//! Tests and test utilities for completions. //! //! Most tests live in this module or its submodules. The tests in these submodules are "location" //! oriented, that is they try to check completions for something like type position, param position //! etc. //! Tests that are more orientated towards specific completion types like visibility checks of path //! completions or `check_edit` tests usually live in their respective completion modules instead. //! This gives this test module and its submodules here the main purpose of giving the developer an //! overview of whats being completed where, not how. mod attribute; mod expression; mod flyimport; mod fn_param; mod item_list; mod item; mod pattern; mod predicate; mod proc_macros; mod record; mod special; mod type_pos; mod use_tree; mod visibility; use hir::{db::DefDatabase, PrefixKind, Semantics}; use ide_db::{ base_db::{fixture::ChangeFixture, FileLoader, FilePosition}, imports::insert_use::{ImportGranularity, InsertUseConfig}, RootDatabase, SnippetCap, }; use itertools::Itertools; use stdx::{format_to, trim_indent}; use syntax::{AstNode, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement}; use test_utils::assert_eq_text; use crate::{ resolve_completion_edits, CallableSnippets, CompletionConfig, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, }; /// Lots of basic item definitions const BASE_ITEMS_FIXTURE: &str = r#" enum Enum { TupleV(u32), RecordV { field: u32 }, UnitV } use self::Enum::TupleV; mod module {} trait Trait {} static STATIC: Unit = Unit; const CONST: Unit = Unit; struct Record { field: u32 } struct Tuple(u32); struct Unit; #[macro_export] macro_rules! makro {} #[rustc_builtin_macro] pub macro Clone {} fn function() {} union Union { field: i32 } "#; pub(crate) const TEST_CONFIG: CompletionConfig = CompletionConfig { enable_postfix_completions: true, enable_imports_on_the_fly: true, enable_self_on_the_fly: true, enable_private_editable: false, callable: Some(CallableSnippets::FillArguments), snippet_cap: SnippetCap::new(true), prefer_no_std: false, insert_use: InsertUseConfig { granularity: ImportGranularity::Crate, prefix_kind: PrefixKind::Plain, enforce_granularity: true, group: true, skip_glob_imports: true, }, snippets: Vec::new(), }; pub(crate) fn completion_list(ra_fixture: &str) -> String { completion_list_with_config(TEST_CONFIG, ra_fixture, true, None) } pub(crate) fn completion_list_no_kw(ra_fixture: &str) -> String { completion_list_with_config(TEST_CONFIG, ra_fixture, false, None) } pub(crate) fn completion_list_no_kw_with_private_editable(ra_fixture: &str) -> String { let mut config = TEST_CONFIG; config.enable_private_editable = true; completion_list_with_config(config, ra_fixture, false, None) } pub(crate) fn completion_list_with_trigger_character( ra_fixture: &str, trigger_character: Option, ) -> String { completion_list_with_config(TEST_CONFIG, ra_fixture, true, trigger_character) } fn completion_list_with_config( config: CompletionConfig, ra_fixture: &str, include_keywords: bool, trigger_character: Option, ) -> String { // filter out all but one builtintype completion for smaller test outputs let items = get_all_items(config, ra_fixture, trigger_character); let items = items .into_iter() .filter(|it| it.kind() != CompletionItemKind::BuiltinType || it.label() == "u32") .filter(|it| include_keywords || it.kind() != CompletionItemKind::Keyword) .filter(|it| include_keywords || it.kind() != CompletionItemKind::Snippet) .sorted_by_key(|it| (it.kind(), it.label().to_owned(), it.detail().map(ToOwned::to_owned))) .collect(); render_completion_list(items) } /// Creates analysis from a multi-file fixture, returns positions marked with $0. pub(crate) fn position(ra_fixture: &str) -> (RootDatabase, FilePosition) { let change_fixture = ChangeFixture::parse(ra_fixture); let mut database = RootDatabase::default(); database.set_enable_proc_attr_macros(true); database.apply_change(change_fixture.change); let (file_id, range_or_offset) = change_fixture.file_position.expect("expected a marker ($0)"); let offset = range_or_offset.expect_offset(); (database, FilePosition { file_id, offset }) } pub(crate) fn do_completion(code: &str, kind: CompletionItemKind) -> Vec { do_completion_with_config(TEST_CONFIG, code, kind) } pub(crate) fn do_completion_with_config( config: CompletionConfig, code: &str, kind: CompletionItemKind, ) -> Vec { get_all_items(config, code, None) .into_iter() .filter(|c| c.kind() == kind) .sorted_by(|l, r| l.label().cmp(r.label())) .collect() } fn render_completion_list(completions: Vec) -> String { fn monospace_width(s: &str) -> usize { s.chars().count() } let label_width = completions.iter().map(|it| monospace_width(it.label())).max().unwrap_or_default().min(22); completions .into_iter() .map(|it| { let tag = it.kind().tag(); let var_name = format!("{} {}", tag, it.label()); let mut buf = var_name; if let Some(detail) = it.detail() { let width = label_width.saturating_sub(monospace_width(it.label())); format_to!(buf, "{:width$} {}", "", detail, width = width); } if it.deprecated() { format_to!(buf, " DEPRECATED"); } format_to!(buf, "\n"); buf }) .collect() } #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn check_edit(what: &str, ra_fixture_before: &str, ra_fixture_after: &str) { check_edit_with_config(TEST_CONFIG, what, ra_fixture_before, ra_fixture_after) } #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn check_edit_with_config( config: CompletionConfig, what: &str, ra_fixture_before: &str, ra_fixture_after: &str, ) { let ra_fixture_after = trim_indent(ra_fixture_after); let (db, position) = position(ra_fixture_before); let completions: Vec = crate::completions(&db, &config, position, None).unwrap().into(); let (completion,) = completions .iter() .filter(|it| it.lookup() == what) .collect_tuple() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("can't find {:?} completion in {:#?}", what, completions)); let mut actual = db.file_text(position.file_id).to_string(); let mut combined_edit = completion.text_edit().to_owned(); resolve_completion_edits( &db, &config, position, completion.imports_to_add().iter().filter_map(|import_edit| { let import_path = &import_edit.import_path; let import_name = import_path.segments().last()?; Some((import_path.to_string(), import_name.to_string())) }), ) .into_iter() .flatten() .for_each(|text_edit| { combined_edit.union(text_edit).expect( "Failed to apply completion resolve changes: change ranges overlap, but should not", ) }); combined_edit.apply(&mut actual); assert_eq_text!(&ra_fixture_after, &actual) } pub(crate) fn check_pattern_is_applicable(code: &str, check: impl FnOnce(SyntaxElement) -> bool) { let (db, pos) = position(code); let sema = Semantics::new(&db); let original_file = sema.parse(pos.file_id); let token = original_file.syntax().token_at_offset(pos.offset).left_biased().unwrap(); assert!(check(NodeOrToken::Token(token))); } pub(crate) fn get_all_items( config: CompletionConfig, code: &str, trigger_character: Option, ) -> Vec { let (db, position) = position(code); let res = crate::completions(&db, &config, position, trigger_character) .map_or_else(Vec::default, Into::into); // validate res.iter().for_each(|it| { let sr = it.source_range(); assert!( sr.contains_inclusive(position.offset), "source range {sr:?} does not contain the offset {:?} of the completion request: {it:?}", position.offset ); }); res } #[test] fn test_no_completions_required() { assert_eq!(completion_list(r#"fn foo() { for i i$0 }"#), String::new()); } #[test] fn regression_10042() { completion_list( r#" macro_rules! preset { ($($x:ident)&&*) => { { let mut v = Vec::new(); $( v.push($x.into()); )* v } }; } fn foo() { preset!(foo$0); } "#, ); } #[test] fn no_completions_in_comments() { assert_eq!( completion_list( r#" fn test() { let x = 2; // A comment$0 } "#, ), String::new(), ); assert_eq!( completion_list( r#" /* Some multi-line comment$0 */ "#, ), String::new(), ); assert_eq!( completion_list( r#" /// Some doc comment /// let test$0 = 1 "#, ), String::new(), ); }