//! Main evaluator loop and setting up the initial stack frame. use rand::rngs::StdRng; use rand::SeedableRng; use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId; use rustc::ty::layout::{LayoutOf, Size}; use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt}; use syntax::source_map::DUMMY_SP; use crate::{ EnvVars, Evaluator, FnVal, HelpersEvalContextExt, InterpCx, InterpError, InterpResult, MemoryExtra, MiriMemoryKind, Pointer, Scalar, StackPopCleanup, Tag, TlsEvalContextExt, MPlaceTy }; /// Configuration needed to spawn a Miri instance. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MiriConfig { /// Determine if validity checking and Stacked Borrows are enabled. pub validate: bool, /// Determines if communication with the host environment is enabled. pub communicate: bool, /// Environment variables that should always be isolated from the host. pub excluded_env_vars: Vec, /// Command-line arguments passed to the interpreted program. pub args: Vec, /// The seed to use when non-determinism or randomness are required (e.g. ptr-to-int cast, `getrandom()`). pub seed: Option, } /// Returns a freshly created `InterpCx`, along with an `MPlaceTy` representing /// the location where the return value of the `start` lang item will be /// written to. /// Used by `priroda` and `miri pub fn create_ecx<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, main_id: DefId, config: MiriConfig, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'tcx>>, MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>)> { let mut ecx = InterpCx::new( tcx.at(syntax::source_map::DUMMY_SP), ty::ParamEnv::reveal_all(), Evaluator::new(config.communicate), MemoryExtra::new(StdRng::seed_from_u64(config.seed.unwrap_or(0)), config.validate), ); // Complete initialization. EnvVars::init(&mut ecx, config.excluded_env_vars); // Setup first stack-frame let main_instance = ty::Instance::mono(tcx, main_id); let main_mir = ecx.load_mir(main_instance.def, None)?; if !main_mir.return_ty().is_unit() || main_mir.arg_count != 0 { throw_unsup_format!("miri does not support main functions without `fn()` type signatures"); } let start_id = tcx.lang_items().start_fn().unwrap(); let main_ret_ty = tcx.fn_sig(main_id).output(); let main_ret_ty = main_ret_ty.no_bound_vars().unwrap(); let start_instance = ty::Instance::resolve( tcx, ty::ParamEnv::reveal_all(), start_id, tcx.mk_substs(::std::iter::once(ty::subst::GenericArg::from(main_ret_ty))), ) .unwrap(); let start_mir = ecx.load_mir(start_instance.def, None)?; if start_mir.arg_count != 3 { bug!( "'start' lang item should have three arguments, but has {}", start_mir.arg_count ); } // Return value (in static memory so that it does not count as leak). let ret = ecx.layout_of(start_mir.return_ty())?; let ret_ptr = ecx.allocate(ret, MiriMemoryKind::Static.into()); // Push our stack frame. ecx.push_stack_frame( start_instance, // There is no call site. DUMMY_SP, start_mir, Some(ret_ptr.into()), StackPopCleanup::None { cleanup: true }, )?; let mut args = ecx.frame().body.args_iter(); // First argument: pointer to `main()`. let main_ptr = ecx .memory .create_fn_alloc(FnVal::Instance(main_instance)); let dest = ecx.local_place(args.next().unwrap())?; ecx.write_scalar(Scalar::Ptr(main_ptr), dest)?; // Second argument (argc): `1`. let dest = ecx.local_place(args.next().unwrap())?; let argc = Scalar::from_uint(config.args.len() as u128, dest.layout.size); ecx.write_scalar(argc, dest)?; // Store argc for macOS's `_NSGetArgc`. { let argc_place = ecx.allocate(dest.layout, MiriMemoryKind::Env.into()); ecx.write_scalar(argc, argc_place.into())?; ecx.machine.argc = Some(argc_place.ptr); } // Third argument (`argv`): created from `config.args`. let dest = ecx.local_place(args.next().unwrap())?; // For Windows, construct a command string with all the aguments. let mut cmd = String::new(); for arg in config.args.iter() { if !cmd.is_empty() { cmd.push(' '); } cmd.push_str(&*shell_escape::windows::escape(arg.as_str().into())); } // Don't forget `0` terminator. cmd.push(std::char::from_u32(0).unwrap()); // Collect the pointers to the individual strings. let mut argvs = Vec::>::new(); for arg in config.args { // Add `0` terminator. let mut arg = arg.into_bytes(); arg.push(0); argvs.push( ecx.memory .allocate_static_bytes(arg.as_slice(), MiriMemoryKind::Static.into()), ); } // Make an array with all these pointers, in the Miri memory. let argvs_layout = ecx.layout_of( tcx.mk_array(tcx.mk_imm_ptr(tcx.types.u8), argvs.len() as u64), )?; let argvs_place = ecx.allocate(argvs_layout, MiriMemoryKind::Env.into()); for (idx, arg) in argvs.into_iter().enumerate() { let place = ecx.mplace_field(argvs_place, idx as u64)?; ecx.write_scalar(Scalar::Ptr(arg), place.into())?; } ecx.memory .mark_immutable(argvs_place.ptr.assert_ptr().alloc_id)?; // Write a pointer to that place as the argument. let argv = argvs_place.ptr; ecx.write_scalar(argv, dest)?; // Store `argv` for macOS `_NSGetArgv`. { let argv_place = ecx.allocate(dest.layout, MiriMemoryKind::Env.into()); ecx.write_scalar(argv, argv_place.into())?; ecx.machine.argv = Some(argv_place.ptr); } // Store command line as UTF-16 for Windows `GetCommandLineW`. { let cmd_utf16: Vec = cmd.encode_utf16().collect(); let cmd_type = tcx.mk_array(tcx.types.u16, cmd_utf16.len() as u64); let cmd_place = ecx.allocate(ecx.layout_of(cmd_type)?, MiriMemoryKind::Env.into()); ecx.machine.cmd_line = Some(cmd_place.ptr); // Store the UTF-16 string. We just allocated so we know the bounds are fine. let char_size = Size::from_bytes(2); for (idx, &c) in cmd_utf16.iter().enumerate() { let place = ecx.mplace_field(cmd_place, idx as u64)?; ecx.write_scalar(Scalar::from_uint(c, char_size), place.into())?; } } args.next().expect_none("start lang item has more arguments than expected"); // Set the last_error to 0 let errno_layout = ecx.layout_of(tcx.types.u32)?; let errno_place = ecx.allocate(errno_layout, MiriMemoryKind::Static.into()); ecx.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u32(0), errno_place.into())?; ecx.machine.last_error = Some(errno_place); Ok((ecx, ret_ptr)) } /// Evaluates the main function specified by `main_id`. /// Returns `Some(return_code)` if program executed completed. /// Returns `None` if an evaluation error occured pub fn eval_main<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, main_id: DefId, config: MiriConfig) -> Option { let (mut ecx, ret_ptr) = match create_ecx(tcx, main_id, config) { Ok(v) => v, Err(mut err) => { err.print_backtrace(); panic!("Miri initialziation error: {}", err.kind) } }; // Perform the main execution. let res: InterpResult<'_, i64> = (|| { ecx.run()?; // Read the return code pointer *before* we run TLS destructors, to assert // that it was written to by the time that `start` lang item returned. let return_code = ecx.read_scalar(ret_ptr.into())?.not_undef()?.to_machine_isize(&ecx)?; ecx.run_tls_dtors()?; Ok(return_code) })(); // Process the result. match res { Ok(return_code) => { let leaks = ecx.memory.leak_report(); // Disable the leak test on some platforms where we do not // correctly implement TLS destructors. let target_os = ecx.tcx.tcx.sess.target.target.target_os.to_lowercase(); let ignore_leaks = target_os == "windows" || target_os == "macos"; if !ignore_leaks && leaks != 0 { tcx.sess.err("the evaluated program leaked memory"); // Ignore the provided return code - let the reported error // determine the return code return None; } return Some(return_code) } Err(mut e) => { // Special treatment for some error kinds let msg = match e.kind { InterpError::Exit(code) => return Some(code.into()), err_unsup!(NoMirFor(..)) => format!("{}. Did you set `MIRI_SYSROOT` to a Miri-enabled sysroot? You can prepare one with `cargo miri setup`.", e), _ => e.to_string() }; e.print_backtrace(); if let Some(frame) = ecx.stack().last() { let block = &frame.body.basic_blocks()[frame.block.unwrap()]; let span = if frame.stmt < block.statements.len() { block.statements[frame.stmt].source_info.span } else { block.terminator().source_info.span }; let msg = format!("Miri evaluation error: {}", msg); let mut err = ecx.tcx.sess.struct_span_err(span, msg.as_str()); let frames = ecx.generate_stacktrace(None); err.span_label(span, msg); // We iterate with indices because we need to look at the next frame (the caller). for idx in 0..frames.len() { let frame_info = &frames[idx]; let call_site_is_local = frames.get(idx + 1).map_or(false, |caller_info| { caller_info.instance.def_id().is_local() }); if call_site_is_local { err.span_note(frame_info.call_site, &frame_info.to_string()); } else { err.note(&frame_info.to_string()); } } err.emit(); } else { ecx.tcx.sess.err(&msg); } for (i, frame) in ecx.stack().iter().enumerate() { trace!("-------------------"); trace!("Frame {}", i); trace!(" return: {:?}", frame.return_place.map(|p| *p)); for (i, local) in frame.locals.iter().enumerate() { trace!(" local {}: {:?}", i, local.value); } } // Let the reported error determine the return code return None; } } }