// Format `lazy_static!`. lazy_static! { static ref CONFIG_NAME_REGEX: regex::Regex = regex::Regex::new(r"^## `([^`]+)`").expect("Failed creating configuration pattern"); static ref CONFIG_VALUE_REGEX: regex::Regex = regex::Regex::new(r#"^#### `"?([^`"]+)"?`"#) .expect("Failed creating configuration value pattern"); } // We need to be able to format `lazy_static!` without known syntax. lazy_static!(xxx, yyyy, zzzzz); lazy_static! {} // #2354 lazy_static! { pub static ref Sbase64_encode_string: ::lisp::LispSubrRef = { let subr = ::remacs_sys::Lisp_Subr { header: ::remacs_sys::Lisp_Vectorlike_Header { size: ((::remacs_sys::PseudovecType::PVEC_SUBR as ::libc::ptrdiff_t) << ::remacs_sys::PSEUDOVECTOR_AREA_BITS), }, function: self::Fbase64_encode_string as *const ::libc::c_void, min_args: 1i16, max_args: 2i16, symbol_name: (b"base64-encode-string\x00").as_ptr() as *const ::libc::c_char, intspec: ::std::ptr::null(), doc: ::std::ptr::null(), lang: ::remacs_sys::Lisp_Subr_Lang_Rust, }; unsafe { let ptr = ::remacs_sys::xmalloc(::std::mem::size_of::<::remacs_sys::Lisp_Subr>()) as *mut ::remacs_sys::Lisp_Subr; ::std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&subr, ptr, 1); ::std::mem::forget(subr); ::lisp::ExternalPtr::new(ptr) } }; } lazy_static! { static ref FOO: HashMap< String, ( &'static str, fn(Foo) -> Result<Box<Bar>, Either<FooError, BarError>> ), > = HashMap::new(); }