# This file should only ignore things that are generated during a `x.py` build, # generated by common IDEs, and optional files controlled by the user that # affect the build (such as config.toml). # In particular, things like `mir_dump` should not be listed here; they are only # created during manual debugging and many people like to clean up instead of # having git ignore such leftovers. You can use `.git/info/exclude` to # configure your local ignore list. ## File system .DS_Store desktop.ini ## Editor *.swp *.swo Session.vim .cproject .idea *.iml .vscode .project .favorites.json .settings/ .vs/ ## Tool .valgrindrc .cargo # Included because it is part of the test case !/tests/run-make/thumb-none-qemu/example/.cargo ## Configuration /config.toml /Makefile config.mk config.stamp no_llvm_build ## Build /dl/ /doc/ /inst/ /llvm/ /mingw-build/ build/ /build-rust-analyzer/ /dist/ /unicode-downloads /target /src/bootstrap/target /src/tools/x/target # Created by default with `src/ci/docker/run.sh` /obj/ ## Temporary files *~ \#* \#*\# .#* ## Tags tags tags.* TAGS TAGS.* ## Python __pycache__/ *.py[cod] *$py.class ## Node node_modules package-lock.json package.json ## Rustdoc GUI tests tests/rustdoc-gui/src/**.lock # Before adding new lines, see the comment at the top.