//! The common code for `tests/lang_tests_*.rs` use std::{ env::{self, current_dir}, path::PathBuf, process::Command, }; use lang_tester::LangTester; use tempfile::TempDir; /// Controls the compile options (e.g., optimization level) used to compile /// test code. #[allow(dead_code)] // Each test crate picks one variant pub enum Profile { Debug, Release, } pub fn main_inner(profile: Profile) { let tempdir = TempDir::new().expect("temp dir"); let current_dir = current_dir().expect("current dir"); let current_dir = current_dir.to_str().expect("current dir").to_string(); let gcc_path = include_str!("../gcc_path"); let gcc_path = gcc_path.trim(); env::set_var("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", gcc_path); LangTester::new() .test_dir("tests/run") .test_file_filter(|path| path.extension().expect("extension").to_str().expect("to_str") == "rs") .test_extract(|source| { let lines = source.lines() .skip_while(|l| !l.starts_with("//")) .take_while(|l| l.starts_with("//")) .map(|l| &l[2..]) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join("\n"); Some(lines) }) .test_cmds(move |path| { // Test command 1: Compile `x.rs` into `tempdir/x`. let mut exe = PathBuf::new(); exe.push(&tempdir); exe.push(path.file_stem().expect("file_stem")); let mut compiler = Command::new("rustc"); compiler.args(&[ &format!("-Zcodegen-backend={}/target/debug/librustc_codegen_gcc.so", current_dir), "--sysroot", &format!("{}/build_sysroot/sysroot/", current_dir), "-Zno-parallel-llvm", "-C", "link-arg=-lc", "-o", exe.to_str().expect("to_str"), path.to_str().expect("to_str"), ]); if let Some(flags) = option_env!("TEST_FLAGS") { for flag in flags.split_whitespace() { compiler.arg(&flag); } } match profile { Profile::Debug => {} Profile::Release => { compiler.args(&[ "-C", "opt-level=3", "-C", "lto=no", ]); } } // Test command 2: run `tempdir/x`. let runtime = Command::new(exe); vec![("Compiler", compiler), ("Run-time", runtime)] }) .run(); }