import front.ast; import front.ast.ident; import front.ast.def; import front.ast.ann; import driver.session; import util.common.new_def_hash; import util.common.span; import; import std.list.list; import std.list.nil; import std.list.cons; import std.option; import std.option.some; import std.option.none; import std._str; import std._vec; tag scope { scope_crate(@ast.crate); scope_item(@ast.item); scope_loop(@ast.decl); // there's only 1 decl per loop. scope_block(ast.block); scope_arm(ast.arm); } type env = rec(list[scope] scopes, session.session sess); type import_map =[ast.def_id,def_wrap]; // A simple wrapper over defs that stores a bit more information about modules // and uses so that we can use the regular lookup_name when resolving imports. tag def_wrap { def_wrap_use(@ast.view_item); def_wrap_import(@ast.view_item); def_wrap_mod(@ast.item); def_wrap_other(def); def_wrap_resolving; } fn unwrap_def(def_wrap d) -> def { alt (d) { case (def_wrap_use(?it)) { alt (it.node) { case (ast.view_item_use(_, _, ?id)) { ret ast.def_use(id); } } } case (def_wrap_import(?it)) { alt (it.node) { case (ast.view_item_import(_, ?id, ?target_def)) { alt (target_def) { case (some[def](?d)) { ret d; } case (none[def]) { fail; } } } } } case (def_wrap_mod(?m)) { alt (m.node) { case (ast.item_mod(_, _, ?id)) { ret ast.def_mod(id); } } } case (def_wrap_other(?d)) { ret d; } } } fn lookup_name(&env e, ast.ident i) -> option.t[def] { auto d_ = lookup_name_wrapped(e, i); alt (d_) { case (none[tup(@env, def_wrap)]) { ret none[def]; } case (some[tup(@env, def_wrap)](?d)) { ret some(unwrap_def(d._1)); } } } // Follow the path of an import and return what it ultimately points to. fn find_final_def(&env e, import_map index, &span sp, vec[ident] idents, ast.def_id import_id) -> def_wrap { // We are given a series of identifiers (a.b.c.d) and we know that // in the environment 'e' the identifier 'a' was resolved to 'd'. We // should return what a.b.c.d points to in the end. fn found_something(&env e, import_map index, &span sp, vec[ident] idents, def_wrap d) -> def_wrap { alt (d) { case (def_wrap_import(?imp)) { alt (imp.node) { case (ast.view_item_import(?new_idents, ?d, _)) { auto x = inner(e, index, sp, new_idents, d); ret found_something(e, index, sp, idents, x); } } } case (_) { } } auto len = _vec.len[ident](idents); if (len == 1u) { ret d; } alt (d) { case (def_wrap_mod(?i)) { auto rest_idents = _vec.slice[ident](idents, 1u, len); auto empty_e = rec(scopes = nil[scope], sess = e.sess); auto tmp_e = update_env_for_item(empty_e, i); auto next_i = rest_idents.(0); auto next_ = lookup_name_wrapped(tmp_e, next_i); alt (next_) { case (none[tup(@env, def_wrap)]) { e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + next_i); fail; } case (some[tup(@env, def_wrap)](?next)) { auto combined_e = update_env_for_item(e, i); ret found_something(combined_e, index, sp, rest_idents, next._1); } } } case (def_wrap_use(?c)) { e.sess.span_err(sp, "Crate access is not implemented"); } case (_) { auto first = idents.(0); e.sess.span_err(sp, first + " is not a module or crate"); } } fail; } fn inner(&env e, import_map index, &span sp, vec[ident] idents, ast.def_id import_id) -> def_wrap { alt (index.find(import_id)) { case (some[def_wrap](?x)) { alt (x) { case (def_wrap_resolving) { e.sess.span_err(sp, "cyclic import"); fail; } case (_) { ret x; } } } case (none[def_wrap]) { } } auto first = idents.(0); index.insert(import_id, def_wrap_resolving); auto d_ = lookup_name_wrapped(e, first); alt (d_) { case (none[tup(@env, def_wrap)]) { e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + first); fail; } case (some[tup(@env, def_wrap)](?d)) { auto x = found_something(*d._0, index, sp, idents, d._1); index.insert(import_id, x); ret x; } } } ret inner(e, index, sp, idents, import_id); } fn lookup_name_wrapped(&env e, ast.ident i) -> option.t[tup(@env, def_wrap)] { // log "resolving name " + i; fn found_def_item(@ast.item i) -> def_wrap { alt (i.node) { case (ast.item_const(_, _, _, ?id, _)) { ret def_wrap_other(ast.def_const(id)); } case (ast.item_fn(_, _, _, ?id, _)) { ret def_wrap_other(ast.def_fn(id)); } case (ast.item_mod(_, _, ?id)) { ret def_wrap_mod(i); } case (ast.item_ty(_, _, _, ?id, _)) { ret def_wrap_other(ast.def_ty(id)); } case (ast.item_tag(_, _, _, ?id)) { ret def_wrap_other(ast.def_ty(id)); } case (ast.item_obj(_, _, _, ?id, _)) { ret def_wrap_other(ast.def_obj(id)); } } } fn found_decl_stmt(@ast.stmt s) -> def_wrap { alt (s.node) { case (ast.stmt_decl(?d)) { alt (d.node) { case (ast.decl_local(?loc)) { auto t = ast.def_local(; ret def_wrap_other(t); } case (ast.decl_item(?it)) { ret found_def_item(it); } } } } fail; } fn found_def_view(@ast.view_item i) -> def_wrap { alt (i.node) { case (ast.view_item_use(_, _, ?id)) { ret def_wrap_use(i); } case (ast.view_item_import(?idents,?d, _)) { ret def_wrap_import(i); } } fail; } fn check_mod(ast.ident i, ast._mod m) -> option.t[def_wrap] { alt (m.index.find(i)) { case (some[ast.mod_index_entry](?ent)) { alt (ent) { case (ast.mie_view_item(?view_item)) { ret some(found_def_view(view_item)); } case (ast.mie_item(?item)) { ret some(found_def_item(item)); } case (ast.mie_tag_variant(?item, ?variant_idx)) { alt (item.node) { case (ast.item_tag(_, ?variants, _, ?tid)) { auto vid = variants.(variant_idx).id; auto t = ast.def_variant(tid, vid); ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t)); } case (_) { log "tag item not actually a tag"; fail; } } } } } case (none[ast.mod_index_entry]) { /* fall through */ } } ret none[def_wrap]; } fn in_scope(ast.ident i, &scope s) -> option.t[def_wrap] { alt (s) { case (scope_crate(?c)) { ret check_mod(i, c.node.module); } case (scope_item(?it)) { alt (it.node) { case (ast.item_fn(_, ?f, ?ty_params, _, _)) { for (ast.arg a in f.inputs) { if (_str.eq(a.ident, i)) { auto t = ast.def_arg(; ret some(def_wrap_other(t)); } } for (ast.ty_param tp in ty_params) { if (_str.eq(tp.ident, i)) { auto t = ast.def_ty_arg(; ret some(def_wrap_other(t)); } } } case (ast.item_obj(_, ?ob, ?ty_params, _, _)) { for (ast.obj_field f in ob.fields) { if (_str.eq(f.ident, i)) { auto t = ast.def_obj_field(; ret some(def_wrap_other(t)); } } for (ast.ty_param tp in ty_params) { if (_str.eq(tp.ident, i)) { auto t = ast.def_ty_arg(; ret some(def_wrap_other(t)); } } } case (ast.item_mod(_, ?m, _)) { ret check_mod(i, m); } case (ast.item_ty(_, _, ?ty_params, _, _)) { for (ast.ty_param tp in ty_params) { if (_str.eq(tp.ident, i)) { auto t = ast.def_ty_arg(; ret some(def_wrap_other(t)); } } } case (_) { /* fall through */ } } } case (scope_loop(?d)) { alt (d.node) { case (ast.decl_local(?local)) { if (_str.eq(local.ident, i)) { auto lc = ast.def_local(; ret some(def_wrap_other(lc)); } } } } case (scope_block(?b)) { alt (b.node.index.find(i)) { case (some[uint](?ix)) { auto x = found_decl_stmt(b.node.stmts.(ix)); ret some(x); } case (_) { /* fall through */ } } } case (scope_arm(?a)) { alt (a.index.find(i)) { case (some[ast.def_id](?did)) { auto t = ast.def_binding(did); ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t)); } case (_) { /* fall through */ } } } } ret none[def_wrap]; } alt (e.scopes) { case (nil[scope]) { ret none[tup(@env, def_wrap)]; } case (cons[scope](?hd, ?tl)) { auto x = in_scope(i, hd); alt (x) { case (some[def_wrap](?x)) { ret some(tup(@e, x)); } case (none[def_wrap]) { auto outer_env = rec(scopes = *tl with e); ret lookup_name_wrapped(outer_env, i); } } } } } fn fold_pat_tag(&env e, &span sp, ident i, vec[@ast.pat] args, option.t[ast.variant_def] old_def, ann a) -> @ast.pat { auto new_def; alt (lookup_name(e, i)) { case (some[def](?d)) { alt (d) { case (ast.def_variant(?did, ?vid)) { new_def = some[ast.variant_def](tup(did, vid)); } case (_) { e.sess.span_err(sp, "not a tag variant: " + i); new_def = none[ast.variant_def]; } } } case (none[def]) { new_def = none[ast.variant_def]; e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + i); } } ret @fold.respan[ast.pat_](sp, ast.pat_tag(i, args, new_def, a)); } // We received a path expression of the following form: // // a.b.c.d // // Somewhere along this path there might be a split from a path-expr // to a runtime field-expr. For example: // // 'a' could be the name of a variable in the local scope // and 'b.c.d' could be a field-sequence inside it. // // Or: // // 'a.b' could be a module path to a constant record, and 'c.d' // could be a field within it. // // Our job here is to figure out what the prefix of 'a.b.c.d' is that // corresponds to a static binding-name (a module or slot, with no type info) // and split that off as the 'primary' expr_path, with secondary expr_field // expressions tacked on the end. fn fold_expr_path(&env e, &span sp, &ast.path p, &option.t[def] d, ann a) -> @ast.expr { auto n_idents = _vec.len[ast.ident](p.node.idents); check (n_idents != 0u); auto id0 = p.node.idents.(0); auto d_ = lookup_name(e, id0); alt (d_) { case (some[def](_)) { // log "resolved name " + n.node.ident; } case (none[def]) { e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + id0); } } // FIXME: once espindola's modifications to lookup land, actually step // through the path doing speculative lookup, and extend the maximal // static prefix. For now we are always using the minimal prefix: first // ident is static anchor, rest turn into fields. auto p_ = rec(node=rec(idents = vec(id0) with p.node) with p); auto ex = @fold.respan[ast.expr_](sp, ast.expr_path(p_, d_, a)); auto i = 1u; while (i < n_idents) { auto id = p.node.idents.(i); ex = @fold.respan[ast.expr_](sp, ast.expr_field(ex, id, a)); i += 1u; } ret ex; } fn fold_view_item_import(&env e, &span sp, import_map index, vec[ident] is, ast.def_id id, option.t[def] target_id) -> @ast.view_item { // Produce errors for invalid imports auto len = _vec.len[ast.ident](is); auto last_id = is.(len - 1u); auto d = find_final_def(e, index, sp, is, id); let option.t[def] target_def = some(unwrap_def(d)); ret @fold.respan[ast.view_item_](sp, ast.view_item_import(is, id, target_def)); } fn fold_ty_path(&env e, &span sp, ast.path p, &option.t[def] d) -> @ast.ty { let uint len = _vec.len[ast.ident](p.node.idents); check (len != 0u); if (len > 1u) { e.sess.unimpl("resolving path ty with >1 component"); } auto d_ = lookup_name(e, p.node.idents.(0)); alt (d_) { case (some[def](?d)) { // log "resolved name " + p.node.idents.(0); } case (none[def]) { e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + p.node.idents.(0)); } } ret @fold.respan[ast.ty_](sp, ast.ty_path(p, d_)); } fn update_env_for_crate(&env e, @ast.crate c) -> env { ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_crate(c), @e.scopes) with e); } fn update_env_for_item(&env e, @ast.item i) -> env { ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_item(i), @e.scopes) with e); } fn update_env_for_block(&env e, &ast.block b) -> env { ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_block(b), @e.scopes) with e); } fn update_env_for_expr(&env e, @ast.expr x) -> env { alt (x.node) { case (ast.expr_for(?d, _, _, _)) { ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_loop(d), @e.scopes) with e); } case (_) { } } ret e; } fn update_env_for_arm(&env e, &ast.arm p) -> env { ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_arm(p), @e.scopes) with e); } fn resolve_imports(session.session sess, @ast.crate crate) -> @ast.crate { let fold.ast_fold[env] fld = fold.new_identity_fold[env](); auto import_index = new_def_hash[def_wrap](); fld = @rec( fold_view_item_import = bind fold_view_item_import(_,_,import_index,_,_,_), update_env_for_crate = bind update_env_for_crate(_,_), update_env_for_item = bind update_env_for_item(_,_), update_env_for_block = bind update_env_for_block(_,_), update_env_for_arm = bind update_env_for_arm(_,_), update_env_for_expr = bind update_env_for_expr(_,_) with *fld ); auto e = rec(scopes = nil[scope], sess = sess); ret fold.fold_crate[env](e, fld, crate); } fn resolve_crate(session.session sess, @ast.crate crate) -> @ast.crate { let fold.ast_fold[env] fld = fold.new_identity_fold[env](); auto new_crate = resolve_imports(sess, crate); fld = @rec( fold_pat_tag = bind fold_pat_tag(_,_,_,_,_,_), fold_expr_path = bind fold_expr_path(_,_,_,_,_), fold_ty_path = bind fold_ty_path(_,_,_,_), update_env_for_crate = bind update_env_for_crate(_,_), update_env_for_item = bind update_env_for_item(_,_), update_env_for_block = bind update_env_for_block(_,_), update_env_for_arm = bind update_env_for_arm(_,_), update_env_for_expr = bind update_env_for_expr(_,_) with *fld ); auto e = rec(scopes = nil[scope], sess = sess); ret fold.fold_crate[env](e, fld, new_crate); } // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C ../.. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: