// -*- rust -*- use metadata::{creader, cstore, filesearch}; use session::{session, session_, OptLevel, No, Less, Default, Aggressive}; use syntax::parse; use syntax::{ast, codemap}; use syntax::attr; use middle::{trans, freevars, kind, ty, typeck, lint}; use syntax::print::{pp, pprust}; use util::ppaux; use back::link; use result::{Ok, Err}; use std::getopts; use io::WriterUtil; use getopts::{optopt, optmulti, optflag, optflagopt, opt_present}; use back::{x86, x86_64}; use std::map::hashmap; use lib::llvm::llvm; enum pp_mode {ppm_normal, ppm_expanded, ppm_typed, ppm_identified, ppm_expanded_identified } /** * The name used for source code that doesn't originate in a file * (e.g. source from stdin or a string) */ fn anon_src() -> ~str { ~"" } fn source_name(input: input) -> ~str { match input { file_input(ifile) => ifile.to_str(), str_input(_) => anon_src() } } fn default_configuration(sess: session, argv0: ~str, input: input) -> ast::crate_cfg { let libc = match sess.targ_cfg.os { session::os_win32 => ~"msvcrt.dll", session::os_macos => ~"libc.dylib", session::os_linux => ~"libc.so.6", session::os_freebsd => ~"libc.so.7" // _ { "libc.so" } }; let mk = attr::mk_name_value_item_str; let (arch,wordsz) = match sess.targ_cfg.arch { session::arch_x86 => (~"x86",~"32"), session::arch_x86_64 => (~"x86_64",~"64"), session::arch_arm => (~"arm",~"32") }; return ~[ // Target bindings. attr::mk_word_item(os::family()), mk(~"target_os", os::sysname()), mk(~"target_family", os::family()), mk(~"target_arch", arch), mk(~"target_word_size", wordsz), mk(~"target_libc", libc), // Build bindings. mk(~"build_compiler", argv0), mk(~"build_input", source_name(input))]; } fn append_configuration(cfg: ast::crate_cfg, name: ~str) -> ast::crate_cfg { if attr::contains_name(cfg, name) { return cfg; } else { return vec::append_one(cfg, attr::mk_word_item(name)); } } fn build_configuration(sess: session, argv0: ~str, input: input) -> ast::crate_cfg { // Combine the configuration requested by the session (command line) with // some default and generated configuration items let default_cfg = default_configuration(sess, argv0, input); let user_cfg = sess.opts.cfg; // If the user wants a test runner, then add the test cfg let user_cfg = append_configuration( user_cfg, if sess.opts.test { ~"test" } else { ~"notest" }); // If the user requested GC, then add the GC cfg let user_cfg = append_configuration( user_cfg, if sess.opts.gc { ~"gc" } else { ~"nogc" }); return vec::append(user_cfg, default_cfg); } // Convert strings provided as --cfg [cfgspec] into a crate_cfg fn parse_cfgspecs(cfgspecs: ~[~str]) -> ast::crate_cfg { // FIXME (#2399): It would be nice to use the parser to parse all // varieties of meta_item here. At the moment we just support the // meta_word variant. let mut words = ~[]; for cfgspecs.each |s| { vec::push(words, attr::mk_word_item(s)); } return words; } enum input { /// Load source from file file_input(Path), /// The string is the source str_input(~str) } fn parse_input(sess: session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, input: input) -> @ast::crate { match input { file_input(file) => { parse::parse_crate_from_file(&file, cfg, sess.parse_sess) } str_input(src) => { // FIXME (#2319): Don't really want to box the source string parse::parse_crate_from_source_str( anon_src(), @src, cfg, sess.parse_sess) } } } fn time(do_it: bool, what: ~str, thunk: fn() -> T) -> T { if !do_it { return thunk(); } let start = std::time::precise_time_s(); let rv = thunk(); let end = std::time::precise_time_s(); io::stdout().write_str(fmt!("time: %3.3f s\t%s\n", end - start, what)); return rv; } enum compile_upto { cu_parse, cu_expand, cu_typeck, cu_no_trans, cu_everything, } impl compile_upto : cmp::Eq { pure fn eq(&&other: compile_upto) -> bool { (self as uint) == (other as uint) } pure fn ne(&&other: compile_upto) -> bool { !self.eq(other) } } fn compile_upto(sess: session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, input: input, upto: compile_upto, outputs: Option) -> {crate: @ast::crate, tcx: Option} { let time_passes = sess.time_passes(); let mut crate = time(time_passes, ~"parsing", ||parse_input(sess, cfg, input) ); if upto == cu_parse { return {crate: crate, tcx: None}; } sess.building_library = session::building_library( sess.opts.crate_type, crate, sess.opts.test); crate = time(time_passes, ~"configuration", || front::config::strip_unconfigured_items(crate)); crate = time(time_passes, ~"maybe building test harness", || front::test::modify_for_testing(sess, crate)); crate = time(time_passes, ~"expansion", || syntax::ext::expand::expand_crate(sess.parse_sess, sess.opts.cfg, crate)); if upto == cu_expand { return {crate: crate, tcx: None}; } crate = time(time_passes, ~"intrinsic injection", || front::intrinsic_inject::inject_intrinsic(sess, crate)); crate = time(time_passes, ~"core injection", || front::core_inject::maybe_inject_libcore_ref(sess, crate)); time(time_passes, ~"building lint settings table", || lint::build_settings_crate(sess, crate)); let ast_map = time(time_passes, ~"ast indexing", || syntax::ast_map::map_crate(sess.diagnostic(), *crate)); time(time_passes, ~"external crate/lib resolution", || creader::read_crates(sess.diagnostic(), *crate, sess.cstore, sess.filesearch, session::sess_os_to_meta_os(sess.targ_cfg.os), sess.opts.static, sess.parse_sess.interner)); let lang_items = time(time_passes, ~"language item collection", || middle::lang_items::collect_language_items(crate, sess)); let { def_map: def_map, exp_map: exp_map, exp_map2: exp_map2, trait_map: trait_map } = time(time_passes, ~"resolution", || middle::resolve::resolve_crate(sess, lang_items, crate)); let freevars = time(time_passes, ~"freevar finding", || freevars::annotate_freevars(def_map, crate)); let region_map = time(time_passes, ~"region resolution", || middle::region::resolve_crate(sess, def_map, crate)); let rp_set = time(time_passes, ~"region parameterization inference", || middle::region::determine_rp_in_crate(sess, ast_map, def_map, crate)); let ty_cx = ty::mk_ctxt(sess, def_map, ast_map, freevars, region_map, rp_set); let (method_map, vtable_map) = time(time_passes, ~"typechecking", || typeck::check_crate(ty_cx, trait_map, crate)); // These next two const passes can probably be merged time(time_passes, ~"const marking", || middle::const_eval::process_crate(crate, def_map, ty_cx)); time(time_passes, ~"const checking", || middle::check_const::check_crate(sess, crate, ast_map, def_map, method_map, ty_cx)); if upto == cu_typeck { return {crate: crate, tcx: Some(ty_cx)}; } time(time_passes, ~"privacy checking", || middle::privacy::check_crate(ty_cx, &method_map, crate)); time(time_passes, ~"loop checking", || middle::check_loop::check_crate(ty_cx, crate)); time(time_passes, ~"alt checking", || middle::check_alt::check_crate(ty_cx, crate)); let last_use_map = time(time_passes, ~"liveness checking", || middle::liveness::check_crate(ty_cx, method_map, crate)); let (root_map, mutbl_map) = time(time_passes, ~"borrow checking", || middle::borrowck::check_crate(ty_cx, method_map, last_use_map, crate)); time(time_passes, ~"kind checking", || kind::check_crate(ty_cx, method_map, last_use_map, crate)); time(time_passes, ~"lint checking", || lint::check_crate(ty_cx, crate)); if upto == cu_no_trans { return {crate: crate, tcx: Some(ty_cx)}; } let outputs = option::get(outputs); let maps = {mutbl_map: mutbl_map, root_map: root_map, last_use_map: last_use_map, method_map: method_map, vtable_map: vtable_map}; let (llmod, link_meta) = time(time_passes, ~"translation", || trans::base::trans_crate(sess, crate, ty_cx, &outputs.obj_filename, exp_map, exp_map2, maps)); time(time_passes, ~"LLVM passes", || link::write::run_passes(sess, llmod, &outputs.obj_filename)); let stop_after_codegen = sess.opts.output_type != link::output_type_exe || (sess.opts.static && sess.building_library) || sess.opts.jit; if stop_after_codegen { return {crate: crate, tcx: Some(ty_cx)}; } time(time_passes, ~"linking", || link::link_binary(sess, &outputs.obj_filename, &outputs.out_filename, link_meta)); return {crate: crate, tcx: Some(ty_cx)}; } fn compile_input(sess: session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, input: input, outdir: &Option, output: &Option) { let upto = if sess.opts.parse_only { cu_parse } else if sess.opts.no_trans { cu_no_trans } else { cu_everything }; let outputs = build_output_filenames(input, outdir, output, sess); compile_upto(sess, cfg, input, upto, Some(outputs)); } fn pretty_print_input(sess: session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, input: input, ppm: pp_mode) { fn ann_paren_for_expr(node: pprust::ann_node) { match node { pprust::node_expr(s, _) => pprust::popen(s), _ => () } } fn ann_typed_post(tcx: ty::ctxt, node: pprust::ann_node) { match node { pprust::node_expr(s, expr) => { pp::space(s.s); pp::word(s.s, ~"as"); pp::space(s.s); pp::word(s.s, ppaux::ty_to_str(tcx, ty::expr_ty(tcx, expr))); pprust::pclose(s); } _ => () } } fn ann_identified_post(node: pprust::ann_node) { match node { pprust::node_item(s, item) => { pp::space(s.s); pprust::synth_comment(s, int::to_str(item.id, 10u)); } pprust::node_block(s, blk) => { pp::space(s.s); pprust::synth_comment(s, ~"block " + int::to_str(blk.node.id, 10u)); } pprust::node_expr(s, expr) => { pp::space(s.s); pprust::synth_comment(s, int::to_str(expr.id, 10u)); pprust::pclose(s); } pprust::node_pat(s, pat) => { pp::space(s.s); pprust::synth_comment(s, ~"pat " + int::to_str(pat.id, 10u)); } } } // Because the pretty printer needs to make a pass over the source // to collect comments and literals, and we need to support reading // from stdin, we're going to just suck the source into a string // so both the parser and pretty-printer can use it. let upto = match ppm { ppm_expanded | ppm_expanded_identified => cu_expand, ppm_typed => cu_typeck, _ => cu_parse }; let {crate, tcx} = compile_upto(sess, cfg, input, upto, None); let ann = match ppm { ppm_typed => { {pre: ann_paren_for_expr, post: |a| ann_typed_post(option::get(tcx), a) } } ppm_identified | ppm_expanded_identified => { {pre: ann_paren_for_expr, post: ann_identified_post} } ppm_expanded | ppm_normal => pprust::no_ann() }; let is_expanded = upto != cu_parse; let src = codemap::get_filemap(sess.codemap, source_name(input)).src; do io::with_str_reader(*src) |rdr| { pprust::print_crate(sess.codemap, sess.parse_sess.interner, sess.span_diagnostic, crate, source_name(input), rdr, io::stdout(), ann, is_expanded); } } fn get_os(triple: ~str) -> Option { if str::contains(triple, ~"win32") || str::contains(triple, ~"mingw32") { Some(session::os_win32) } else if str::contains(triple, ~"darwin") { Some(session::os_macos) } else if str::contains(triple, ~"linux") { Some(session::os_linux) } else if str::contains(triple, ~"freebsd") { Some(session::os_freebsd) } else { None } } fn get_arch(triple: ~str) -> Option { if str::contains(triple, ~"i386") || str::contains(triple, ~"i486") || str::contains(triple, ~"i586") || str::contains(triple, ~"i686") || str::contains(triple, ~"i786") { Some(session::arch_x86) } else if str::contains(triple, ~"x86_64") { Some(session::arch_x86_64) } else if str::contains(triple, ~"arm") || str::contains(triple, ~"xscale") { Some(session::arch_arm) } else { None } } fn build_target_config(sopts: @session::options, demitter: diagnostic::emitter) -> @session::config { let os = match get_os(sopts.target_triple) { Some(os) => os, None => early_error(demitter, ~"unknown operating system") }; let arch = match get_arch(sopts.target_triple) { Some(arch) => arch, None => early_error(demitter, ~"unknown architecture: " + sopts.target_triple) }; let (int_type, uint_type, float_type) = match arch { session::arch_x86 => (ast::ty_i32, ast::ty_u32, ast::ty_f64), session::arch_x86_64 => (ast::ty_i64, ast::ty_u64, ast::ty_f64), session::arch_arm => (ast::ty_i32, ast::ty_u32, ast::ty_f64) }; let target_strs = match arch { session::arch_x86 => x86::get_target_strs(os), session::arch_x86_64 => x86_64::get_target_strs(os), session::arch_arm => x86::get_target_strs(os) }; let target_cfg: @session::config = @{os: os, arch: arch, target_strs: target_strs, int_type: int_type, uint_type: uint_type, float_type: float_type}; return target_cfg; } fn host_triple() -> ~str { // Get the host triple out of the build environment. This ensures that our // idea of the host triple is the same as for the set of libraries we've // actually built. We can't just take LLVM's host triple because they // normalize all ix86 architectures to i386. // FIXME (#2400): Instead of grabbing the host triple we really should // be grabbing (at compile time) the target triple that this rustc is // built with and calling that (at runtime) the host triple. let ht = env!("CFG_HOST_TRIPLE"); return if ht != ~"" { ht } else { fail ~"rustc built without CFG_HOST_TRIPLE" }; } fn build_session_options(binary: ~str, matches: getopts::Matches, demitter: diagnostic::emitter) -> @session::options { let crate_type = if opt_present(matches, ~"lib") { session::lib_crate } else if opt_present(matches, ~"bin") { session::bin_crate } else { session::unknown_crate }; let static = opt_present(matches, ~"static"); let gc = opt_present(matches, ~"gc"); let parse_only = opt_present(matches, ~"parse-only"); let no_trans = opt_present(matches, ~"no-trans"); let lint_levels = [lint::allow, lint::warn, lint::deny, lint::forbid]; let mut lint_opts = ~[]; let lint_dict = lint::get_lint_dict(); for lint_levels.each |level| { let level_name = lint::level_to_str(level); let level_short = level_name.substr(0,1).to_upper(); let flags = vec::append(getopts::opt_strs(matches, level_short), getopts::opt_strs(matches, level_name)); for flags.each |lint_name| { let lint_name = str::replace(lint_name, ~"-", ~"_"); match lint_dict.find(lint_name) { None => { early_error(demitter, fmt!("unknown %s flag: %s", level_name, lint_name)); } Some(lint) => { vec::push(lint_opts, (lint.lint, level)); } } } } let mut debugging_opts = 0u; let debug_flags = getopts::opt_strs(matches, ~"Z"); let debug_map = session::debugging_opts_map(); for debug_flags.each |debug_flag| { let mut this_bit = 0u; for debug_map.each |pair| { let (name, _, bit) = pair; if name == debug_flag { this_bit = bit; break; } } if this_bit == 0u { early_error(demitter, fmt!("unknown debug flag: %s", debug_flag)) } debugging_opts |= this_bit; } if debugging_opts & session::debug_llvm != 0 { llvm::LLVMSetDebug(1); } let jit = opt_present(matches, ~"jit"); let output_type = if parse_only || no_trans { link::output_type_none } else if opt_present(matches, ~"S") && opt_present(matches, ~"emit-llvm") { link::output_type_llvm_assembly } else if opt_present(matches, ~"S") { link::output_type_assembly } else if opt_present(matches, ~"c") { link::output_type_object } else if opt_present(matches, ~"emit-llvm") { link::output_type_bitcode } else { link::output_type_exe }; let extra_debuginfo = opt_present(matches, ~"xg"); let debuginfo = opt_present(matches, ~"g") || extra_debuginfo; let sysroot_opt = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"sysroot"); let sysroot_opt = option::map(sysroot_opt, |m| Path(m)); let target_opt = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"target"); let save_temps = getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"save-temps"); match output_type { // unless we're emitting huamn-readable assembly, omit comments. link::output_type_llvm_assembly | link::output_type_assembly => (), _ => debugging_opts |= session::no_asm_comments } let opt_level = { if (debugging_opts & session::no_opt) != 0 { No } else if opt_present(matches, ~"O") { if opt_present(matches, ~"opt-level") { early_error(demitter, ~"-O and --opt-level both provided"); } Default } else if opt_present(matches, ~"opt-level") { match getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"opt-level") { ~"0" => No, ~"1" => Less, ~"2" => Default, ~"3" => Aggressive, _ => { early_error(demitter, ~"optimization level needs " + ~"to be between 0-3") } } } else { No } }; let target = match target_opt { None => host_triple(), Some(s) => s }; let addl_lib_search_paths = getopts::opt_strs(matches, ~"L") .map(|s| Path(s)); let cfg = parse_cfgspecs(getopts::opt_strs(matches, ~"cfg")); let test = opt_present(matches, ~"test"); let sopts: @session::options = @{crate_type: crate_type, static: static, gc: gc, optimize: opt_level, debuginfo: debuginfo, extra_debuginfo: extra_debuginfo, lint_opts: lint_opts, save_temps: save_temps, jit: jit, output_type: output_type, addl_lib_search_paths: addl_lib_search_paths, maybe_sysroot: sysroot_opt, target_triple: target, cfg: cfg, binary: binary, test: test, parse_only: parse_only, no_trans: no_trans, debugging_opts: debugging_opts}; return sopts; } fn build_session(sopts: @session::options, demitter: diagnostic::emitter) -> session { let codemap = codemap::new_codemap(); let diagnostic_handler = diagnostic::mk_handler(Some(demitter)); let span_diagnostic_handler = diagnostic::mk_span_handler(diagnostic_handler, codemap); build_session_(sopts, codemap, demitter, span_diagnostic_handler) } fn build_session_(sopts: @session::options, cm: codemap::codemap, demitter: diagnostic::emitter, span_diagnostic_handler: diagnostic::span_handler) -> session { let target_cfg = build_target_config(sopts, demitter); let p_s = parse::new_parse_sess_special_handler(span_diagnostic_handler, cm); let cstore = cstore::mk_cstore(p_s.interner); let filesearch = filesearch::mk_filesearch( sopts.maybe_sysroot, sopts.target_triple, sopts.addl_lib_search_paths); let lint_settings = lint::mk_lint_settings(); session_(@{targ_cfg: target_cfg, opts: sopts, cstore: cstore, parse_sess: p_s, codemap: cm, // For a library crate, this is always none mut main_fn: None, span_diagnostic: span_diagnostic_handler, filesearch: filesearch, mut building_library: false, working_dir: os::getcwd(), lint_settings: lint_settings}) } fn parse_pretty(sess: session, &&name: ~str) -> pp_mode { match name { ~"normal" => ppm_normal, ~"expanded" => ppm_expanded, ~"typed" => ppm_typed, ~"expanded,identified" => ppm_expanded_identified, ~"identified" => ppm_identified, _ => { sess.fatal(~"argument to `pretty` must be one of `normal`, \ `expanded`, `typed`, `identified`, \ or `expanded,identified`"); } } } fn opts() -> ~[getopts::Opt] { return ~[optflag(~"h"), optflag(~"help"), optflag(~"v"), optflag(~"version"), optflag(~"emit-llvm"), optflagopt(~"pretty"), optflag(~"ls"), optflag(~"parse-only"), optflag(~"no-trans"), optflag(~"O"), optopt(~"opt-level"), optmulti(~"L"), optflag(~"S"), optopt(~"o"), optopt(~"out-dir"), optflag(~"xg"), optflag(~"c"), optflag(~"g"), optflag(~"save-temps"), optopt(~"sysroot"), optopt(~"target"), optflag(~"jit"), optmulti(~"W"), optmulti(~"warn"), optmulti(~"A"), optmulti(~"allow"), optmulti(~"D"), optmulti(~"deny"), optmulti(~"F"), optmulti(~"forbid"), optmulti(~"Z"), optmulti(~"cfg"), optflag(~"test"), optflag(~"lib"), optflag(~"bin"), optflag(~"static"), optflag(~"gc")]; } type output_filenames = @{out_filename:Path, obj_filename:Path}; fn build_output_filenames(input: input, odir: &Option, ofile: &Option, sess: session) -> output_filenames { let obj_path; let out_path; let sopts = sess.opts; let stop_after_codegen = sopts.output_type != link::output_type_exe || sopts.static && sess.building_library; let obj_suffix = match sopts.output_type { link::output_type_none => ~"none", link::output_type_bitcode => ~"bc", link::output_type_assembly => ~"s", link::output_type_llvm_assembly => ~"ll", // Object and exe output both use the '.o' extension here link::output_type_object | link::output_type_exe => ~"o" }; match *ofile { None => { // "-" as input file will cause the parser to read from stdin so we // have to make up a name // We want to toss everything after the final '.' let dirpath = match *odir { Some(d) => d, None => match input { str_input(_) => os::getcwd(), file_input(ifile) => ifile.dir_path() } }; let stem = match input { file_input(ifile) => option::get(ifile.filestem()), str_input(_) => ~"rust_out" }; if sess.building_library { out_path = dirpath.push(os::dll_filename(stem)); obj_path = dirpath.push(stem).with_filetype(obj_suffix); } else { out_path = dirpath.push(stem); obj_path = dirpath.push(stem).with_filetype(obj_suffix); } } Some(out_file) => { out_path = out_file; obj_path = if stop_after_codegen { out_file } else { out_file.with_filetype(obj_suffix) }; if sess.building_library { // FIXME (#2401): We might want to warn here; we're actually not // going to respect the user's choice of library name when it // comes time to link, we'll be linking to // lib--.so no matter what. } if *odir != None { sess.warn(~"ignoring --out-dir flag due to -o flag."); } } } return @{out_filename: out_path, obj_filename: obj_path}; } fn early_error(emitter: diagnostic::emitter, msg: ~str) -> ! { emitter(None, msg, diagnostic::fatal); fail; } fn list_metadata(sess: session, path: &Path, out: io::Writer) { metadata::loader::list_file_metadata( sess.parse_sess.interner, session::sess_os_to_meta_os(sess.targ_cfg.os), path, out); } #[cfg(test)] mod test { // When the user supplies --test we should implicitly supply --cfg test #[test] fn test_switch_implies_cfg_test() { let matches = match getopts::getopts(~[~"--test"], opts()) { Ok(m) => m, Err(f) => fail ~"test_switch_implies_cfg_test: " + getopts::fail_str(f) }; let sessopts = build_session_options( ~"rustc", matches, diagnostic::emit); let sess = build_session(sessopts, diagnostic::emit); let cfg = build_configuration(sess, ~"whatever", str_input(~"")); assert (attr::contains_name(cfg, ~"test")); } // When the user supplies --test and --cfg test, don't implicitly add // another --cfg test #[test] fn test_switch_implies_cfg_test_unless_cfg_test() { let matches = match getopts::getopts(~[~"--test", ~"--cfg=test"], opts()) { Ok(m) => m, Err(f) => { fail ~"test_switch_implies_cfg_test_unless_cfg_test: " + getopts::fail_str(f); } }; let sessopts = build_session_options( ~"rustc", matches, diagnostic::emit); let sess = build_session(sessopts, diagnostic::emit); let cfg = build_configuration(sess, ~"whatever", str_input(~"")); let test_items = attr::find_meta_items_by_name(cfg, ~"test"); assert (vec::len(test_items) == 1u); } } // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: