// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use core::prelude::*; use codemap::{Pos, span}; use codemap; use core::io::WriterUtil; use core::io; use core::option; use core::str; use core::vec; use core::dvec::DVec; use std::term; pub type Emitter = @fn(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level); // a handler deals with errors; certain errors // (fatal, bug, unimpl) may cause immediate exit, // others log errors for later reporting. pub trait handler { fn fatal(@mut self, msg: &str) -> !; fn err(@mut self, msg: &str); fn bump_err_count(@mut self); fn has_errors(@mut self) -> bool; fn abort_if_errors(@mut self); fn warn(@mut self, msg: &str); fn note(@mut self, msg: &str); // used to indicate a bug in the compiler: fn bug(@mut self, msg: &str) -> !; fn unimpl(@mut self, msg: &str) -> !; fn emit(@mut self, cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level); } // a span-handler is like a handler but also // accepts span information for source-location // reporting. pub trait span_handler { fn span_fatal(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) -> !; fn span_err(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str); fn span_warn(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str); fn span_note(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str); fn span_bug(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) -> !; fn span_unimpl(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) -> !; fn handler(@mut self) -> handler; } struct HandlerT { err_count: uint, emit: Emitter, } struct CodemapT { handler: handler, cm: @codemap::CodeMap, } impl span_handler for CodemapT { fn span_fatal(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) -> ! { self.handler.emit(Some((self.cm, sp)), msg, fatal); fail!(); } fn span_err(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) { self.handler.emit(Some((self.cm, sp)), msg, error); self.handler.bump_err_count(); } fn span_warn(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) { self.handler.emit(Some((self.cm, sp)), msg, warning); } fn span_note(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) { self.handler.emit(Some((self.cm, sp)), msg, note); } fn span_bug(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) -> ! { self.span_fatal(sp, ice_msg(msg)); } fn span_unimpl(@mut self, sp: span, msg: &str) -> ! { self.span_bug(sp, ~"unimplemented " + msg); } fn handler(@mut self) -> handler { self.handler } } impl handler for HandlerT { fn fatal(@mut self, msg: &str) -> ! { (self.emit)(None, msg, fatal); fail!(); } fn err(@mut self, msg: &str) { (self.emit)(None, msg, error); self.bump_err_count(); } fn bump_err_count(@mut self) { self.err_count += 1u; } fn has_errors(@mut self) -> bool { self.err_count > 0u } fn abort_if_errors(@mut self) { let s; match self.err_count { 0u => return, 1u => s = ~"aborting due to previous error", _ => { s = fmt!("aborting due to %u previous errors", self.err_count); } } self.fatal(s); } fn warn(@mut self, msg: &str) { (self.emit)(None, msg, warning); } fn note(@mut self, msg: &str) { (self.emit)(None, msg, note); } fn bug(@mut self, msg: &str) -> ! { self.fatal(ice_msg(msg)); } fn unimpl(@mut self, msg: &str) -> ! { self.bug(~"unimplemented " + msg); } fn emit(@mut self, cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level) { (self.emit)(cmsp, msg, lvl); } } pub fn ice_msg(msg: &str) -> ~str { fmt!("internal compiler error: %s", msg) } pub fn mk_span_handler(handler: handler, cm: @codemap::CodeMap) -> span_handler { @mut CodemapT { handler: handler, cm: cm } as @span_handler } pub fn mk_handler(emitter: Option) -> @handler { let emit: Emitter = match emitter { Some(e) => e, None => { let emit: Emitter = |cmsp, msg, t| emit(cmsp, msg, t); emit } }; @mut HandlerT { err_count: 0, emit: emit } as @handler } #[deriving_eq] pub enum level { fatal, error, warning, note, } fn diagnosticstr(lvl: level) -> ~str { match lvl { fatal => ~"error", error => ~"error", warning => ~"warning", note => ~"note" } } fn diagnosticcolor(lvl: level) -> u8 { match lvl { fatal => term::color_bright_red, error => term::color_bright_red, warning => term::color_bright_yellow, note => term::color_bright_green } } fn print_diagnostic(topic: ~str, lvl: level, msg: &str) { let use_color = term::color_supported() && io::stderr().get_type() == io::Screen; if !topic.is_empty() { io::stderr().write_str(fmt!("%s ", topic)); } if use_color { term::fg(io::stderr(), diagnosticcolor(lvl)); } io::stderr().write_str(fmt!("%s:", diagnosticstr(lvl))); if use_color { term::reset(io::stderr()); } io::stderr().write_str(fmt!(" %s\n", msg)); } pub fn collect(messages: @DVec<~str>) -> @fn(Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, &str, level) { let f: @fn(Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, &str, level) = |_o, msg: &str, _l| { messages.push(msg.to_str()); }; f } pub fn emit(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level) { match cmsp { Some((cm, sp)) => { let sp = cm.adjust_span(sp); let ss = cm.span_to_str(sp); let lines = cm.span_to_lines(sp); print_diagnostic(ss, lvl, msg); highlight_lines(cm, sp, lines); print_macro_backtrace(cm, sp); } None => { print_diagnostic(~"", lvl, msg); } } } fn highlight_lines(cm: @codemap::CodeMap, sp: span, lines: @codemap::FileLines) { let fm = lines.file; // arbitrarily only print up to six lines of the error let max_lines = 6u; let mut elided = false; let mut display_lines = /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy lines.lines; if vec::len(display_lines) > max_lines { display_lines = vec::slice(display_lines, 0u, max_lines).to_vec(); elided = true; } // Print the offending lines for display_lines.each |line| { io::stderr().write_str(fmt!("%s:%u ", fm.name, *line + 1u)); let s = fm.get_line(*line as int) + ~"\n"; io::stderr().write_str(s); } if elided { let last_line = display_lines[vec::len(display_lines) - 1u]; let s = fmt!("%s:%u ", fm.name, last_line + 1u); let mut indent = str::len(s); let mut out = ~""; while indent > 0u { out += ~" "; indent -= 1u; } out += ~"...\n"; io::stderr().write_str(out); } // FIXME (#3260) // If there's one line at fault we can easily point to the problem if vec::len(lines.lines) == 1u { let lo = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo); let mut digits = 0u; let mut num = (lines.lines[0] + 1u) / 10u; // how many digits must be indent past? while num > 0u { num /= 10u; digits += 1u; } // indent past |name:## | and the 0-offset column location let mut left = str::len(fm.name) + digits + lo.col.to_uint() + 3u; let mut s = ~""; // Skip is the number of characters we need to skip because they are // part of the 'filename:line ' part of the previous line. let skip = str::len(fm.name) + digits + 3u; for skip.times() { s += ~" "; } let orig = fm.get_line(lines.lines[0] as int); for uint::range(0u,left-skip) |pos| { let curChar = (orig[pos] as char); s += match curChar { // Whenever a tab occurs on the previous '\t' => "\t", // line, we insert one on the error-point- _ => " " // -squigly-line as well (instead of a }; // space). This way the squigly-line will } // usually appear in the correct position. s += ~"^"; let hi = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi); if hi.col != lo.col { // the ^ already takes up one space let num_squiglies = hi.col.to_uint()-lo.col.to_uint()-1u; for num_squiglies.times() { s += ~"~"; } } io::stderr().write_str(s + ~"\n"); } } fn print_macro_backtrace(cm: @codemap::CodeMap, sp: span) { for sp.expn_info.each |ei| { let ss = option::map_default(&ei.callee.span, @~"", |span| @cm.span_to_str(*span)); print_diagnostic(*ss, note, fmt!("in expansion of %s!", ei.callee.name)); let ss = cm.span_to_str(ei.call_site); print_diagnostic(ss, note, ~"expansion site"); print_macro_backtrace(cm, ei.call_site); } } pub fn expect(diag: span_handler, opt: Option, msg: fn() -> ~str) -> T { match opt { Some(ref t) => (*t), None => diag.handler().bug(msg()) } }