% The Rust Ownership Guide This guide presents Rust's ownership system. This is one of Rust's most unique and compelling features, with which Rust developers should become quite acquainted. Ownership is how Rust achieves its largest goal, memory safety. The ownership system has a few distinct concepts: **ownership**, **borrowing**, and **lifetimes**. We'll talk about each one in turn. # Meta Before we get to the details, two important notes about the ownership system. Rust has a focus on safety and speed. It accomplishes these goals through many "zero cost abstractions," which means that in Rust, abstractions cost as little as possible in order to make them work. The ownership system is a prime example of a zero cost abstraction. All of the analysis we'll talk about in this guide is _done at compile time_. You do not pay any run-time cost for any of these features. However, this system does have a certain cost: learning curve. Many new users to Rust experience something we like to call "fighting with the borrow checker," where the Rust compiler refuses to compile a program that the author thinks is valid. This often happens because the programmer's mental model of how ownership should work doesn't match the actual rules that Rust implements. You probably will experience similar things at first. There is good news, however: more experienced Rust developers report that once they work with the rules of the ownership system for a period of time, they fight the borrow checker less and less. With that in mind, let's learn about ownership. # Ownership At its core, ownership is about 'resources.' For the purposes of the vast majority of this guide, we will talk about a specific resource: memory. The concept generalizes to any kind of resource, like a file handle, but to make it more concrete, we'll focus on memory. When your program allocates some memory, it needs some way to deallocate that memory. Imagine a function `foo` that allocates four bytes of memory, and then never deallocates that memory. We call this problem 'leaking' memory, because each time we call `foo`, we're allocating another four bytes. Eventually, with enough calls to `foo`, we will run our system out of memory. That's no good. So we need some way for `foo` to deallocate those four bytes. It's also important that we don't deallocate too many times, either. Without getting into the details, attempting to deallocate memory multiple times can lead to problems. In other words, any time some memory is allocated, we need to make sure that we deallocate that memory once and only once. Too many times is bad, not enough times is bad. The counts must match. There's one other important detail with regards to allocating memory. Whenever we request some amount of memory, what we are given is a handle to that memory. This handle (often called a 'pointer', when we're referring to memory) is how we interact with the allocated memory. As long as we have that handle, we can do something with the memory. Once we're done with the handle, we're also done with the memory, as we can't do anything useful without a handle to it. Historically, systems programming languages require you to track these allocations, deallocations, and handles yourself. For example, if we want some memory from the heap in a language like C, we do this: ```c { int *x = malloc(sizeof(int)); // we can now do stuff with our handle x *x = 5; free(x); } ``` The call to `malloc` allocates some memory. The call to `free` deallocates the memory. There's also bookkeeping about allocating the correct amount of memory. Rust combines these two aspects of allocating memory (and other resources) into a concept called 'ownership.' Whenever we request some memory, that handle we receive is called the 'owning handle.' Whenever that handle goes out of scope, Rust knows that you cannot do anything with the memory anymore, and so therefore deallocates the memory for you. Here's the equivalent example in Rust: ```rust { let x = box 5i; } ``` The `box` keyword creates a `Box` (specifically `Box` in this case) by allocating a small segment of memory on the heap with enough space to fit an `int`. But where in the code is the box deallocated? We said before that we must have a deallocation for each allocation. Rust handles this for you. It knows that our handle, `x`, is the owning reference to our box. Rust knows that `x` will go out of scope at the end of the block, and so it inserts a call to deallocate the memory at the end of the scope. Because the compiler does this for us, it's impossible to forget. We always have exactly one deallocation paired with each of our allocations. This is pretty straightforward, but what happens when we want to pass our box to a function? Let's look at some code: ```rust fn main() { let x = box 5i; add_one(x); } fn add_one(mut num: Box) { *num += 1; } ``` This code works, but it's not ideal. For example, let's add one more line of code, where we print out the value of `x`: ```{rust,ignore} fn main() { let x = box 5i; add_one(x); println!("{}", x); } fn add_one(mut num: Box) { *num += 1; } ``` This does not compile, and gives us an error: ```{ignore} error: use of moved value: `x` println!("{}", x); ^ ``` Remember, we need one deallocation for every allocation. When we try to pass our box to `add_one`, we would have two handles to the memory: `x` in `main`, and `num` in `add_one`. If we deallocated the memory when each handle went out of scope, we would have two deallocations and one allocation, and that's wrong. So when we call `add_one`, Rust defines `num` as the owner of the handle. And so, now that we've given ownership to `num`, `x` is invalid. `x`'s value has "moved" from `x` to `num`. Hence the error: use of moved value `x`. To fix this, we can have `add_one` give ownership back when it's done with the box: ```rust fn main() { let x = box 5i; let y = add_one(x); println!("{}", y); } fn add_one(mut num: Box) -> Box { *num += 1; num } ``` This code will compile and run just fine. Now, we return a `box`, and so the ownership is transferred back to `y` in `main`. We only have ownership for the duration of our function before giving it back. This pattern is very common, and so Rust introduces a concept to describe a handle which temporarily refers to something another handle owns. It's called "borrowing," and it's done with "references", designated by the `&` symbol. # Borrowing Here's the current state of our `add_one` function: ```rust fn add_one(mut num: Box) -> Box { *num += 1; num } ``` This function takes ownership, because it takes a `Box`, which owns its contents. But then we give ownership right back. In the physical world, you can give one of your possessions to someone for a short period of time. You still own your possession, you're just letting someone else use it for a while. We call that 'lending' something to someone, and that person is said to be 'borrowing' that something from you. Rust's ownership system also allows an owner to lend out a handle for a limited period. This is also called 'borrowing.' Here's a version of `add_one` which borrows its argument rather than taking ownership: ```rust fn add_one(num: &mut int) { *num += 1; } ``` This function borrows an `int` from its caller, and then increments it. When the function is over, and `num` goes out of scope, the borrow is over. # Lifetimes Lending out a reference to a resource that someone else owns can be complicated, however. For example, imagine this set of operations: 1. I aquire a handle to some kind of resource. 2. I lend you a reference to the resource. 3. I decide I'm done with the resource, and deallocate it, while you still have your reference. 4. You decide to use the resource. Uh oh! Your reference is pointing to an invalid resource. This is called a "dangling pointer" or "use after free," when the resource is memory. To fix this, we have to make sure that step four never happens after step three. The ownership system in Rust does this through a concept called "lifetimes," which describe the scope that a reference is valid for. Let's look at that function which borrows an `int` again: ```rust fn add_one(num: &int) -> int { *num + 1 } ``` Rust has a feature called 'lifetime elision,' which allows you to not write lifetime annotations in certain circumstances. This is one of them. Without eliding the lifetimes, `add_one` looks like this: ```rust fn add_one<'a>(num: &'a int) -> int { *num + 1 } ``` The `'a` is called a **lifetime**. Most lifetimes are used in places where short names like `'a`, `'b` and `'c` are clearest, but it's often useful to have more descriptive names. Let's dig into the syntax in a bit more detail: ```{rust,ignore} fn add_one<'a>(...) ``` This part _declares_ our lifetimes. This says that `add_one` has one lifetime, `'a`. If we had two, it would look like this: ```{rust,ignore} fn add_two<'a, 'b>(...) ``` Then in our parameter list, we use the lifetimes we've named: ```{rust,ignore} ...(num: &'a int) -> ... ``` If you compare `&int` to `&'a int`, they're the same, it's just that the lifetime `'a` has snuck in between the `&` and the `int`. We read `&int` as "a reference to an int" and `&'a int` as "a reference to an int with the lifetime 'a.'" Why do lifetimes matter? Well, for example, here's some code: ```rust struct Foo<'a> { x: &'a int, } fn main() { let y = &5i; // this is the same as `let _y = 5; let y = &_y; let f = Foo { x: y }; println!("{}", f.x); } ``` As you can see, `struct`s can also have lifetimes. In a similar way to functions, ```{rust} struct Foo<'a> { # x: &'a int, # } ``` declares a lifetime, and ```rust # struct Foo<'a> { x: &'a int, # } ``` uses it. So why do we need a lifetime here? We need to ensure that any reference to a `Foo` cannot outlive the reference to an `int` it contains. ## Thinking in scopes A way to think about lifetimes is to visualize the scope that a reference is valid for. For example: ```rust fn main() { let y = &5i; // -+ y goes into scope // | // stuff // | // | } // -+ y goes out of scope ``` Adding in our `Foo`: ```rust struct Foo<'a> { x: &'a int, } fn main() { let y = &5i; // -+ y goes into scope let f = Foo { x: y }; // -+ f goes into scope // stuff // | // | } // -+ f & y go out of scope ``` Our `f` lives within the scope of `y`, so everything works. What if it didn't? This code won't work: ```{rust,ignore} struct Foo<'a> { x: &'a int, } fn main() { let x; // -+ x goes into scope // | { // | let y = &5i; // ---+ y goes into scope let f = Foo { x: y }; // ---+ f goes into scope x = &f.x; // | | error here } // ---+ f & y go out of scope // | println!("{}", x); // | } // -+ x goes out of scope ``` Whew! As you can see here, the scopes of `f` and `y` are smaller than the scope of `x`. But when we do `x = &f.x`, we make `x` a reference to something that's about to go out of scope. Named lifetimes are a way of giving these scopes a name. Giving something a name is the first step towards being able to talk about it. ## 'static The lifetime named 'static' is a special lifetime. It signals that something has the lifetime of the entire program. Most Rust programmers first come across `'static` when dealing with strings: ```rust let x: &'static str = "Hello, world."; ``` String literals have the type `&'static str` because the reference is always alive: they are baked into the data segment of the final binary. Another example are globals: ```rust static FOO: int = 5i; let x: &'static int = &FOO; ``` This adds an `int` to the data segment of the binary, and FOO is a reference to it. # Shared Ownership In all the examples we've considered so far, we've assumed that each handle has a singular owner. But sometimes, this doesn't work. Consider a car. Cars have four wheels. We would want a wheel to know which car it was attached to. But this won't work: ```{rust,ignore} struct Car { name: String, } struct Wheel { size: int, owner: Car, } fn main() { let car = Car { name: "DeLorian".to_string() }; for _ in range(0u, 4) { Wheel { size: 360, owner: car }; } } ``` We try to make four `Wheel`s, each with a `Car` that it's attached to. But the compiler knows that on the second iteration of the loop, there's a problem: ```{ignore} error: use of moved value: `car` Wheel { size: 360, owner: car }; ^~~ note: `car` moved here because it has type `Car`, which is non-copyable Wheel { size: 360, owner: car }; ^~~ ``` We need our `Car` to be pointed to by multiple `Wheel`s. We can't do that with `Box`, because it has a single owner. We can do t with `Rc` instead: ```rust use std::rc::Rc; struct Car { name: String, } struct Wheel { size: int, owner: Rc, } fn main() { let car = Car { name: "DeLorian".to_string() }; let car_owner = Rc::new(car); for _ in range(0u, 4) { Wheel { size: 360, owner: car_owner.clone() }; } } ``` We wrap our `Car` in an `Rc`, getting an `Rc`, and then use the `clone()` method to make new references. We've also changed our `Wheel` to have an `Rc` rather than just a `Car`. This is the simplest kind of multiple ownership possible. For example, there's also `Arc`, which uses more expensive atomic instructions to be the thread-safe counterpart of `Rc`. # Related Resources Coming Soon.