//! See .
//! This binary defines various auxiliary build commands, which are not
//! expressible with just `cargo`. Notably, it provides tests via `cargo test -p xtask`
//! for code generation and `cargo xtask install` for installation of
//! rust-analyzer server and client.
//! This binary is integrated into the `cargo` command line by using an alias in
//! `.cargo/config`.
#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes)]
#![allow(clippy::print_stderr, clippy::print_stdout)]
mod flags;
mod dist;
mod install;
mod metrics;
mod publish;
mod release;
use anyhow::bail;
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use xshell::{cmd, Shell};
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let flags = flags::Xtask::from_env_or_exit();
let sh = &Shell::new()?;
match flags.subcommand {
flags::XtaskCmd::Install(cmd) => cmd.run(sh),
flags::XtaskCmd::FuzzTests(_) => run_fuzzer(sh),
flags::XtaskCmd::Release(cmd) => cmd.run(sh),
flags::XtaskCmd::Promote(cmd) => cmd.run(sh),
flags::XtaskCmd::Dist(cmd) => cmd.run(sh),
flags::XtaskCmd::PublishReleaseNotes(cmd) => cmd.run(sh),
flags::XtaskCmd::Metrics(cmd) => cmd.run(sh),
flags::XtaskCmd::Bb(cmd) => {
let _d = sh.push_dir("./crates/rust-analyzer");
cmd!(sh, "cargo build --release --features jemalloc").run()?;
format!("./target/rust-analyzer-{}", cmd.suffix),
fn project_root() -> PathBuf {
&env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap_or_else(|_| env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").to_owned()),
fn run_fuzzer(sh: &Shell) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let _d = sh.push_dir("./crates/syntax");
let _e = sh.push_env("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "nightly");
if cmd!(sh, "cargo fuzz --help").read().is_err() {
cmd!(sh, "cargo install cargo-fuzz").run()?;
// Expecting nightly rustc
let out = cmd!(sh, "rustc --version").read()?;
if !out.contains("nightly") {
bail!("fuzz tests require nightly rustc")
cmd!(sh, "cargo fuzz run parser").run()?;
fn date_iso(sh: &Shell) -> anyhow::Result {
let res = cmd!(sh, "date -u +%Y-%m-%d").read()?;
fn is_release_tag(tag: &str) -> bool {
tag.len() == "2020-02-24".len() && tag.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit())