// Copyright 2016 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use std::collections::HashSet; use build::{Build, Compiler}; #[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] pub struct Step<'a> { pub src: Source<'a>, pub target: &'a str, } macro_rules! targets { ($m:ident) => { $m! { // Step representing building the stageN compiler. This is just the // compiler executable itself, not any of the support libraries (rustc, Rustc { stage: u32 }), // Steps for the two main cargo builds, one for the standard library // and one for the compiler itself. These are parameterized over the // stage output they're going to be placed in along with the // compiler which is producing the copy of libstd or librustc (libstd, Libstd { stage: u32, compiler: Compiler<'a> }), (librustc, Librustc { stage: u32, compiler: Compiler<'a> }), // Links the standard library/librustc produced by the compiler // provided into the host's directory also provided. (libstd_link, LibstdLink { stage: u32, compiler: Compiler<'a>, host: &'a str }), (librustc_link, LibrustcLink { stage: u32, compiler: Compiler<'a>, host: &'a str }), // Steps for long-running native builds. Ideally these wouldn't // actually exist and would be part of build scripts, but for now // these are here. // // There aren't really any parameters to this, but empty structs // with braces are unstable so we just pick something that works. (llvm, Llvm { _dummy: () }), (compiler_rt, CompilerRt { _dummy: () }), (doc, Doc { stage: u32 }), (doc_book, DocBook { stage: u32 }), (doc_nomicon, DocNomicon { stage: u32 }), (doc_style, DocStyle { stage: u32 }), (doc_standalone, DocStandalone { stage: u32 }), } } } macro_rules! item { ($a:item) => ($a) } macro_rules! define_source { ($(($short:ident, $name:ident { $($args:tt)* }),)*) => { item! { #[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] pub enum Source<'a> { $($name { $($args)* }),* } } } } targets!(define_source); pub fn all(build: &Build) -> Vec { let mut ret = Vec::new(); let mut all = HashSet::new(); for target in top_level(build) { fill(build, &target, &mut ret, &mut all); } return ret; fn fill<'a>(build: &'a Build, target: &Step<'a>, ret: &mut Vec>, set: &mut HashSet>) { if set.insert(target.clone()) { for dep in target.deps(build) { fill(build, &dep, ret, set); } ret.push(target.clone()); } } } fn top_level(build: &Build) -> Vec { let mut targets = Vec::new(); let stage = build.flags.stage.unwrap_or(2); let host = Step { src: Source::Llvm { _dummy: () }, target: build.flags.host.iter().next() .unwrap_or(&build.config.build), }; let target = Step { src: Source::Llvm { _dummy: () }, target: build.flags.target.iter().next().map(|x| &x[..]) .unwrap_or(host.target) }; add_steps(build, stage, &host, &target, &mut targets); if targets.len() == 0 { let t = Step { src: Source::Llvm { _dummy: () }, target: &build.config.build, }; targets.push(t.doc(stage)); for host in build.config.host.iter() { if !build.flags.host.contains(host) { continue } let host = t.target(host); if host.target == build.config.build { targets.push(host.librustc(stage, host.compiler(stage))); } else { targets.push(host.librustc_link(stage, t.compiler(stage), host.target)); } for target in build.config.target.iter() { if !build.flags.target.contains(target) { continue } if host.target == build.config.build { targets.push(host.target(target) .libstd(stage, host.compiler(stage))); } else { targets.push(host.target(target) .libstd_link(stage, t.compiler(stage), host.target)); } } } } return targets } fn add_steps<'a>(build: &'a Build, stage: u32, host: &Step<'a>, target: &Step<'a>, targets: &mut Vec>) { for step in build.flags.step.iter() { let compiler = host.target(&build.config.build).compiler(stage); match &step[..] { "libstd" => targets.push(target.libstd(stage, compiler)), "librustc" => targets.push(target.librustc(stage, compiler)), "libstd-link" => targets.push(target.libstd_link(stage, compiler, host.target)), "librustc-link" => targets.push(target.librustc_link(stage, compiler, host.target)), "rustc" => targets.push(host.rustc(stage)), "llvm" => targets.push(target.llvm(())), "compiler-rt" => targets.push(target.compiler_rt(())), "doc-style" => targets.push(host.doc_style(stage)), "doc-standalone" => targets.push(host.doc_standalone(stage)), "doc-nomicon" => targets.push(host.doc_nomicon(stage)), "doc-book" => targets.push(host.doc_book(stage)), "doc" => targets.push(host.doc(stage)), _ => panic!("unknown build target: `{}`", step), } } } macro_rules! constructors { ($(($short:ident, $name:ident { $($arg:ident: $t:ty),* }),)*) => {$( fn $short(&self, $($arg: $t),*) -> Step<'a> { Step { src: Source::$name { $($arg: $arg),* }, target: self.target, } } )*} } impl<'a> Step<'a> { fn compiler(&self, stage: u32) -> Compiler<'a> { Compiler::new(stage, self.target) } fn target(&self, target: &'a str) -> Step<'a> { Step { target: target, src: self.src.clone() } } targets!(constructors); pub fn deps(&self, build: &'a Build) -> Vec> { match self.src { Source::Rustc { stage: 0 } => { Vec::new() } Source::Rustc { stage } => { let compiler = Compiler::new(stage - 1, &build.config.build); vec![self.librustc(stage - 1, compiler)] } Source::Librustc { stage, compiler } => { vec![self.libstd(stage, compiler), self.llvm(())] } Source::Libstd { stage: _, compiler } => { vec![self.compiler_rt(()), self.rustc(compiler.stage).target(compiler.host)] } Source::LibrustcLink { stage, compiler, host } => { vec![self.librustc(stage, compiler), self.libstd_link(stage, compiler, host)] } Source::LibstdLink { stage, compiler, host } => { vec![self.libstd(stage, compiler), self.target(host).rustc(stage)] } Source::CompilerRt { _dummy } => { vec![self.llvm(()).target(&build.config.build)] } Source::Llvm { _dummy } => Vec::new(), Source::DocBook { stage } | Source::DocNomicon { stage } | Source::DocStyle { stage } | Source::DocStandalone { stage } => { vec![self.rustc(stage)] } Source::Doc { stage } => { vec![self.doc_book(stage), self.doc_nomicon(stage), self.doc_style(stage), self.doc_standalone(stage)] } } } }