// Decoding metadata from a single crate's metadata import std::{ebml, map}; import std::map::{hashmap, str_hash}; import io::WriterUtil; import dvec::{DVec, dvec}; import syntax::{ast, ast_util}; import syntax::attr; import middle::ty; import syntax::ast_map; import tydecode::{parse_ty_data, parse_def_id, parse_bounds_data, parse_ident}; import syntax::print::pprust; import cmd=cstore::crate_metadata; import util::ppaux::ty_to_str; import syntax::diagnostic::span_handler; import common::*; export class_dtor; export get_class_fields; export get_symbol; export get_enum_variants; export get_type; export get_region_param; export get_type_param_count; export get_impl_traits; export get_class_method; export get_impl_method; export lookup_def; export lookup_item_name; export resolve_path; export get_crate_attributes; export list_crate_metadata; export crate_dep; export get_crate_deps; export get_crate_hash; export get_crate_vers; export get_impls_for_mod; export get_trait_methods; export get_method_names_if_trait; export get_item_attrs; export get_crate_module_paths; export def_like; export dl_def; export dl_impl; export dl_field; export path_entry; export each_path; export get_item_path; export maybe_find_item; // sketchy export item_type; // sketchy export maybe_get_item_ast; export decode_inlined_item; export method_info, _impl; // Used internally by astencode: export translate_def_id; // A function that takes a def_id relative to the crate being searched and // returns a def_id relative to the compilation environment, i.e. if we hit a // def_id for an item defined in another crate, somebody needs to figure out // what crate that's in and give us a def_id that makes sense for the current // build. fn lookup_hash(d: ebml::doc, eq_fn: fn(x:&[u8]) -> bool, hash: uint) -> option { let index = ebml::get_doc(d, tag_index); let table = ebml::get_doc(index, tag_index_table); let hash_pos = table.start + hash % 256u * 4u; let pos = io::u64_from_be_bytes(*d.data, hash_pos, 4u) as uint; let {tag:_, doc:bucket} = ebml::doc_at(d.data, pos); let belt = tag_index_buckets_bucket_elt; for ebml::tagged_docs(bucket, belt) |elt| { let pos = io::u64_from_be_bytes(*elt.data, elt.start, 4u) as uint; if eq_fn(vec::slice(*elt.data, elt.start + 4u, elt.end)) { return some(ebml::doc_at(d.data, pos).doc); } }; none } fn maybe_find_item(item_id: int, items: ebml::doc) -> option { fn eq_item(bytes: &[u8], item_id: int) -> bool { return io::u64_from_be_bytes(vec::slice(bytes, 0u, 4u), 0u, 4u) as int == item_id; } lookup_hash(items, |a| eq_item(a, item_id), hash_node_id(item_id)) } fn find_item(item_id: int, items: ebml::doc) -> ebml::doc { return option::get(maybe_find_item(item_id, items)); } // Looks up an item in the given metadata and returns an ebml doc pointing // to the item data. fn lookup_item(item_id: int, data: @~[u8]) -> ebml::doc { let items = ebml::get_doc(ebml::doc(data), tag_items); match maybe_find_item(item_id, items) { none => fail(fmt!{"lookup_item: id not found: %d", item_id}), some(d) => d } } fn item_family(item: ebml::doc) -> char { let fam = ebml::get_doc(item, tag_items_data_item_family); ebml::doc_as_u8(fam) as char } fn item_symbol(item: ebml::doc) -> ~str { let sym = ebml::get_doc(item, tag_items_data_item_symbol); return str::from_bytes(ebml::doc_data(sym)); } fn item_parent_item(d: ebml::doc) -> option { for ebml::tagged_docs(d, tag_items_data_parent_item) |did| { return some(ebml::with_doc_data(did, |d| parse_def_id(d))); } none } fn item_def_id(d: ebml::doc, cdata: cmd) -> ast::def_id { let tagdoc = ebml::get_doc(d, tag_def_id); return translate_def_id(cdata, ebml::with_doc_data(tagdoc, |d| parse_def_id(d))); } fn field_mutability(d: ebml::doc) -> ast::class_mutability { // Use maybe_get_doc in case it's a method option::map_default( ebml::maybe_get_doc(d, tag_class_mut), ast::class_immutable, |d| { match ebml::doc_as_u8(d) as char { 'm' => ast::class_mutable, _ => ast::class_immutable } }) } fn variant_disr_val(d: ebml::doc) -> option { do option::chain(ebml::maybe_get_doc(d, tag_disr_val)) |val_doc| { int::parse_buf(ebml::doc_data(val_doc), 10u) } } fn doc_type(doc: ebml::doc, tcx: ty::ctxt, cdata: cmd) -> ty::t { let tp = ebml::get_doc(doc, tag_items_data_item_type); parse_ty_data(tp.data, cdata.cnum, tp.start, tcx, |did| { translate_def_id(cdata, did) }) } fn item_type(item_id: ast::def_id, item: ebml::doc, tcx: ty::ctxt, cdata: cmd) -> ty::t { let t = doc_type(item, tcx, cdata); if family_names_type(item_family(item)) { ty::mk_with_id(tcx, t, item_id) } else { t } } fn item_impl_traits(item: ebml::doc, tcx: ty::ctxt, cdata: cmd) -> ~[ty::t] { let mut results = ~[]; for ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_impl_trait) |ity| { vec::push(results, doc_type(ity, tcx, cdata)); }; results } fn item_ty_param_bounds(item: ebml::doc, tcx: ty::ctxt, cdata: cmd) -> @~[ty::param_bounds] { let mut bounds = ~[]; for ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_items_data_item_ty_param_bounds) |p| { let bd = parse_bounds_data(p.data, p.start, cdata.cnum, tcx, |did| { translate_def_id(cdata, did) }); vec::push(bounds, bd); } @bounds } fn item_ty_region_param(item: ebml::doc) -> bool { match ebml::maybe_get_doc(item, tag_region_param) { some(_) => true, none => false } } fn item_ty_param_count(item: ebml::doc) -> uint { let mut n = 0u; ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_items_data_item_ty_param_bounds, |_p| { n += 1u; true } ); n } fn enum_variant_ids(item: ebml::doc, cdata: cmd) -> ~[ast::def_id] { let mut ids: ~[ast::def_id] = ~[]; let v = tag_items_data_item_variant; for ebml::tagged_docs(item, v) |p| { let ext = ebml::with_doc_data(p, |d| parse_def_id(d)); vec::push(ids, {crate: cdata.cnum, node: ext.node}); }; return ids; } // Given a path and serialized crate metadata, returns the IDs of the // definitions the path may refer to. fn resolve_path(path: ~[ast::ident], data: @~[u8]) -> ~[ast::def_id] { fn eq_item(data: &[u8], s: ~str) -> bool { // XXX: Use string equality. let data_len = data.len(); let s_len = s.len(); if data_len != s_len { return false; } let mut i = 0; while i < data_len { if data[i] != s[i] { return false; } i += 1; } return true; } let s = ast_util::path_name_i(path); let md = ebml::doc(data); let paths = ebml::get_doc(md, tag_paths); let eqer = |a| eq_item(a, s); let mut result: ~[ast::def_id] = ~[]; debug!{"resolve_path: looking up %s", s}; for lookup_hash(paths, eqer, hash_path(s)).each |doc| { let did_doc = ebml::get_doc(doc, tag_def_id); vec::push(result, ebml::with_doc_data(did_doc, |d| parse_def_id(d))); } return result; } fn item_path(item_doc: ebml::doc) -> ast_map::path { let path_doc = ebml::get_doc(item_doc, tag_path); let len_doc = ebml::get_doc(path_doc, tag_path_len); let len = ebml::doc_as_u32(len_doc) as uint; let mut result = ~[]; vec::reserve(result, len); for ebml::docs(path_doc) |tag, elt_doc| { if tag == tag_path_elt_mod { let str = ebml::doc_as_str(elt_doc); vec::push(result, ast_map::path_mod(@str)); } else if tag == tag_path_elt_name { let str = ebml::doc_as_str(elt_doc); vec::push(result, ast_map::path_name(@str)); } else { // ignore tag_path_len element } } return result; } fn item_name(item: ebml::doc) -> ast::ident { let name = ebml::get_doc(item, tag_paths_data_name); @str::from_bytes(ebml::doc_data(name)) } fn lookup_item_name(data: @~[u8], id: ast::node_id) -> ast::ident { item_name(lookup_item(id, data)) } fn item_to_def_like(item: ebml::doc, did: ast::def_id, cnum: ast::crate_num) -> def_like { let fam_ch = item_family(item); match fam_ch { 'c' => dl_def(ast::def_const(did)), 'C' => dl_def(ast::def_class(did, true)), 'S' => dl_def(ast::def_class(did, false)), 'u' => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::unsafe_fn)), 'f' => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::impure_fn)), 'p' => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::pure_fn)), 'e' => dl_def(ast::def_fn(did, ast::extern_fn)), 'U' => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did, ast::unsafe_fn)), 'F' => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did, ast::impure_fn)), 'P' => dl_def(ast::def_static_method(did, ast::pure_fn)), 'y' => dl_def(ast::def_ty(did)), 't' => dl_def(ast::def_ty(did)), 'm' => dl_def(ast::def_mod(did)), 'n' => dl_def(ast::def_foreign_mod(did)), 'v' => { let mut tid = option::get(item_parent_item(item)); tid = {crate: cnum, node: tid.node}; dl_def(ast::def_variant(tid, did)) } 'I' => dl_def(ast::def_ty(did)), 'i' => dl_impl(did), 'g' | 'j' | 'N' => dl_field, ch => fail fmt!{"unexpected family code: '%c'", ch} } } fn lookup_def(cnum: ast::crate_num, data: @~[u8], did_: ast::def_id) -> ast::def { let item = lookup_item(did_.node, data); let did = {crate: cnum, node: did_.node}; // We treat references to enums as references to types. return def_like_to_def(item_to_def_like(item, did, cnum)); } fn get_type(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id, tcx: ty::ctxt) -> ty::ty_param_bounds_and_ty { let item = lookup_item(id, cdata.data); let t = item_type({crate: cdata.cnum, node: id}, item, tcx, cdata); let tp_bounds = if family_has_type_params(item_family(item)) { item_ty_param_bounds(item, tcx, cdata) } else { @~[] }; let rp = item_ty_region_param(item); return {bounds: tp_bounds, rp: rp, ty: t}; } fn get_region_param(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id) -> bool { let item = lookup_item(id, cdata.data); return item_ty_region_param(item); } fn get_type_param_count(data: @~[u8], id: ast::node_id) -> uint { item_ty_param_count(lookup_item(id, data)) } fn get_impl_traits(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id, tcx: ty::ctxt) -> ~[ty::t] { item_impl_traits(lookup_item(id, cdata.data), tcx, cdata) } fn get_impl_method(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id, name: ast::ident) -> ast::def_id { let items = ebml::get_doc(ebml::doc(cdata.data), tag_items); let mut found = none; for ebml::tagged_docs(find_item(id, items), tag_item_impl_method) |mid| { let m_did = ebml::with_doc_data(mid, |d| parse_def_id(d)); if item_name(find_item(m_did.node, items)) == name { found = some(translate_def_id(cdata, m_did)); } } option::get(found) } fn get_class_method(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id, name: ast::ident) -> ast::def_id { let items = ebml::get_doc(ebml::doc(cdata.data), tag_items); let mut found = none; let cls_items = match maybe_find_item(id, items) { some(it) => it, none => fail (fmt!{"get_class_method: class id not found \ when looking up method %s", *name}) }; for ebml::tagged_docs(cls_items, tag_item_trait_method) |mid| { let m_did = item_def_id(mid, cdata); if item_name(mid) == name { found = some(m_did); } } match found { some(found) => found, none => fail (fmt!{"get_class_method: no method named %s", *name}) } } fn class_dtor(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id) -> option { let items = ebml::get_doc(ebml::doc(cdata.data), tag_items); let mut found = none; let cls_items = match maybe_find_item(id, items) { some(it) => it, none => fail (fmt!{"class_dtor: class id not found \ when looking up dtor for %d", id}) }; for ebml::tagged_docs(cls_items, tag_item_dtor) |doc| { let doc1 = ebml::get_doc(doc, tag_def_id); let did = ebml::with_doc_data(doc1, |d| parse_def_id(d)); found = some(translate_def_id(cdata, did)); }; found } fn get_symbol(data: @~[u8], id: ast::node_id) -> ~str { return item_symbol(lookup_item(id, data)); } // Something that a name can resolve to. enum def_like { dl_def(ast::def), dl_impl(ast::def_id), dl_field } fn def_like_to_def(def_like: def_like) -> ast::def { match def_like { dl_def(def) => return def, dl_impl(*) => fail ~"found impl in def_like_to_def", dl_field => fail ~"found field in def_like_to_def" } } // A path. class path_entry { // The full path, separated by '::'. let path_string: ~str; // The definition, implementation, or field that this path corresponds to. let def_like: def_like; new(path_string: ~str, def_like: def_like) { self.path_string = path_string; self.def_like = def_like; } } /// Iterates over all the paths in the given crate. fn each_path(cdata: cmd, f: fn(path_entry) -> bool) { let root = ebml::doc(cdata.data); let items = ebml::get_doc(root, tag_items); let items_data = ebml::get_doc(items, tag_items_data); let mut broken = false; // First, go through all the explicit items. for ebml::tagged_docs(items_data, tag_items_data_item) |item_doc| { if !broken { let name = ast_map::path_to_str_with_sep(item_path(item_doc), ~"::"); if name != ~"" { // Extract the def ID. let def_id = item_def_id(item_doc, cdata); // Construct the def for this item. debug!{"(each_path) yielding explicit item: %s", name}; let def_like = item_to_def_like(item_doc, def_id, cdata.cnum); // Hand the information off to the iteratee. let this_path_entry = path_entry(name, def_like); if !f(this_path_entry) { broken = true; // XXX: This is awful. } } } } // If broken, stop here. if broken { return; } // Next, go through all the paths. We will find items that we didn't know // about before (reexports in particular). // // XXX: This is broken; the paths are actually hierarchical. let outer_paths = ebml::get_doc(root, tag_paths); let inner_paths = ebml::get_doc(outer_paths, tag_paths); fn g(cdata: cmd, items: ebml::doc, path_doc: ebml::doc, &broken: bool, f: fn(path_entry) -> bool) { if !broken { let path = item_name(path_doc); // Extract the def ID. let def_id = item_def_id(path_doc, cdata); // Get the item. match maybe_find_item(def_id.node, items) { none => { debug!{"(each_path) ignoring implicit item: %s", *path}; } some(item_doc) => { // Construct the def for this item. let def_like = item_to_def_like(item_doc, def_id, cdata.cnum); // Hand the information off to the iteratee. debug!{"(each_path) yielding implicit item: %s", *path}; let this_path_entry = path_entry(*path, def_like); if (!f(this_path_entry)) { broken = true; // XXX: This is awful. } } } } } for ebml::tagged_docs(inner_paths, tag_paths_data_item) |path_doc| { g(cdata, items, path_doc, broken, f); } for ebml::tagged_docs(inner_paths, tag_paths_foreign_path) |path_doc| { g(cdata, items, path_doc, broken, f); } } fn get_item_path(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id) -> ast_map::path { item_path(lookup_item(id, cdata.data)) } type decode_inlined_item = fn( cdata: cstore::crate_metadata, tcx: ty::ctxt, path: ast_map::path, par_doc: ebml::doc) -> option; fn maybe_get_item_ast(cdata: cmd, tcx: ty::ctxt, id: ast::node_id, decode_inlined_item: decode_inlined_item ) -> csearch::found_ast { debug!{"Looking up item: %d", id}; let item_doc = lookup_item(id, cdata.data); let path = vec::init(item_path(item_doc)); match decode_inlined_item(cdata, tcx, path, item_doc) { some(ii) => csearch::found(ii), none => { match item_parent_item(item_doc) { some(did) => { let did = translate_def_id(cdata, did); let parent_item = lookup_item(did.node, cdata.data); match decode_inlined_item(cdata, tcx, path, parent_item) { some(ii) => csearch::found_parent(did, ii), none => csearch::not_found } } none => csearch::not_found } } } } fn get_enum_variants(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id, tcx: ty::ctxt) -> ~[ty::variant_info] { let data = cdata.data; let items = ebml::get_doc(ebml::doc(data), tag_items); let item = find_item(id, items); let mut infos: ~[ty::variant_info] = ~[]; let variant_ids = enum_variant_ids(item, cdata); let mut disr_val = 0; for variant_ids.each |did| { let item = find_item(did.node, items); let ctor_ty = item_type({crate: cdata.cnum, node: id}, item, tcx, cdata); let name = item_name(item); let mut arg_tys: ~[ty::t] = ~[]; match ty::get(ctor_ty).struct { ty::ty_fn(f) => { for f.inputs.each |a| { vec::push(arg_tys, a.ty); } } _ => { /* Nullary enum variant. */ } } match variant_disr_val(item) { some(val) => { disr_val = val; } _ => { /* empty */ } } vec::push(infos, @{args: arg_tys, ctor_ty: ctor_ty, name: name, id: did, disr_val: disr_val}); disr_val += 1; } return infos; } // NB: These types are duplicated in resolve.rs type method_info = { did: ast::def_id, n_tps: uint, ident: ast::ident, self_type: ast::self_ty_ }; type _impl = {did: ast::def_id, ident: ast::ident, methods: ~[@method_info]}; fn get_self_ty(item: ebml::doc) -> ast::self_ty_ { fn get_mutability(ch: u8) -> ast::mutability { match ch as char { 'i' => { ast::m_imm } 'm' => { ast::m_mutbl } 'c' => { ast::m_const } _ => { fail fmt!{"unknown mutability character: `%c`", ch as char} } } } let self_type_doc = ebml::get_doc(item, tag_item_trait_method_self_ty); let string = ebml::doc_as_str(self_type_doc); let self_ty_kind = string[0]; match self_ty_kind as char { 's' => { return ast::sty_static; } 'r' => { return ast::sty_by_ref; } 'v' => { return ast::sty_value; } '@' => { return ast::sty_box(get_mutability(string[1])); } '~' => { return ast::sty_uniq(get_mutability(string[1])); } '&' => { return ast::sty_region(get_mutability(string[1])); } _ => { fail fmt!{"unknown self type code: `%c`", self_ty_kind as char}; } } } fn item_impl_methods(cdata: cmd, item: ebml::doc, base_tps: uint) -> ~[@method_info] { let mut rslt = ~[]; for ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_item_impl_method) |doc| { let m_did = ebml::with_doc_data(doc, |d| parse_def_id(d)); let mth_item = lookup_item(m_did.node, cdata.data); let self_ty = get_self_ty(mth_item); vec::push(rslt, @{did: translate_def_id(cdata, m_did), /* FIXME (maybe #2323) tjc: take a look at this. */ n_tps: item_ty_param_count(mth_item) - base_tps, ident: item_name(mth_item), self_type: self_ty}); } rslt } fn get_impls_for_mod(cdata: cmd, m_id: ast::node_id, name: option, get_cdata: fn(ast::crate_num) -> cmd) -> @~[@_impl] { let data = cdata.data; let mod_item = lookup_item(m_id, data); let mut result = ~[]; for ebml::tagged_docs(mod_item, tag_mod_impl) |doc| { let did = ebml::with_doc_data(doc, |d| parse_def_id(d)); let local_did = translate_def_id(cdata, did); debug!{"(get impls for mod) getting did %? for '%?'", local_did, name}; // The impl may be defined in a different crate. Ask the caller // to give us the metadata let impl_cdata = get_cdata(local_did.crate); let impl_data = impl_cdata.data; let item = lookup_item(local_did.node, impl_data); let nm = item_name(item); if match name { some(n) => { n == nm } none => { true } } { let base_tps = item_ty_param_count(item); vec::push(result, @{ did: local_did, ident: nm, methods: item_impl_methods(impl_cdata, item, base_tps) }); }; } @result } /* Works for both classes and traits */ fn get_trait_methods(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id, tcx: ty::ctxt) -> @~[ty::method] { let data = cdata.data; let item = lookup_item(id, data); let mut result = ~[]; for ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_item_trait_method) |mth| { let bounds = item_ty_param_bounds(mth, tcx, cdata); let name = item_name(mth); let ty = doc_type(mth, tcx, cdata); let fty = match ty::get(ty).struct { ty::ty_fn(f) => f, _ => { tcx.diag.handler().bug( ~"get_trait_methods: id has non-function type"); } }; let self_ty = get_self_ty(mth); vec::push(result, {ident: name, tps: bounds, fty: fty, self_ty: self_ty, purity: match check item_family(mth) { 'u' => ast::unsafe_fn, 'f' => ast::impure_fn, 'p' => ast::pure_fn }, vis: ast::public}); } @result } // If the item in question is a trait, returns its set of methods and // their self types. Otherwise, returns none. This overlaps in an // annoying way with get_trait_methods. fn get_method_names_if_trait(cdata: cmd, node_id: ast::node_id) -> option<@DVec<(@~str, ast::self_ty_)>> { let item = lookup_item(node_id, cdata.data); if item_family(item) != 'I' { return none; } let resulting_methods = @dvec(); for ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_item_trait_method) |method| { resulting_methods.push( (item_name(method), get_self_ty(method))); } return some(resulting_methods); } fn get_item_attrs(cdata: cmd, node_id: ast::node_id, f: fn(~[@ast::meta_item])) { let item = lookup_item(node_id, cdata.data); for ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_attributes) |attributes| { for ebml::tagged_docs(attributes, tag_attribute) |attribute| { f(get_meta_items(attribute)); } } } // Helper function that gets either fields or methods fn get_class_members(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id, p: fn(char) -> bool) -> ~[ty::field_ty] { let data = cdata.data; let item = lookup_item(id, data); let mut result = ~[]; for ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_item_field) |an_item| { let f = item_family(an_item); if p(f) { let name = item_name(an_item); let did = item_def_id(an_item, cdata); let mt = field_mutability(an_item); vec::push(result, {ident: name, id: did, vis: family_to_visibility(f), mutability: mt}); } } result } pure fn family_to_visibility(family: char) -> ast::visibility { match family { 'g' => ast::public, 'j' => ast::private, 'N' => ast::inherited, _ => fail } } /* 'g' for public field, 'j' for private field, 'N' for inherited field */ fn get_class_fields(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id) -> ~[ty::field_ty] { get_class_members(cdata, id, |f| f == 'g' || f == 'j' || f == 'N') } fn family_has_type_params(fam_ch: char) -> bool { match check fam_ch { 'c' | 'T' | 'm' | 'n' | 'g' | 'h' | 'j' | 'e' => false, 'f' | 'u' | 'p' | 'F' | 'U' | 'P' | 'y' | 't' | 'v' | 'i' | 'I' | 'C' | 'a' | 'S' => true } } fn family_names_type(fam_ch: char) -> bool { match fam_ch { 'y' | 't' | 'I' => true, _ => false } } fn read_path(d: ebml::doc) -> {path: ~str, pos: uint} { let desc = ebml::doc_data(d); let pos = io::u64_from_be_bytes(desc, 0u, 4u) as uint; let pathbytes = vec::slice::(desc, 4u, vec::len::(desc)); let path = str::from_bytes(pathbytes); return {path: path, pos: pos}; } fn describe_def(items: ebml::doc, id: ast::def_id) -> ~str { if id.crate != ast::local_crate { return ~"external"; } let it = match maybe_find_item(id.node, items) { some(it) => it, none => fail (fmt!{"describe_def: item not found %?", id}) }; return item_family_to_str(item_family(it)); } fn item_family_to_str(fam: char) -> ~str { match check fam { 'c' => return ~"const", 'f' => return ~"fn", 'u' => return ~"unsafe fn", 'p' => return ~"pure fn", 'F' => return ~"static method", 'U' => return ~"unsafe static method", 'P' => return ~"pure static method", 'e' => return ~"foreign fn", 'y' => return ~"type", 'T' => return ~"foreign type", 't' => return ~"type", 'm' => return ~"mod", 'n' => return ~"foreign mod", 'v' => return ~"enum", 'i' => return ~"impl", 'I' => return ~"trait", 'C' => return ~"class", 'S' => return ~"struct", 'g' => return ~"public field", 'j' => return ~"private field", 'N' => return ~"inherited field" } } fn get_meta_items(md: ebml::doc) -> ~[@ast::meta_item] { let mut items: ~[@ast::meta_item] = ~[]; for ebml::tagged_docs(md, tag_meta_item_word) |meta_item_doc| { let nd = ebml::get_doc(meta_item_doc, tag_meta_item_name); let n = str::from_bytes(ebml::doc_data(nd)); vec::push(items, attr::mk_word_item(@n)); }; for ebml::tagged_docs(md, tag_meta_item_name_value) |meta_item_doc| { let nd = ebml::get_doc(meta_item_doc, tag_meta_item_name); let vd = ebml::get_doc(meta_item_doc, tag_meta_item_value); let n = str::from_bytes(ebml::doc_data(nd)); let v = str::from_bytes(ebml::doc_data(vd)); // FIXME (#623): Should be able to decode meta_name_value variants, // but currently the encoder just drops them vec::push(items, attr::mk_name_value_item_str(@n, v)); }; for ebml::tagged_docs(md, tag_meta_item_list) |meta_item_doc| { let nd = ebml::get_doc(meta_item_doc, tag_meta_item_name); let n = str::from_bytes(ebml::doc_data(nd)); let subitems = get_meta_items(meta_item_doc); vec::push(items, attr::mk_list_item(@n, subitems)); }; return items; } fn get_attributes(md: ebml::doc) -> ~[ast::attribute] { let mut attrs: ~[ast::attribute] = ~[]; match ebml::maybe_get_doc(md, tag_attributes) { option::some(attrs_d) => { for ebml::tagged_docs(attrs_d, tag_attribute) |attr_doc| { let meta_items = get_meta_items(attr_doc); // Currently it's only possible to have a single meta item on // an attribute assert (vec::len(meta_items) == 1u); let meta_item = meta_items[0]; vec::push(attrs, {node: {style: ast::attr_outer, value: *meta_item, is_sugared_doc: false}, span: ast_util::dummy_sp()}); }; } option::none => () } return attrs; } fn list_meta_items(meta_items: ebml::doc, out: io::Writer) { for get_meta_items(meta_items).each |mi| { out.write_str(fmt!{"%s\n", pprust::meta_item_to_str(*mi)}); } } fn list_crate_attributes(md: ebml::doc, hash: @~str, out: io::Writer) { out.write_str(fmt!{"=Crate Attributes (%s)=\n", *hash}); for get_attributes(md).each |attr| { out.write_str(fmt!{"%s\n", pprust::attribute_to_str(attr)}); } out.write_str(~"\n\n"); } fn get_crate_attributes(data: @~[u8]) -> ~[ast::attribute] { return get_attributes(ebml::doc(data)); } type crate_dep = {cnum: ast::crate_num, name: ast::ident, vers: @~str, hash: @~str}; fn get_crate_deps(data: @~[u8]) -> ~[crate_dep] { let mut deps: ~[crate_dep] = ~[]; let cratedoc = ebml::doc(data); let depsdoc = ebml::get_doc(cratedoc, tag_crate_deps); let mut crate_num = 1; fn docstr(doc: ebml::doc, tag_: uint) -> ~str { str::from_bytes(ebml::doc_data(ebml::get_doc(doc, tag_))) } for ebml::tagged_docs(depsdoc, tag_crate_dep) |depdoc| { vec::push(deps, {cnum: crate_num, name: @docstr(depdoc, tag_crate_dep_name), vers: @docstr(depdoc, tag_crate_dep_vers), hash: @docstr(depdoc, tag_crate_dep_hash)}); crate_num += 1; }; return deps; } fn list_crate_deps(data: @~[u8], out: io::Writer) { out.write_str(~"=External Dependencies=\n"); for get_crate_deps(data).each |dep| { out.write_str(fmt!{"%d %s-%s-%s\n", dep.cnum, *dep.name, *dep.hash, *dep.vers}); } out.write_str(~"\n"); } fn get_crate_hash(data: @~[u8]) -> @~str { let cratedoc = ebml::doc(data); let hashdoc = ebml::get_doc(cratedoc, tag_crate_hash); return @str::from_bytes(ebml::doc_data(hashdoc)); } fn get_crate_vers(data: @~[u8]) -> @~str { let attrs = decoder::get_crate_attributes(data); return match attr::last_meta_item_value_str_by_name( attr::find_linkage_metas(attrs), ~"vers") { some(ver) => ver, none => @~"0.0" }; } fn list_crate_items(bytes: @~[u8], md: ebml::doc, out: io::Writer) { out.write_str(~"=Items=\n"); let items = ebml::get_doc(md, tag_items); do iter_crate_items(bytes) |tag, path, did| { // Don't print out any metadata info about intrinsics if tag != tag_paths_foreign_path { out.write_str(fmt!{"%s (%s)\n", path, describe_def(items, did)}); } } out.write_str(~"\n"); } fn iter_crate_items(bytes: @~[u8], proc: fn(uint, ~str, ast::def_id)) { let md = ebml::doc(bytes); let paths = ebml::get_doc(md, tag_paths); let index = ebml::get_doc(paths, tag_index); let bs = ebml::get_doc(index, tag_index_buckets); for ebml::tagged_docs(bs, tag_index_buckets_bucket) |bucket| { let et = tag_index_buckets_bucket_elt; for ebml::tagged_docs(bucket, et) |elt| { let data = read_path(elt); let {tag:t, doc:def} = ebml::doc_at(bytes, data.pos); let did_doc = ebml::get_doc(def, tag_def_id); let did = ebml::with_doc_data(did_doc, |d| parse_def_id(d)); proc(t, data.path, did); }; }; } fn get_crate_module_paths(bytes: @~[u8]) -> ~[(ast::def_id, ~str)] { fn mod_of_path(p: ~str) -> ~str { str::connect(vec::init(str::split_str(p, ~"::")), ~"::") } // find all module (path, def_ids), which are not // fowarded path due to renamed import or reexport let mut res = ~[]; let mods = map::str_hash(); do iter_crate_items(bytes) |_tag, path, did| { let m = mod_of_path(path); if str::is_not_empty(m) { // if m has a sub-item, it must be a module mods.insert(m, true); } // Collect everything by now. There might be multiple // paths pointing to the same did. Those will be // unified later by using the mods map vec::push(res, (did, path)); } return do vec::filter(res) |x| { let (_, xp) = x; mods.contains_key(xp) } } fn list_crate_metadata(bytes: @~[u8], out: io::Writer) { let hash = get_crate_hash(bytes); let md = ebml::doc(bytes); list_crate_attributes(md, hash, out); list_crate_deps(bytes, out); list_crate_items(bytes, md, out); } // Translates a def_id from an external crate to a def_id for the current // compilation environment. We use this when trying to load types from // external crates - if those types further refer to types in other crates // then we must translate the crate number from that encoded in the external // crate to the correct local crate number. fn translate_def_id(cdata: cmd, did: ast::def_id) -> ast::def_id { if did.crate == ast::local_crate { return {crate: cdata.cnum, node: did.node}; } match cdata.cnum_map.find(did.crate) { option::some(n) => return {crate: n, node: did.node}, option::none => fail ~"didn't find a crate in the cnum_map" } } // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: