//! Logic for rendering the different hover messages use std::fmt::Display; use either::Either; use hir::{AsAssocItem, AttributeTemplate, HasAttrs, HirDisplay, Semantics, TypeInfo}; use ide_db::{ base_db::SourceDatabase, defs::Definition, famous_defs::FamousDefs, generated::lints::{CLIPPY_LINTS, DEFAULT_LINTS, FEATURES}, RootDatabase, }; use itertools::Itertools; use stdx::format_to; use syntax::{ algo, ast, match_ast, AstNode, Direction, SyntaxKind::{LET_EXPR, LET_STMT}, SyntaxToken, T, }; use crate::{ doc_links::{remove_links, rewrite_links}, hover::walk_and_push_ty, markdown_remove::remove_markdown, HoverAction, HoverConfig, HoverResult, Markup, }; pub(super) fn type_info( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, expr_or_pat: &Either, ) -> Option { let TypeInfo { original, adjusted } = match expr_or_pat { Either::Left(expr) => sema.type_of_expr(expr)?, Either::Right(pat) => sema.type_of_pat(pat)?, }; let mut res = HoverResult::default(); let mut targets: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut push_new_def = |item: hir::ModuleDef| { if !targets.contains(&item) { targets.push(item); } }; walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &original, &mut push_new_def); res.markup = if let Some(adjusted_ty) = adjusted { walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &adjusted_ty, &mut push_new_def); let original = original.display(sema.db).to_string(); let adjusted = adjusted_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let static_text_diff_len = "Coerced to: ".len() - "Type: ".len(); format!( "{bt_start}Type: {:>apad$}\nCoerced to: {:>opad$}\n{bt_end}", original, adjusted, apad = static_text_diff_len + adjusted.len().max(original.len()), opad = original.len(), bt_start = if config.markdown() { "```text\n" } else { "" }, bt_end = if config.markdown() { "```\n" } else { "" } ) .into() } else { if config.markdown() { Markup::fenced_block(&original.display(sema.db)) } else { original.display(sema.db).to_string().into() } }; res.actions.push(HoverAction::goto_type_from_targets(sema.db, targets)); Some(res) } pub(super) fn try_expr( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, try_expr: &ast::TryExpr, ) -> Option { let inner_ty = sema.type_of_expr(&try_expr.expr()?)?.original; let mut ancestors = try_expr.syntax().ancestors(); let mut body_ty = loop { let next = ancestors.next()?; break match_ast! { match next { ast::Fn(fn_) => sema.to_def(&fn_)?.ret_type(sema.db), ast::Item(__) => return None, ast::ClosureExpr(closure) => sema.type_of_expr(&closure.body()?)?.original, ast::BlockExpr(block_expr) => if matches!(block_expr.modifier(), Some(ast::BlockModifier::Async(_) | ast::BlockModifier::Try(_)| ast::BlockModifier::Const(_))) { sema.type_of_expr(&block_expr.into())?.original } else { continue; }, _ => continue, } }; }; if inner_ty == body_ty { return None; } let mut inner_ty = inner_ty; let mut s = "Try Target".to_owned(); let adts = inner_ty.as_adt().zip(body_ty.as_adt()); if let Some((hir::Adt::Enum(inner), hir::Adt::Enum(body))) = adts { let famous_defs = FamousDefs(sema, sema.scope(try_expr.syntax())?.krate()); // special case for two options, there is no value in showing them if let Some(option_enum) = famous_defs.core_option_Option() { if inner == option_enum && body == option_enum { cov_mark::hit!(hover_try_expr_opt_opt); return None; } } // special case two results to show the error variants only if let Some(result_enum) = famous_defs.core_result_Result() { if inner == result_enum && body == result_enum { let error_type_args = inner_ty.type_arguments().nth(1).zip(body_ty.type_arguments().nth(1)); if let Some((inner, body)) = error_type_args { inner_ty = inner; body_ty = body; s = "Try Error".to_owned(); } } } } let mut res = HoverResult::default(); let mut targets: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut push_new_def = |item: hir::ModuleDef| { if !targets.contains(&item) { targets.push(item); } }; walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &inner_ty, &mut push_new_def); walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &body_ty, &mut push_new_def); res.actions.push(HoverAction::goto_type_from_targets(sema.db, targets)); let inner_ty = inner_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let body_ty = body_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let ty_len_max = inner_ty.len().max(body_ty.len()); let l = "Propagated as: ".len() - " Type: ".len(); let static_text_len_diff = l as isize - s.len() as isize; let tpad = static_text_len_diff.max(0) as usize; let ppad = static_text_len_diff.min(0).abs() as usize; res.markup = format!( "{bt_start}{} Type: {:>pad0$}\nPropagated as: {:>pad1$}\n{bt_end}", s, inner_ty, body_ty, pad0 = ty_len_max + tpad, pad1 = ty_len_max + ppad, bt_start = if config.markdown() { "```text\n" } else { "" }, bt_end = if config.markdown() { "```\n" } else { "" } ) .into(); Some(res) } pub(super) fn deref_expr( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, deref_expr: &ast::PrefixExpr, ) -> Option { let inner_ty = sema.type_of_expr(&deref_expr.expr()?)?.original; let TypeInfo { original, adjusted } = sema.type_of_expr(&ast::Expr::from(deref_expr.clone()))?; let mut res = HoverResult::default(); let mut targets: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut push_new_def = |item: hir::ModuleDef| { if !targets.contains(&item) { targets.push(item); } }; walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &inner_ty, &mut push_new_def); walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &original, &mut push_new_def); res.markup = if let Some(adjusted_ty) = adjusted { walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &adjusted_ty, &mut push_new_def); let original = original.display(sema.db).to_string(); let adjusted = adjusted_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let inner = inner_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let type_len = "To type: ".len(); let coerced_len = "Coerced to: ".len(); let deref_len = "Dereferenced from: ".len(); let max_len = (original.len() + type_len) .max(adjusted.len() + coerced_len) .max(inner.len() + deref_len); format!( "{bt_start}Dereferenced from: {:>ipad$}\nTo type: {:>apad$}\nCoerced to: {:>opad$}\n{bt_end}", inner, original, adjusted, ipad = max_len - deref_len, apad = max_len - type_len, opad = max_len - coerced_len, bt_start = if config.markdown() { "```text\n" } else { "" }, bt_end = if config.markdown() { "```\n" } else { "" } ) .into() } else { let original = original.display(sema.db).to_string(); let inner = inner_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let type_len = "To type: ".len(); let deref_len = "Dereferenced from: ".len(); let max_len = (original.len() + type_len).max(inner.len() + deref_len); format!( "{bt_start}Dereferenced from: {:>ipad$}\nTo type: {:>apad$}\n{bt_end}", inner, original, ipad = max_len - deref_len, apad = max_len - type_len, bt_start = if config.markdown() { "```text\n" } else { "" }, bt_end = if config.markdown() { "```\n" } else { "" } ) .into() }; res.actions.push(HoverAction::goto_type_from_targets(sema.db, targets)); Some(res) } pub(super) fn keyword( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, token: &SyntaxToken, ) -> Option { if !token.kind().is_keyword() || !config.documentation.is_some() { return None; } let parent = token.parent()?; let famous_defs = FamousDefs(sema, sema.scope(&parent)?.krate()); let KeywordHint { description, keyword_mod, actions } = keyword_hints(sema, token, parent); let doc_owner = find_std_module(&famous_defs, &keyword_mod)?; let docs = doc_owner.attrs(sema.db).docs()?; let markup = process_markup( sema.db, Definition::Module(doc_owner), &markup(Some(docs.into()), description, None)?, config, ); Some(HoverResult { markup, actions }) } pub(super) fn try_for_lint(attr: &ast::Attr, token: &SyntaxToken) -> Option { let (path, tt) = attr.as_simple_call()?; if !tt.syntax().text_range().contains(token.text_range().start()) { return None; } let (is_clippy, lints) = match &*path { "feature" => (false, FEATURES), "allow" | "deny" | "forbid" | "warn" => { let is_clippy = algo::non_trivia_sibling(token.clone().into(), Direction::Prev) .filter(|t| t.kind() == T![:]) .and_then(|t| algo::non_trivia_sibling(t, Direction::Prev)) .filter(|t| t.kind() == T![:]) .and_then(|t| algo::non_trivia_sibling(t, Direction::Prev)) .map_or(false, |t| { t.kind() == T![ident] && t.into_token().map_or(false, |t| t.text() == "clippy") }); if is_clippy { (true, CLIPPY_LINTS) } else { (false, DEFAULT_LINTS) } } _ => return None, }; let tmp; let needle = if is_clippy { tmp = format!("clippy::{}", token.text()); &tmp } else { &*token.text() }; let lint = lints.binary_search_by_key(&needle, |lint| lint.label).ok().map(|idx| &lints[idx])?; Some(HoverResult { markup: Markup::from(format!("```\n{}\n```\n___\n\n{}", lint.label, lint.description)), ..Default::default() }) } pub(super) fn process_markup( db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition, markup: &Markup, config: &HoverConfig, ) -> Markup { let markup = markup.as_str(); let markup = if !config.markdown() { remove_markdown(markup) } else if config.links_in_hover { rewrite_links(db, markup, def) } else { remove_links(markup) }; Markup::from(markup) } fn definition_owner_name(db: &RootDatabase, def: &Definition) -> Option { match def { Definition::Field(f) => Some(f.parent_def(db).name(db)), Definition::Local(l) => l.parent(db).name(db), Definition::Function(f) => match f.as_assoc_item(db)?.container(db) { hir::AssocItemContainer::Trait(t) => Some(t.name(db)), hir::AssocItemContainer::Impl(i) => i.self_ty(db).as_adt().map(|adt| adt.name(db)), }, Definition::Variant(e) => Some(e.parent_enum(db).name(db)), _ => None, } .map(|name| name.to_string()) } pub(super) fn path(db: &RootDatabase, module: hir::Module, item_name: Option) -> String { let crate_name = db.crate_graph()[module.krate().into()].display_name.as_ref().map(|it| it.to_string()); let module_path = module .path_to_root(db) .into_iter() .rev() .flat_map(|it| it.name(db).map(|name| name.to_string())); crate_name.into_iter().chain(module_path).chain(item_name).join("::") } pub(super) fn definition( db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition, famous_defs: Option<&FamousDefs>, config: &HoverConfig, ) -> Option { let mod_path = definition_mod_path(db, &def); let (label, docs) = match def { Definition::Macro(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::Field(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::Module(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::Function(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::Adt(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::Variant(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::Const(it) => label_value_and_docs(db, it, |it| { let body = it.eval(db); match body { Ok(x) => Some(format!("{}", x)), Err(_) => it.value(db).map(|x| format!("{}", x)), } }), Definition::Static(it) => label_value_and_docs(db, it, |it| it.value(db)), Definition::Trait(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::TypeAlias(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::BuiltinType(it) => { return famous_defs .and_then(|fd| builtin(fd, it)) .or_else(|| Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name()))) } Definition::Local(it) => return local(db, it), Definition::SelfType(impl_def) => { impl_def.self_ty(db).as_adt().map(|adt| label_and_docs(db, adt))? } Definition::GenericParam(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::Label(it) => return Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name(db))), // FIXME: We should be able to show more info about these Definition::BuiltinAttr(it) => return render_builtin_attr(db, it), Definition::ToolModule(it) => return Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name(db))), }; let docs = match config.documentation { Some(_) => docs.or_else(|| { // docs are missing, for assoc items of trait impls try to fall back to the docs of the // original item of the trait let assoc = def.as_assoc_item(db)?; let trait_ = assoc.containing_trait_impl(db)?; let name = Some(assoc.name(db)?); let item = trait_.items(db).into_iter().find(|it| it.name(db) == name)?; item.docs(db) }), None => None, }; let docs = docs.filter(|_| config.documentation.is_some()).map(Into::into); markup(docs, label, mod_path) } fn render_builtin_attr(db: &RootDatabase, attr: hir::BuiltinAttr) -> Option { let name = attr.name(db); let desc = format!("#[{}]", name); let AttributeTemplate { word, list, name_value_str } = match attr.template(db) { Some(template) => template, None => return Some(Markup::fenced_block(&attr.name(db))), }; let mut docs = "Valid forms are:".to_owned(); if word { format_to!(docs, "\n - #\\[{}]", name); } if let Some(list) = list { format_to!(docs, "\n - #\\[{}({})]", name, list); } if let Some(name_value_str) = name_value_str { format_to!(docs, "\n - #\\[{} = {}]", name, name_value_str); } markup(Some(docs.replace('*', "\\*")), desc, None) } fn label_and_docs(db: &RootDatabase, def: D) -> (String, Option) where D: HasAttrs + HirDisplay, { let label = def.display(db).to_string(); let docs = def.attrs(db).docs(); (label, docs) } fn label_value_and_docs( db: &RootDatabase, def: D, value_extractor: E, ) -> (String, Option) where D: HasAttrs + HirDisplay, E: Fn(&D) -> Option, V: Display, { let label = if let Some(value) = value_extractor(&def) { format!("{} = {}", def.display(db), value) } else { def.display(db).to_string() }; let docs = def.attrs(db).docs(); (label, docs) } fn definition_mod_path(db: &RootDatabase, def: &Definition) -> Option { if let Definition::GenericParam(_) = def { return None; } def.module(db).map(|module| path(db, module, definition_owner_name(db, def))) } fn markup(docs: Option, desc: String, mod_path: Option) -> Option { let mut buf = String::new(); if let Some(mod_path) = mod_path { if !mod_path.is_empty() { format_to!(buf, "```rust\n{}\n```\n\n", mod_path); } } format_to!(buf, "```rust\n{}\n```", desc); if let Some(doc) = docs { format_to!(buf, "\n___\n\n{}", doc); } Some(buf.into()) } fn builtin(famous_defs: &FamousDefs, builtin: hir::BuiltinType) -> Option { // std exposes prim_{} modules with docstrings on the root to document the builtins let primitive_mod = format!("prim_{}", builtin.name()); let doc_owner = find_std_module(famous_defs, &primitive_mod)?; let docs = doc_owner.attrs(famous_defs.0.db).docs()?; markup(Some(docs.into()), builtin.name().to_string(), None) } fn find_std_module(famous_defs: &FamousDefs, name: &str) -> Option { let db = famous_defs.0.db; let std_crate = famous_defs.std()?; let std_root_module = std_crate.root_module(db); std_root_module .children(db) .find(|module| module.name(db).map_or(false, |module| module.to_string() == name)) } fn local(db: &RootDatabase, it: hir::Local) -> Option { let ty = it.ty(db); let ty = ty.display_truncated(db, None); let is_mut = if it.is_mut(db) { "mut " } else { "" }; let desc = match it.source(db).value { Either::Left(ident) => { let name = it.name(db); let let_kw = if ident .syntax() .parent() .map_or(false, |p| p.kind() == LET_STMT || p.kind() == LET_EXPR) { "let " } else { "" }; format!("{}{}{}: {}", let_kw, is_mut, name, ty) } Either::Right(_) => format!("{}self: {}", is_mut, ty), }; markup(None, desc, None) } struct KeywordHint { description: String, keyword_mod: String, actions: Vec, } impl KeywordHint { fn new(description: String, keyword_mod: String) -> Self { Self { description, keyword_mod, actions: Vec::default() } } } fn keyword_hints( sema: &Semantics, token: &SyntaxToken, parent: syntax::SyntaxNode, ) -> KeywordHint { match token.kind() { T![await] | T![loop] | T![match] | T![unsafe] | T![as] | T![try] | T![if] | T![else] => { let keyword_mod = format!("{}_keyword", token.text()); match ast::Expr::cast(parent).and_then(|site| sema.type_of_expr(&site)) { // ignore the unit type () Some(ty) if !ty.adjusted.as_ref().unwrap_or(&ty.original).is_unit() => { let mut targets: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut push_new_def = |item: hir::ModuleDef| { if !targets.contains(&item) { targets.push(item); } }; walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &ty.original, &mut push_new_def); let ty = ty.adjusted(); let description = format!("{}: {}", token.text(), ty.display(sema.db)); KeywordHint { description, keyword_mod, actions: vec![HoverAction::goto_type_from_targets(sema.db, targets)], } } _ => KeywordHint { description: token.text().to_string(), keyword_mod, actions: Vec::new(), }, } } T![fn] => { let module = match ast::FnPtrType::cast(parent) { // treat fn keyword inside function pointer type as primitive Some(_) => format!("prim_{}", token.text()), None => format!("{}_keyword", token.text()), }; KeywordHint::new(token.text().to_string(), module) } T![Self] => KeywordHint::new(token.text().to_string(), "self_upper_keyword".into()), _ => KeywordHint::new(token.text().to_string(), format!("{}_keyword", token.text())), } }