// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cmp::min; use config::lists::*; use syntax::parse::token::DelimToken; use syntax::source_map::{BytePos, SourceMap, Span}; use syntax::{ast, ptr}; use chains::rewrite_chain; use closures; use comment::{ combine_strs_with_missing_comments, contains_comment, recover_comment_removed, rewrite_comment, rewrite_missing_comment, CharClasses, FindUncommented, }; use config::{Config, ControlBraceStyle, IndentStyle}; use lists::{ definitive_tactic, itemize_list, shape_for_tactic, struct_lit_formatting, struct_lit_shape, struct_lit_tactic, write_list, ListFormatting, ListItem, Separator, }; use macros::{rewrite_macro, MacroPosition}; use matches::rewrite_match; use overflow::{self, IntoOverflowableItem, OverflowableItem}; use pairs::{rewrite_all_pairs, rewrite_pair, PairParts}; use patterns::is_short_pattern; use rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext}; use shape::{Indent, Shape}; use source_map::{LineRangeUtils, SpanUtils}; use spanned::Spanned; use string::{rewrite_string, StringFormat}; use types::{rewrite_path, PathContext}; use utils::{ colon_spaces, contains_skip, count_newlines, first_line_ends_with, inner_attributes, last_line_extendable, last_line_width, mk_sp, outer_attributes, ptr_vec_to_ref_vec, semicolon_for_stmt, wrap_str, }; use vertical::rewrite_with_alignment; use visitor::FmtVisitor; impl Rewrite for ast::Expr { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { format_expr(self, ExprType::SubExpression, context, shape) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ExprType { Statement, SubExpression, } pub fn format_expr( expr: &ast::Expr, expr_type: ExprType, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { skip_out_of_file_lines_range!(context, expr.span); if contains_skip(&*expr.attrs) { return Some(context.snippet(expr.span()).to_owned()); } let expr_rw = match expr.node { ast::ExprKind::Array(ref expr_vec) => rewrite_array( "", expr_vec.iter(), expr.span, context, shape, choose_separator_tactic(context, expr.span), None, ), ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref l) => rewrite_literal(context, l, shape), ast::ExprKind::Call(ref callee, ref args) => { let inner_span = mk_sp(callee.span.hi(), expr.span.hi()); let callee_str = callee.rewrite(context, shape)?; rewrite_call(context, &callee_str, args, inner_span, shape) } ast::ExprKind::Paren(ref subexpr) => rewrite_paren(context, subexpr, shape, expr.span), ast::ExprKind::Binary(op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => { // FIXME: format comments between operands and operator rewrite_all_pairs(expr, shape, context).or_else(|| { rewrite_pair( &**lhs, &**rhs, PairParts::infix(&format!(" {} ", context.snippet(op.span))), context, shape, context.config.binop_separator(), ) }) } ast::ExprKind::Unary(op, ref subexpr) => rewrite_unary_op(context, op, subexpr, shape), ast::ExprKind::Struct(ref path, ref fields, ref base) => rewrite_struct_lit( context, path, fields, base.as_ref().map(|e| &**e), expr.span, shape, ), ast::ExprKind::Tup(ref items) => { rewrite_tuple(context, items.iter(), expr.span, shape, items.len() == 1) } ast::ExprKind::If(..) | ast::ExprKind::IfLet(..) | ast::ExprKind::ForLoop(..) | ast::ExprKind::Loop(..) | ast::ExprKind::While(..) | ast::ExprKind::WhileLet(..) => to_control_flow(expr, expr_type) .and_then(|control_flow| control_flow.rewrite(context, shape)), ast::ExprKind::Block(ref block, opt_label) => { match expr_type { ExprType::Statement => { if is_unsafe_block(block) { rewrite_block(block, Some(&expr.attrs), opt_label, context, shape) } else if let rw @ Some(_) = rewrite_empty_block(context, block, Some(&expr.attrs), opt_label, "", shape) { // Rewrite block without trying to put it in a single line. rw } else { let prefix = block_prefix(context, block, shape)?; rewrite_block_with_visitor( context, &prefix, block, Some(&expr.attrs), opt_label, shape, true, ) } } ExprType::SubExpression => { rewrite_block(block, Some(&expr.attrs), opt_label, context, shape) } } } ast::ExprKind::Match(ref cond, ref arms) => { rewrite_match(context, cond, arms, shape, expr.span, &expr.attrs) } ast::ExprKind::Path(ref qself, ref path) => { rewrite_path(context, PathContext::Expr, qself.as_ref(), path, shape) } ast::ExprKind::Assign(ref lhs, ref rhs) => { rewrite_assignment(context, lhs, rhs, None, shape) } ast::ExprKind::AssignOp(ref op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => { rewrite_assignment(context, lhs, rhs, Some(op), shape) } ast::ExprKind::Continue(ref opt_label) => { let id_str = match *opt_label { Some(label) => format!(" {}", label.ident), None => String::new(), }; Some(format!("continue{}", id_str)) } ast::ExprKind::Break(ref opt_label, ref opt_expr) => { let id_str = match *opt_label { Some(label) => format!(" {}", label.ident), None => String::new(), }; if let Some(ref expr) = *opt_expr { rewrite_unary_prefix(context, &format!("break{} ", id_str), &**expr, shape) } else { Some(format!("break{}", id_str)) } } ast::ExprKind::Yield(ref opt_expr) => { if let Some(ref expr) = *opt_expr { rewrite_unary_prefix(context, "yield ", &**expr, shape) } else { Some("yield".to_string()) } } ast::ExprKind::Closure(capture, asyncness, movability, ref fn_decl, ref body, _) => { closures::rewrite_closure( capture, asyncness, movability, fn_decl, body, expr.span, context, shape, ) } ast::ExprKind::Try(..) | ast::ExprKind::Field(..) | ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(..) => { rewrite_chain(expr, context, shape) } ast::ExprKind::Mac(ref mac) => { rewrite_macro(mac, None, context, shape, MacroPosition::Expression).or_else(|| { wrap_str( context.snippet(expr.span).to_owned(), context.config.max_width(), shape, ) }) } ast::ExprKind::Ret(None) => Some("return".to_owned()), ast::ExprKind::Ret(Some(ref expr)) => { rewrite_unary_prefix(context, "return ", &**expr, shape) } ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr) => rewrite_unary_prefix(context, "box ", &**expr, shape), ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(mutability, ref expr) => { rewrite_expr_addrof(context, mutability, expr, shape) } ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, ref ty) => rewrite_pair( &**expr, &**ty, PairParts::infix(" as "), context, shape, SeparatorPlace::Front, ), ast::ExprKind::Type(ref expr, ref ty) => rewrite_pair( &**expr, &**ty, PairParts::infix(": "), context, shape, SeparatorPlace::Back, ), ast::ExprKind::Index(ref expr, ref index) => { rewrite_index(&**expr, &**index, context, shape) } ast::ExprKind::Repeat(ref expr, ref repeats) => rewrite_pair( &**expr, &*repeats.value, PairParts::new("[", "; ", "]"), context, shape, SeparatorPlace::Back, ), ast::ExprKind::Range(ref lhs, ref rhs, limits) => { let delim = match limits { ast::RangeLimits::HalfOpen => "..", ast::RangeLimits::Closed => "..=", }; fn needs_space_before_range(context: &RewriteContext, lhs: &ast::Expr) -> bool { match lhs.node { ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) => match lit.node { ast::LitKind::FloatUnsuffixed(..) => { context.snippet(lit.span).ends_with('.') } _ => false, }, _ => false, } } fn needs_space_after_range(rhs: &ast::Expr) -> bool { match rhs.node { // Don't format `.. ..` into `....`, which is invalid. // // This check is unnecessary for `lhs`, because a range // starting from another range needs parentheses as `(x ..) ..` // (`x .. ..` is a range from `x` to `..`). ast::ExprKind::Range(None, _, _) => true, _ => false, } } let default_sp_delim = |lhs: Option<&ast::Expr>, rhs: Option<&ast::Expr>| { let space_if = |b: bool| if b { " " } else { "" }; format!( "{}{}{}", lhs.map_or("", |lhs| space_if(needs_space_before_range(context, lhs))), delim, rhs.map_or("", |rhs| space_if(needs_space_after_range(rhs))), ) }; match (lhs.as_ref().map(|x| &**x), rhs.as_ref().map(|x| &**x)) { (Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) => { let sp_delim = if context.config.spaces_around_ranges() { format!(" {} ", delim) } else { default_sp_delim(Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) }; rewrite_pair( &*lhs, &*rhs, PairParts::infix(&sp_delim), context, shape, context.config.binop_separator(), ) } (None, Some(rhs)) => { let sp_delim = if context.config.spaces_around_ranges() { format!("{} ", delim) } else { default_sp_delim(None, Some(rhs)) }; rewrite_unary_prefix(context, &sp_delim, &*rhs, shape) } (Some(lhs), None) => { let sp_delim = if context.config.spaces_around_ranges() { format!(" {}", delim) } else { default_sp_delim(Some(lhs), None) }; rewrite_unary_suffix(context, &sp_delim, &*lhs, shape) } (None, None) => Some(delim.to_owned()), } } // We do not format these expressions yet, but they should still // satisfy our width restrictions. ast::ExprKind::InlineAsm(..) => Some(context.snippet(expr.span).to_owned()), ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(ref block) => { if let rw @ Some(_) = rewrite_single_line_block(context, "try ", block, Some(&expr.attrs), None, shape) { rw } else { // 9 = `try ` let budget = shape.width.saturating_sub(9); Some(format!( "{}{}", "try ", rewrite_block( block, Some(&expr.attrs), None, context, Shape::legacy(budget, shape.indent) )? )) } } ast::ExprKind::ObsoleteInPlace(ref lhs, ref rhs) => lhs .rewrite(context, shape) .map(|s| s + " <-") .and_then(|lhs| rewrite_assign_rhs(context, lhs, &**rhs, shape)), ast::ExprKind::Async(capture_by, _node_id, ref block) => { let mover = if capture_by == ast::CaptureBy::Value { "move " } else { "" }; if let rw @ Some(_) = rewrite_single_line_block( context, format!("{}{}", "async ", mover).as_str(), block, Some(&expr.attrs), None, shape, ) { rw } else { // 6 = `async ` let budget = shape.width.saturating_sub(6); Some(format!( "{}{}{}", "async ", mover, rewrite_block( block, Some(&expr.attrs), None, context, Shape::legacy(budget, shape.indent) )? )) } } }; expr_rw .and_then(|expr_str| recover_comment_removed(expr_str, expr.span, context)) .and_then(|expr_str| { let attrs = outer_attributes(&expr.attrs); let attrs_str = attrs.rewrite(context, shape)?; let span = mk_sp( attrs.last().map_or(expr.span.lo(), |attr| attr.span.hi()), expr.span.lo(), ); combine_strs_with_missing_comments(context, &attrs_str, &expr_str, span, shape, false) }) } pub fn rewrite_array<'a, T: 'a + IntoOverflowableItem<'a>>( name: &'a str, exprs: impl Iterator, span: Span, context: &'a RewriteContext, shape: Shape, force_separator_tactic: Option, delim_token: Option, ) -> Option { overflow::rewrite_with_square_brackets( context, name, exprs, shape, span, force_separator_tactic, delim_token, ) } fn rewrite_empty_block( context: &RewriteContext, block: &ast::Block, attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>, label: Option, prefix: &str, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let label_str = rewrite_label(label); if attrs.map_or(false, |a| !inner_attributes(a).is_empty()) { return None; } if block.stmts.is_empty() && !block_contains_comment(block, context.source_map) && shape.width >= 2 { return Some(format!("{}{}{{}}", prefix, label_str)); } // If a block contains only a single-line comment, then leave it on one line. let user_str = context.snippet(block.span); let user_str = user_str.trim(); if user_str.starts_with('{') && user_str.ends_with('}') { let comment_str = user_str[1..user_str.len() - 1].trim(); if block.stmts.is_empty() && !comment_str.contains('\n') && !comment_str.starts_with("//") && comment_str.len() + 4 <= shape.width { return Some(format!("{}{}{{ {} }}", prefix, label_str, comment_str)); } } None } fn block_prefix(context: &RewriteContext, block: &ast::Block, shape: Shape) -> Option { Some(match block.rules { ast::BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(..) => { let snippet = context.snippet(block.span); let open_pos = snippet.find_uncommented("{")?; // Extract comment between unsafe and block start. let trimmed = &snippet[6..open_pos].trim(); if !trimmed.is_empty() { // 9 = "unsafe {".len(), 7 = "unsafe ".len() let budget = shape.width.checked_sub(9)?; format!( "unsafe {} ", rewrite_comment( trimmed, true, Shape::legacy(budget, shape.indent + 7), context.config, )? ) } else { "unsafe ".to_owned() } } ast::BlockCheckMode::Default => String::new(), }) } fn rewrite_single_line_block( context: &RewriteContext, prefix: &str, block: &ast::Block, attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>, label: Option, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { if is_simple_block(block, attrs, context.source_map) { let expr_shape = shape.offset_left(last_line_width(prefix))?; let expr_str = block.stmts[0].rewrite(context, expr_shape)?; let label_str = rewrite_label(label); let result = format!("{}{}{{ {} }}", prefix, label_str, expr_str); if result.len() <= shape.width && !result.contains('\n') { return Some(result); } } None } pub fn rewrite_block_with_visitor( context: &RewriteContext, prefix: &str, block: &ast::Block, attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>, label: Option, shape: Shape, has_braces: bool, ) -> Option { if let rw @ Some(_) = rewrite_empty_block(context, block, attrs, label, prefix, shape) { return rw; } let mut visitor = FmtVisitor::from_context(context); visitor.block_indent = shape.indent; visitor.is_if_else_block = context.is_if_else_block(); match block.rules { ast::BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(..) => { let snippet = context.snippet(block.span); let open_pos = snippet.find_uncommented("{")?; visitor.last_pos = block.span.lo() + BytePos(open_pos as u32) } ast::BlockCheckMode::Default => visitor.last_pos = block.span.lo(), } let inner_attrs = attrs.map(inner_attributes); let label_str = rewrite_label(label); visitor.visit_block(block, inner_attrs.as_ref().map(|a| &**a), has_braces); Some(format!("{}{}{}", prefix, label_str, visitor.buffer)) } impl Rewrite for ast::Block { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { rewrite_block(self, None, None, context, shape) } } fn rewrite_block( block: &ast::Block, attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>, label: Option, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let prefix = block_prefix(context, block, shape)?; // shape.width is used only for the single line case: either the empty block `{}`, // or an unsafe expression `unsafe { e }`. if let rw @ Some(_) = rewrite_empty_block(context, block, attrs, label, &prefix, shape) { return rw; } let result = rewrite_block_with_visitor(context, &prefix, block, attrs, label, shape, true); if let Some(ref result_str) = result { if result_str.lines().count() <= 3 { if let rw @ Some(_) = rewrite_single_line_block(context, &prefix, block, attrs, label, shape) { return rw; } } } result } impl Rewrite for ast::Stmt { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { skip_out_of_file_lines_range!(context, self.span()); let result = match self.node { ast::StmtKind::Local(ref local) => local.rewrite(context, shape), ast::StmtKind::Expr(ref ex) | ast::StmtKind::Semi(ref ex) => { let suffix = if semicolon_for_stmt(context, self) { ";" } else { "" }; let shape = shape.sub_width(suffix.len())?; format_expr(ex, ExprType::Statement, context, shape).map(|s| s + suffix) } ast::StmtKind::Mac(..) | ast::StmtKind::Item(..) => None, }; result.and_then(|res| recover_comment_removed(res, self.span(), context)) } } // Rewrite condition if the given expression has one. pub fn rewrite_cond(context: &RewriteContext, expr: &ast::Expr, shape: Shape) -> Option { match expr.node { ast::ExprKind::Match(ref cond, _) => { // `match `cond` {` let cond_shape = match context.config.indent_style() { IndentStyle::Visual => shape.shrink_left(6).and_then(|s| s.sub_width(2))?, IndentStyle::Block => shape.offset_left(8)?, }; cond.rewrite(context, cond_shape) } _ => to_control_flow(expr, ExprType::SubExpression).and_then(|control_flow| { let alt_block_sep = String::from("\n") + &shape.indent.block_only().to_string(context.config); control_flow .rewrite_cond(context, shape, &alt_block_sep) .and_then(|rw| Some(rw.0)) }), } } // Abstraction over control flow expressions #[derive(Debug)] struct ControlFlow<'a> { cond: Option<&'a ast::Expr>, block: &'a ast::Block, else_block: Option<&'a ast::Expr>, label: Option, pats: Vec<&'a ast::Pat>, keyword: &'a str, matcher: &'a str, connector: &'a str, allow_single_line: bool, // True if this is an `if` expression in an `else if` :-( hacky nested_if: bool, span: Span, } fn to_control_flow(expr: &ast::Expr, expr_type: ExprType) -> Option { match expr.node { ast::ExprKind::If(ref cond, ref if_block, ref else_block) => Some(ControlFlow::new_if( cond, vec![], if_block, else_block.as_ref().map(|e| &**e), expr_type == ExprType::SubExpression, false, expr.span, )), ast::ExprKind::IfLet(ref pat, ref cond, ref if_block, ref else_block) => { Some(ControlFlow::new_if( cond, ptr_vec_to_ref_vec(pat), if_block, else_block.as_ref().map(|e| &**e), expr_type == ExprType::SubExpression, false, expr.span, )) } ast::ExprKind::ForLoop(ref pat, ref cond, ref block, label) => { Some(ControlFlow::new_for(pat, cond, block, label, expr.span)) } ast::ExprKind::Loop(ref block, label) => { Some(ControlFlow::new_loop(block, label, expr.span)) } ast::ExprKind::While(ref cond, ref block, label) => Some(ControlFlow::new_while( vec![], cond, block, label, expr.span, )), ast::ExprKind::WhileLet(ref pat, ref cond, ref block, label) => Some( ControlFlow::new_while(ptr_vec_to_ref_vec(pat), cond, block, label, expr.span), ), _ => None, } } fn choose_matcher(pats: &[&ast::Pat]) -> &'static str { if pats.is_empty() { "" } else { "let" } } impl<'a> ControlFlow<'a> { fn new_if( cond: &'a ast::Expr, pats: Vec<&'a ast::Pat>, block: &'a ast::Block, else_block: Option<&'a ast::Expr>, allow_single_line: bool, nested_if: bool, span: Span, ) -> ControlFlow<'a> { let matcher = choose_matcher(&pats); ControlFlow { cond: Some(cond), block, else_block, label: None, pats, keyword: "if", matcher, connector: " =", allow_single_line, nested_if, span, } } fn new_loop(block: &'a ast::Block, label: Option, span: Span) -> ControlFlow<'a> { ControlFlow { cond: None, block, else_block: None, label, pats: vec![], keyword: "loop", matcher: "", connector: "", allow_single_line: false, nested_if: false, span, } } fn new_while( pats: Vec<&'a ast::Pat>, cond: &'a ast::Expr, block: &'a ast::Block, label: Option, span: Span, ) -> ControlFlow<'a> { let matcher = choose_matcher(&pats); ControlFlow { cond: Some(cond), block, else_block: None, label, pats, keyword: "while", matcher, connector: " =", allow_single_line: false, nested_if: false, span, } } fn new_for( pat: &'a ast::Pat, cond: &'a ast::Expr, block: &'a ast::Block, label: Option, span: Span, ) -> ControlFlow<'a> { ControlFlow { cond: Some(cond), block, else_block: None, label, pats: vec![pat], keyword: "for", matcher: "", connector: " in", allow_single_line: false, nested_if: false, span, } } fn rewrite_single_line( &self, pat_expr_str: &str, context: &RewriteContext, width: usize, ) -> Option { assert!(self.allow_single_line); let else_block = self.else_block?; let fixed_cost = self.keyword.len() + " { } else { }".len(); if let ast::ExprKind::Block(ref else_node, _) = else_block.node { if !is_simple_block(self.block, None, context.source_map) || !is_simple_block(else_node, None, context.source_map) || pat_expr_str.contains('\n') { return None; } let new_width = width.checked_sub(pat_expr_str.len() + fixed_cost)?; let expr = &self.block.stmts[0]; let if_str = expr.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(new_width, Indent::empty()))?; let new_width = new_width.checked_sub(if_str.len())?; let else_expr = &else_node.stmts[0]; let else_str = else_expr.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(new_width, Indent::empty()))?; if if_str.contains('\n') || else_str.contains('\n') { return None; } let result = format!( "{} {} {{ {} }} else {{ {} }}", self.keyword, pat_expr_str, if_str, else_str ); if result.len() <= width { return Some(result); } } None } } /// Returns true if the last line of pat_str has leading whitespace and it is wider than the /// shape's indent. fn last_line_offsetted(start_column: usize, pat_str: &str) -> bool { let mut leading_whitespaces = 0; for c in pat_str.chars().rev() { match c { '\n' => break, _ if c.is_whitespace() => leading_whitespaces += 1, _ => leading_whitespaces = 0, } } leading_whitespaces > start_column } impl<'a> ControlFlow<'a> { fn rewrite_pat_expr( &self, context: &RewriteContext, expr: &ast::Expr, shape: Shape, offset: usize, ) -> Option { debug!("rewrite_pat_expr {:?} {:?} {:?}", shape, self.pats, expr); let cond_shape = shape.offset_left(offset)?; if !self.pats.is_empty() { let matcher = if self.matcher.is_empty() { self.matcher.to_owned() } else { format!("{} ", self.matcher) }; let pat_shape = cond_shape .offset_left(matcher.len())? .sub_width(self.connector.len())?; let pat_string = rewrite_multiple_patterns(context, &self.pats, pat_shape)?; let result = format!("{}{}{}", matcher, pat_string, self.connector); return rewrite_assign_rhs(context, result, expr, cond_shape); } let expr_rw = expr.rewrite(context, cond_shape); // The expression may (partially) fit on the current line. // We do not allow splitting between `if` and condition. if self.keyword == "if" || expr_rw.is_some() { return expr_rw; } // The expression won't fit on the current line, jump to next. let nested_shape = shape .block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces()) .with_max_width(context.config); let nested_indent_str = nested_shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config); expr.rewrite(context, nested_shape) .map(|expr_rw| format!("{}{}", nested_indent_str, expr_rw)) } fn rewrite_cond( &self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape, alt_block_sep: &str, ) -> Option<(String, usize)> { // Do not take the rhs overhead from the upper expressions into account // when rewriting pattern. let new_width = context.budget(shape.used_width()); let fresh_shape = Shape { width: new_width, ..shape }; let constr_shape = if self.nested_if { // We are part of an if-elseif-else chain. Our constraints are tightened. // 7 = "} else " .len() fresh_shape.offset_left(7)? } else { fresh_shape }; let label_string = rewrite_label(self.label); // 1 = space after keyword. let offset = self.keyword.len() + label_string.len() + 1; let pat_expr_string = match self.cond { Some(cond) => self.rewrite_pat_expr(context, cond, constr_shape, offset)?, None => String::new(), }; let brace_overhead = if context.config.control_brace_style() != ControlBraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine { // 2 = ` {` 2 } else { 0 }; let one_line_budget = context .config .max_width() .saturating_sub(constr_shape.used_width() + offset + brace_overhead); let force_newline_brace = (pat_expr_string.contains('\n') || pat_expr_string.len() > one_line_budget) && (!last_line_extendable(&pat_expr_string) || last_line_offsetted(shape.used_width(), &pat_expr_string)); // Try to format if-else on single line. if self.allow_single_line && context .config .width_heuristics() .single_line_if_else_max_width > 0 { let trial = self.rewrite_single_line(&pat_expr_string, context, shape.width); if let Some(cond_str) = trial { if cond_str.len() <= context .config .width_heuristics() .single_line_if_else_max_width { return Some((cond_str, 0)); } } } let cond_span = if let Some(cond) = self.cond { cond.span } else { mk_sp(self.block.span.lo(), self.block.span.lo()) }; // `for event in event` // Do not include label in the span. let lo = self .label .map_or(self.span.lo(), |label| label.ident.span.hi()); let between_kwd_cond = mk_sp( context .snippet_provider .span_after(mk_sp(lo, self.span.hi()), self.keyword.trim()), if self.pats.is_empty() { cond_span.lo() } else if self.matcher.is_empty() { self.pats[0].span.lo() } else { context .snippet_provider .span_before(self.span, self.matcher.trim()) }, ); let between_kwd_cond_comment = extract_comment(between_kwd_cond, context, shape); let after_cond_comment = extract_comment(mk_sp(cond_span.hi(), self.block.span.lo()), context, shape); let block_sep = if self.cond.is_none() && between_kwd_cond_comment.is_some() { "" } else if context.config.control_brace_style() == ControlBraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine || force_newline_brace { alt_block_sep } else { " " }; let used_width = if pat_expr_string.contains('\n') { last_line_width(&pat_expr_string) } else { // 2 = spaces after keyword and condition. label_string.len() + self.keyword.len() + pat_expr_string.len() + 2 }; Some(( format!( "{}{}{}{}{}", label_string, self.keyword, between_kwd_cond_comment.as_ref().map_or( if pat_expr_string.is_empty() || pat_expr_string.starts_with('\n') { "" } else { " " }, |s| &**s, ), pat_expr_string, after_cond_comment.as_ref().map_or(block_sep, |s| &**s) ), used_width, )) } } impl<'a> Rewrite for ControlFlow<'a> { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { debug!("ControlFlow::rewrite {:?} {:?}", self, shape); let alt_block_sep = &shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config); let (cond_str, used_width) = self.rewrite_cond(context, shape, alt_block_sep)?; // If `used_width` is 0, it indicates that whole control flow is written in a single line. if used_width == 0 { return Some(cond_str); } let block_width = shape.width.saturating_sub(used_width); // This is used only for the empty block case: `{}`. So, we use 1 if we know // we should avoid the single line case. let block_width = if self.else_block.is_some() || self.nested_if { min(1, block_width) } else { block_width }; let block_shape = Shape { width: block_width, ..shape }; let block_str = { let old_val = context.is_if_else_block.replace(self.else_block.is_some()); let result = rewrite_block_with_visitor(context, "", self.block, None, None, block_shape, true); context.is_if_else_block.replace(old_val); result? }; let mut result = format!("{}{}", cond_str, block_str); if let Some(else_block) = self.else_block { let shape = Shape::indented(shape.indent, context.config); let mut last_in_chain = false; let rewrite = match else_block.node { // If the else expression is another if-else expression, prevent it // from being formatted on a single line. // Note how we're passing the original shape, as the // cost of "else" should not cascade. ast::ExprKind::IfLet(ref pat, ref cond, ref if_block, ref next_else_block) => { ControlFlow::new_if( cond, ptr_vec_to_ref_vec(pat), if_block, next_else_block.as_ref().map(|e| &**e), false, true, mk_sp(else_block.span.lo(), self.span.hi()), ) .rewrite(context, shape) } ast::ExprKind::If(ref cond, ref if_block, ref next_else_block) => { ControlFlow::new_if( cond, vec![], if_block, next_else_block.as_ref().map(|e| &**e), false, true, mk_sp(else_block.span.lo(), self.span.hi()), ) .rewrite(context, shape) } _ => { last_in_chain = true; // When rewriting a block, the width is only used for single line // blocks, passing 1 lets us avoid that. let else_shape = Shape { width: min(1, shape.width), ..shape }; format_expr(else_block, ExprType::Statement, context, else_shape) } }; let between_kwd_else_block = mk_sp( self.block.span.hi(), context .snippet_provider .span_before(mk_sp(self.block.span.hi(), else_block.span.lo()), "else"), ); let between_kwd_else_block_comment = extract_comment(between_kwd_else_block, context, shape); let after_else = mk_sp( context .snippet_provider .span_after(mk_sp(self.block.span.hi(), else_block.span.lo()), "else"), else_block.span.lo(), ); let after_else_comment = extract_comment(after_else, context, shape); let between_sep = match context.config.control_brace_style() { ControlBraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine | ControlBraceStyle::ClosingNextLine => { &*alt_block_sep } ControlBraceStyle::AlwaysSameLine => " ", }; let after_sep = match context.config.control_brace_style() { ControlBraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine if last_in_chain => &*alt_block_sep, _ => " ", }; result.push_str(&format!( "{}else{}", between_kwd_else_block_comment .as_ref() .map_or(between_sep, |s| &**s), after_else_comment.as_ref().map_or(after_sep, |s| &**s), )); result.push_str(&rewrite?); } Some(result) } } fn rewrite_label(opt_label: Option) -> Cow<'static, str> { match opt_label { Some(label) => Cow::from(format!("{}: ", label.ident)), None => Cow::from(""), } } fn extract_comment(span: Span, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { match rewrite_missing_comment(span, shape, context) { Some(ref comment) if !comment.is_empty() => Some(format!( "{indent}{}{indent}", comment, indent = shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config) )), _ => None, } } pub fn block_contains_comment(block: &ast::Block, source_map: &SourceMap) -> bool { let snippet = source_map.span_to_snippet(block.span).unwrap(); contains_comment(&snippet) } // Checks that a block contains no statements, an expression and no comments or // attributes. // FIXME: incorrectly returns false when comment is contained completely within // the expression. pub fn is_simple_block( block: &ast::Block, attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>, source_map: &SourceMap, ) -> bool { (block.stmts.len() == 1 && stmt_is_expr(&block.stmts[0]) && !block_contains_comment(block, source_map) && attrs.map_or(true, |a| a.is_empty())) } /// Checks whether a block contains at most one statement or expression, and no /// comments or attributes. pub fn is_simple_block_stmt( block: &ast::Block, attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>, source_map: &SourceMap, ) -> bool { block.stmts.len() <= 1 && !block_contains_comment(block, source_map) && attrs.map_or(true, |a| a.is_empty()) } /// Checks whether a block contains no statements, expressions, comments, or /// inner attributes. pub fn is_empty_block( block: &ast::Block, attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>, source_map: &SourceMap, ) -> bool { block.stmts.is_empty() && !block_contains_comment(block, source_map) && attrs.map_or(true, |a| inner_attributes(a).is_empty()) } pub fn stmt_is_expr(stmt: &ast::Stmt) -> bool { match stmt.node { ast::StmtKind::Expr(..) => true, _ => false, } } pub fn is_unsafe_block(block: &ast::Block) -> bool { if let ast::BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(..) = block.rules { true } else { false } } pub fn rewrite_multiple_patterns( context: &RewriteContext, pats: &[&ast::Pat], shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let pat_strs = pats .iter() .map(|p| p.rewrite(context, shape)) .collect::>>()?; let use_mixed_layout = pats .iter() .zip(pat_strs.iter()) .all(|(pat, pat_str)| is_short_pattern(pat, pat_str)); let items: Vec<_> = pat_strs.into_iter().map(ListItem::from_str).collect(); let tactic = if use_mixed_layout { DefinitiveListTactic::Mixed } else { definitive_tactic( &items, ListTactic::HorizontalVertical, Separator::VerticalBar, shape.width, ) }; let fmt = ListFormatting::new(shape, context.config) .tactic(tactic) .separator(" |") .separator_place(context.config.binop_separator()) .ends_with_newline(false); write_list(&items, &fmt) } pub fn rewrite_literal(context: &RewriteContext, l: &ast::Lit, shape: Shape) -> Option { match l.node { ast::LitKind::Str(_, ast::StrStyle::Cooked) => rewrite_string_lit(context, l.span, shape), _ => wrap_str( context.snippet(l.span).to_owned(), context.config.max_width(), shape, ), } } fn rewrite_string_lit(context: &RewriteContext, span: Span, shape: Shape) -> Option { let string_lit = context.snippet(span); if !context.config.format_strings() { if string_lit .lines() .rev() .skip(1) .all(|line| line.ends_with('\\')) { let new_indent = shape.visual_indent(1).indent; let indented_string_lit = String::from( string_lit .lines() .map(|line| { format!( "{}{}", new_indent.to_string(context.config), line.trim_left() ) }) .collect::>() .join("\n") .trim_left(), ); return wrap_str(indented_string_lit, context.config.max_width(), shape); } else { return wrap_str(string_lit.to_owned(), context.config.max_width(), shape); } } // Remove the quote characters. let str_lit = &string_lit[1..string_lit.len() - 1]; rewrite_string( str_lit, &StringFormat::new(shape.visual_indent(0), context.config), shape.width.saturating_sub(2), ) } fn choose_separator_tactic(context: &RewriteContext, span: Span) -> Option { if context.inside_macro() { if span_ends_with_comma(context, span) { Some(SeparatorTactic::Always) } else { Some(SeparatorTactic::Never) } } else { None } } pub fn rewrite_call( context: &RewriteContext, callee: &str, args: &[ptr::P], span: Span, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { overflow::rewrite_with_parens( context, callee, args.iter(), shape, span, context.config.width_heuristics().fn_call_width, choose_separator_tactic(context, span), ) } pub fn is_simple_expr(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool { match expr.node { ast::ExprKind::Lit(..) => true, ast::ExprKind::Path(ref qself, ref path) => qself.is_none() && path.segments.len() <= 1, ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, _) | ast::ExprKind::Field(ref expr, _) | ast::ExprKind::Try(ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref expr) => is_simple_expr(expr), ast::ExprKind::Index(ref lhs, ref rhs) => is_simple_expr(lhs) && is_simple_expr(rhs), ast::ExprKind::Repeat(ref lhs, ref rhs) => { is_simple_expr(lhs) && is_simple_expr(&*rhs.value) } _ => false, } } pub fn is_every_expr_simple(lists: &[OverflowableItem]) -> bool { lists.iter().all(OverflowableItem::is_simple) } pub fn can_be_overflowed_expr(context: &RewriteContext, expr: &ast::Expr, args_len: usize) -> bool { match expr.node { ast::ExprKind::Match(..) => { (context.use_block_indent() && args_len == 1) || (context.config.indent_style() == IndentStyle::Visual && args_len > 1) } ast::ExprKind::If(..) | ast::ExprKind::IfLet(..) | ast::ExprKind::ForLoop(..) | ast::ExprKind::Loop(..) | ast::ExprKind::While(..) | ast::ExprKind::WhileLet(..) => { context.config.combine_control_expr() && context.use_block_indent() && args_len == 1 } ast::ExprKind::Block(..) | ast::ExprKind::Closure(..) => { context.use_block_indent() || context.config.indent_style() == IndentStyle::Visual } ast::ExprKind::Array(..) | ast::ExprKind::Call(..) | ast::ExprKind::Mac(..) | ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(..) | ast::ExprKind::Struct(..) | ast::ExprKind::Tup(..) => context.use_block_indent() && args_len == 1, ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Try(ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, _) => can_be_overflowed_expr(context, expr, args_len), _ => false, } } pub fn is_nested_call(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool { match expr.node { ast::ExprKind::Call(..) | ast::ExprKind::Mac(..) => true, ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Try(ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, _) => is_nested_call(expr), _ => false, } } /// Return true if a function call or a method call represented by the given span ends with a /// trailing comma. This function is used when rewriting macro, as adding or removing a trailing /// comma from macro can potentially break the code. pub fn span_ends_with_comma(context: &RewriteContext, span: Span) -> bool { let mut result: bool = Default::default(); let mut prev_char: char = Default::default(); let closing_delimiters = &[')', '}', ']']; for (kind, c) in CharClasses::new(context.snippet(span).chars()) { match c { _ if kind.is_comment() || c.is_whitespace() => continue, c if closing_delimiters.contains(&c) => { result &= !closing_delimiters.contains(&prev_char); } ',' => result = true, _ => result = false, } prev_char = c; } result } fn rewrite_paren( context: &RewriteContext, mut subexpr: &ast::Expr, shape: Shape, mut span: Span, ) -> Option { debug!("rewrite_paren, shape: {:?}", shape); // Extract comments within parens. let mut pre_span; let mut post_span; let mut pre_comment; let mut post_comment; let remove_nested_parens = context.config.remove_nested_parens(); loop { // 1 = "(" or ")" pre_span = mk_sp(span.lo() + BytePos(1), subexpr.span.lo()); post_span = mk_sp(subexpr.span.hi(), span.hi() - BytePos(1)); pre_comment = rewrite_missing_comment(pre_span, shape, context)?; post_comment = rewrite_missing_comment(post_span, shape, context)?; // Remove nested parens if there are no comments. if let ast::ExprKind::Paren(ref subsubexpr) = subexpr.node { if remove_nested_parens && pre_comment.is_empty() && post_comment.is_empty() { span = subexpr.span; subexpr = subsubexpr; continue; } } break; } // 1 = `(` and `)` let sub_shape = shape.offset_left(1)?.sub_width(1)?; let subexpr_str = subexpr.rewrite(context, sub_shape)?; let fits_single_line = !pre_comment.contains("//") && !post_comment.contains("//"); if fits_single_line { Some(format!("({}{}{})", pre_comment, &subexpr_str, post_comment)) } else { rewrite_paren_in_multi_line(context, subexpr, shape, pre_span, post_span) } } fn rewrite_paren_in_multi_line( context: &RewriteContext, subexpr: &ast::Expr, shape: Shape, pre_span: Span, post_span: Span, ) -> Option { let nested_indent = shape.indent.block_indent(context.config); let nested_shape = Shape::indented(nested_indent, context.config); let pre_comment = rewrite_missing_comment(pre_span, nested_shape, context)?; let post_comment = rewrite_missing_comment(post_span, nested_shape, context)?; let subexpr_str = subexpr.rewrite(context, nested_shape)?; let mut result = String::with_capacity(subexpr_str.len() * 2); result.push('('); if !pre_comment.is_empty() { result.push_str(&nested_indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config)); result.push_str(&pre_comment); } result.push_str(&nested_indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config)); result.push_str(&subexpr_str); if !post_comment.is_empty() { result.push_str(&nested_indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config)); result.push_str(&post_comment); } result.push_str(&shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config)); result.push(')'); Some(result) } fn rewrite_index( expr: &ast::Expr, index: &ast::Expr, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let expr_str = expr.rewrite(context, shape)?; let offset = last_line_width(&expr_str) + 1; let rhs_overhead = shape.rhs_overhead(context.config); let index_shape = if expr_str.contains('\n') { Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width(), shape.indent) .offset_left(offset) .and_then(|shape| shape.sub_width(1 + rhs_overhead)) } else { match context.config.indent_style() { IndentStyle::Block => shape .offset_left(offset) .and_then(|shape| shape.sub_width(1)), IndentStyle::Visual => shape.visual_indent(offset).sub_width(offset + 1), } }; let orig_index_rw = index_shape.and_then(|s| index.rewrite(context, s)); // Return if index fits in a single line. match orig_index_rw { Some(ref index_str) if !index_str.contains('\n') => { return Some(format!("{}[{}]", expr_str, index_str)); } _ => (), } // Try putting index on the next line and see if it fits in a single line. let indent = shape.indent.block_indent(context.config); let index_shape = Shape::indented(indent, context.config).offset_left(1)?; let index_shape = index_shape.sub_width(1 + rhs_overhead)?; let new_index_rw = index.rewrite(context, index_shape); match (orig_index_rw, new_index_rw) { (_, Some(ref new_index_str)) if !new_index_str.contains('\n') => Some(format!( "{}{}[{}]", expr_str, indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config), new_index_str, )), (None, Some(ref new_index_str)) => Some(format!( "{}{}[{}]", expr_str, indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config), new_index_str, )), (Some(ref index_str), _) => Some(format!("{}[{}]", expr_str, index_str)), _ => None, } } fn struct_lit_can_be_aligned(fields: &[ast::Field], base: Option<&ast::Expr>) -> bool { if base.is_some() { return false; } fields.iter().all(|field| !field.is_shorthand) } fn rewrite_struct_lit<'a>( context: &RewriteContext, path: &ast::Path, fields: &'a [ast::Field], base: Option<&'a ast::Expr>, span: Span, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { debug!("rewrite_struct_lit: shape {:?}", shape); enum StructLitField<'a> { Regular(&'a ast::Field), Base(&'a ast::Expr), } // 2 = " {".len() let path_shape = shape.sub_width(2)?; let path_str = rewrite_path(context, PathContext::Expr, None, path, path_shape)?; if fields.is_empty() && base.is_none() { return Some(format!("{} {{}}", path_str)); } // Foo { a: Foo } - indent is +3, width is -5. let (h_shape, v_shape) = struct_lit_shape(shape, context, path_str.len() + 3, 2)?; let one_line_width = h_shape.map_or(0, |shape| shape.width); let body_lo = context.snippet_provider.span_after(span, "{"); let fields_str = if struct_lit_can_be_aligned(fields, base) && context.config.struct_field_align_threshold() > 0 { rewrite_with_alignment( fields, context, shape, mk_sp(body_lo, span.hi()), one_line_width, )? } else { let field_iter = fields .into_iter() .map(StructLitField::Regular) .chain(base.into_iter().map(StructLitField::Base)); let span_lo = |item: &StructLitField| match *item { StructLitField::Regular(field) => field.span().lo(), StructLitField::Base(expr) => { let last_field_hi = fields.last().map_or(span.lo(), |field| field.span.hi()); let snippet = context.snippet(mk_sp(last_field_hi, expr.span.lo())); let pos = snippet.find_uncommented("..").unwrap(); last_field_hi + BytePos(pos as u32) } }; let span_hi = |item: &StructLitField| match *item { StructLitField::Regular(field) => field.span().hi(), StructLitField::Base(expr) => expr.span.hi(), }; let rewrite = |item: &StructLitField| match *item { StructLitField::Regular(field) => { // The 1 taken from the v_budget is for the comma. rewrite_field(context, field, v_shape.sub_width(1)?, 0) } StructLitField::Base(expr) => { // 2 = .. expr.rewrite(context, v_shape.offset_left(2)?) .map(|s| format!("..{}", s)) } }; let items = itemize_list( context.snippet_provider, field_iter, "}", ",", span_lo, span_hi, rewrite, body_lo, span.hi(), false, ); let item_vec = items.collect::>(); let tactic = struct_lit_tactic(h_shape, context, &item_vec); let nested_shape = shape_for_tactic(tactic, h_shape, v_shape); let ends_with_comma = span_ends_with_comma(context, span); let force_no_trailing_comma = context.inside_macro() && !ends_with_comma; let fmt = struct_lit_formatting( nested_shape, tactic, context, force_no_trailing_comma || base.is_some() || !context.use_block_indent(), ); write_list(&item_vec, &fmt)? }; let fields_str = wrap_struct_field(context, &fields_str, shape, v_shape, one_line_width); Some(format!("{} {{{}}}", path_str, fields_str)) // FIXME if context.config.indent_style() == Visual, but we run out // of space, we should fall back to BlockIndent. } pub fn wrap_struct_field( context: &RewriteContext, fields_str: &str, shape: Shape, nested_shape: Shape, one_line_width: usize, ) -> String { if context.config.indent_style() == IndentStyle::Block && (fields_str.contains('\n') || !context.config.struct_lit_single_line() || fields_str.len() > one_line_width) { format!( "{}{}{}", nested_shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config), fields_str, shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config) ) } else { // One liner or visual indent. format!(" {} ", fields_str) } } pub fn struct_lit_field_separator(config: &Config) -> &str { colon_spaces(config.space_before_colon(), config.space_after_colon()) } pub fn rewrite_field( context: &RewriteContext, field: &ast::Field, shape: Shape, prefix_max_width: usize, ) -> Option { if contains_skip(&field.attrs) { return Some(context.snippet(field.span()).to_owned()); } let mut attrs_str = field.attrs.rewrite(context, shape)?; if !attrs_str.is_empty() { attrs_str.push_str(&shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config)); }; let name = context.snippet(field.ident.span); if field.is_shorthand { Some(attrs_str + name) } else { let mut separator = String::from(struct_lit_field_separator(context.config)); for _ in 0..prefix_max_width.saturating_sub(name.len()) { separator.push(' '); } let overhead = name.len() + separator.len(); let expr_shape = shape.offset_left(overhead)?; let expr = field.expr.rewrite(context, expr_shape); match expr { Some(ref e) if e.as_str() == name && context.config.use_field_init_shorthand() => { Some(attrs_str + name) } Some(e) => Some(format!("{}{}{}{}", attrs_str, name, separator, e)), None => { let expr_offset = shape.indent.block_indent(context.config); let expr = field .expr .rewrite(context, Shape::indented(expr_offset, context.config)); expr.map(|s| { format!( "{}{}:\n{}{}", attrs_str, name, expr_offset.to_string(context.config), s ) }) } } } } fn rewrite_tuple_in_visual_indent_style<'a, T: 'a + IntoOverflowableItem<'a>>( context: &RewriteContext, mut items: impl Iterator, span: Span, shape: Shape, is_singleton_tuple: bool, ) -> Option { // In case of length 1, need a trailing comma debug!("rewrite_tuple_in_visual_indent_style {:?}", shape); if is_singleton_tuple { // 3 = "(" + ",)" let nested_shape = shape.sub_width(3)?.visual_indent(1); return items .next() .unwrap() .rewrite(context, nested_shape) .map(|s| format!("({},)", s)); } let list_lo = context.snippet_provider.span_after(span, "("); let nested_shape = shape.sub_width(2)?.visual_indent(1); let items = itemize_list( context.snippet_provider, items, ")", ",", |item| item.span().lo(), |item| item.span().hi(), |item| item.rewrite(context, nested_shape), list_lo, span.hi() - BytePos(1), false, ); let item_vec: Vec<_> = items.collect(); let tactic = definitive_tactic( &item_vec, ListTactic::HorizontalVertical, Separator::Comma, nested_shape.width, ); let fmt = ListFormatting::new(nested_shape, context.config) .tactic(tactic) .ends_with_newline(false); let list_str = write_list(&item_vec, &fmt)?; Some(format!("({})", list_str)) } pub fn rewrite_tuple<'a, T: 'a + IntoOverflowableItem<'a>>( context: &'a RewriteContext, items: impl Iterator, span: Span, shape: Shape, is_singleton_tuple: bool, ) -> Option { debug!("rewrite_tuple {:?}", shape); if context.use_block_indent() { // We use the same rule as function calls for rewriting tuples. let force_tactic = if context.inside_macro() { if span_ends_with_comma(context, span) { Some(SeparatorTactic::Always) } else { Some(SeparatorTactic::Never) } } else if is_singleton_tuple { Some(SeparatorTactic::Always) } else { None }; overflow::rewrite_with_parens( context, "", items, shape, span, context.config.width_heuristics().fn_call_width, force_tactic, ) } else { rewrite_tuple_in_visual_indent_style(context, items, span, shape, is_singleton_tuple) } } pub fn rewrite_unary_prefix( context: &RewriteContext, prefix: &str, rewrite: &R, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { rewrite .rewrite(context, shape.offset_left(prefix.len())?) .map(|r| format!("{}{}", prefix, r)) } // FIXME: this is probably not correct for multi-line Rewrites. we should // subtract suffix.len() from the last line budget, not the first! pub fn rewrite_unary_suffix( context: &RewriteContext, suffix: &str, rewrite: &R, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { rewrite .rewrite(context, shape.sub_width(suffix.len())?) .map(|mut r| { r.push_str(suffix); r }) } fn rewrite_unary_op( context: &RewriteContext, op: ast::UnOp, expr: &ast::Expr, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { // For some reason, an UnOp is not spanned like BinOp! rewrite_unary_prefix(context, ast::UnOp::to_string(op), expr, shape) } fn rewrite_assignment( context: &RewriteContext, lhs: &ast::Expr, rhs: &ast::Expr, op: Option<&ast::BinOp>, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let operator_str = match op { Some(op) => context.snippet(op.span), None => "=", }; // 1 = space between lhs and operator. let lhs_shape = shape.sub_width(operator_str.len() + 1)?; let lhs_str = format!("{} {}", lhs.rewrite(context, lhs_shape)?, operator_str); rewrite_assign_rhs(context, lhs_str, rhs, shape) } /// Controls where to put the rhs. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum RhsTactics { /// Use heuristics. Default, /// Put the rhs on the next line if it uses multiple line, without extra indentation. ForceNextLineWithoutIndent, } // The left hand side must contain everything up to, and including, the // assignment operator. pub fn rewrite_assign_rhs, R: Rewrite>( context: &RewriteContext, lhs: S, ex: &R, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { rewrite_assign_rhs_with(context, lhs, ex, shape, RhsTactics::Default) } pub fn rewrite_assign_rhs_with, R: Rewrite>( context: &RewriteContext, lhs: S, ex: &R, shape: Shape, rhs_tactics: RhsTactics, ) -> Option { let lhs = lhs.into(); let last_line_width = last_line_width(&lhs).saturating_sub(if lhs.contains('\n') { shape.indent.width() } else { 0 }); // 1 = space between operator and rhs. let orig_shape = shape.offset_left(last_line_width + 1).unwrap_or(Shape { width: 0, offset: shape.offset + last_line_width + 1, ..shape }); let rhs = choose_rhs( context, ex, orig_shape, ex.rewrite(context, orig_shape), rhs_tactics, )?; Some(lhs + &rhs) } fn choose_rhs( context: &RewriteContext, expr: &R, shape: Shape, orig_rhs: Option, rhs_tactics: RhsTactics, ) -> Option { match orig_rhs { Some(ref new_str) if !new_str.contains('\n') && new_str.len() <= shape.width => { Some(format!(" {}", new_str)) } _ => { // Expression did not fit on the same line as the identifier. // Try splitting the line and see if that works better. let new_shape = shape_from_rhs_tactic(context, shape, rhs_tactics)?; let new_rhs = expr.rewrite(context, new_shape); let new_indent_str = &shape .indent .block_indent(context.config) .to_string_with_newline(context.config); match (orig_rhs, new_rhs) { (Some(ref orig_rhs), Some(ref new_rhs)) if wrap_str(new_rhs.clone(), context.config.max_width(), new_shape) .is_none() => { Some(format!(" {}", orig_rhs)) } (Some(ref orig_rhs), Some(ref new_rhs)) if prefer_next_line(orig_rhs, new_rhs, rhs_tactics) => { Some(format!("{}{}", new_indent_str, new_rhs)) } (None, Some(ref new_rhs)) => Some(format!("{}{}", new_indent_str, new_rhs)), (None, None) => None, (Some(orig_rhs), _) => Some(format!(" {}", orig_rhs)), } } } } fn shape_from_rhs_tactic( context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape, rhs_tactic: RhsTactics, ) -> Option { match rhs_tactic { RhsTactics::ForceNextLineWithoutIndent => shape .with_max_width(context.config) .sub_width(shape.indent.width()), RhsTactics::Default => { Shape::indented(shape.indent.block_indent(context.config), context.config) .sub_width(shape.rhs_overhead(context.config)) } } } pub fn prefer_next_line(orig_rhs: &str, next_line_rhs: &str, rhs_tactics: RhsTactics) -> bool { rhs_tactics == RhsTactics::ForceNextLineWithoutIndent || !next_line_rhs.contains('\n') || count_newlines(orig_rhs) > count_newlines(next_line_rhs) + 1 || first_line_ends_with(orig_rhs, '(') && !first_line_ends_with(next_line_rhs, '(') || first_line_ends_with(orig_rhs, '{') && !first_line_ends_with(next_line_rhs, '{') || first_line_ends_with(orig_rhs, '[') && !first_line_ends_with(next_line_rhs, '[') } fn rewrite_expr_addrof( context: &RewriteContext, mutability: ast::Mutability, expr: &ast::Expr, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let operator_str = match mutability { ast::Mutability::Immutable => "&", ast::Mutability::Mutable => "&mut ", }; rewrite_unary_prefix(context, operator_str, expr, shape) } pub fn is_method_call(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool { match expr.node { ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(..) => true, ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, _) | ast::ExprKind::Try(ref expr) | ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref expr) => is_method_call(expr), _ => false, } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::last_line_offsetted; #[test] fn test_last_line_offsetted() { let lines = "one\n two"; assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(2, lines), true); assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(4, lines), false); assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(6, lines), false); let lines = "one two"; assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(2, lines), false); assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(0, lines), false); let lines = "\ntwo"; assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(2, lines), false); assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(0, lines), false); let lines = "one\n two three"; assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(2, lines), true); let lines = "one\n two three"; assert_eq!(last_line_offsetted(2, lines), false); } }