use crate::prelude::*; fn codegen_print(fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, impl cranelift_module::Backend>, msg: &str) { let puts = fx.module.declare_function("puts", Linkage::Import, &Signature { call_conv: CallConv::SystemV, params: vec![AbiParam::new(pointer_ty(fx.tcx))], returns: vec![], }).unwrap(); let puts = fx.module.declare_func_in_func(puts, &mut fx.bcx.func); let symbol_name = fx.tcx.symbol_name(fx.instance); let msg_bytes = format!("trap at {:?} ({}): {}\0", fx.instance, symbol_name, msg).into_bytes().into_boxed_slice(); let mut data_ctx = DataContext::new(); data_ctx.define(msg_bytes); let msg_id = fx.module.declare_data(&(symbol_name.as_str().to_string() + msg), Linkage::Local, false, None).unwrap(); // Ignore DuplicateDefinition error, as the data will be the same let _ = fx.module.define_data(msg_id, &data_ctx); let local_msg_id = fx.module.declare_data_in_func(msg_id, fx.bcx.func); let msg_ptr = fx.bcx.ins().global_value(pointer_ty(fx.tcx), local_msg_id); fx.bcx.ins().call(puts, &[msg_ptr]); } /// Trap code: user0 pub fn trap_panic(fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, impl cranelift_module::Backend>, msg: impl AsRef) { codegen_print(fx, msg.as_ref()); fx.bcx.ins().trap(TrapCode::User(0)); } /// Trap code: user65535 pub fn trap_unreachable(fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, impl cranelift_module::Backend>, msg: impl AsRef) { codegen_print(fx, msg.as_ref()); fx.bcx.ins().trap(TrapCode::User(!0)); } /// Trap code: user65535 pub fn trap_unreachable_ret_value<'tcx>(fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, 'tcx, impl cranelift_module::Backend>, dest_layout: TyLayout<'tcx>, msg: impl AsRef) -> CValue<'tcx> { codegen_print(fx, msg.as_ref()); let true_ = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 1); fx.bcx.ins().trapnz(true_, TrapCode::User(!0)); let zero = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(fx.pointer_type, 0); CValue::ByRef(zero, dest_layout) } /// Trap code: user65535 pub fn trap_unreachable_ret_place<'tcx>(fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, 'tcx, impl cranelift_module::Backend>, dest_layout: TyLayout<'tcx>, msg: impl AsRef) -> CPlace<'tcx> { codegen_print(fx, msg.as_ref()); let true_ = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 1); fx.bcx.ins().trapnz(true_, TrapCode::User(!0)); let zero = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(fx.pointer_type, 0); CPlace::Addr(zero, None, dest_layout) }