//@ run-pass //! Test information regarding type layout. //@ ignore-stage1 //@ ignore-cross-compile //@ ignore-remote //@ ignore-windows-gnu mingw has troubles with linking https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/116837 #![feature(rustc_private)] #![feature(assert_matches)] #![feature(control_flow_enum)] #![feature(ascii_char, ascii_char_variants)] extern crate rustc_hir; #[macro_use] extern crate rustc_smir; extern crate rustc_driver; extern crate rustc_interface; extern crate stable_mir; use rustc_smir::rustc_internal; use stable_mir::abi::{ArgAbi, CallConvention, FieldsShape, PassMode, VariantsShape}; use stable_mir::mir::mono::Instance; use stable_mir::{CrateDef, CrateItem, CrateItems, ItemKind}; use std::assert_matches::assert_matches; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::io::Write; use std::ops::ControlFlow; const CRATE_NAME: &str = "input"; /// This function uses the Stable MIR APIs to get information about the test crate. fn test_stable_mir() -> ControlFlow<()> { // Find items in the local crate. let items = stable_mir::all_local_items(); // Test fn_abi let target_fn = *get_item(&items, (ItemKind::Fn, "fn_abi")).unwrap(); let instance = Instance::try_from(target_fn).unwrap(); let fn_abi = instance.fn_abi().unwrap(); assert_eq!(fn_abi.conv, CallConvention::Rust); assert_eq!(fn_abi.args.len(), 2); check_ignore(&fn_abi.args[0]); check_primitive(&fn_abi.args[1]); check_result(fn_abi.ret); // Test variadic function. let variadic_fn = *get_item(&items, (ItemKind::Fn, "variadic_fn")).unwrap(); check_variadic(variadic_fn); ControlFlow::Continue(()) } /// Check the variadic function ABI: /// ```no_run /// pub unsafe extern "C" fn variadic_fn(n: usize, mut args: ...) -> usize { /// 0 /// } /// ``` fn check_variadic(variadic_fn: CrateItem) { let instance = Instance::try_from(variadic_fn).unwrap(); let abi = instance.fn_abi().unwrap(); assert!(abi.c_variadic); assert_eq!(abi.args.len(), 1); } /// Check the argument to be ignored: `ignore: [u8; 0]`. fn check_ignore(abi: &ArgAbi) { assert!(abi.ty.kind().is_array()); assert_eq!(abi.mode, PassMode::Ignore); let layout = abi.layout.shape(); assert!(layout.is_sized()); assert!(layout.is_1zst()); } /// Check the primitive argument: `primitive: char`. fn check_primitive(abi: &ArgAbi) { assert!(abi.ty.kind().is_char()); assert_matches!(abi.mode, PassMode::Direct(_)); let layout = abi.layout.shape(); assert!(layout.is_sized()); assert!(!layout.is_1zst()); assert_matches!(layout.fields, FieldsShape::Primitive); } /// Check the return value: `Result`. fn check_result(abi: ArgAbi) { assert!(abi.ty.kind().is_enum()); assert_matches!(abi.mode, PassMode::Indirect { .. }); let layout = abi.layout.shape(); assert!(layout.is_sized()); assert_matches!(layout.fields, FieldsShape::Arbitrary { .. }); assert_matches!(layout.variants, VariantsShape::Multiple { .. }) } fn get_item<'a>( items: &'a CrateItems, item: (ItemKind, &str), ) -> Option<&'a stable_mir::CrateItem> { items.iter().find(|crate_item| (item.0 == crate_item.kind()) && crate_item.name() == item.1) } /// This test will generate and analyze a dummy crate using the stable mir. /// For that, it will first write the dummy crate into a file. /// Then it will create a `StableMir` using custom arguments and then /// it will run the compiler. fn main() { let path = "alloc_input.rs"; generate_input(&path).unwrap(); let args = vec![ "rustc".to_string(), "--crate-type=lib".to_string(), "--crate-name".to_string(), CRATE_NAME.to_string(), path.to_string(), ]; run!(args, test_stable_mir).unwrap(); } fn generate_input(path: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut file = std::fs::File::create(path)?; write!( file, r#" #![feature(c_variadic)] #![allow(unused_variables)] pub fn fn_abi(ignore: [u8; 0], primitive: char) -> Result {{ // We only care about the signature. todo!() }} pub unsafe extern "C" fn variadic_fn(n: usize, mut args: ...) -> usize {{ 0 }} "# )?; Ok(()) }