// NB: Don't rely on other core mods here as this has to move into the rt use unsafe::reinterpret_cast; use ptr::offset; use sys::size_of; type Word = uint; struct Frame { let fp: *Word; } fn Frame(fp: *Word) -> Frame { Frame { fp: fp } } fn walk_stack(visit: fn(Frame) -> bool) { debug!("beginning stack walk"); do frame_address |frame_pointer| { let mut frame_address: *Word = unsafe { reinterpret_cast(&frame_pointer) }; loop { let fr = Frame(frame_address); debug!("frame: %x", unsafe { reinterpret_cast(&fr.fp) }); visit(fr); unsafe { let next_fp: **Word = reinterpret_cast(&frame_address); frame_address = *next_fp; if *frame_address == 0u { debug!("encountered task_start_wrapper. ending walk"); // This is the task_start_wrapper_frame. There is // no stack beneath it and it is a foreign frame. break; } } } } } #[test] fn test_simple() { for walk_stack |_frame| { } } #[test] fn test_simple_deep() { fn run(i: int) { if i == 0 { return } for walk_stack |_frame| { unsafe { breakpoint(); } } run(i - 1); } run(10); } fn breakpoint() { rustrt::rust_dbg_breakpoint() } fn frame_address(f: fn(*u8)) { rusti::frame_address(f) } extern mod rustrt { fn rust_dbg_breakpoint(); } #[abi = "rust-intrinsic"] extern mod rusti { fn frame_address(f: fn(*u8)); }