage::IncludedFromDylib => {} Linkage::Static => { let name = tcx.crate_name(cnum); let mut err = tcx .sess .struct_err(&format!("Can't load static lib {}", name.as_str())); err.note("rustc_codegen_cranelift can only load dylibs in JIT mode."); err.emit(); } Linkage::Dynamic => { dylib_paths.push(src.dylib.as_ref().unwrap().0.clone()); } } } let mut imported_symbols = Vec::new(); for path in dylib_paths { use object::Object; let lib = libloading::Library::new(&path).unwrap(); let obj = std::fs::read(path).unwrap(); let obj = object::File::parse(&obj).unwrap(); imported_symbols.extend(obj.dynamic_symbols().filter_map(|(_idx, symbol)| { let name =; if name.is_empty() || !symbol.is_global() || symbol.is_undefined() { return None; } let symbol: libloading::Symbol<*const u8> = unsafe { lib.get(name.as_bytes()) }.unwrap(); Some((name, *symbol)) })); std::mem::forget(lib) } tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); imported_symbols } fn run_aot( tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, metadata: EncodedMetadata, need_metadata_module: bool, log: &mut Option, ) -> Box { let new_module = |name: String| { let module: Module = Module::new( FaerieBuilder::new( crate::build_isa(tcx.sess, true), name + ".o", FaerieTrapCollection::Disabled, cranelift_module::default_libcall_names(), ) .unwrap(), ); assert_eq!(pointer_ty(tcx), module.target_config().pointer_type()); module }; let emit_module = |kind: ModuleKind, mut module: Module, debug: Option| { module.finalize_definitions(); let mut artifact = module.finish().artifact; if let Some(mut debug) = debug { debug.emit(&mut artifact); } let tmp_file = tcx .output_filenames(LOCAL_CRATE) .temp_path(OutputType::Object, Some(&; let obj = artifact.emit().unwrap(); std::fs::write(&tmp_file, obj).unwrap(); CompiledModule { name:, kind, object: Some(tmp_file), bytecode: None, bytecode_compressed: None, } }; let mut faerie_module = new_module("some_file".to_string()); let mut debug = if tcx.sess.opts.debuginfo != DebugInfo::None // macOS debuginfo doesn't work yet (see #303) && ! { let debug = DebugContext::new( tcx, faerie_module.target_config().pointer_type().bytes() as u8, ); Some(debug) } else { None }; codegen_cgus(tcx, &mut faerie_module, &mut debug, log); tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); let mut allocator_module = new_module("allocator_shim".to_string()); let created_alloc_shim = crate::allocator::codegen(tcx, &mut allocator_module); rustc_incremental::assert_dep_graph(tcx); rustc_incremental::save_dep_graph(tcx); rustc_incremental::finalize_session_directory(tcx.sess, tcx.crate_hash(LOCAL_CRATE)); let metadata_module = if need_metadata_module { let _timer ="codegen crate metadata"); let (metadata_cgu_name, tmp_file) = rustc::util::common::time(tcx.sess, "write compressed metadata", || { use rustc::mir::mono::CodegenUnitNameBuilder; let cgu_name_builder = &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder::new(tcx); let metadata_cgu_name = cgu_name_builder .build_cgu_name(LOCAL_CRATE, &["crate"], Some("metadata")) .as_str() .to_string(); let mut metadata_artifact = faerie::Artifact::new( crate::build_isa(tcx.sess, true).triple().clone(), metadata_cgu_name.clone(), ); crate::metadata::write_metadata(tcx, &mut metadata_artifact); let tmp_file = tcx .output_filenames(LOCAL_CRATE) .temp_path(OutputType::Metadata, Some(&metadata_cgu_name)); let obj = metadata_artifact.emit().unwrap(); std::fs::write(&tmp_file, obj).unwrap(); (metadata_cgu_name, tmp_file) }); Some(CompiledModule { name: metadata_cgu_name, kind: ModuleKind::Metadata, object: Some(tmp_file), bytecode: None, bytecode_compressed: None, }) } else { None }; Box::new(CodegenResults { crate_name: tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE), modules: vec![emit_module( ModuleKind::Regular, faerie_module, debug, )], allocator_module: if created_alloc_shim { Some(emit_module( ModuleKind::Allocator, allocator_module, None, )) } else { None }, metadata_module, crate_hash: tcx.crate_hash(LOCAL_CRATE), metadata, windows_subsystem: None, // Windows is not yet supported linker_info: LinkerInfo::new(tcx), crate_info: CrateInfo::new(tcx), }) } fn codegen_cgus<'tcx>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, module: &mut Module, debug: &mut Option>, log: &mut Option, ) { let (_, cgus) = tcx.collect_and_partition_mono_items(LOCAL_CRATE); let mono_items = cgus .iter() .map(|cgu| cgu.items_in_deterministic_order(tcx).into_iter()) .flatten() .collect::>(); codegen_mono_items(tcx, module, debug.as_mut(), log, mono_items); crate::main_shim::maybe_create_entry_wrapper(tcx, module); } fn codegen_mono_items<'tcx>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, module: &mut Module, debug_context: Option<&mut DebugContext<'tcx>>, log: &mut Option, mono_items: FxHashMap, (RLinkage, Visibility)>, ) { let mut cx = CodegenCx::new(tcx, module, debug_context); time("codegen mono items", move || { for (mono_item, (linkage, visibility)) in mono_items { crate::unimpl::try_unimpl(tcx, log, || { let linkage = crate::linkage::get_clif_linkage(mono_item, linkage, visibility); trans_mono_item(&mut cx, mono_item, linkage); }); } cx.finalize(); }); } fn trans_mono_item<'clif, 'tcx, B: Backend + 'static>( cx: &mut crate::CodegenCx<'clif, 'tcx, B>, mono_item: MonoItem<'tcx>, linkage: Linkage, ) { let tcx = cx.tcx; match mono_item { MonoItem::Fn(inst) => { let _inst_guard = PrintOnPanic(|| format!("{:?} {}", inst, tcx.symbol_name(inst).name.as_str())); debug_assert!(!inst.substs.needs_infer()); let _mir_guard = PrintOnPanic(|| { match inst.def { InstanceDef::Item(_) | InstanceDef::DropGlue(_, _) | InstanceDef::Virtual(_, _) => { let mut mir = ::std::io::Cursor::new(Vec::new()); crate::rustc_mir::util::write_mir_pretty( tcx, Some(inst.def_id()), &mut mir, ) .unwrap(); String::from_utf8(mir.into_inner()).unwrap() } _ => { // FIXME fix write_mir_pretty for these instances format!("{:#?}", tcx.instance_mir(inst.def)) } } }); crate::base::trans_fn(cx, inst, linkage); } MonoItem::Static(def_id) => { crate::constant::codegen_static(&mut cx.constants_cx, def_id); } MonoItem::GlobalAsm(node_id) => tcx .sess .fatal(&format!("Unimplemented global asm mono item {:?}", node_id)), } } fn time(name: &str, f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R { println!("[{}] start", name); let before = std::time::Instant::now(); let res = f(); let after = std::time::Instant::now(); println!("[{}] end time: {:?}", name, after - before); res }