#![feature(rustc_private)] extern crate getopts; extern crate miri; extern crate rustc; extern crate rustc_driver; extern crate env_logger; extern crate log_settings; extern crate syntax; #[macro_use] extern crate log; use miri::{ EvalContext, CachedMir, step, EvalError, Frame, }; use rustc::session::Session; use rustc_driver::{driver, CompilerCalls, Compilation}; use rustc::ty::{TyCtxt, subst}; use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId; struct MiriCompilerCalls; impl<'a> CompilerCalls<'a> for MiriCompilerCalls { fn build_controller( &mut self, _: &Session, _: &getopts::Matches ) -> driver::CompileController<'a> { let mut control = driver::CompileController::basic(); control.after_analysis.stop = Compilation::Stop; control.after_analysis.callback = Box::new(|state| { state.session.abort_if_errors(); let tcx = state.tcx.unwrap(); let mir_map = state.mir_map.unwrap(); let (node_id, span) = state.session.entry_fn.borrow().expect("no main or start function found"); debug!("found `main` function at: {:?}", span); let mir = mir_map.map.get(&node_id).expect("no mir for main function"); let def_id = tcx.map.local_def_id(node_id); let mut ecx = EvalContext::new(tcx, mir_map); let substs = tcx.mk_substs(subst::Substs::empty()); let return_ptr = ecx.alloc_ret_ptr(mir.return_ty, substs).expect("main function should not be diverging"); ecx.push_stack_frame(def_id, mir.span, CachedMir::Ref(mir), substs, Some(return_ptr)); if mir.arg_decls.len() == 2 { // start function let ptr_size = ecx.memory().pointer_size; let nargs = ecx.memory_mut().allocate(ptr_size); ecx.memory_mut().write_usize(nargs, 0).unwrap(); let args = ecx.memory_mut().allocate(ptr_size); ecx.memory_mut().write_usize(args, 0).unwrap(); ecx.frame_mut().locals[0] = nargs; ecx.frame_mut().locals[1] = args; } loop { match step(&mut ecx) { Ok(true) => {} Ok(false) => break, // FIXME: diverging functions can end up here in some future miri Err(e) => { report(tcx, &ecx, e); break; } } } state.session.abort_if_errors(); }); control } } fn report(tcx: TyCtxt, ecx: &EvalContext, e: EvalError) { let frame = ecx.stack().last().expect("stackframe was empty"); let block = &frame.mir.basic_blocks()[frame.block]; let span = if frame.stmt < block.statements.len() { block.statements[frame.stmt].source_info.span } else { block.terminator().source_info.span }; let mut err = tcx.sess.struct_span_err(span, &e.to_string()); for &Frame { def_id, substs, span, .. } in ecx.stack().iter().rev() { // FIXME(solson): Find a way to do this without this Display impl hack. use rustc::util::ppaux; use std::fmt; struct Instance<'tcx>(DefId, &'tcx subst::Substs<'tcx>); impl<'tcx> fmt::Display for Instance<'tcx> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { ppaux::parameterized(f, self.1, self.0, ppaux::Ns::Value, &[], |tcx| Some(tcx.lookup_item_type(self.0).generics)) } } err.span_note(span, &format!("inside call to {}", Instance(def_id, substs))); } err.emit(); } fn init_logger() { const MAX_INDENT: usize = 40; let format = |record: &log::LogRecord| { if record.level() == log::LogLevel::Trace { // prepend spaces to indent the final string let indentation = log_settings::settings().indentation; format!("{lvl}:{module}{depth:2}{indent: String { // Taken from https://github.com/Manishearth/rust-clippy/pull/911. let home = option_env!("RUSTUP_HOME").or(option_env!("MULTIRUST_HOME")); let toolchain = option_env!("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN").or(option_env!("MULTIRUST_TOOLCHAIN")); match (home, toolchain) { (Some(home), Some(toolchain)) => format!("{}/toolchains/{}", home, toolchain), _ => option_env!("RUST_SYSROOT") .expect("need to specify RUST_SYSROOT env var or use rustup or multirust") .to_owned(), } } fn main() { init_logger(); let mut args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); let sysroot_flag = String::from("--sysroot"); if !args.contains(&sysroot_flag) { args.push(sysroot_flag); args.push(find_sysroot()); } rustc_driver::run_compiler(&args, &mut MiriCompilerCalls); }