#include #include #include #include "bar.h" extern void foo(char*); void bar(char *ptr) { if (((uintptr_t)ptr >> 56) != 0x1f) { fprintf(stderr, "Top byte corrupted on Rust -> C FFI boundary!\n"); exit(1); } } int main(void) { float *ptr = alloc_page(); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap() failed"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Store an arbitrary tag in bits 56-59 of the pointer (where an MTE tag may be), // and a different value in the ignored top 4 bits. ptr = (float *)((uintptr_t)ptr | 0x1fl << 56); if (mte_enabled()) { set_tag(ptr); } ptr[0] = 2.0f; ptr[1] = 1.5f; foo(ptr); // should change the contents of the page and call `bar` if (ptr[0] != 0.5f || ptr[1] != 0.2f) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid data in memory; expected '0.5 0.2', got '%f %f'\n", ptr[0], ptr[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return 0; }