// The output for humans should just highlight the whole span without showing // the suggested replacement, but we also want to test that suggested // replacement only removes one set of parentheses, rather than naïvely // stripping away any starting or ending parenthesis characters—hence this // test of the JSON error format. #![feature(custom_inner_attributes)] #![feature(closure_lifetime_binder)] #![rustfmt::skip] #![deny(clippy::unused_unit)] #![allow(dead_code)] #![allow(clippy::from_over_into)] struct Unitter; impl Unitter { #[allow(clippy::no_effect)] pub fn get_unit<F: Fn() -> (), G>(&self, f: F, _g: G) -> () where G: Fn() -> () { let _y: &dyn Fn() -> () = &f; (); // this should not lint, as it's not in return type position } } impl Into<()> for Unitter { #[rustfmt::skip] fn into(self) -> () { () } } trait Trait { fn redundant<F: FnOnce() -> (), G, H>(&self, _f: F, _g: G, _h: H) where G: FnMut() -> (), H: Fn() -> (); } impl Trait for Unitter { fn redundant<F: FnOnce() -> (), G, H>(&self, _f: F, _g: G, _h: H) where G: FnMut() -> (), H: Fn() -> () {} } fn return_unit() -> () { () } #[allow(clippy::needless_return)] #[allow(clippy::never_loop)] #[allow(clippy::unit_cmp)] fn main() { let u = Unitter; assert_eq!(u.get_unit(|| {}, return_unit), u.into()); return_unit(); loop { break(); } return(); } // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/4076 fn foo() { macro_rules! foo { (recv($r:expr) -> $res:pat => $body:expr) => { $body } } foo! { recv(rx) -> _x => () } } #[rustfmt::skip] fn test()->(){} #[rustfmt::skip] fn test2() ->(){} #[rustfmt::skip] fn test3()-> (){} fn macro_expr() { macro_rules! e { () => (()); } e!() } mod issue9748 { fn main() { let _ = for<'a> |_: &'a u32| -> () {}; } }