// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use core::prelude::*; use ast; use codemap; use codemap::span; use ext::base::ext_ctxt; use ext::build; use opt_vec::OptVec; use core::option; pub struct Field { ident: ast::ident, ex: @ast::expr } pub fn mk_expr(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: codemap::span, expr: ast::expr_) -> @ast::expr { @ast::expr { id: cx.next_id(), callee_id: cx.next_id(), node: expr, span: sp, } } pub fn mk_lit(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, lit: ast::lit_) -> @ast::expr { let sp_lit = @codemap::spanned { node: lit, span: sp }; mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_lit(sp_lit)) } pub fn mk_int(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, i: int) -> @ast::expr { let lit = ast::lit_int(i as i64, ast::ty_i); return mk_lit(cx, sp, lit); } pub fn mk_uint(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, u: uint) -> @ast::expr { let lit = ast::lit_uint(u as u64, ast::ty_u); return mk_lit(cx, sp, lit); } pub fn mk_u8(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, u: u8) -> @ast::expr { let lit = ast::lit_uint(u as u64, ast::ty_u8); return mk_lit(cx, sp, lit); } pub fn mk_binary(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, op: ast::binop, lhs: @ast::expr, rhs: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr { cx.next_id(); // see ast_util::op_expr_callee_id mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_binary(op, lhs, rhs)) } pub fn mk_unary(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, op: ast::unop, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr { cx.next_id(); // see ast_util::op_expr_callee_id mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_unary(op, e)) } pub fn mk_raw_path(sp: span, idents: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::Path { mk_raw_path_(sp, idents, ~[]) } pub fn mk_raw_path_(sp: span, idents: ~[ast::ident], types: ~[@ast::Ty]) -> @ast::Path { @ast::Path { span: sp, global: false, idents: idents, rp: None, types: types } } pub fn mk_raw_path_global(sp: span, idents: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::Path { mk_raw_path_global_(sp, idents, ~[]) } pub fn mk_raw_path_global_(sp: span, idents: ~[ast::ident], types: ~[@ast::Ty]) -> @ast::Path { @ast::Path { span: sp, global: true, idents: idents, rp: None, types: types } } pub fn mk_path(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, idents: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_path(mk_raw_path(sp, idents))) } pub fn mk_path_global(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, idents: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_path(mk_raw_path_global(sp, idents))) } pub fn mk_access_(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, p: @ast::expr, m: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_field(p, m, ~[])) } pub fn mk_access(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, p: ~[ast::ident], m: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr { let pathexpr = mk_path(cx, sp, p); return mk_access_(cx, sp, pathexpr, m); } pub fn mk_addr_of(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr { return mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_addr_of(ast::m_imm, e)); } pub fn mk_mut_addr_of(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr { return mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_addr_of(ast::m_mutbl, e)); } pub fn mk_method_call(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, rcvr_expr: @ast::expr, method_ident: ast::ident, args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_method_call(rcvr_expr, method_ident, ~[], args, ast::NoSugar)) } pub fn mk_call_(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, fn_expr: @ast::expr, args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_call(fn_expr, args, ast::NoSugar)) } pub fn mk_call(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, fn_path: ~[ast::ident], args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr { let pathexpr = mk_path(cx, sp, fn_path); return mk_call_(cx, sp, pathexpr, args); } pub fn mk_call_global(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, fn_path: ~[ast::ident], args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr { let pathexpr = mk_path_global(cx, sp, fn_path); return mk_call_(cx, sp, pathexpr, args); } // e = expr, t = type pub fn mk_base_vec_e(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr { let vecexpr = ast::expr_vec(exprs, ast::m_imm); mk_expr(cx, sp, vecexpr) } pub fn mk_vstore_e(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, expr: @ast::expr, vst: ast::expr_vstore) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_vstore(expr, vst)) } pub fn mk_uniq_vec_e(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr { mk_vstore_e(cx, sp, mk_base_vec_e(cx, sp, exprs), ast::expr_vstore_uniq) } pub fn mk_slice_vec_e(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr { mk_vstore_e(cx, sp, mk_base_vec_e(cx, sp, exprs), ast::expr_vstore_slice) } pub fn mk_base_str(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, s: ~str) -> @ast::expr { let lit = ast::lit_str(@s); return mk_lit(cx, sp, lit); } pub fn mk_uniq_str(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, s: ~str) -> @ast::expr { mk_vstore_e(cx, sp, mk_base_str(cx, sp, s), ast::expr_vstore_uniq) } pub fn mk_field(sp: span, f: &Field) -> ast::field { codemap::spanned { node: ast::field_ { mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: f.ident, expr: f.ex }, span: sp, } } pub fn mk_fields(sp: span, fields: ~[Field]) -> ~[ast::field] { fields.map(|f| mk_field(sp, f)) } pub fn mk_struct_e(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, ctor_path: ~[ast::ident], fields: ~[Field]) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_struct(mk_raw_path(sp, ctor_path), mk_fields(sp, fields), option::None::<@ast::expr>)) } pub fn mk_global_struct_e(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, ctor_path: ~[ast::ident], fields: ~[Field]) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_struct(mk_raw_path_global(sp, ctor_path), mk_fields(sp, fields), option::None::<@ast::expr>)) } pub fn mk_glob_use(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, path: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::view_item { let glob = @codemap::spanned { node: ast::view_path_glob(mk_raw_path(sp, path), cx.next_id()), span: sp, }; @ast::view_item { node: ast::view_item_use(~[glob]), attrs: ~[], vis: ast::private, span: sp } } pub fn mk_local(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, mutbl: bool, ident: ast::ident, ex: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt { let pat = @ast::pat { id: cx.next_id(), node: ast::pat_ident( ast::bind_by_copy, mk_raw_path(sp, ~[ident]), None), span: sp, }; let ty = @ast::Ty { id: cx.next_id(), node: ast::ty_infer, span: sp }; let local = @codemap::spanned { node: ast::local_ { is_mutbl: mutbl, ty: ty, pat: pat, init: Some(ex), id: cx.next_id(), }, span: sp, }; let decl = codemap::spanned {node: ast::decl_local(~[local]), span: sp}; @codemap::spanned { node: ast::stmt_decl(@decl, cx.next_id()), span: sp } } pub fn mk_block(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, view_items: ~[@ast::view_item], stmts: ~[@ast::stmt], expr: Option<@ast::expr>) -> @ast::expr { let blk = codemap::spanned { node: ast::blk_ { view_items: view_items, stmts: stmts, expr: expr, id: cx.next_id(), rules: ast::default_blk, }, span: span, }; mk_expr(cx, span, ast::expr_block(blk)) } pub fn mk_block_(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt]) -> ast::blk { codemap::spanned { node: ast::blk_ { view_items: ~[], stmts: stmts, expr: None, id: cx.next_id(), rules: ast::default_blk, }, span: span, } } pub fn mk_simple_block(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, expr: @ast::expr) -> ast::blk { codemap::spanned { node: ast::blk_ { view_items: ~[], stmts: ~[], expr: Some(expr), id: cx.next_id(), rules: ast::default_blk, }, span: span, } } pub fn mk_lambda_(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, fn_decl: ast::fn_decl, blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, span, ast::expr_fn_block(fn_decl, blk)) } pub fn mk_lambda(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, fn_decl: ast::fn_decl, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr { let blk = mk_simple_block(cx, span, expr); mk_lambda_(cx, span, fn_decl, blk) } pub fn mk_lambda_stmts(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, fn_decl: ast::fn_decl, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt]) -> @ast::expr { let blk = mk_block(cx, span, ~[], stmts, None); mk_lambda(cx, span, fn_decl, blk) } pub fn mk_lambda_no_args(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr { let fn_decl = mk_fn_decl(~[], mk_ty_infer(cx, span)); mk_lambda(cx, span, fn_decl, expr) } pub fn mk_copy(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_copy(e)) } pub fn mk_managed(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr { mk_expr(cx, sp, ast::expr_unary(ast::box(ast::m_imm), e)) } pub fn mk_pat(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, pat: ast::pat_) -> @ast::pat { @ast::pat { id: cx.next_id(), node: pat, span: span } } pub fn mk_pat_wild(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span) -> @ast::pat { mk_pat(cx, span, ast::pat_wild) } pub fn mk_pat_lit(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::pat { mk_pat(cx, span, ast::pat_lit(expr)) } pub fn mk_pat_ident(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::pat { mk_pat_ident_with_binding_mode(cx, span, ident, ast::bind_by_copy) } pub fn mk_pat_ident_with_binding_mode(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, ident: ast::ident, bm: ast::binding_mode) -> @ast::pat { let path = mk_raw_path(span, ~[ ident ]); let pat = ast::pat_ident(bm, path, None); mk_pat(cx, span, pat) } pub fn mk_pat_enum(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, path: @ast::Path, subpats: ~[@ast::pat]) -> @ast::pat { let pat = ast::pat_enum(path, Some(subpats)); mk_pat(cx, span, pat) } pub fn mk_pat_struct(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, path: @ast::Path, field_pats: ~[ast::field_pat]) -> @ast::pat { let pat = ast::pat_struct(path, field_pats, false); mk_pat(cx, span, pat) } pub fn mk_bool(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, value: bool) -> @ast::expr { let lit_expr = ast::expr_lit(@codemap::spanned { node: ast::lit_bool(value), span: span }); build::mk_expr(cx, span, lit_expr) } pub fn mk_stmt(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt { let stmt_ = ast::stmt_semi(expr, cx.next_id()); @codemap::spanned { node: stmt_, span: span } } pub fn mk_ty_path(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, idents: ~[ ast::ident ]) -> @ast::Ty { let ty = build::mk_raw_path(span, idents); let ty = ast::ty_path(ty, cx.next_id()); let ty = @ast::Ty { id: cx.next_id(), node: ty, span: span }; ty } pub fn mk_ty_path_global(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, idents: ~[ ast::ident ]) -> @ast::Ty { let ty = build::mk_raw_path_global(span, idents); let ty = ast::ty_path(ty, cx.next_id()); let ty = @ast::Ty { id: cx.next_id(), node: ty, span: span }; ty } pub fn mk_ty_rptr(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, ty: @ast::Ty, mutbl: ast::mutability) -> @ast::Ty { @ast::Ty { id: cx.next_id(), span: span, node: ast::ty_rptr( None, ast::mt { ty: ty, mutbl: mutbl } ), } } pub fn mk_ty_infer(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span) -> @ast::Ty { @ast::Ty { id: cx.next_id(), node: ast::ty_infer, span: span, } } pub fn mk_trait_ref_global(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, idents: ~[ ast::ident ]) -> @ast::trait_ref { mk_trait_ref_(cx, build::mk_raw_path_global(span, idents)) } pub fn mk_trait_ref_(cx: @ext_ctxt, path: @ast::Path) -> @ast::trait_ref { @ast::trait_ref { path: path, ref_id: cx.next_id() } } pub fn mk_simple_ty_path(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::Ty { mk_ty_path(cx, span, ~[ ident ]) } pub fn mk_arg(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, ident: ast::ident, ty: @ast::Ty) -> ast::arg { let arg_pat = mk_pat_ident(cx, span, ident); ast::arg { mode: ast::infer(cx.next_id()), is_mutbl: false, ty: ty, pat: arg_pat, id: cx.next_id() } } pub fn mk_fn_decl(inputs: ~[ast::arg], output: @ast::Ty) -> ast::fn_decl { ast::fn_decl { inputs: inputs, output: output, cf: ast::return_val } } pub fn mk_trait_ty_param_bound_global(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, idents: ~[ast::ident]) -> ast::TyParamBound { ast::TraitTyParamBound(mk_trait_ref_global(cx, span, idents)) } pub fn mk_trait_ty_param_bound_(cx: @ext_ctxt, path: @ast::Path) -> ast::TyParamBound { ast::TraitTyParamBound(mk_trait_ref_(cx, path)) } pub fn mk_ty_param(cx: @ext_ctxt, ident: ast::ident, bounds: @OptVec) -> ast::TyParam { ast::TyParam { ident: ident, id: cx.next_id(), bounds: bounds } } pub fn mk_lifetime(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, ident: ast::ident) -> ast::Lifetime { ast::Lifetime { id: cx.next_id(), span: span, ident: ident } } pub fn mk_arm(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span, pats: ~[@ast::pat], expr: @ast::expr) -> ast::arm { ast::arm { pats: pats, guard: None, body: mk_simple_block(cx, span, expr) } } pub fn mk_unreachable(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span) -> @ast::expr { let loc = cx.codemap().lookup_char_pos(span.lo); mk_call_global( cx, span, ~[ cx.ident_of(~"core"), cx.ident_of(~"sys"), cx.ident_of(~"begin_unwind"), ], ~[ mk_uniq_str(cx, span, ~"internal error: entered unreachable code"), mk_uniq_str(cx, span, loc.file.name), mk_uint(cx, span, loc.line), ] ) } pub fn mk_unreachable_arm(cx: @ext_ctxt, span: span) -> ast::arm { mk_arm(cx, span, ~[mk_pat_wild(cx, span)], mk_unreachable(cx, span)) }