/* Foreign builtins. */ #include "rust_sched_loop.h" #include "rust_task.h" #include "rust_util.h" #include "rust_scheduler.h" #include "sync/timer.h" #include "rust_abi.h" #include "rust_port.h" #include "rust_box_annihilator.h" #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif #if !defined(__WIN32__) #include #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ extern char **environ; #endif extern "C" CDECL rust_str* last_os_error() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, task, "last_os_error()"); #if defined(__WIN32__) LPTSTR buf; DWORD err = GetLastError(); DWORD res = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &buf, 0, NULL); if (!res) { task->fail(); return NULL; } #elif defined(_GNU_SOURCE) char cbuf[BUF_BYTES]; char *buf = strerror_r(errno, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)); if (!buf) { task->fail(); return NULL; } #else char buf[BUF_BYTES]; int err = strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (err) { task->fail(); return NULL; } #endif rust_str * st = make_str(task->kernel, buf, strlen(buf), "last_os_error"); #ifdef __WIN32__ LocalFree((HLOCAL)buf); #endif return st; } extern "C" CDECL rust_str * rust_getcwd() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, task, "rust_getcwd()"); char cbuf[BUF_BYTES]; #if defined(__WIN32__) if (!_getcwd(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))) { #else if (!getcwd(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))) { #endif task->fail(); return NULL; } return make_str(task->kernel, cbuf, strlen(cbuf), "rust_str(getcwd)"); } #if defined(__WIN32__) extern "C" CDECL rust_vec_box * rust_env_pairs() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); size_t envc = 0; LPTCH ch = GetEnvironmentStringsA(); LPTCH c; for (c = ch; *c; c += strlen(c) + 1) { ++envc; } c = ch; rust_vec_box *v = (rust_vec_box *) task->kernel->malloc(vec_size(envc), "str vec interior"); v->body.fill = v->body.alloc = sizeof(rust_vec*) * envc; for (size_t i = 0; i < envc; ++i) { size_t n = strlen(c); rust_str *str = make_str(task->kernel, c, n, "str"); ((rust_str**)&v->body.data)[i] = str; c += n + 1; } if (ch) { FreeEnvironmentStrings(ch); } return v; } #else extern "C" CDECL rust_vec_box * rust_env_pairs() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); #ifdef __APPLE__ char **environ = *_NSGetEnviron(); #endif char **e = environ; size_t envc = 0; while (*e) { ++envc; ++e; } return make_str_vec(task->kernel, envc, environ); } #endif extern "C" CDECL void vec_reserve_shared_actual(type_desc* ty, rust_vec_box** vp, size_t n_elts) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); reserve_vec_exact_shared(task, vp, n_elts * ty->size); } // This is completely misnamed. extern "C" CDECL void vec_reserve_shared(type_desc* ty, rust_vec_box** vp, size_t n_elts) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); reserve_vec_exact(task, vp, n_elts * ty->size); } extern "C" CDECL rust_vec* rand_seed() { size_t size = sizeof(ub4) * RANDSIZ; rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); rust_vec *v = (rust_vec *) task->kernel->malloc(vec_size(size), "rand_seed"); v->fill = v->alloc = size; isaac_seed(task->kernel, (uint8_t*) &v->data, size); return v; } extern "C" CDECL void * rand_new() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); rust_sched_loop *thread = task->sched_loop; randctx *rctx = (randctx *) task->malloc(sizeof(randctx), "rand_new"); if (!rctx) { task->fail(); return NULL; } isaac_init(thread->kernel, rctx, NULL); return rctx; } extern "C" CDECL void * rand_new_seeded(rust_vec_box* seed) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); rust_sched_loop *thread = task->sched_loop; randctx *rctx = (randctx *) task->malloc(sizeof(randctx), "rand_new_seeded"); if (!rctx) { task->fail(); return NULL; } isaac_init(thread->kernel, rctx, seed); return rctx; } extern "C" CDECL size_t rand_next(randctx *rctx) { return isaac_rand(rctx); } extern "C" CDECL void rand_free(randctx *rctx) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); task->free(rctx); } /* Debug helpers strictly to verify ABI conformance. * * FIXME (#2665): move these into a testcase when the testsuite * understands how to have explicit C files included. */ struct quad { uint64_t a; uint64_t b; uint64_t c; uint64_t d; }; struct floats { double a; uint8_t b; double c; }; extern "C" quad debug_abi_1(quad q) { quad qq = { q.c + 1, q.d - 1, q.a + 1, q.b - 1 }; return qq; } extern "C" floats debug_abi_2(floats f) { floats ff = { f.c + 1.0, 0xff, f.a - 1.0 }; return ff; } /* Debug builtins for std::dbg. */ static void debug_tydesc_helper(type_desc *t) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, stdlib, " size %" PRIdPTR ", align %" PRIdPTR, t->size, t->align); } extern "C" CDECL void debug_tydesc(type_desc *t) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, stdlib, "debug_tydesc"); debug_tydesc_helper(t); } extern "C" CDECL void debug_opaque(type_desc *t, uint8_t *front) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, stdlib, "debug_opaque"); debug_tydesc_helper(t); // FIXME (#2667) may want to actually account for alignment. // `front` may not indeed be the front byte of the passed-in // argument. for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < t->size; ++front, ++i) { LOG(task, stdlib, " byte %" PRIdPTR ": 0x%" PRIx8, i, *front); } } // FIXME (#2667) this no longer reflects the actual structure of boxes! struct rust_box { RUST_REFCOUNTED(rust_box) // FIXME (#2667) `data` could be aligned differently from the actual // box body data uint8_t data[]; }; extern "C" CDECL void debug_box(type_desc *t, rust_box *box) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, stdlib, "debug_box(0x%" PRIxPTR ")", box); debug_tydesc_helper(t); LOG(task, stdlib, " refcount %" PRIdPTR, box->ref_count - 1); // -1 because we ref'ed for this call for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < t->size; ++i) { LOG(task, stdlib, " byte %" PRIdPTR ": 0x%" PRIx8, i, box->data[i]); } } struct rust_tag { uintptr_t discriminant; uint8_t variant[]; }; extern "C" CDECL void debug_tag(type_desc *t, rust_tag *tag) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, stdlib, "debug_tag"); debug_tydesc_helper(t); LOG(task, stdlib, " discriminant %" PRIdPTR, tag->discriminant); for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < t->size - sizeof(tag->discriminant); ++i) LOG(task, stdlib, " byte %" PRIdPTR ": 0x%" PRIx8, i, tag->variant[i]); } struct rust_fn { uintptr_t *thunk; rust_box *closure; }; extern "C" CDECL void debug_fn(type_desc *t, rust_fn *fn) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, stdlib, "debug_fn"); debug_tydesc_helper(t); LOG(task, stdlib, " thunk at 0x%" PRIxPTR, fn->thunk); LOG(task, stdlib, " closure at 0x%" PRIxPTR, fn->closure); if (fn->closure) { LOG(task, stdlib, " refcount %" PRIdPTR, fn->closure->ref_count); } } extern "C" CDECL void * debug_ptrcast(type_desc *from_ty, type_desc *to_ty, void *ptr) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, stdlib, "debug_ptrcast from"); debug_tydesc_helper(from_ty); LOG(task, stdlib, "to"); debug_tydesc_helper(to_ty); return ptr; } extern "C" CDECL void * debug_get_stk_seg() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->stk; } extern "C" CDECL rust_vec_box* rust_list_files(rust_str *path) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); array_list strings; #if defined(__WIN32__) WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile((char*)path->body.data, &FindFileData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { rust_str *str = make_str(task->kernel, FindFileData.cFileName, strlen(FindFileData.cFileName), "list_files_str"); strings.push(str); } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)); FindClose(hFind); } #else DIR *dirp = opendir((char*)path->body.data); if (dirp) { struct dirent *dp; while ((dp = readdir(dirp))) { rust_vec_box *str = make_str(task->kernel, dp->d_name, strlen(dp->d_name), "list_files_str"); strings.push(str); } closedir(dirp); } #endif rust_vec_box *vec = (rust_vec_box *) task->kernel->malloc(vec_size(strings.size()), "list_files_vec"); size_t alloc_sz = sizeof(rust_vec*) * strings.size(); vec->body.fill = vec->body.alloc = alloc_sz; memcpy(&vec->body.data[0], strings.data(), alloc_sz); return vec; } extern "C" CDECL int rust_path_is_dir(char *path) { struct stat buf; if (stat(path, &buf)) { return 0; } return S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode); } extern "C" CDECL int rust_path_exists(char *path) { struct stat buf; if (stat(path, &buf)) { return 0; } return 1; } extern "C" CDECL FILE* rust_get_stdin() {return stdin;} extern "C" CDECL FILE* rust_get_stdout() {return stdout;} extern "C" CDECL FILE* rust_get_stderr() {return stderr;} extern "C" CDECL int rust_ptr_eq(type_desc *t, rust_box *a, rust_box *b) { return a == b; } #if defined(__WIN32__) extern "C" CDECL void get_time(int64_t *sec, int32_t *nsec) { FILETIME fileTime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&fileTime); // A FILETIME contains a 64-bit value representing the number of // hectonanosecond (100-nanosecond) intervals since 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z. // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/167296/en-us ULARGE_INTEGER ul; ul.LowPart = fileTime.dwLowDateTime; ul.HighPart = fileTime.dwHighDateTime; uint64_t ns_since_1601 = ul.QuadPart / 10; const uint64_t NANOSECONDS_FROM_1601_TO_1970 = 11644473600000000u; uint64_t ns_since_1970 = ns_since_1601 - NANOSECONDS_FROM_1601_TO_1970; *sec = ns_since_1970 / 1000000; *nsec = (ns_since_1970 % 1000000) * 1000; } #else extern "C" CDECL void get_time(int64_t *sec, int32_t *nsec) { #ifdef __APPLE__ struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); *sec = tv.tv_sec; *nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; #else timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); *sec = ts.tv_sec; *nsec = ts.tv_nsec; #endif } #endif extern "C" CDECL void precise_time_ns(uint64_t *ns) { timer t; *ns = t.time_ns(); } struct rust_tm { int32_t tm_sec; int32_t tm_min; int32_t tm_hour; int32_t tm_mday; int32_t tm_mon; int32_t tm_year; int32_t tm_wday; int32_t tm_yday; int32_t tm_isdst; int32_t tm_gmtoff; rust_str *tm_zone; int32_t tm_nsec; }; void rust_tm_to_tm(rust_tm* in_tm, tm* out_tm) { memset(out_tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); out_tm->tm_sec = in_tm->tm_sec; out_tm->tm_min = in_tm->tm_min; out_tm->tm_hour = in_tm->tm_hour; out_tm->tm_mday = in_tm->tm_mday; out_tm->tm_mon = in_tm->tm_mon; out_tm->tm_year = in_tm->tm_year; out_tm->tm_wday = in_tm->tm_wday; out_tm->tm_yday = in_tm->tm_yday; out_tm->tm_isdst = in_tm->tm_isdst; } void tm_to_rust_tm(tm* in_tm, rust_tm* out_tm, int32_t gmtoff, const char *zone, int32_t nsec) { out_tm->tm_sec = in_tm->tm_sec; out_tm->tm_min = in_tm->tm_min; out_tm->tm_hour = in_tm->tm_hour; out_tm->tm_mday = in_tm->tm_mday; out_tm->tm_mon = in_tm->tm_mon; out_tm->tm_year = in_tm->tm_year; out_tm->tm_wday = in_tm->tm_wday; out_tm->tm_yday = in_tm->tm_yday; out_tm->tm_isdst = in_tm->tm_isdst; out_tm->tm_gmtoff = gmtoff; out_tm->tm_nsec = nsec; if (zone != NULL) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); size_t size = strlen(zone); reserve_vec_exact(task, &out_tm->tm_zone, size + 1); memcpy(out_tm->tm_zone->body.data, zone, size); out_tm->tm_zone->body.fill = size + 1; out_tm->tm_zone->body.data[size] = '\0'; } } #if defined(__WIN32__) #define TZSET() _tzset() #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) #define GMTIME(clock, result) gmtime_s((result), (clock)) #define LOCALTIME(clock, result) localtime_s((result), (clock)) #define TIMEGM(result) _mkgmtime64(result) #else struct tm* GMTIME(const time_t *clock, tm *result) { struct tm* t = gmtime(clock); if (t == NULL || result == NULL) { return NULL; } *result = *t; return result; } struct tm* LOCALTIME(const time_t *clock, tm *result) { struct tm* t = localtime(clock); if (t == NULL || result == NULL) { return NULL; } *result = *t; return result; } #define TIMEGM(result) mktime((result)) - _timezone #endif #else #define TZSET() tzset() #define GMTIME(clock, result) gmtime_r((clock), (result)) #define LOCALTIME(clock, result) localtime_r((clock), (result)) #define TIMEGM(result) timegm(result) #endif extern "C" CDECL void rust_tzset() { TZSET(); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_gmtime(int64_t *sec, int32_t *nsec, rust_tm *timeptr) { tm tm; time_t s = *sec; GMTIME(&s, &tm); tm_to_rust_tm(&tm, timeptr, 0, "UTC", *nsec); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_localtime(int64_t *sec, int32_t *nsec, rust_tm *timeptr) { tm tm; time_t s = *sec; LOCALTIME(&s, &tm); #if defined(__WIN32__) int32_t gmtoff = -timezone; char zone[64]; strftime(zone, sizeof(zone), "%Z", &tm); #else int32_t gmtoff = tm.tm_gmtoff; const char *zone = tm.tm_zone; #endif tm_to_rust_tm(&tm, timeptr, gmtoff, zone, *nsec); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_timegm(rust_tm* timeptr, int64_t *out) { tm t; rust_tm_to_tm(timeptr, &t); *out = TIMEGM(&t); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_mktime(rust_tm* timeptr, int64_t *out) { tm t; rust_tm_to_tm(timeptr, &t); *out = mktime(&t); } extern "C" CDECL rust_sched_id rust_get_sched_id() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->sched->get_id(); } extern "C" CDECL uintptr_t rust_num_threads() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->kernel->env->num_sched_threads; } extern "C" CDECL rust_sched_id rust_new_sched(uintptr_t threads) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); assert(threads > 0 && "Can't create a scheduler with no threads, silly!"); return task->kernel->create_scheduler(threads); } extern "C" CDECL rust_task_id get_task_id() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->id; } static rust_task* new_task_common(rust_scheduler *sched, rust_task *parent) { return sched->create_task(parent, NULL); } extern "C" CDECL rust_task* new_task() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return new_task_common(task->sched, task); } extern "C" CDECL rust_task* rust_new_task_in_sched(rust_sched_id id) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); rust_scheduler *sched = task->kernel->get_scheduler_by_id(id); if (sched == NULL) return NULL; return new_task_common(sched, task); } extern "C" rust_task * rust_get_task() { return rust_get_current_task(); } extern "C" CDECL stk_seg * rust_get_stack_segment() { return rust_get_current_task()->stk; } extern "C" CDECL void start_task(rust_task *target, fn_env_pair *f) { target->start(f->f, f->env, NULL); } extern "C" CDECL size_t rust_sched_current_nonlazy_threads() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->sched->number_of_threads(); } extern "C" CDECL size_t rust_sched_threads() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->sched->max_number_of_threads(); } extern "C" CDECL rust_port* rust_port_take(rust_port_id id) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->kernel->get_port_by_id(id); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_port_drop(rust_port *p) { assert(p != NULL); p->deref(); } extern "C" CDECL rust_task_id rust_port_task(rust_port *p) { assert(p != NULL); return p->task->id; } extern "C" CDECL rust_port* new_port(size_t unit_sz) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, comm, "new_port(task=0x%" PRIxPTR " (%s), unit_sz=%d)", (uintptr_t) task, task->name, unit_sz); // port starts with refcount == 1 return new (task->kernel, "rust_port") rust_port(task, unit_sz); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_port_begin_detach(rust_port *port, uintptr_t *yield) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, comm, "rust_port_detach(0x%" PRIxPTR ")", (uintptr_t) port); port->begin_detach(yield); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_port_end_detach(rust_port *port) { port->end_detach(); } extern "C" CDECL void del_port(rust_port *port) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); LOG(task, comm, "del_port(0x%" PRIxPTR ")", (uintptr_t) port); delete port; } extern "C" CDECL size_t rust_port_size(rust_port *port) { return port->size(); } extern "C" CDECL rust_port_id get_port_id(rust_port *port) { return port->id; } extern "C" CDECL uintptr_t rust_port_id_send(rust_port_id target_port_id, void *sptr) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return (uintptr_t)task->kernel->send_to_port(target_port_id, sptr); } // This is called by an intrinsic on the Rust stack and must run // entirely in the red zone. Do not call on the C stack. extern "C" CDECL MUST_CHECK bool rust_task_yield(rust_task *task, bool *killed) { return task->yield(); } extern "C" CDECL void port_recv(uintptr_t *dptr, rust_port *port, uintptr_t *yield) { port->receive(dptr, yield); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_port_select(rust_port **dptr, rust_port **ports, size_t n_ports, uintptr_t *yield) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); rust_port_selector *selector = task->get_port_selector(); selector->select(task, dptr, ports, n_ports, yield); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_set_exit_status(intptr_t code) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); task->kernel->set_exit_status((int)code); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_annihilate_box(rust_opaque_box *ptr) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); annihilate_box(task, ptr); } extern void log_console_on(); extern "C" CDECL void rust_log_console_on() { log_console_on(); } extern void log_console_off(rust_env *env); extern "C" CDECL void rust_log_console_off() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); log_console_off(task->kernel->env); } extern "C" CDECL lock_and_signal * rust_dbg_lock_create() { return new lock_and_signal(); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_dbg_lock_destroy(lock_and_signal *lock) { assert(lock); delete lock; } extern "C" CDECL void rust_dbg_lock_lock(lock_and_signal *lock) { assert(lock); lock->lock(); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_dbg_lock_unlock(lock_and_signal *lock) { assert(lock); lock->unlock(); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_dbg_lock_wait(lock_and_signal *lock) { assert(lock); lock->wait(); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_dbg_lock_signal(lock_and_signal *lock) { assert(lock); lock->signal(); } typedef void *(*dbg_callback)(void*); extern "C" CDECL void * rust_dbg_call(dbg_callback cb, void *data) { return cb(data); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_dbg_do_nothing() { } extern "C" CDECL void rust_dbg_breakpoint() { BREAKPOINT_AWESOME; } extern "C" CDECL rust_sched_id rust_osmain_sched_id() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->kernel->osmain_sched_id(); } extern "C" CDECL bool rust_compare_and_swap_ptr(intptr_t *address, intptr_t oldval, intptr_t newval) { return sync::compare_and_swap(address, oldval, newval); } extern "C" CDECL intptr_t rust_atomic_increment(intptr_t *address) { return sync::increment(address); } extern "C" CDECL intptr_t rust_atomic_decrement(intptr_t *address) { return sync::decrement(address); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_task_weaken(rust_port_id chan) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); task->kernel->weaken_task(chan); } extern "C" CDECL void rust_task_unweaken(rust_port_id chan) { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); task->kernel->unweaken_task(chan); } extern "C" CDECL uintptr_t* rust_global_env_chan_ptr() { rust_task *task = rust_get_current_task(); return task->kernel->get_global_env_chan(); } extern "C" void rust_task_inhibit_kill(rust_task *task) { task->inhibit_kill(); } extern "C" void rust_task_allow_kill(rust_task *task) { task->allow_kill(); } extern "C" void rust_task_inhibit_yield(rust_task *task) { task->inhibit_yield(); } extern "C" void rust_task_allow_yield(rust_task *task) { task->allow_yield(); } extern "C" void rust_task_kill_other(rust_task *task) { /* Used for linked failure */ task->kill(); } extern "C" void rust_task_kill_all(rust_task *task) { /* Used for linked failure */ task->fail_sched_loop(); // This must not happen twice. static bool main_taskgroup_failed = false; assert(!main_taskgroup_failed); main_taskgroup_failed = true; } extern "C" CDECL bool rust_task_is_unwinding(rust_task *rt) { return rt->unwinding; } extern "C" lock_and_signal* rust_create_little_lock() { return new lock_and_signal(); } extern "C" void rust_destroy_little_lock(lock_and_signal *lock) { delete lock; } extern "C" void rust_lock_little_lock(lock_and_signal *lock) { lock->lock(); } extern "C" void rust_unlock_little_lock(lock_and_signal *lock) { lock->unlock(); } // set/get/atexit task_local_data can run on the rust stack for speed. extern "C" void * rust_get_task_local_data(rust_task *task) { return task->task_local_data; } extern "C" void rust_set_task_local_data(rust_task *task, void *data) { task->task_local_data = data; } extern "C" void rust_task_local_data_atexit(rust_task *task, void (*cleanup_fn)(void *data)) { task->task_local_data_cleanup = cleanup_fn; } extern "C" void task_clear_event_reject(rust_task *task) { task->clear_event_reject(); } // Waits on an event, returning the pointer to the event that unblocked this // task. extern "C" MUST_CHECK bool task_wait_event(rust_task *task, void **result) { // Maybe (if not too slow) assert that the passed in task is the currently // running task. We wouldn't want to wait some other task. return task->wait_event(result); } extern "C" void task_signal_event(rust_task *target, void *event) { target->signal_event(event); } // Can safely run on the rust stack. extern "C" void rust_task_ref(rust_task *task) { task->ref(); } // Don't run on the rust stack! extern "C" void rust_task_deref(rust_task *task) { task->deref(); } // Must call on rust stack. extern "C" CDECL void rust_call_tydesc_glue(void *root, size_t *tydesc, size_t glue_index) { void (*glue_fn)(void *, void *, void *, void *) = (void (*)(void *, void *, void *, void *))tydesc[glue_index]; if (glue_fn) glue_fn(0, 0, 0, root); } // // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: //