//! See [`LineIndex`]. #![deny(missing_debug_implementations, missing_docs, rust_2018_idioms)] #[cfg(test)] mod tests; use nohash_hasher::IntMap; pub use text_size::{TextRange, TextSize}; /// Line/Column information in native, utf8 format. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct LineCol { /// Zero-based. pub line: u32, /// Zero-based UTF-8 offset. pub col: u32, } /// A kind of wide character encoding. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum WideEncoding { /// UTF-16. Utf16, /// UTF-32. Utf32, } impl WideEncoding { /// Returns the number of units it takes to encode `text` in this encoding. pub fn measure(&self, text: &str) -> usize { match self { WideEncoding::Utf16 => text.encode_utf16().count(), WideEncoding::Utf32 => text.chars().count(), } } } /// Line/Column information in legacy encodings. // // Deliberately not a generic type and different from `LineCol`. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct WideLineCol { /// Zero-based. pub line: u32, /// Zero-based. pub col: u32, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] struct WideChar { /// Start offset of a character inside a line, zero-based start: TextSize, /// End offset of a character inside a line, zero-based end: TextSize, } impl WideChar { /// Returns the length in 8-bit UTF-8 code units. fn len(&self) -> TextSize { self.end - self.start } /// Returns the length in UTF-16 or UTF-32 code units. fn wide_len(&self, enc: WideEncoding) -> usize { match enc { WideEncoding::Utf16 => { if self.len() == TextSize::from(4) { 2 } else { 1 } } WideEncoding::Utf32 => 1, } } } /// Maps flat [`TextSize`] offsets into `(line, column)` representation. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct LineIndex { /// Offset the beginning of each line, zero-based. newlines: Box<[TextSize]>, /// List of non-ASCII characters on each line. line_wide_chars: IntMap>, } impl LineIndex { /// Returns a `LineIndex` for the `text`. pub fn new(text: &str) -> LineIndex { let mut line_wide_chars = IntMap::default(); let mut wide_chars = Vec::new(); let mut newlines = Vec::with_capacity(16); newlines.push(TextSize::from(0)); let mut cur_row = 0.into(); let mut cur_col = 0.into(); let mut line = 0; for c in text.chars() { let c_len = TextSize::of(c); cur_row += c_len; if c == '\n' { newlines.push(cur_row); // Save any utf-16 characters seen in the previous line if !wide_chars.is_empty() { line_wide_chars .insert(line, std::mem::take(&mut wide_chars).into_boxed_slice()); } // Prepare for processing the next line cur_col = 0.into(); line += 1; continue; } if !c.is_ascii() { wide_chars.push(WideChar { start: cur_col, end: cur_col + c_len }); } cur_col += c_len; } // Save any utf-16 characters seen in the last line if !wide_chars.is_empty() { line_wide_chars.insert(line, wide_chars.into_boxed_slice()); } LineIndex { newlines: newlines.into_boxed_slice(), line_wide_chars } } /// Transforms the `TextSize` into a `LineCol`. pub fn line_col(&self, offset: TextSize) -> LineCol { let line = self.newlines.partition_point(|&it| it <= offset) - 1; let line_start_offset = self.newlines[line]; let col = offset - line_start_offset; LineCol { line: line as u32, col: col.into() } } /// Transforms the `LineCol` into a `TextSize`. pub fn offset(&self, line_col: LineCol) -> Option { self.newlines .get(line_col.line as usize) .map(|offset| offset + TextSize::from(line_col.col)) } /// Transforms the `LineCol` with the given `WideEncoding` into a `WideLineCol`. pub fn to_wide(&self, enc: WideEncoding, line_col: LineCol) -> WideLineCol { let col = self.utf8_to_wide_col(enc, line_col.line, line_col.col.into()); WideLineCol { line: line_col.line, col: col as u32 } } /// Transforms the `WideLineCol` with the given `WideEncoding` into a `LineCol`. pub fn to_utf8(&self, enc: WideEncoding, line_col: WideLineCol) -> LineCol { let col = self.wide_to_utf8_col(enc, line_col.line, line_col.col); LineCol { line: line_col.line, col: col.into() } } /// Returns an iterator over the ranges for the lines. pub fn lines(&self, range: TextRange) -> impl Iterator + '_ { let lo = self.newlines.partition_point(|&it| it < range.start()); let hi = self.newlines.partition_point(|&it| it <= range.end()); let all = std::iter::once(range.start()) .chain(self.newlines[lo..hi].iter().copied()) .chain(std::iter::once(range.end())); all.clone() .zip(all.skip(1)) .map(|(lo, hi)| TextRange::new(lo, hi)) .filter(|it| !it.is_empty()) } fn utf8_to_wide_col(&self, enc: WideEncoding, line: u32, col: TextSize) -> usize { let mut res: usize = col.into(); if let Some(wide_chars) = self.line_wide_chars.get(&line) { for c in wide_chars.iter() { if c.end <= col { res -= usize::from(c.len()) - c.wide_len(enc); } else { // From here on, all utf16 characters come *after* the character we are mapping, // so we don't need to take them into account break; } } } res } fn wide_to_utf8_col(&self, enc: WideEncoding, line: u32, mut col: u32) -> TextSize { if let Some(wide_chars) = self.line_wide_chars.get(&line) { for c in wide_chars.iter() { if col > u32::from(c.start) { col += u32::from(c.len()) - c.wide_len(enc) as u32; } else { // From here on, all utf16 characters come *after* the character we are mapping, // so we don't need to take them into account break; } } } col.into() } }