#[macro_use] extern crate failure; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; extern crate languageserver_types; extern crate drop_bomb; #[macro_use] extern crate crossbeam_channel; extern crate threadpool; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate flexi_logger; extern crate libeditor; extern crate libanalysis; mod io; mod caps; mod req; mod dispatch; use languageserver_types::InitializeResult; use threadpool::ThreadPool; use crossbeam_channel::{bounded, Sender, Receiver}; use flexi_logger::Logger; use libanalysis::WorldState; use ::{ io::{Io, RawMsg}, }; pub type Result = ::std::result::Result; fn main() -> Result<()> { Logger::with_env_or_str("m=trace") .log_to_file() .directory("log") .start()?; info!("starting server"); match ::std::panic::catch_unwind(|| main_inner()) { Ok(res) => { info!("shutting down: {:?}", res); res } Err(_) => { error!("server panicked"); bail!("server panicked") }, } } fn main_inner() -> Result<()> { let mut io = Io::from_stdio(); let res = initialize(&mut io); info!("shutting down IO..."); let io_res = io.stop(); info!("... IO is down"); match (res, io_res) { (Ok(()), Ok(())) => Ok(()), (res, Ok(())) => res, (Ok(()), io_res) => io_res, (res, Err(io_err)) => { error!("shutdown error: {:?}", io_err); res } } } fn initialize(io: &mut Io) -> Result<()> { loop { match io.recv()? { RawMsg::Request(req) => { if let Some((_params, resp)) = dispatch::expect::(io, req)? { resp.result(io, InitializeResult { capabilities: caps::SERVER_CAPABILITIES })?; match io.recv()? { RawMsg::Notification(n) => { if n.method != "initialized" { bail!("expected initialized notification"); } } _ => { bail!("expected initialized notification"); } } return initialized(io); } } RawMsg::Notification(n) => { bail!("expected initialize request, got {:?}", n) } RawMsg::Response(res) => { bail!("expected initialize request, got {:?}", res) } } } } type Thunk = Box FnBox<&'a mut Io, Result<()>>>; fn initialized(io: &mut Io) -> Result<()> { let mut world = WorldState::new(); let mut pool = ThreadPool::new(4); let (sender, receiver) = bounded::(16); let res = main_loop(io, &mut world, &mut pool, sender, receiver.clone()); info!("waiting for background jobs to finish..."); receiver.for_each(drop); info!("...background jobs have finished"); res } fn main_loop( io: &mut Io, world: &mut WorldState, pool: &mut ThreadPool, sender: Sender, receiver: Receiver, ) -> Result<()> { info!("server initialized, serving requests"); loop { enum Event { Msg(RawMsg), Thunk(Thunk), ReceiverDead, } let event = select! { recv(io.receiver(), msg) => match msg { Some(msg) => Event::Msg(msg), None => Event::ReceiverDead, }, recv(receiver, thunk) => Event::Thunk(thunk.unwrap()), }; let msg = match event { Event::ReceiverDead => { io.cleanup_receiver()?; unreachable!(); } Event::Thunk(thunk) => { thunk.call_box(io)?; continue; } Event::Msg(msg) => msg, }; match msg { RawMsg::Request(req) => { if let Some((params, resp)) = dispatch::expect::(io, req)? { let world = world.snapshot(); let sender = sender.clone(); pool.execute(move || { let res: Result = (|| { let path = params.text_document.uri.to_file_path() .map_err(|()| format_err!("invalid path"))?; let file = world.file_syntax(&path)?; Ok(libeditor::syntax_tree(&file)) })(); sender.send(Box::new(|io: &mut Io| resp.response(io, res))) }); } } msg => { eprintln!("msg = {:?}", msg); } } } } trait FnBox: Send { fn call_box(self: Box, a: A) -> R; } impl R + Send> FnBox for F { fn call_box(self: Box, a: A) -> R { (*self)(a) } }