/* Module: run Process spawning */ import option::{some, none}; import str::sbuf; import ctypes::{fd_t, pid_t}; export program; export run_program; export start_program; export program_output; export spawn_process; export waitpid; #[abi = "cdecl"] native mod rustrt { fn rust_run_program(argv: *sbuf, in_fd: fd_t, out_fd: fd_t, err_fd: fd_t) -> pid_t; } /* Section: Types */ /* Iface: program A value representing a child process */ iface program { /* Method: get_id Returns the process id of the program */ fn get_id() -> pid_t; /* Method: input Returns an io::writer that can be used to write to stdin */ fn input() -> io::writer; /* Method: output Returns an io::reader that can be used to read from stdout */ fn output() -> io::reader; /* Method: err Returns an io::reader that can be used to read from stderr */ fn err() -> io::reader; /* Method: close_input Closes the handle to the child processes standard input */ fn close_input(); /* Method: finish Waits for the child process to terminate. Closes the handle to stdin if necessary. */ fn finish() -> int; /* Method: destroy Closes open handles */ fn destroy(); } /* Section: Operations */ fn arg_vec(prog: str, args: [@str]) -> [sbuf] { let argptrs = str::as_buf(prog, {|buf| [buf] }); for arg in args { argptrs += str::as_buf(*arg, {|buf| [buf] }); } argptrs += [ptr::null()]; ret argptrs; } /* Function: spawn_process Run a program, providing stdin, stdout and stderr handles Parameters: prog - The path to an executable args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process in_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std input out_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std output err_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std error Returns: The process id of the spawned process */ fn spawn_process(prog: str, args: [str], in_fd: fd_t, out_fd: fd_t, err_fd: fd_t) -> pid_t unsafe { // Note: we have to hold on to these vector references while we hold a // pointer to their buffers let prog = prog; let args = vec::map(args, {|arg| @arg }); let argv = arg_vec(prog, args); let pid = rustrt::rust_run_program(vec::unsafe::to_ptr(argv), in_fd, out_fd, err_fd); ret pid; } /* Function: run_program Spawns a process and waits for it to terminate Parameters: prog - The path to an executable args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process Returns: The process id */ fn run_program(prog: str, args: [str]) -> int { ret waitpid(spawn_process(prog, args, 0i32, 0i32, 0i32)); } /* Function: start_program Spawns a process and returns a program The returned value is a boxed resource containing a object that can be used for sending and recieving data over the standard file descriptors. The resource will ensure that file descriptors are closed properly. Parameters: prog - The path to an executable args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process Returns: A boxed resource of */ fn start_program(prog: str, args: [str]) -> program { let pipe_input = os::pipe(); let pipe_output = os::pipe(); let pipe_err = os::pipe(); let pid = spawn_process(prog, args, pipe_input.in, pipe_output.out, pipe_err.out); if pid == -1i32 { fail; } os::libc::close(pipe_input.in); os::libc::close(pipe_output.out); os::libc::close(pipe_err.out); type prog_repr = {pid: pid_t, mutable in_fd: fd_t, out_file: os::libc::FILE, err_file: os::libc::FILE, mutable finished: bool}; fn close_repr_input(r: prog_repr) { let invalid_fd = -1i32; if r.in_fd != invalid_fd { os::libc::close(r.in_fd); r.in_fd = invalid_fd; } } fn finish_repr(r: prog_repr) -> int { if r.finished { ret 0; } r.finished = true; close_repr_input(r); ret waitpid(r.pid); } fn destroy_repr(r: prog_repr) { finish_repr(r); os::libc::fclose(r.out_file); os::libc::fclose(r.err_file); } resource prog_res(r: prog_repr) { destroy_repr(r); } impl of program for prog_res { fn get_id() -> pid_t { ret self.pid; } fn input() -> io::writer { io::fd_writer(self.in_fd, false) } fn output() -> io::reader { io::FILE_reader(self.out_file, false) } fn err() -> io::reader { io::FILE_reader(self.err_file, false) } fn close_input() { close_repr_input(*self); } fn finish() -> int { finish_repr(*self) } fn destroy() { destroy_repr(*self); } } let repr = {pid: pid, mutable in_fd: pipe_input.out, out_file: os::fd_FILE(pipe_output.in), err_file: os::fd_FILE(pipe_err.in), mutable finished: false}; ret prog_res(repr) as program; } fn read_all(rd: io::reader) -> str { let buf = ""; while !rd.eof() { let bytes = rd.read_bytes(4096u); buf += str::unsafe_from_bytes(bytes); } ret buf; } /* Function: program_output Spawns a process, waits for it to exit, and returns the exit code, and contents of stdout and stderr. Parameters: prog - The path to an executable args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process Returns: A record, {status: int, out: str, err: str} containing the exit code, the contents of stdout and the contents of stderr. */ fn program_output(prog: str, args: [str]) -> {status: int, out: str, err: str} { let pr = start_program(prog, args); pr.close_input(); let out = read_all(pr.output()); let err = read_all(pr.err()); ret {status: pr.finish(), out: out, err: err}; } /* Function: waitpid Waits for a process to exit and returns the exit code */ fn waitpid(pid: pid_t) -> int { ret waitpid_os(pid); #[cfg(target_os = "win32")] fn waitpid_os(pid: pid_t) -> int { os::waitpid(pid) as int } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn waitpid_os(pid: pid_t) -> int { #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn WIFEXITED(status: i32) -> bool { (status & 0xffi32) == 0i32 } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn WIFEXITED(status: i32) -> bool { (status & 0x7fi32) == 0i32 } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn WEXITSTATUS(status: i32) -> i32 { (status >> 8i32) & 0xffi32 } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn WEXITSTATUS(status: i32) -> i32 { status >> 8i32 } let status = os::waitpid(pid); ret if WIFEXITED(status) { WEXITSTATUS(status) as int } else { 1 }; } } // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: