//! Handles dynamic library loading for proc macro use std::{ convert::TryInto, fmt, fs::File, io, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use libloading::Library; use memmap2::Mmap; use object::Object; use paths::AbsPath; use proc_macro_api::{read_dylib_info, ProcMacroKind}; use super::abis::Abi; const NEW_REGISTRAR_SYMBOL: &str = "_rustc_proc_macro_decls_"; fn invalid_data_err(e: impl Into>) -> io::Error { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e) } fn is_derive_registrar_symbol(symbol: &str) -> bool { symbol.contains(NEW_REGISTRAR_SYMBOL) } fn find_registrar_symbol(file: &Path) -> io::Result> { let file = File::open(file)?; let buffer = unsafe { Mmap::map(&file)? }; Ok(object::File::parse(&*buffer) .map_err(invalid_data_err)? .exports() .map_err(invalid_data_err)? .into_iter() .map(|export| export.name()) .filter_map(|sym| String::from_utf8(sym.into()).ok()) .find(|sym| is_derive_registrar_symbol(sym)) .map(|sym| { // From MacOS docs: // https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man3/dlsym.3.html // Unlike other dyld API's, the symbol name passed to dlsym() must NOT be // prepended with an underscore. if cfg!(target_os = "macos") && sym.starts_with('_') { sym[1..].to_owned() } else { sym } })) } /// Loads dynamic library in platform dependent manner. /// /// For unix, you have to use RTLD_DEEPBIND flag to escape problems described /// [here](https://github.com/fedochet/rust-proc-macro-panic-inside-panic-expample) /// and [here](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/60593). /// /// Usage of RTLD_DEEPBIND /// [here](https://github.com/fedochet/rust-proc-macro-panic-inside-panic-expample/issues/1) /// /// It seems that on Windows that behaviour is default, so we do nothing in that case. #[cfg(windows)] fn load_library(file: &Path) -> Result { unsafe { Library::new(file) } } #[cfg(unix)] fn load_library(file: &Path) -> Result { use libloading::os::unix::Library as UnixLibrary; use std::os::raw::c_int; const RTLD_NOW: c_int = 0x00002; const RTLD_DEEPBIND: c_int = 0x00008; unsafe { UnixLibrary::open(Some(file), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_DEEPBIND).map(|lib| lib.into()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum LoadProcMacroDylibError { Io(io::Error), LibLoading(libloading::Error), UnsupportedABI, } impl fmt::Display for LoadProcMacroDylibError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::Io(e) => e.fmt(f), Self::UnsupportedABI => write!(f, "unsupported ABI version"), Self::LibLoading(e) => e.fmt(f), } } } impl From for LoadProcMacroDylibError { fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self { LoadProcMacroDylibError::Io(e) } } impl From for LoadProcMacroDylibError { fn from(e: libloading::Error) -> Self { LoadProcMacroDylibError::LibLoading(e) } } struct ProcMacroLibraryLibloading { // Hold on to the library so it doesn't unload _lib: Library, abi: Abi, } impl ProcMacroLibraryLibloading { fn open(file: &Path) -> Result { let symbol_name = find_registrar_symbol(file)?.ok_or_else(|| { invalid_data_err(format!("Cannot find registrar symbol in file {}", file.display())) })?; let abs_file: &AbsPath = file.try_into().map_err(|_| { invalid_data_err(format!("expected an absolute path, got {}", file.display())) })?; let version_info = read_dylib_info(abs_file)?; let lib = load_library(file).map_err(invalid_data_err)?; let abi = Abi::from_lib(&lib, symbol_name, version_info)?; Ok(ProcMacroLibraryLibloading { _lib: lib, abi }) } } pub struct Expander { inner: ProcMacroLibraryLibloading, } impl Expander { pub fn new(lib: &Path) -> Result { // Some libraries for dynamic loading require canonicalized path even when it is // already absolute let lib = lib.canonicalize()?; let lib = ensure_file_with_lock_free_access(&lib)?; let library = ProcMacroLibraryLibloading::open(lib.as_ref())?; Ok(Expander { inner: library }) } pub fn expand( &self, macro_name: &str, macro_body: &tt::Subtree, attributes: Option<&tt::Subtree>, ) -> Result { let result = self.inner.abi.expand(macro_name, macro_body, attributes); result.map_err(|e| e.as_str().unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string())) } pub fn list_macros(&self) -> Vec<(String, ProcMacroKind)> { self.inner.abi.list_macros() } } /// Copy the dylib to temp directory to prevent locking in Windows #[cfg(windows)] fn ensure_file_with_lock_free_access(path: &Path) -> io::Result { use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hasher}; if std::env::var("RA_DONT_COPY_PROC_MACRO_DLL").is_ok() { return Ok(path.to_path_buf()); } let mut to = std::env::temp_dir(); let file_name = path.file_name().ok_or_else(|| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, format!("File path is invalid: {}", path.display()), ) })?; // Generate a unique number by abusing `HashMap`'s hasher. // Maybe this will also "inspire" a libs team member to finally put `rand` in libstd. let t = RandomState::new().build_hasher().finish(); let mut unique_name = OsString::from(t.to_string()); unique_name.push(file_name); to.push(unique_name); std::fs::copy(path, &to).unwrap(); Ok(to) } #[cfg(unix)] fn ensure_file_with_lock_free_access(path: &Path) -> io::Result { Ok(path.to_path_buf()) }