#![feature(test)] extern crate compiletest_rs as compiletest; extern crate test; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs; use std::error::Error; use std::env::{set_var, var}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; fn clippy_driver_path() -> PathBuf { if let Some(path) = option_env!("CLIPPY_DRIVER_PATH") { PathBuf::from(path) } else { PathBuf::from(concat!("target/", env!("PROFILE"), "/clippy-driver")) } } fn host_libs() -> PathBuf { if let Some(path) = option_env!("HOST_LIBS") { PathBuf::from(path) } else { Path::new("target").join(env!("PROFILE")) } } fn rustc_test_suite() -> Option { option_env!("RUSTC_TEST_SUITE").map(PathBuf::from) } fn rustc_lib_path() -> PathBuf { option_env!("RUSTC_LIB_PATH").unwrap().into() } fn config(mode: &str, dir: &str) -> compiletest::Config { let mut config = compiletest::Config::default(); let cfg_mode = mode.parse().expect("Invalid mode"); if let Ok(name) = var::<&str>("TESTNAME") { let s: String = name.to_owned(); config.filter = Some(s) } if rustc_test_suite().is_some() { config.run_lib_path = rustc_lib_path(); config.compile_lib_path = rustc_lib_path(); } config.target_rustcflags = Some(format!("-L {0} -L {0}/deps -Dwarnings", host_libs().display())); config.mode = cfg_mode; config.build_base = if rustc_test_suite().is_some() { // we don't need access to the stderr files on travis let mut path = PathBuf::from(env!("OUT_DIR")); path.push("test_build_base"); path } else { let mut path = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); path.push("target/debug/test_build_base"); path }; config.src_base = PathBuf::from(format!("tests/{}", dir)); config.rustc_path = clippy_driver_path(); config } fn run_mode(mode: &str, dir: &str) { compiletest::run_tests(&config(mode, dir)); } fn run_ui_toml() -> Result<(), Box> { let base = PathBuf::from("tests/ui-toml/").canonicalize()?; for dir in fs::read_dir(&base)? { let dir = dir?; if !dir.file_type()?.is_dir() { continue; } let dir_path = dir.path(); set_var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR", &dir_path); let config = config("ui", "ui-toml"); for file in fs::read_dir(&dir_path)? { let file = file?; let file_path = file.path(); if !file.file_type()?.is_file() { continue; } if file_path.extension() != Some(OsStr::new("rs")) { continue; } let paths = compiletest::common::TestPaths { file: file_path, base: base.clone(), relative_dir: dir_path.file_name().unwrap().into(), }; compiletest::runtest::run(config.clone(), &paths); } } Ok(()) } fn prepare_env() { set_var("CLIPPY_DISABLE_DOCS_LINKS", "true"); set_var("CLIPPY_TESTS", "true"); //set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0"); } #[test] fn compile_test() { prepare_env(); run_mode("run-pass", "run-pass"); run_mode("ui", "ui"); run_ui_toml().unwrap(); }