// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. // A signature is a string representation of an item's type signature, excluding // any body. It also includes ids for any defs or refs in the signature. For // example: // // ``` // fn foo(x: String) { // println!("{}", x); // } // ``` // The signature string is something like "fn foo(x: String) {}" and the signature // will have defs for `foo` and `x` and a ref for `String`. // // All signature text should parse in the correct context (i.e., in a module or // impl, etc.). Clients may want to trim trailing `{}` or `;`. The text of a // signature is not guaranteed to be stable (it may improve or change as the // syntax changes, or whitespace or punctuation may change). It is also likely // not to be pretty - no attempt is made to prettify the text. It is recommended // that clients run the text through Rustfmt. // // This module generates Signatures for items by walking the AST and looking up // references. // // Signatures do not include visibility info. I'm not sure if this is a feature // or an ommission (FIXME). // // FIXME where clauses need implementing, defs/refs in generics are mostly missing. use {SaveContext, id_from_def_id, id_from_node_id}; use rls_data::{Signature, SigElement}; use rustc::hir::def::Def; use syntax::ast::{self, NodeId}; use syntax::print::pprust; pub fn item_signature(item: &ast::Item, scx: &SaveContext) -> Option { if !scx.config.signatures { return None; } item.make(0, None, scx).ok() } pub fn foreign_item_signature(item: &ast::ForeignItem, scx: &SaveContext) -> Option { if !scx.config.signatures { return None; } item.make(0, None, scx).ok() } /// Signature for a struct or tuple field declaration. /// Does not include a trailing comma. pub fn field_signature(field: &ast::StructField, scx: &SaveContext) -> Option { if !scx.config.signatures { return None; } field.make(0, None, scx).ok() } /// Does not include a trailing comma. pub fn variant_signature(variant: &ast::Variant, scx: &SaveContext) -> Option { if !scx.config.signatures { return None; } variant.node.make(0, None, scx).ok() } pub fn method_signature(id: NodeId, ident: ast::Ident, m: &ast::MethodSig, scx: &SaveContext) -> Option { if !scx.config.signatures { return None; } make_method_signature(id, ident, m, scx).ok() } pub fn assoc_const_signature(id: NodeId, ident: ast::Name, ty: &ast::Ty, default: Option<&ast::Expr>, scx: &SaveContext) -> Option { if !scx.config.signatures { return None; } make_assoc_const_signature(id, ident, ty, default, scx).ok() } pub fn assoc_type_signature(id: NodeId, ident: ast::Ident, bounds: Option<&ast::TyParamBounds>, default: Option<&ast::Ty>, scx: &SaveContext) -> Option { if !scx.config.signatures { return None; } make_assoc_type_signature(id, ident, bounds, default, scx).ok() } type Result = ::std::result::Result; trait Sig { fn make(&self, offset: usize, id: Option, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result; } fn extend_sig(mut sig: Signature, text: String, defs: Vec, refs: Vec) -> Signature { sig.text = text; sig.defs.extend(defs.into_iter()); sig.refs.extend(refs.into_iter()); sig } fn replace_text(mut sig: Signature, text: String) -> Signature { sig.text = text; sig } fn merge_sigs(text: String, sigs: Vec) -> Signature { let mut result = Signature { text, defs: vec![], refs: vec![], }; let (defs, refs): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = sigs.into_iter().map(|s| (s.defs, s.refs)).unzip(); result.defs.extend(defs.into_iter().flat_map(|ds| ds.into_iter())); result.refs.extend(refs.into_iter().flat_map(|rs| rs.into_iter())); result } fn text_sig(text: String) -> Signature { Signature { text, defs: vec![], refs: vec![], } } impl Sig for ast::Ty { fn make(&self, offset: usize, _parent_id: Option, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let id = Some(self.id); match self.node { ast::TyKind::Slice(ref ty) => { let nested = ty.make(offset + 1, id, scx)?; let text = format!("[{}]", nested.text); Ok(replace_text(nested, text)) } ast::TyKind::Ptr(ref mt) => { let prefix = match mt.mutbl { ast::Mutability::Mutable => "*mut ", ast::Mutability::Immutable => "*const ", }; let nested = mt.ty.make(offset + prefix.len(), id, scx)?; let text = format!("{}{}", prefix, nested.text); Ok(replace_text(nested, text)) } ast::TyKind::Rptr(ref lifetime, ref mt) => { let mut prefix = "&".to_owned(); if let &Some(ref l) = lifetime { prefix.push_str(&l.ident.to_string()); prefix.push(' '); } if let ast::Mutability::Mutable = mt.mutbl { prefix.push_str("mut "); }; let nested = mt.ty.make(offset + prefix.len(), id, scx)?; let text = format!("{}{}", prefix, nested.text); Ok(replace_text(nested, text)) } ast::TyKind::Never => { Ok(text_sig("!".to_owned())) }, ast::TyKind::Tup(ref ts) => { let mut text = "(".to_owned(); let mut defs = vec![]; let mut refs = vec![]; for t in ts { let nested = t.make(offset + text.len(), id, scx)?; text.push_str(&nested.text); text.push(','); defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } text.push(')'); Ok(Signature { text, defs, refs }) } ast::TyKind::Paren(ref ty) => { let nested = ty.make(offset + 1, id, scx)?; let text = format!("({})", nested.text); Ok(replace_text(nested, text)) } ast::TyKind::BareFn(ref f) => { let mut text = String::new(); if !f.lifetimes.is_empty() { // FIXME defs, bounds on lifetimes text.push_str("for<"); text.push_str(&f.lifetimes.iter().map(|l| l.lifetime.ident.to_string()).collect::>().join(", ")); text.push('>'); } if f.unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe { text.push_str("unsafe "); } if f.abi != ::syntax::abi::Abi::Rust { text.push_str("extern"); text.push_str(&f.abi.to_string()); text.push(' '); } text.push_str("fn("); let mut defs = vec![]; let mut refs = vec![]; for i in &f.decl.inputs { let nested = i.ty.make(offset + text.len(), Some(i.id), scx)?; text.push_str(&nested.text); text.push(','); defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } text.push(')'); if let ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref t) = f.decl.output { text.push_str(" -> "); let nested = t.make(offset + text.len(), None, scx)?; text.push_str(&nested.text); text.push(','); defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } Ok(Signature { text, defs, refs }) } ast::TyKind::Path(None, ref path) => { path.make(offset, id, scx) } ast::TyKind::Path(Some(ref qself), ref path) => { let nested_ty = qself.ty.make(offset + 1, id, scx)?; let prefix = if qself.position == 0 { format!("<{}>::", nested_ty.text) } else if qself.position == 1 { let first = pprust::path_segment_to_string(&path.segments[0]); format!("<{} as {}>::", nested_ty.text, first) } else { // FIXME handle path instead of elipses. format!("<{} as ...>::", nested_ty.text) }; let name = pprust::path_segment_to_string(path.segments.last().ok_or("Bad path")?); let def = scx.get_path_def(id.ok_or("Missing id for Path")?); let id = id_from_def_id(def.def_id()); if path.segments.len() - qself.position == 1 { let start = offset + prefix.len(); let end = start + name.len(); Ok(Signature { text: prefix + &name, defs: vec![], refs: vec![SigElement { id, start, end }], }) } else { let start = offset + prefix.len() + 5; let end = start + name.len(); // FIXME should put the proper path in there, not elipses. Ok(Signature { text: prefix + "...::" + &name, defs: vec![], refs: vec![SigElement { id, start, end }], }) } } ast::TyKind::TraitObject(ref bounds) => { // FIXME recurse into bounds let nested = pprust::bounds_to_string(bounds); Ok(text_sig(nested)) } ast::TyKind::ImplTrait(ref bounds) => { // FIXME recurse into bounds let nested = pprust::bounds_to_string(bounds); Ok(text_sig(format!("impl {}", nested))) } ast::TyKind::Array(ref ty, ref v) => { let nested_ty = ty.make(offset + 1, id, scx)?; let expr = pprust::expr_to_string(v).replace('\n', " "); let text = format!("[{}; {}]", nested_ty.text, expr); Ok(replace_text(nested_ty, text)) } ast::TyKind::Typeof(_) | ast::TyKind::Infer | ast::TyKind::Err | ast::TyKind::ImplicitSelf | ast::TyKind::Mac(_) => Err("Ty"), } } } impl Sig for ast::Item { fn make(&self, offset: usize, _parent_id: Option, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let id = Some(self.id); match self.node { ast::ItemKind::Static(ref ty, m, ref expr) => { let mut text = "static ".to_owned(); if m == ast::Mutability::Mutable { text.push_str("mut "); } let name = self.ident.to_string(); let defs = vec![SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(self.id, scx), start: offset + text.len(), end: offset + text.len() + name.len(), }]; text.push_str(&name); text.push_str(": "); let ty = ty.make(offset + text.len(), id, scx)?; text.push_str(&ty.text); text.push_str(" = "); let expr = pprust::expr_to_string(expr).replace('\n', " "); text.push_str(&expr); text.push(';'); Ok(extend_sig(ty, text, defs, vec![])) } ast::ItemKind::Const(ref ty, ref expr) => { let mut text = "const ".to_owned(); let name = self.ident.to_string(); let defs = vec![SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(self.id, scx), start: offset + text.len(), end: offset + text.len() + name.len(), }]; text.push_str(&name); text.push_str(": "); let ty = ty.make(offset + text.len(), id, scx)?; text.push_str(&ty.text); text.push_str(" = "); let expr = pprust::expr_to_string(expr).replace('\n', " "); text.push_str(&expr); text.push(';'); Ok(extend_sig(ty, text, defs, vec![])) } ast::ItemKind::Fn(ref decl, unsafety, constness, abi, ref generics, _) => { let mut text = String::new(); if constness.node == ast::Constness::Const { text.push_str("const "); } if unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe { text.push_str("unsafe "); } if abi != ::syntax::abi::Abi::Rust { text.push_str("extern"); text.push_str(&abi.to_string()); text.push(' '); } text.push_str("fn "); let mut sig = name_and_generics(text, offset, generics, self.id, self.ident, scx)?; sig.text.push('('); for i in &decl.inputs { // FIXME should descend into patterns to add defs. sig.text.push_str(&pprust::pat_to_string(&i.pat)); sig.text.push_str(": "); let nested = i.ty.make(offset + sig.text.len(), Some(i.id), scx)?; sig.text.push_str(&nested.text); sig.text.push(','); sig.defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); sig.refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } sig.text.push(')'); if let ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref t) = decl.output { sig.text.push_str(" -> "); let nested = t.make(offset + sig.text.len(), None, scx)?; sig.text.push_str(&nested.text); sig.defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); sig.refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } sig.text.push_str(" {}"); Ok(sig) } ast::ItemKind::Mod(ref _mod) => { let mut text = "mod ".to_owned(); let name = self.ident.to_string(); let defs = vec![SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(self.id, scx), start: offset + text.len(), end: offset + text.len() + name.len(), }]; text.push_str(&name); // Could be either `mod foo;` or `mod foo { ... }`, but we'll just puck one. text.push(';'); Ok(Signature { text, defs, refs: vec![], }) } ast::ItemKind::Ty(ref ty, ref generics) => { let text = "type ".to_owned(); let mut sig = name_and_generics(text, offset, generics, self.id, self.ident, scx)?; sig.text.push_str(" = "); let ty = ty.make(offset + sig.text.len(), id, scx)?; sig.text.push_str(&ty.text); sig.text.push(';'); Ok(merge_sigs(sig.text.clone(), vec![sig, ty])) } ast::ItemKind::Enum(_, ref generics) => { let text = "enum ".to_owned(); let mut sig = name_and_generics(text, offset, generics, self.id, self.ident, scx)?; sig.text.push_str(" {}"); Ok(sig) } ast::ItemKind::Struct(_, ref generics) => { let text = "struct ".to_owned(); let mut sig = name_and_generics(text, offset, generics, self.id, self.ident, scx)?; sig.text.push_str(" {}"); Ok(sig) } ast::ItemKind::Union(_, ref generics) => { let text = "union ".to_owned(); let mut sig = name_and_generics(text, offset, generics, self.id, self.ident, scx)?; sig.text.push_str(" {}"); Ok(sig) } ast::ItemKind::Trait(unsafety, ref generics, ref bounds, _) => { let mut text = String::new(); if unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe { text.push_str("unsafe "); } text.push_str("trait "); let mut sig = name_and_generics(text, offset, generics, self.id, self.ident, scx)?; if !bounds.is_empty() { sig.text.push_str(": "); sig.text.push_str(&pprust::bounds_to_string(bounds)); } // FIXME where clause sig.text.push_str(" {}"); Ok(sig) } ast::ItemKind::DefaultImpl(unsafety, ref trait_ref) => { let mut text = String::new(); if unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe { text.push_str("unsafe "); } text.push_str("impl "); let trait_sig = trait_ref.path.make(offset + text.len(), id, scx)?; text.push_str(&trait_sig.text); text.push_str(" for .. {}"); Ok(replace_text(trait_sig, text)) } ast::ItemKind::Impl(unsafety, polarity, defaultness, ref generics, ref opt_trait, ref ty, _) => { let mut text = String::new(); if let ast::Defaultness::Default = defaultness { text.push_str("default "); } if unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe { text.push_str("unsafe "); } text.push_str("impl"); let generics_sig = generics.make(offset + text.len(), id, scx)?; text.push_str(&generics_sig.text); text.push(' '); let trait_sig = if let Some(ref t) = *opt_trait { if polarity == ast::ImplPolarity::Negative { text.push('!'); } let trait_sig = t.path.make(offset + text.len(), id, scx)?; text.push_str(&trait_sig.text); text.push_str(" for "); trait_sig } else { text_sig(String::new()) }; let ty_sig = ty.make(offset + text.len(), id, scx)?; text.push_str(&ty_sig.text); text.push_str(" {}"); Ok(merge_sigs(text, vec![generics_sig, trait_sig, ty_sig])) // FIXME where clause } ast::ItemKind::ForeignMod(_) => Err("extern mod"), ast::ItemKind::GlobalAsm(_) => Err("glboal asm"), ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(_) => Err("extern crate"), // FIXME should implement this (e.g., pub use). ast::ItemKind::Use(_) => Err("import"), ast::ItemKind::Mac(..) | ast::ItemKind::MacroDef(_) => Err("Macro"), } } } impl Sig for ast::Path { fn make(&self, offset: usize, id: Option, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let def = scx.get_path_def(id.ok_or("Missing id for Path")?); let (name, start, end) = match def { Def::Label(..) | Def::PrimTy(..) | Def::SelfTy(..) | Def::Err => { return Ok(Signature { text: pprust::path_to_string(self), defs: vec![], refs: vec![], }) } Def::AssociatedConst(..) | Def::Variant(..) | Def::VariantCtor(..) => { let len = self.segments.len(); if len < 2 { return Err("Bad path"); } // FIXME: really we should descend into the generics here and add SigElements for // them. // FIXME: would be nice to have a def for the first path segment. let seg1 = pprust::path_segment_to_string(&self.segments[len - 2]); let seg2 = pprust::path_segment_to_string(&self.segments[len - 1]); let start = offset + seg1.len() + 2; (format!("{}::{}", seg1, seg2), start, start + seg2.len()) } _ => { let name = pprust::path_segment_to_string(self.segments.last().ok_or("Bad path")?); let end = offset + name.len(); (name, offset, end) } }; let id = id_from_def_id(def.def_id()); Ok(Signature { text: name, defs: vec![], refs: vec![SigElement { id, start, end }], }) } } // This does not cover the where clause, which must be processed separately. impl Sig for ast::Generics { fn make(&self, offset: usize, _parent_id: Option, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let total = self.lifetimes.len() + self.ty_params.len(); if total == 0 { return Ok(text_sig(String::new())); } let mut text = "<".to_owned(); let mut defs = vec![]; for l in &self.lifetimes { let mut l_text = l.lifetime.ident.to_string(); defs.push(SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(l.lifetime.id, scx), start: offset + text.len(), end: offset + text.len() + l_text.len(), }); if !l.bounds.is_empty() { l_text.push_str(": "); let bounds = l.bounds.iter().map(|l| { l.ident.to_string() }).collect::>().join(" + "); l_text.push_str(&bounds); // FIXME add lifetime bounds refs. } text.push_str(&l_text); text.push(','); } for t in &self.ty_params { let mut t_text = t.ident.to_string(); defs.push(SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(t.id, scx), start: offset + text.len(), end: offset + text.len() + t_text.len(), }); if !t.bounds.is_empty() { t_text.push_str(": "); t_text.push_str(&pprust::bounds_to_string(&t.bounds)); // FIXME descend properly into bounds. } text.push_str(&t_text); text.push(','); } text.push('>'); Ok(Signature {text, defs, refs: vec![] }) } } impl Sig for ast::StructField { fn make(&self, offset: usize, _parent_id: Option, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let mut text = String::new(); let mut defs = None; if let Some(ref ident) = self.ident { text.push_str(&ident.to_string()); defs = Some(SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(self.id, scx), start: offset, end: offset + text.len(), }); text.push_str(": "); } let mut ty_sig = self.ty.make(offset + text.len(), Some(self.id), scx)?; text.push_str(&ty_sig.text); ty_sig.text = text; ty_sig.defs.extend(defs.into_iter()); Ok(ty_sig) } } impl Sig for ast::Variant_ { fn make(&self, offset: usize, _parent_id: Option, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let mut text = self.name.to_string(); match self.data { ast::VariantData::Struct(ref fields, id) => { let name_def = SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(id, scx), start: offset, end: offset + text.len(), }; text.push_str(" { "); let mut defs = vec![name_def]; let mut refs = vec![]; for f in fields { let field_sig = f.make(offset + text.len(), Some(id), scx)?; text.push_str(&field_sig.text); text.push_str(", "); defs.extend(field_sig.defs.into_iter()); refs.extend(field_sig.refs.into_iter()); } text.push('}'); Ok(Signature { text, defs, refs, }) } ast::VariantData::Tuple(ref fields, id) => { let name_def = SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(id, scx), start: offset, end: offset + text.len(), }; text.push('('); let mut defs = vec![name_def]; let mut refs = vec![]; for f in fields { let field_sig = f.make(offset + text.len(), Some(id), scx)?; text.push_str(&field_sig.text); text.push_str(", "); defs.extend(field_sig.defs.into_iter()); refs.extend(field_sig.refs.into_iter()); } text.push(')'); Ok(Signature { text, defs, refs, }) } ast::VariantData::Unit(id) => { let name_def = SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(id, scx), start: offset, end: offset + text.len(), }; Ok(Signature { text, defs: vec![name_def], refs: vec![], }) } } } } impl Sig for ast::ForeignItem { fn make(&self, offset: usize, _parent_id: Option, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let id = Some(self.id); match self.node { ast::ForeignItemKind::Fn(ref decl, ref generics) => { let mut text = String::new(); text.push_str("fn "); let mut sig = name_and_generics(text, offset, generics, self.id, self.ident, scx)?; sig.text.push('('); for i in &decl.inputs { // FIXME should descend into patterns to add defs. sig.text.push_str(&pprust::pat_to_string(&i.pat)); sig.text.push_str(": "); let nested = i.ty.make(offset + sig.text.len(), Some(i.id), scx)?; sig.text.push_str(&nested.text); sig.text.push(','); sig.defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); sig.refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } sig.text.push(')'); if let ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref t) = decl.output { sig.text.push_str(" -> "); let nested = t.make(offset + sig.text.len(), None, scx)?; sig.text.push_str(&nested.text); sig.defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); sig.refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } sig.text.push(';'); Ok(sig) } ast::ForeignItemKind::Static(ref ty, m) => { let mut text = "static ".to_owned(); if m { text.push_str("mut "); } let name = self.ident.to_string(); let defs = vec![SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(self.id, scx), start: offset + text.len(), end: offset + text.len() + name.len(), }]; text.push_str(&name); text.push_str(": "); let ty_sig = ty.make(offset + text.len(), id, scx)?; text.push(';'); Ok(extend_sig(ty_sig, text, defs, vec![])) } } } } fn name_and_generics(mut text: String, offset: usize, generics: &ast::Generics, id: NodeId, name: ast::Ident, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let name = name.to_string(); let def = SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(id, scx), start: offset + text.len(), end: offset + text.len() + name.len(), }; text.push_str(&name); let generics: Signature = generics.make(offset + text.len(), Some(id), scx)?; // FIXME where clause let text = format!("{}{}", text, generics.text); Ok(extend_sig(generics, text, vec![def], vec![])) } fn make_assoc_type_signature(id: NodeId, ident: ast::Ident, bounds: Option<&ast::TyParamBounds>, default: Option<&ast::Ty>, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let mut text = "type ".to_owned(); let name = ident.to_string(); let mut defs = vec![SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(id, scx), start: text.len(), end: text.len() + name.len(), }]; let mut refs = vec![]; text.push_str(&name); if let Some(bounds) = bounds { text.push_str(": "); // FIXME should descend into bounds text.push_str(&pprust::bounds_to_string(bounds)); } if let Some(default) = default { text.push_str(" = "); let ty_sig = default.make(text.len(), Some(id), scx)?; text.push_str(&ty_sig.text); defs.extend(ty_sig.defs.into_iter()); refs.extend(ty_sig.refs.into_iter()); } text.push(';'); Ok(Signature { text, defs, refs }) } fn make_assoc_const_signature(id: NodeId, ident: ast::Name, ty: &ast::Ty, default: Option<&ast::Expr>, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { let mut text = "const ".to_owned(); let name = ident.to_string(); let mut defs = vec![SigElement { id: id_from_node_id(id, scx), start: text.len(), end: text.len() + name.len(), }]; let mut refs = vec![]; text.push_str(&name); text.push_str(": "); let ty_sig = ty.make(text.len(), Some(id), scx)?; text.push_str(&ty_sig.text); defs.extend(ty_sig.defs.into_iter()); refs.extend(ty_sig.refs.into_iter()); if let Some(default) = default { text.push_str(" = "); text.push_str(&pprust::expr_to_string(default)); } text.push(';'); Ok(Signature { text, defs, refs }) } fn make_method_signature(id: NodeId, ident: ast::Ident, m: &ast::MethodSig, scx: &SaveContext) -> Result { // FIXME code dup with function signature let mut text = String::new(); if m.constness.node == ast::Constness::Const { text.push_str("const "); } if m.unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe { text.push_str("unsafe "); } if m.abi != ::syntax::abi::Abi::Rust { text.push_str("extern"); text.push_str(&m.abi.to_string()); text.push(' '); } text.push_str("fn "); let mut sig = name_and_generics(text, 0, &m.generics, id, ident, scx)?; sig.text.push('('); for i in &m.decl.inputs { // FIXME should descend into patterns to add defs. sig.text.push_str(&pprust::pat_to_string(&i.pat)); sig.text.push_str(": "); let nested = i.ty.make(sig.text.len(), Some(i.id), scx)?; sig.text.push_str(&nested.text); sig.text.push(','); sig.defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); sig.refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } sig.text.push(')'); if let ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref t) = m.decl.output { sig.text.push_str(" -> "); let nested = t.make(sig.text.len(), None, scx)?; sig.text.push_str(&nested.text); sig.defs.extend(nested.defs.into_iter()); sig.refs.extend(nested.refs.into_iter()); } sig.text.push_str(" {}"); Ok(sig) }