// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use core::prelude::*; use config; use config::Config; use doc::ItemUtils; use doc; use pass::Pass; use core::io::ReaderUtil; use core::io; use core::libc; use core::os; use core::comm; use core::result; use core::run; use core::str; use core::task; use core::comm::*; use std::future; use syntax; pub enum WriteInstr { Write(~str), Done } pub type Writer = fn~(v: WriteInstr); pub type WriterFactory = fn~(page: doc::Page) -> Writer; pub trait WriterUtils { fn write_str(&self, +str: ~str); fn write_line(&self, +str: ~str); fn write_done(&self); } impl WriterUtils for Writer { fn write_str(&self, str: ~str) { (*self)(Write(str)); } fn write_line(&self, str: ~str) { self.write_str(str + ~"\n"); } fn write_done(&self) { (*self)(Done) } } pub fn make_writer_factory(config: config::Config) -> WriterFactory { match config.output_format { config::Markdown => { markdown_writer_factory(config) } config::PandocHtml => { pandoc_writer_factory(config) } } } fn markdown_writer_factory(config: config::Config) -> WriterFactory { fn~(page: doc::Page) -> Writer { markdown_writer(copy config, page) } } fn pandoc_writer_factory(config: config::Config) -> WriterFactory { fn~(page: doc::Page) -> Writer { pandoc_writer(copy config, page) } } fn markdown_writer( config: config::Config, page: doc::Page ) -> Writer { let filename = make_local_filename(config, page); do generic_writer |markdown| { write_file(&filename, markdown); } } fn pandoc_writer( config: config::Config, page: doc::Page ) -> Writer { assert config.pandoc_cmd.is_some(); let pandoc_cmd = (&config.pandoc_cmd).get(); let filename = make_local_filename(config, page); let pandoc_args = ~[ ~"--standalone", ~"--section-divs", ~"--from=markdown", ~"--to=html", ~"--css=rust.css", ~"--output=" + filename.to_str() ]; do generic_writer |markdown| { use core::io::WriterUtil; debug!("pandoc cmd: %s", pandoc_cmd); debug!("pandoc args: %s", str::connect(pandoc_args, ~" ")); let pipe_in = os::pipe(); let pipe_out = os::pipe(); let pipe_err = os::pipe(); let pid = run::spawn_process( pandoc_cmd, pandoc_args, &None, &None, pipe_in.in, pipe_out.out, pipe_err.out); let writer = io::fd_writer(pipe_in.out, false); writer.write_str(markdown); os::close(pipe_in.in); os::close(pipe_out.out); os::close(pipe_err.out); os::close(pipe_in.out); let (stdout_po, stdout_ch) = comm::stream(); do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) || { stdout_ch.send(readclose(pipe_out.in)); } let (stderr_po, stderr_ch) = comm::stream(); do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) || { stderr_ch.send(readclose(pipe_err.in)); } let stdout = stdout_po.recv(); let stderr = stderr_po.recv(); let status = run::waitpid(pid); debug!("pandoc result: %i", status); if status != 0 { error!("pandoc-out: %s", stdout); error!("pandoc-err: %s", stderr); fail!(~"pandoc failed"); } } } fn readclose(fd: libc::c_int) -> ~str { // Copied from run::program_output unsafe { let file = os::fdopen(fd); let reader = io::FILE_reader(file, false); let buf = io::with_bytes_writer(|writer| { let mut bytes = [0, ..4096]; while !reader.eof() { let nread = reader.read(bytes, bytes.len()); writer.write(bytes.view(0, nread)); } }); os::fclose(file); str::from_bytes(buf) } } fn generic_writer(process: fn~(markdown: ~str)) -> Writer { let (po, ch) = stream::(); do task::spawn || { let mut markdown = ~""; let mut keep_going = true; while keep_going { match po.recv() { Write(s) => markdown += s, Done => keep_going = false } } process(markdown); }; fn~(instr: WriteInstr) { ch.send(instr); } } fn make_local_filename( config: config::Config, page: doc::Page ) -> Path { let filename = make_filename(copy config, page); config.output_dir.push_rel(&filename) } pub fn make_filename( config: config::Config, page: doc::Page ) -> Path { let filename = { match page { doc::CratePage(doc) => { if config.output_format == config::PandocHtml && config.output_style == config::DocPerMod { ~"index" } else { assert doc.topmod.name() != ~""; doc.topmod.name() } } doc::ItemPage(doc) => { str::connect(doc.path() + ~[doc.name()], ~"_") } } }; let ext = match config.output_format { config::Markdown => ~"md", config::PandocHtml => ~"html" }; Path(filename).with_filetype(ext) } #[test] fn should_use_markdown_file_name_based_off_crate() { let config = Config { output_dir: Path("output/dir"), output_format: config::Markdown, output_style: config::DocPerCrate, .. config::default_config(&Path("input/test.rc")) }; let doc = test::mk_doc(~"test", ~""); let page = doc::CratePage(doc.CrateDoc()); let filename = make_local_filename(config, page); assert filename.to_str() == ~"output/dir/test.md"; } #[test] fn should_name_html_crate_file_name_index_html_when_doc_per_mod() { let config = Config { output_dir: Path("output/dir"), output_format: config::PandocHtml, output_style: config::DocPerMod, .. config::default_config(&Path("input/test.rc")) }; let doc = test::mk_doc(~"", ~""); let page = doc::CratePage(doc.CrateDoc()); let filename = make_local_filename(config, page); assert filename.to_str() == ~"output/dir/index.html"; } #[test] fn should_name_mod_file_names_by_path() { let config = Config { output_dir: Path("output/dir"), output_format: config::PandocHtml, output_style: config::DocPerMod, .. config::default_config(&Path("input/test.rc")) }; let doc = test::mk_doc(~"", ~"mod a { mod b { } }"); let modb = copy doc.cratemod().mods()[0].mods()[0]; let page = doc::ItemPage(doc::ModTag(modb)); let filename = make_local_filename(config, page); assert filename == Path("output/dir/a_b.html"); } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use astsrv; use doc; use extract; use path_pass; pub fn mk_doc(name: ~str, source: ~str) -> doc::Doc { do astsrv::from_str(source) |srv| { let doc = extract::from_srv(srv.clone(), copy name); let doc = (path_pass::mk_pass().f)(srv.clone(), doc); doc } } } fn write_file(path: &Path, s: ~str) { use core::io::WriterUtil; match io::file_writer(path, ~[io::Create, io::Truncate]) { result::Ok(writer) => { writer.write_str(s); } result::Err(e) => fail!(e) } } pub fn future_writer_factory( ) -> (WriterFactory, Port<(doc::Page, ~str)>) { let (markdown_po, markdown_ch) = stream(); let markdown_ch = SharedChan(markdown_ch); let writer_factory = fn~(page: doc::Page) -> Writer { let (writer_po, writer_ch) = comm::stream(); let markdown_ch = markdown_ch.clone(); do task::spawn || { let (writer, future) = future_writer(); writer_ch.send(writer); let s = future.get(); markdown_ch.send((copy page, s)); } writer_po.recv() }; (writer_factory, markdown_po) } fn future_writer() -> (Writer, future::Future<~str>) { let (port, chan) = comm::stream(); let writer = fn~(instr: WriteInstr) { chan.send(copy instr); }; let future = do future::from_fn || { let mut res = ~""; loop { match port.recv() { Write(s) => res += s, Done => break } } res }; (writer, future) }